
Ascensões em Asia como Red point

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
6b Thanks Khong
1 6b Sport
Sport 60m Phetchaburi
Wed 22nd May 2024
7a Black Cat P1
1 7a 30m Sport
Sport 30m, 20 Ton Sai Classic
Tory Henson
Sun 26th Nov 2023
6c Equatorial P1
1 6c 35m Sport
Sport 35m, 19 Railay
Ben Dixon
Wed 15th Nov 2023
Just first pitch

7b Equatorial
1 6c 35m Sport
2 7b 15m Sport
Sport 50m, 19 Railay
Mitch K
Sat 18th Nov 2023
7b Jungle King
1 6c 19m Sport
2 7b 15m Sport
Sport 34m Pha Tam Kam
Brandon MG
Sun 17th Dec 2023
6a Baron Von Tok P1
1 6a 18m Sport
Sport 18m, 10 Koh Phi Phi
Bridie franks
Sat 10th Dec 2022
6a+ Lord of the Thais P1
1 6a+ 25 Sport
Sport 25m, 46 Railay
Jeff Zhi Wei Loh
Sat 16th Mar 2024
7b Lord of the Thais
1 6a+ 25m Sport
2 7a 28m Second
3 7a+ 28m Sport

Climbing on coral half way up a cliff so sick

4 7b 27m Second

Very close

Sport 110m, 46 Railay
Kye Henson
Sun 2nd Jun 2024
7a+ Chúc Sức Khỏe
1 6a 30m lead by Benoit Tellier
2 6c 20m lead by Benoit Tellier
3 6c 15m lead by Benoit Tellier
4 7a+ 25m lead by Benoit Tellier
5 6c+ 15m lead by Benoit Tellier
Sport 110m, 60 Hữu Lũng
Benoit Tellier
Sat 11th Jul 2020
6a+ Caveman P1
1 6a+ 15m Sport
Sport 15m, 12 Railay
Mitch K
Sat 18th Nov 2023
7a UZPA (6)
1 6a+
2 7a
Sport 30m, 16 Almaty Classic
Magzhan Kenzheyev
Sun 24th Oct 2021
7a Live and Let Thai
1 5a 15 Sport
2 7a 10 Sport
Sport 25m, 9 Railay
Adrian Utrilla
Thu 1st Dec 2022
6a+ Keep the Jam, Man
1 6a+ 20 Sport
2 6a 15 Sport
Sport 35m, 15 Railay
Tue 14th Feb 2023
6a+ Keep the Jam, Man P1 - with 赵子龙猫
1 6a+ 20m Sport
Sport 20m, 15 Railay
Sun 1st Oct 2023
6a+ Keep the Jam, Man P1
1 6a+ 20m Top rope
Sport 20m, 15 Railay Good
Gonçalo Silva
Fri 1st Dec 2023
6b+ Circus Oz
1 6a+ 25m Sport
2 6b+ 25m Second
Sport 50m, 41 Railay
Sean Ealey
Thu 21st Dec 2023
6a+ Keep the Jam, Man P1
1 6a+ 20m Sport
Sport 20m, 15 Railay
Sat 19th Feb 2022
7a Circus Oz
1 6a+ 25m Sport
2 6b+ 25m Sport
3 7a 45m Sport
4 6b 28m Sport
Sport 120m, 41 Railay Very Good
Justin Wimmer
Sat 10th Feb 2024
6b UZPA P1
1 6b Sport
Sport 30m, 16 Almaty
Oleg Levin
Mon 1st Apr 2024
5.11c Like a Lizards Elbow - with DavideT
1 5.11c Sport lead by Maksim Komarov
2 5.10a Sport lead by Maksim Komarov
Sport 35m, 19 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Classic
Maksim Komarov
Sat 13th Jan 2024
This route will challenge your onsight ability. Very interesting crux following by relaxing and adventurous climb. The view from the top is stunning! Really recommend this climb. You can use 70m rope, but lowering go to the anchor of the 1st pitch, change your anchor point there and then you can lower to the ground from the anchor of the 1st pitch.

5.11b 金刚角 The Donkey Kong Dihedral - with 蜜蜂
1 5.6 30m Second
2 5.9 20m Sport lead by Chris_zzz
3 5.10a 20m Sport lead by Chris_zzz
4 5.11b 15m Sport lead by Chris_zzz


5 5.10d 20m Sport
6 5.10c 18m Sport
Sport 120m 石鼓 Shigu Very Good
Tue 2nd May 2023

6c Orange Chandeliers
1 6b 32 Sport
2 6b+ 18 Sport
3 6c 25 Sport
Sport 75m, 28 Ao Nang Tower
Ted Rinquest
6c Kykol'shik
1 6a Sport
2 6c Sport

Second pitch is definitely 6c. Especially when you link up both routes without rest

Sport 35m, 16 Almaty
Vladimir Muskat
Sun 8th Oct 2023
5.11a 小柏树 Little Cypress - with 田晶, 亚威
1 5.11a 20 Sport lead by Climber-皮蛋


2 5.9 30 Sport lead by 亚威


3 5.11a 18 Sport
4 5.10b 18 Sport lead by Climber-皮蛋


5 5.7 16 Sport lead by 亚威


6 5.9 30 Sport
Sport 130m, 8 白河 Baihe Classic
Wed 5th Apr 2023
5.11a 小柏树P3,P6支线 - with 田晶, 亚威
1 5.11a 20m Sport lead by Climber-皮蛋


2 5.9 30m Sport lead by 亚威
Sport 50m, 10 白河 Baihe Classic
Wed 5th Apr 2023
5.11a 老炮儿 - with 老赵
1 5.9 20 Trad lead by 乐图图^麻辣面烧饼


2 5.11a 25 Trad lead by 乐图图^麻辣面烧饼


3 5.10c 27 Trad lead by 乐图图^麻辣面烧饼

越往上爬发现大号塞子不够用,中间放了4个号,就是心里安慰作用;按照路书指向右一些,在向上爬;发现无法放塞子,只能继续右横移,横移至少4~5米距离跑到开心青岛线路,去挂了一把快挂,内心慌得不得了~ 到顶保护,饿得胃疼,盼着队友赶紧上来,给我点吃的~

4 5.10b 27 Trad lead by 乐图图^麻辣面烧饼


Trad 99m 青岛 Qingdao
Sun 23rd Jun 2024
6b+ Humanality - with Daniel Borsi
1 5 15m lead by Blake Fuller
2 6b 10m lead by Blake Fuller
3 6a+ 20m lead by Daniel Borsi
4 6b 22 lead by Blake Fuller
5 6b+ 25 lead by Daniel Borsi
6 6b 20 lead by Blake Fuller
7 6a
Sport 110m, 45 Ton Sai Classic
Blake Fuller
Wed 6th Nov 2019
What an absolute classic. The first couple of “pitches” were just shitty choss but quickly forgotten with the next few pitches of glory. The first 6b pitch was delightful with some cool tufas. The next 6b+ had perhaps the highest novel factor in anything I’ve climbed - just as the holds on the awesome face climb run out you fall hands-first our on a huge stalactite with 100m of air underneath you. So cool. The final pitch kicked my ass and I whipped three times before putting it together. Heaps of exposure the whole way up.

6b+ Good Morning Vietnam — 2 attempts
1 6b+ Sport
2 6b Sport
3 6b Sport
Sport 55m, 36 Hữu Lũng Very Good
Sun 20th Feb 2022
6b+ Humanality - with reiko climber
1 5 15m Sport
2 6b 10m Sport
3 6a+ 20m Sport
4 6b 22m Sport
5 6b+ 25m Sport
6 6b 10m Sport
7 6a 10m Sport
Sport 110m, 45 Ton Sai Mega Classic
Guan-Wei Chen
Thu 5th Oct 2023
Awesome view. Must to do in Tonsai

6b+ Humanality
1 5 15m Sport
2 6b 10m Second
3 6a+ 20m Sport
4 6b 22m Second
5 6b+ 25m Sport
6 6b 10m Second
7 6a 10m Sport
Sport 110m, 45 Ton Sai
Thu 23rd Nov 2023
6b Humanality
1 5 15m Second
2 6b 10m Sport
3 6a+ 20m Free solo
4 6b 22m Sport
Sport 67m, 45 Ton Sai
Gonçalo Silva
Sun 26th Nov 2023
6a Life of Leif P1
1 6a 17m Sport
Sport 17m, 19 The North Wall
Mitch K
Mon 27th Nov 2023
6b+ Humanality
1 5 15m Sport
2 6b 10m Sport
3 6a+ 20m Sport
4 6b 22m Sport
5 6b+ 25m Sport
6 6b 10m Sport
7 6a 10m Sport
Sport 110m, 45 Ton Sai
Sat 12th Feb 2022
6b+ Aborist
1 6a Second
2 6a+ Sport
3 6b+ Second
4 5c+ Sport
5 6b Second
6 5a Sport
7 5c Second
8 6b Second
Sport 200m Bukit Takun
Alyssa Ng
Sat 10th Jun 2023
5.10d 王者荣耀
1 5.9 30m Sport
2 5.10a 27m Second
3 5.10b 33m Sport
4 5.10d 33m Second
5 5.8 32m Sport
6 5.10c 36m Second


Sport 190m, 15 白河 Baihe
Li Xiaoya
Sat 1st Jul 2023
5.9 Tail
1 5.8 38m
2 5.6
3 5.9
Sport 38m, 18 Ganhyeon-am
Tue 10th Jun 2014
6b Chinese New Year - with Hayley Ho
1 5b 23 Sport lead by Fredrik Eckardt
2 5c+ 30 Second lead by Hayley Ho
3 6b 33 Sport lead by Fredrik Eckardt
4 5b 44 Second lead by Hayley Ho
Sport 130m Pha Tam Kam
Fredrik Eckardt
Fri 30th Dec 2022
Sharp rock. Descent in the dark.

5c Redemption Song P1
1 5c 28m Sport
Sport 28m Batu Caves Very Good
Derick Chu
Sun 26th Feb 2023
6b Enter the Dragon Remake
1 6b Sport
2 5c+ Second
3 5c Sport
Sport 25m, 8 Batu Caves
Steven chen
Fri 12th Jan 2024
6b Big Wave
1 6a+ 30m Sport
2 6b 25m Second
3 6b 26m Sport
4 6b 30m Second
Sport 110m, 33 Ton Sai Classic
Mackenzie Ellis
Sun 25th Feb 2024
Amazing climbing!

5.10b White China (P1 & 2)
1 5.10b 20m
2 5.10a 24m
Sport 44m, 14 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Very Good
Sat 1st Dec 2018
5.10c 跑签证 — 2 attempts - with XiaoDong
1 5.10c 26m Sport
2 5.8 25m Sport
3 5.8 24m Sport
Sport 75m, 10 白河 Baihe Mega Classic
Wed 3rd May 2023

5.10c ~5.10b White China - with 飒飒
1 5.10b 20m Sport lead by 林冠兆
2 5.10a 24m Sport lead by 林冠兆
3 5.10c 17m Sport lead by 林冠兆
4 5.9 17m Sport lead by 林冠兆
Sport 78m, 14 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Very Good
Wed 22nd Nov 2023
5.9 岩友之家 P1
1 5.9 10m Sport
Sport 10m, 19 百丈岩
Sun 26th Nov 2023
5.9 岩友之家 P1
1 5.9 10m Sport
Sport 10m, 19 百丈岩
Sun 26th Nov 2023
5.10c 歪瓜裂枣 - with panyixin, Blackburnsun
1 5.7 24 Second
2 5.10b 32 Second
3 5.10c 28 Second
4 5.9 24 Second
5 5.10c 32 Second
6 5.10a 33 Second
7 5.9 24 Second
8 5.9 25 Sport
9 5.10a 25 Second
Sport 250m 白河 Baihe
Fri 3rd May 2024
5.10b 顶峰的啤酒 - with 单色彩虹, 鞍山岩友
1 5.6 25 Top rope lead by 单色彩虹

Easy slab climbing.

2 5.9 25 Top rope lead by 单色彩虹, Jing Li
3 5.10b 23 Sport lead by Jing Li

Second to third bolts is scary.

Sport 73m, 8 鞍山 Very Good
Jing Li
Sun 2nd Apr 2023
Pitch 1 should be 5.6, and pitch 2 5.9. Pitch 3 is almost entirely friction-dependent. 第三段2进3非常吓人,冲坠绳给紧了容易怼脚踝和膝盖,给多了容易直接坠落到一个斜着的ledge上,slab爬得不是很扎实的话这步最好用挂绳器。在之后坡面倾角更大了就比较容易,但没手点,就得走上去,脚累的话挺吓人。这次脚太疼没坚持到顶,顶峰的啤酒下次再喝,哈哈。

6a+ Reunion
1 6a Second
2 5a Sport
3 6a+ Second
Sport 52m, 23 Crazy Horse
Hanns Lehmann
Wed 7th Jun 2023
5.10b 新年快乐 Happy New Year
1 5.9 27m Sport
2 5.8 22m Second
3 5.9 22m Sport
4 5.9 22m Second
5 5.10b 18m Sport
6 5.7 10m Second
Sport 120m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
Fri 7th Jul 2023
6a+ The Fog of War
1 4+ 40 Second
2 5+ 22 Sport
3 6a+ 10 Second
4 4+ 18 Second
5 6a 20 Sport
6 5+ 15 Second
7 4+ 15 Sport

almost sunset😂

Sport 140m Kowloon
Ivy Chan
Mon 25th Dec 2023
6a+ Camino Real - with Wen Wu
1 5b+ Second lead by Wen Wu
2 6a Sport
3 6a+ Second lead by Wen Wu
4 6a+ Sport
Sport Bukit Takun
Paul Chow
Wed 28th Feb 2024
5.10b 虎虎生威 - with Bobo@Mental Rock climbing cafe
1 5.10a Second
2 5.9 Second
3 5.10a Sport
4 5.9 Second
5 5.10b Sport
Sport 130m 清远英西 YingXi
Guan-Wei Chen
Thu 4th Jul 2024
5.10a 白虎 White Tiger - with 二级
4 5.9 29 Second lead by 二级


5 5.10a 30 Second lead by 二级


6 5.9 26 Sport lead by lulumn410


7 5.5 31 Second lead by 二级
8 5.5 40 Sport lead by lulumn410
Sport 160m, 9 白河 Baihe Classic
Thu 5th Oct 2023

5.10a 白虎 White Tiger - with 杨奕诺🐇
1 5.10a 24m Sport lead by Kiri千里


2 5.8 20m Sport lead by 杨奕诺🐇


3 5.8 28m Sport lead by Kiri千里
4 5.9 29m Sport lead by 杨奕诺🐇
5 5.10a 30m Sport lead by Kiri千里
6 5.9 26m Sport lead by 杨奕诺🐇
7 5.5 31m Sport lead by Kiri千里


8 5.5 40m Sport lead by 杨奕诺🐇


Sport 230m, 9 白河 Baihe
Wed 1st May 2024

5c Sideshow
1 5 27m Second
2 5c 18m Sport
Sport 45m, 15 Crazy Horse Good
Hanns Lehmann
Wed 7th Jun 2023
5+ Gweilo
1 4+ 22 Sport
2 5+ 12 Sport
3 5 13 Second
4 5+ 28 Second
Sport 75m Kowloon Mega Classic
Varalika Jain
Sat 18th Feb 2023
Some really fun climbing with some really cool views

5.9 二零一二 2012 - with 老毒
1 5.9 18m
2 5.7 20m
3 5.5 28m
4 5.8 20m
5 5.8 20m
6 5.9 25m
Sport 130m, 10 白河 Baihe Classic
Wed 4th May 2022

5.9 见缝插针
1 5.8 25m Trad


2 5.9 15m Trad
Trad 40m 白河 Baihe
Wed 3rd May 2023
5.9 二零一二 2012 - with 日子
1 5.9 18m Sport lead by 波波
2 5.7 20m Sport lead by 波波
3 5.5 28m Sport lead by 日子
4 5.8 20m Sport lead by 日子
5 5.8 20m Sport lead by 波波
6 5.9 25m Sport lead by 日子
Sport 130m, 10 白河 Baihe
Wed 10th May 2023
5.8 L'Echo des Montagnes - with reiko climber, 陆塔塔
1 5.8 25 Second
2 5.7 40 Sport
3 5.7 30 Sport
4 5.7 25 Second
5 5.8 30 Sport
Sport 150m 阳朔 Yangshuo
Guan-Wei Chen
Tue 2nd May 2023
垂降到懸岩保護站,落繩時卡繩,沒帶繩刀,另外一頭剛好夠長,單繩下到Via Ferrata的地方,穿過山洞轉單繩下降... 連假最後一天來不及在爬一次,繩子跟主鎖留在上面等其他大佬去拿了... 感受到陽朔的溫暖...

Rappelling down to the cliffside station, my rope got jammed while falling the rope. I had forgotten to bring the knife. Luckily, the other end of the rope was long enough to reach the Via Ferrata, where I went through a cave and continued my descent on a single rope. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the holiday and I didn't have enough time to climb up again. I had to leave my rope and carabiner there, waiting for other experts to retrieve them. Nonetheless, I felt the warmth of Yangshuo.

7b Lord of the Thais
1 6a+ 25 Sport
2 7a 28 Sport
3 7a+ 28 Second
4 7b 27 Sport
5 6b 12 Second
Sport 120m, 46 Railay Mega Classic
Justin Wimmer
Fri 16th Dec 2022
Amazing climb, the cruxes are quite short on the route but the climbing is amazing, remember to Back clip on the way down, we abseiled simil with a 70m worked quite well.

7b Lord of the Thais - with Kye Henson
1 6a+ 25 Second
2 7a 28 Sport
3 7a+ 28 Second
4 7b 27 Sport
5 6b 12 Sport
Sport 120m, 46 Railay Mega Classic
Gil Dvir
Mon 3rd Jun 2024
5.12a 星光灿烂 - with 霍鑫
1 5.10a 20 Second lead by 霍鑫
2 5.10b 28 Sport lead by Chris_zzz
3 5.10c 25 Second lead by 霍鑫
4 5.11b 28 Sport lead by Chris_zzz
5 5.11a 28 Second lead by 霍鑫
6 5.11c 30 Sport lead by Chris_zzz


7 5.12a 20 Second lead by 霍鑫


8 5.5 21 Sport lead by Chris_zzz
Sport 200m, 12 白河 Baihe Classic
Sat 25th Mar 2023

7a Ангмар - with Daniel
1 6c+ lead by Daniel
2 5b lead by Magzhan Kenzheyev
3 6a+ lead by Daniel
4 6b+ lead by Magzhan Kenzheyev
5 7a lead by Magzhan Kenzheyev
6 7a lead by Daniel
Sport Almaty Very Good
Magzhan Kenzheyev
Sun 5th Sep 2021
Nice to come back and tick it after one year. 5th pitch is the most enjoyable.

6a+ Circus Oz P1
1 6a+ 25 Sport
Sport 25m, 41 Railay
Mark Lüttmann
Mon 30th Oct 2023
7a Keep the Jam, Man
1 6a+ 20m Top rope
2 6a 15m Sport
3 7a 35m Sport
Sport 70m, 15 Railay
Tue 9th Jan 2024
6a+ Keep the Jam, Man P1
1 6a+ 20m Top rope
Sport 20m, 15 Railay Very Good
James Fong
Tue 18th Jun 2024
5.11c 往事随风 - with 老程
1 5.9 38m Sport lead by Chris_zzz
2 5.10b 30m Second lead by 老程
3 5.11c 28m Sport lead by Chris_zzz


4 5.10d 26m Second lead by 老程
5 5.10a 25m Aid lead by Chris_zzz
6 5.10b 30m Sport lead by 老程
7 5.11a 24m Sport lead by Chris_zzz


8 5.11b 30m Second lead by 老程


Sport 230m, 12 白河 Baihe
Sun 5th Feb 2023

6c Orange Chandeliers - with Viola knoke, Niel Pienaar, I
1 6b 32m Sport lead by Niel Pienaar
2 6b+ 18m Sport lead by Viola knoke
3 6c 25m Sport lead by Niel Pienaar

Fell on the last move 😱

Sport 75m, 28 Ao Nang Tower Very Good
Niel Pienaar
Tue 17th Jan 2023
6b+ Humanality - with Jimmy O'Reilly
1 5 15 Free solo
2 6b 10 Sport
3 6a+ 20 Second
4 6b 22 Sport
5 6b+ 25 Second
6 6b 10 Sport
Sport 100m, 45 Ton Sai
Miri Schroeter
Tue 31st Jan 2023
6b+ Humanality
1 5 15m Sport
2 6b 10m Second
3 6a+ 20m Sport
4 6b 22m Second
5 6b+ 25m Second
Sport 92m, 45 Ton Sai
Sean Ealey
Mon 18th Dec 2023
6b The Beauty & the Beast - with Marx
1 6a+ 30m Second lead by Marx
2 6a+ 25m Sport lead by Marcel de Beer
3 6b 30m Second lead by Marx
Sport 85m, 28 Ton Sai Very Good
Marcel de Beer
Thu 31st Dec 2009
6b Clean Heel
1 5c+ Second
2 6a Second
3 5c Second
4 6b Sport
Sport 80m, 12 安顺市
Sun 1st Oct 2023
6b Massage Secrets - with Andreas Ramberg
1 5 13m Sport
2 6a+ 17m Sport
3 6b 7m Sport
Sport 37m, 13 Railay
Tue 9th Jan 2024
6b Joob Joob
1 6a 32m Second
2 6a+ 18m Sport
3 6b 34m Second
Sport 84m, 32 Ao Nang Tower Very Good
Mackenzie Ellis
Sun 25th Feb 2024
6b Monsoon
1 6a+ 25 Sport
2 6b 25 Sport
3 6a 18 Sport
Sport 68m Batu Caves
Ajmal Asyraf
Sat 9th Mar 2024
5.10b 青龙 Azure Dragon - with 张妍
1 5.9 25 Sport lead by zhuhao
2 5.10a 15 Sport lead by zhuhao


3 5.8 29 Second lead by 张妍
4 5.10a 28 Sport lead by zhuhao
5 5.8 25 Second lead by 张妍
6 5.10b 29 Sport lead by zhuhao
Sport 150m, 9 白河 Baihe Classic
Sun 14th May 2023
5b 17
1 4c Sport
2 5b Second
Sport 36m, 9 Kathmandu Area
Sun 5th May 2024
5.15b Soul Mate Sport Gozen Iwa
Sachi Amma
Sun 25th Mar 2018
9a+ Tinipi Sport Mount Kinabalu
Sachi Amma
Tue 2nd Jun 2015
9a+ Rise Sport Futagoyama
Sachi Amma
Tue 20th Nov 2018
5.15a Maturity Sport Gozen Iwa
Sachi Amma
Sat 23rd Dec 2017
5.15a Sho- Sport Futagoyama
Sachi Amma
Thu 15th Nov 2018
9a+ Tinipi Sport Mount Kinabalu
Daniel Woods
Jun 2012
9a 5.14d/15a Flat mountain Sport 33m Futagoyama
Alex Megos
Sun 1st Mar 2015
9a 5.14d/15a Flat mountain Sport 33m Futagoyama
Sachi Amma
5.14d Sorachi Sport Youzedaki Climbing Space
Sachi Amma
Sun 2nd Dec 2012
5.14d Spectator Sport Horai
Sachi Amma
Thu 13th Jun 2013
5.14d 辣饺子 Spicy Dumpling (Spicy Dumpling) Sport 42m, 16 阳朔 Yangshuo
Jonathan Siegrist
Wed 14th Nov 2018
Fickle boulder problem to an amazing endurance finish without good rest. Finding acceptable conditions is still the crux!

5.14c Metaforce Extension Sport Horai
Sachi Amma
Jun 2013
5.14c Mare Sport 25m, 8 Futagoyama
Sachi Amma
Thu 3rd Jan 2019
8c+ Excalibur Sport Mount Kinabalu
James Pearson
5.14c Power power Sport 10m Seonun-san
Chaehyeon Seo
Apr 2021
3rd go

5.14c 辣椒 (Lajiao) Sport 38m, 22 马山 MaShan
Jonathan Siegrist
Sat 14th Dec 2019
#FA Unique tension crux to some beautifully simple crimp moves up high. Such an awesome route! Left finish to Nahan.

8c+ Easy Greed Sport 30m, 10 Ton Sai
Mon 3rd Jan 2022
First Thai Ascent... 😃

5.14c Hard 红点饭 Red Point Dinner Sport 40m, 19 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega Classic
ola przybysz
Wed 11th Dec 2019
Weeks of hard work. Definitely my hardest sent so far. Long. Lower part 12c has a full rest on the tufa before entering another 25m of very sustain climbing on mostly very small and sharp holds. Crux is a dynamic move from smallest crimp possible and supper high left foot.

8c+ Greed Sport 30m, 10 Ton Sai Mega Classic
Thu 7th Jan 2010
almost a month of work over 4 years. Finally!

5.14c Spicy Noodle Sport 38m, 14 阳朔 Yangshuo
Chris Sharma

5.14c 5.14b/c Logical Progression Sport 8 Jo-yama
Josune Bereziartu
Mon 22nd Nov 2004
8c Corazón de Ensueño - with Chris Sharma Sport 240m 安顺市
Dani Andrada
Oct 2011

Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

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