
루트들 Gritstoneberget에서 선택된 등급들을 위해서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
{FR} 6c Himmel blå

Bolt replaced 2022.

FA: Lars Svadängs & Björn Alber

혼합 고전등반 15m, 1 Gritstoneberget
{FR} 6c Tveksamma trender

FA: Lars Svadängs & Christer Åstrand

혼합 고전등반 16m, 1 Gritstoneberget
{FR} 6c Skorpionens trender

First half is Skorpionen (5c overhang) and the final part is Tveksamma trender's top crux. This is also a great variation making the routse more straight lines.

전통등반 16m Gritstoneberget
{FR} 6c Shift/Control

Start just to the right of the Urrki crack. AIM for the finger crack below the bolt. Pass the bolt and continue up towards the next crack which leads to the top. Bolt replaced 2022.

FFA: Lars Svadängs & Björn Alber, 1986

혼합 고전등반 14m, 1 Gritstoneberget
{FR} 6/6+ Mental istid

Start up using the thin crack to the left of No exit. Thereafter travers right and continue upjust beside No exit to the top. Tricky to protect, use micro-cams and nuts.

FA: Johan Sandberg, 2014

FFA: Johan Sandberg & Adam Montén Kovacs, 2014

전통등반 15m Gritstoneberget
{FR} 6/6+ Slå mig med slickepotten

Start up a few meters left of the block on the ground (Tummeliten) where there is a crack, then red rock (run out), thereafter a small dieder. Aim towards the pine tree close to the top.

FA: Claes Jelinek & Martin Andersson, 1986

전통등반 15m Gritstoneberget

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