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등급 루트 장비 스타일 암장 등반가 일자
5.11a Vanishing Flakes 미상 The Canyons 아주좋음
Rick Gould
일요일 28번째 7월 2002
5.11a Crime of the Century 미상 Joshua Tree National Park
일요일 18번째 11월 2007
5.10d Invisible Touch 미상 Joshua Tree National Park
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.12 Way Below the Direct 미상 The Pinnacles
Gary K
일요일 18번째 4월 2004
5.10c Grit Roof 미상 Joshua Tree National Park
토요일 15번째 12월 2007
5.11a Pow Wow 미상 Lake Tahoe, California Side 아주좋음
Gary K
일요일 7번째 9월 2003
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.10d Knight Shift 미상 Joshua Tree National Park
일요일 18번째 11월 2007
5.11a Battle Axe 미상 Lake Tahoe, California Side
James Durbin
토요일 19번째 7월 2003
5.11a Penguin Café 미상 24m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Gary K
토요일 12번째 7월 2003
5.9 Me and My Monkey 미상 The Pinnacles
Gary K
일요일 18번째 4월 2004
Class 4 Northeast Couloir 미상 High Sierra 아주좋음
James R. Kesl
Excellent climb to the top of a fourteener, but deep snow turned us back

5.10d Invisible Touch 미상 Joshua Tree National Park
Bill Begg
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.10d Viscious Circles 미상 18m Skyline Areas
5.12 Unknown 1 미상 Fossil Falls 아주좋음
Christian Schultz
토요일 19번째 12월 2015
Freezing cold and at night, but was still fun to try. Definitely not an easy 5.12.

5.10d Invisible Touch - 누구와 Ben North 미상 Joshua Tree National Park 좋음
Sam North
일요일 16번째 10월 2022
We couldn't see how to make the switch right into the top crack

5.11b Jelly Fish 미상 Skyline Areas
월요일 20번째 2월 2023
5.11c Hot Legs Contest (Jugline) — 3 attempts - 누구와 Klara R 미상 Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Fabian Michel
금요일 3번째 3월 2023
Crux from second to third bolt. Somehow had no endurance at all today and just couldn't climb it from the ground, was out of breath after just a few moves. Quite a nice route, though.

5.12a Blood of Christ — 2 attempts - 누구와 Klara R 미상 Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Fabian Michel
금요일 3번째 3월 2023
Protection by bolts is okay, but there is a scary (at least for me in the onsight) mantle about one and a half meters above the last quickdraw. The holds are quite sharp. One try to put in the quickdraws where I didn't really try the moves (confidence a bit low after the last route), and one try on toprope where I actually did every move on the first try, so it's definitely doable. Might come back later

5.12a Blood of Christ - 누구와 Fabian Michel 미상 Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Klara R
금요일 3번째 3월 2023
Very sharp holds. I was bleeding of my finger tip from the route before. So I stopped. Also the moves felt a little too hard for me.

5.11c More Monkey Than Funky - 누구와 Klara R 미상 Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Fabian Michel
일요일 5번째 3월 2023
90° overhanging roof of about 5 meters with a hand crack and then a vertical finger crack after the lip, trad apart from a bolted anchor. It was a bit hard to try the moves while also having to put in the cams, so I mostly aided the roof. Jam technique, particularly for the feet, was also definitely lacking. Then, there is a really good kneebar before some more hard moves until your feet are above the lip.

5.8 Arrowhead Arete 미상 Yosemite National Park 형편없음
Jack Seawright
일요일 28번째 5월 2023
Gen and I woke up with the intention of doing snake hike and/or dike with the spanish crew but forgot to exchange contacts or formulate a plan the previous day and consequently left ourselves little time for the 32 hour approach and a 84 hour descent. We decided chossohead arete would be a good little replacement mission. Little did we know.. that the climb.. actually doesnt exist! We located the chosshead and began ascending the chwitchbacks to the chockface where we dropped gear and went about locating the start. The next 2 hours was a veritable highlight reel of dangerous gully chraverses and checking the chopo from the book. Gen roped up at one point, put one cam in the wall and magically turned a number 2 crack into a number 4 crack. I decided eventually that we were both pushing our 9 lives and that we should bail down the scree. Gen was incredibly patient throughout this shit show and i was also incredi.. no i wasnt. An uncompromisingly shite day in the hills.

5.12b The Mini Illusion 혼합 고전등반 34m, 7 Lake Tahoe, California Side
일요일 22번째 10월 2023
Had a bash as I was up there, very physical

5.10b Figures On a Landscape 혼합 고전등반 110m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park
Dave McGregor
월요일 11번째 5월 1992
5.12a Oral Roberts 혼합 고전등반 24m, 4 Yosemite National Park
Bayden Russell
월요일 20번째 4월 1998
5.10d The Big Pucker 혼합 고전등반 24m, 3 The Pinnacles 좋음
Gary K
토요일 17번째 4월 2004
5.11b Aid Route — 4 attempts - 누구와 Ben North 혼합 고전등반 55m, 3 Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Sam North
목요일 13번째 10월 2022
tried to do without the aid to start and couldn't quite get it

5.11a The Dagger 혼합 고전등반 35m, 2 Yosemite National Park 클래식
David Gibbs
토요일 제 1 10월 2016
I gave up in the chimney/stem section. I could probably have struggled up to the final mantel -- but not sure it was worth it to thrash through, and wasn't being fun.

5.10d Bearded Cabbage 혼합 고전등반 18m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.10c/d ~5.10d Bearded Cabbage - 누구와 Klara R 혼합 고전등반 18m, 1 Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Fabian Michel
화요일 28번째 2월 2023
First an overhanging flake and then the crux, protected by a bolt: getting from the flake into a crack on the left

5.7 South Face 전통등반 270m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
James R. Kesl
월요일 4번째 6월 2001
5.8 Unconquerable 전통등반 Cosumnes River Gorge 아주좋음
Ali Yu
토요일 23번째 7월 2005
Next time...

5.6 Southeast Buttress 전통등반 220m Yosemite National Park
Christopher Barker
토요일 3번째 5월 2008
5.5 Bat Crack 전통등반 55m Joshua Tree National Park
David Gibbs
화요일 18번째 12월 2012
Got the starting moves, and one piece in -- but then couldn't figure out how to proceed. Cleared gear and down-climbed off.

5.11d Ten Minute Crack 전통등반 Cosumnes River Gorge 아주좋음
Chad Suchoski
토요일 16번째 10월 2004
Great rock, good placements, good luck.

5.10a Direct Route 전통등반 95m Yosemite National Park 클래식
Gary K
토요일 29번째 3월 2003
5.10a Sacherer Cracker 전통등반 46m Yosemite National Park
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.10d Lord Caffeine 전통등반 23m Yosemite National Park 클래식
Gary K
일요일 17번째 8월 2003
5.11a Left Ski Track 전통등반 46m Joshua Tree National Park
Dave McGregor
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.10b Molar Concentration 전통등반 Lake Tahoe, California Side 좋음
Gary K
토요일 제 1 6월 2002
5.10c O'Kelley's Crack 전통등반 20m Joshua Tree National Park 클래식
일요일 7번째 10월 2007
5.10d Lazy Bum 전통등반 15m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Anthony Deringer`
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.8 Selaginella 전통등반 170m Yosemite National Park
Nicola Cotton
수요일 11번째 5월 2005
5.10a Moby Dick, Center 전통등반 58m Yosemite National Park
James Durbin
토요일 제 1 3월 2003
5.10b Church Bowl Tree 전통등반 18m Yosemite National Park
Anthony Deringer`
화요일 13번째 4월 2010
5.9 West Crack 전통등반 210m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
토요일 28번째 6월 2003
5.10a Sons of Yesterday 전통등반 240m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Gary K
토요일 25번째 10월 2003
5.10b Ahab (Moby Dick, Ahab) 전통등반 47m Yosemite National Park
Pavel Burov
토요일 20번째 10월 2012
Super fun. Got the idea how to climb it just before got completely tired. The must-do route.

5.11c Butterfly Crack 전통등반 9m Joshua Tree National Park
Pavel Burov
월요일 26번째 11월 2012
5.10b Midterm 전통등반 42m Yosemite National Park
ben reardon
화요일 11번째 12월 2012
bailed after trying to pull through on gear at offwidth crux

5.10c Galen's Crack - 누구와 Jadian 전통등반 9m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Hard Landin' Brandon
화요일 27번째 8월 2013
Set up a top rope. Struggled, bled, and gave up. My partner had better success.

5.10b Ahab - 누구와 Jenna Sampson 전통등반 47m Yosemite National Park 클래식
Sam Ritchie
월요일 2번째 12월 2013
GOD this thing was rough. We top roped it after I climbed Moby Dick. I could barely move in the offwidth piece.

So awesome.

5.11c The Regular North Face Route 전통등반 280m Yosemite National Park
Paul Frothy Thomson
월요일 12번째 10월 2015
After a nearby accident required my help to assist in the rescue, we were forced to bail before we could really get started. It looks stunning from the start of the climb, hopefully I can get back to it.

5.5 The Cow, Center - 누구와 Jen Jones 전통등반 60m Yosemite National Park
Laura Morrissey
월요일 7번째 11월 2016
V5 5.12b V5 Houdini 전통등반 Redwood Coast 클래식
Ryan Reger
금요일 25번째 5월 2018
5.10a The Shoulder 전통등반 Dixon Lake
Jonathan Bright
월요일 2번째 12월 2019
Top rope attempt. I can't do lieback on crack

5.10d The Roof 전통등반 9m Dixon Lake
Jonathan Bright
월요일 2번째 12월 2019
Multiple top rope attempts. Can't get over the roof

5.11c The Regular North Face Route 전통등반 280m Yosemite National Park 완전 구식
Bradley Ransom
토요일 30번째 9월 2017
5.10a Unnamed Thin Crack 전통등반 24m Yosemite National Park
Luca Giovagnoli
토요일 7번째 5월 2022
Had to pull on gear at the finger crack

5.10d Lazy Bum 전통등반 15m Yosemite National Park 아주좋음
Kalang Kedumba Jones
목요일 2번째 6월 2022
A stunning clean finger crack that made it painfully obvious where I was... Yosemite Valley baby! My first climb cos I couldn't wait even a second for Jamcrack. Learnt lots bout 3/4 the way up. Will have to save the send for next time!

5.8 Dinkey Donks 전통등반 Joshua Tree National Park
Michael Sallwasser
토요일 17번째 11월 2007
5.10c Generator Crack — 3 attempts 전통등반 18m Yosemite National Park
월요일 26번째 6월 2023
was going to TRS after partner for serenity bailed, but ran into some humans who kindly offered a belay. tied in three times, got more efficient, probably within a move or two of getting my butt into the crack. bruised but not unhappy with how that went for a first day

5.10d Lord Caffeine - 누구와 Dane Evans 전통등반 23m Yosemite National Park
토요일 22번째 7월 2023
5.7 R Surrealistic Pillar - 누구와 Marcelo Castaneda 전통등반 91m Lake Tahoe, California Side 클래식
Pe May
목요일 17번째 8월 2023
I’m sure it would have been amazing if leading was not so terrifying for me - I made it up a little way with some pre-placed gear but as soon as that ran out, it was panic o’clock 😅

5.10d Book of Revelation P1
1 5.10d 80' 전통등반
전통등반 24m Yosemite National Park
일요일 17번째 9월 2023
head was shaky, unsurprising for trying to start the season at my limit (it was the only line free that looked good)

5.10d Ying-Yang - 누구와 Hallie 전통등반 35m Yosemite National Park
월요일 25번째 9월 2023
fell off in second half steep slick section which i'd done clean on second in the spring. pumped out of my mind even after resting at halfway; not helped by not feeling great about the gear and stitching up the first half. still, fun to have a redpoint burn at something harder and measure where i'm at

Top rope
5.10b Great Roof 톱로핑 15m Skyline Areas 클래식
Ali Yu
일요일 28번째 8월 2005
Made it to the last move in the crux sequence at the end of a long day... plan to make it all the way next time

5.10b Great Roof 톱로핑 15m Skyline Areas
월요일 28번째 10월 2002
Missed final move to top out

Maggie's Farm 톱로핑 15m Stoney Point
Rick Gould
5.11a Big Moe 톱로핑 15m Joshua Tree National Park 아주좋음
Ryan Bailey
토요일 17번째 3월 2007
Very fun, just too short

5.11a Big Moe 톱로핑 15m Joshua Tree National Park
일요일 7번째 10월 2007
5.9 Unknown Arete 톱로핑 11m Kern River Road Crags 좋음
Sean Berard
목요일 10번째 11월 2011
I ended up useing some of the blocky stuff to the left towards the top.

5.11c Dream Theme 톱로핑 17m Redwood Coast
Hard Landin' Brandon
토요일 7번째 4월 2012
5.12b 5.11b Bolt Route 톱로핑 18m Beaver Street Wall 형편없음
Hard Landin' Brandon
일요일 30번째 9월 2012
Ascended the first half on mono-pocket bolt holes. Got shut down on the featureless rock near the hanger when a foothold broke off. Terrible rock quality. No way this is 5.11.

5.12b Sticked Wiffy 톱로핑 9m Redwood Coast
Ryan Reger
금요일 25번째 5월 2018
5.10 Phantom Staircase Variation 2 톱로핑 Lake Tahoe, California Side
Anthony Alston
화요일 17번째 7월 2018
5.11a Double D 톱로핑 Dixon Lake
Jonathan Bright
월요일 2번째 12월 2019
Multiple top rope attempts. One hard move in the middle that I wasn't able to do.

5.11 V3 R The Unnatural Act 톱로핑 9m Glen Canyon 완전 구식
Edgar Del Cojo
수요일 19번째 7월 2023
5.10a ~5.9 Cave Route 톱로핑 11m Cragmont Park
일요일 19번째 5월 2024
5.10a ~5.9 Cave Route — 2 attempts 톱로핑 11m Cragmont Park
일요일 2번째 6월 2024
5.11a Cave Route Left — 3 attempts 톱로핑 11m Cragmont Park
목요일 6번째 6월 2024
5.11b ~5.9 Left 톱로핑 8m Remillard Park 안하는 것이 좋음
일요일 30번째 6월 2024
5.11a Cave Route Left 톱로핑 11m Cragmont Park
토요일 24번째 8월 2024
5.10a Aggro Monkey — 2 attempts 톱로핑 8m Remillard Park
토요일 24번째 8월 2024
5.10b Bolt Route 스포츠 클라이밍 23m, 12 Mount Diablo 평균
Gary K
수요일 6번째 8월 2003
5.11c Lalaland 스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 12 Owens River Gorge
토요일 19번째 3월 2016
I really enjoyed this route. Fell near the top. Would love to try it again

5.11d Dr. Claw - 누구와 Eric, Holly, Hayden 스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 10 Owens River Gorge 아주좋음
Tracey Hua
목요일 25번째 2월 2016
Wow, last route of the day and the open handedness and crimps made me so pumped... I couldn't even get to the top... hahaha!

5.11a Power Lust 스포츠 클라이밍 26m, 8 Lake Tahoe, California Side
금요일 17번째 6월 2022
oops messed up the move after the first bolt, so lowered to the ground

5.12a Cookie Monster 스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 7 Yosemite National Park
일요일 제 1 10월 2023
first half was type 1 fun! had a few goes at burly/tensiony move with diminishing returns

5.11b Aerial 스포츠 클라이밍 23m, 6 Lake Tahoe, California Side
Emma Ayling
일요일 12번째 7월 2020
Bit much for a warm up.

5.11b Bubble Boy — 2 attempts 스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 6 Mount Saint Helena
Rob Mokry
수요일 18번째 10월 2023
5.11b Aerial — 3 attempts 스포츠 클라이밍 23m, 6 Lake Tahoe, California Side 클래식
Yoyo Lu
목요일 25번째 7월 2024
Blackey 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 Kern River Road Crags 좋음
Sean Berard
목요일 10번째 11월 2011
Just couldn't quite make it past the second horazontial crack

5.10d EBGB's 스포츠 클라이밍 16m, 5 Joshua Tree National Park
월요일 18번째 12월 2017
5.12a Pow! Right in the Kisser - 누구와 Dan 스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5 Malibu Creek State Park 아주좋음
Alastair Osment
화요일 제 1 10월 2019
5.10c Espresso 스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4 New Jack City
Rick Gould
일요일 30번째 10월 2011
5.12b Grotto Monkey 스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 4 Sonora Pass
토요일 제 1 6월 2019
Reachy, bouldery, power. Not good timing to climb around noon!

5.12a Where Sheep Sleep - 누구와 Fabian Michel 스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4 Joshua Tree National Park
Klara R
토요일 11번째 3월 2023
quite hard moves. Did not climb to the top since it felt hard and had some issues with my fingers that I did not want to make worse. It has quite some sharp crimps

5.10b Farewell To Arms — 3 attempts 스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4 Cragmont Park
일요일 2번째 6월 2024
5.10b Farewell To Arms — 3 attempts 스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4 Cragmont Park
목요일 6번째 6월 2024
5.8 ~5.9 El Chivo 스포츠 클라이밍 17m, 4 Joshua Tree National Park 안하는 것이 좋음
금요일 16번째 8월 2024

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