
루트들 Burbage Valley에서 선택된 등급들을 위해서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Burbage South The Drainpipe
HS UKT:4a Parson's Crack 전통등반 10m
HS UKT:4a Left Bannister 전통등반 10m
Carl Wark Left Hand Buttress
HS UKT:4a Broken Buttress Arete
전통등반 7m
Burbage North Tharf Cake & Brooks' Layback
HS UKT:4a The Crack 전통등반 6m
HS UKT:4a Right Recess Crack 전통등반 8m
HS UKT:4a Farcical Arete 전통등반 8m
S UKT:4a
Burbage South Pebble Mill
S UKT:4a Wazzock 전통등반 8m
Burbage South The Drainpipe
S UKT:4a The Staircase 전통등반 10m
S UKT:4a Less Bent 전통등반 6m
Burbage South Dowel Crack
S UKT:4a The Big Dipper 전통등반 16m
Burbage South The Boggart
S UKT:4a Lethargic Arete 전통등반 8m
Burbage South Far Left
S UKT:4a Lens Crack 전통등반 6m
Carl Wark Right Hand Buttress
S UKT:4a Last Crack
전통등반 10m
S UKT:4a Layback Crack
전통등반 10m
Burbage North Tharf Cake & Brooks' Layback
S UKT:4a Thrall's Thrutch 전통등반 8m
S UKT:4a Left Twin Crack 전통등반 8m
Burbage North Twin Chimney's & Falstaff's Area
S UKT:4a Split Slab Crack 전통등반 12m
Burbage North Knight's Move
S UKT:4a Still Orange

Dave's first new route.

FA: Dave Gregory. 1956

전통등반 12m
Burbage North The Grazer
S UKT:4a Ring Climb 전통등반 10m
Burbage North The Sentinel
S UKT:4a Ring Climb 전통등반 10m
S UKT:4a Black Slab Arete 전통등반 10m
Burbage North Ash Tree Wall
S UKT:4a Ash Tree Wall

Up to the end of the obvious crack, then traverse left and diagonally right up groove.

전통등반 14m
S UKT:4a Wall Chimney 전통등반 8m
Burbage North Remergence Buttress
S UKT:4a Side Face 전통등반 6m
Burbage North Banana Finger & Overhang Buttress
S UKT:4a Overhanging Buttress Direct 전통등반 10m
S UKT:4a Ad Infinitum 전통등반 14m
Burbage North Triangle Buttress
S UKT:4a Triangle Buttress Direct 전통등반 8m
Burbage North The Chant
S UKT:4a Route 2 전통등반 6m
Burbage North Tharf Cake & Brooks' Layback
MS UKT:4a Right Twin Crack 전통등반 8m
Burbage North The Sentinel
MS UKT:4a Sentinel Chimney

Grading taken from current Rockfax.

전통등반 10m
Burbage South Dowel Crack
HVD UKT:4a Surprise 전통등반 6m
HVD UKT:4a Macleod's Crack 전통등반 8m
Burbage South The Boggart
HVD UKT:4a Chimney Route 전통등반 8m
Burbage South Split Nose
HVD UKT:4a The Connection 전통등반 8m
Burbage South Far Left
HVD UKT:4a Short Crack 전통등반 6m
HVD UKT:4a Chockstone Layback 전통등반 6m
Carl Wark Right Hand Buttress
HVD UKT:4a Lime Juice Chimney
전통등반 12m
Carl Wark Left Hand Buttress
HVD UKT:4a Broken Buttress Crack
전통등반 8m
HVD UKT:4a Broken Buttress
전통등반 8m
Burbage North Nicotine Stain
HVD UKT:4a The Be All 전통등반 6m
Burbage North Tharf Cake & Brooks' Layback
HVD UKT:4a Wobblestone Crack 전통등반 8m
Burbage North Twin Chimney's & Falstaff's Area
HVD UKT:4a Twin Chimneys Layback 전통등반 8m
Burbage North Ash Tree Wall
HVD UKT:4a Wall Corner

Up arete.

전통등반 10m
Burbage North Remergence Buttress
HVD UKT:4a Detour 전통등반 8m
Burbage North Eastern Front & The Grogan
HVD UKT:4a Bracken Crack 전통등반 6m
Burbage North Triangle Buttress
HVD UKT:4a Triangle Crack 전통등반 8m
Burbage South Dowel Crack
VD UKT:4a Vulcan 전통등반 8m
Burbage South Split Nose
VD UKT:4a The Thistle Funnel 전통등반 10m
Burbage South Far Left
VD UKT:4a No Name crack 전통등반 6m
Carl Wark Left Hand Buttress
VD UKT:4a Ingle Nook
전통등반 8m
Burbage North The Sentinel
VD UKT:4a Black Slab Variation 전통등반 8m
Burbage North The Chant
VD UKT:4a Route 3 전통등반 6m
{FB} 3+
Burbage West Bouldering West Side Story
{FB} 3+ Crow Man Groove
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Dog
{FB} 3+ Doggy Bulge 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Brick
{FB} 3+ Brick Back Wall 볼더
{FB} 3+ Short Arete 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Pig Satellite Boulder 'B'
{FB} 3+ Problem 59


Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Pig
{FB} 3+ The Trough 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Useless Boulder
{FB} 3+ The Useless Arete 볼더
{FB} 3+ Slab Left 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Useful Boulder
{FB} 3+ Fun Slab Left 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Sentry
{FB} 3+ Arete on Left 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders Armoured Car
{FB} 3+ Problem 19

arete, flakes

Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Sheep
{FB} 3+ The Crook Traverse 볼더
{FB} 3+ Sheep Easy 볼더
{FB} 3+ The Sheep's Backside 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Pock
{FB} 3+ Pick 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Burbage South Valley Boulders The Fat Cobra
{FB} 3+ Cheesy Nose 볼더
{FB} 3+ Left of Crack 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering The Alliance
{FB} 3+ Chockstone Layback 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering 7 Ball
{FB} 3+ Matterhorn Right 볼더
Burbage South Burbage South Bouldering Between The Quarries
{FB} 3+ Softwidth 볼더
Burbage North Burbage North Bouldering Beyond The End Area
{FB} 3+ Baby Bear Wall 볼더
{FB} 3+ Daddy Bear Arête 볼더
{FB} 3+ Beyond The End

R arête

Burbage North Burbage North Bouldering Nicotine Stain Area
{FB} 3+ Tidal Wave 볼더
Burbage North Burbage North Bouldering 20 Foot Crack Area
{FB} 3+ Route 3 볼더 6m
{FB} 3+ Route 2 볼더 6m

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