
Ascensões em Australia como Hang dog

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
14 ~15 That Boy Needs Therapy. Sport 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point Very Good
Sat 21st Oct 2023
After climbing the route at lightbox 32 (the same difficulty), I felt this route should not be tagged at only 14, the middle part is the crux. Maybe will try it again.

18 Trixster Sport 18m, 7 Pages Pinnacle Crap
Sat 3rd Jun 2023
Totally not 18

19 The Bolting Gestapo Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point
Sat 21st Oct 2023
18 Hard Old Salt - with 王佳希 Sport 18m Blue Mountains Good
Sat 20th Jan 2024
17 ~18 Mainly Fine - with 王佳希 Sport 16m Blue Mountains Very Good
Sat 20th Jan 2024

21 Easy Plastic Erection - with 王佳希 Sport 18m Fruehauf
Thu 1st Feb 2024
25 Suck Ethics — 2 attempts - with 王佳希 Sport 15m, 6 Fruehauf Mega Classic
Thu 1st Feb 2024

22 General Benefit - with 王佳希 Sport 15m, 4 Fruehauf
Thu 1st Feb 2024
22 Too Tall Oxen - with 王佳希 Sport 32m The Paradiso Classic
Tue 6th Feb 2024
下午太阳大,穿衣太厚,最后一把力竭,没有onsight orz

21 Shock Wave - with 王佳希 Sport 13m, 5 The Paradiso
Wed 7th Feb 2024
17 Hang On - with Ben Mace Sport 15m, 6 Nowra Good
анжела анчугова
Sat 30th Nov 2019
17 Soccer Mum - with Josh, Celia, Brett Sport 13m, 5 Alfords Point
анжела анчугова
Mon 6th Jan 2020
18 Roger the Boa Constrictor - with Dan BT, Tom, Tahni Sport 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Good
анжела анчугова
Sun 28th Jun 2020
18 Roger the Hippo - with Mitchell, Dan BT, Ab Sport 22m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good
анжела анчугова
Sun 28th Jun 2020
27 Event Horizon Sport 22m, 10 Blue Mountains
Zuzana Zbrankova
Sat 20th Jun 2020
28 Evil E Sport 20m Nowra
Zuzana Zbrankova
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
30 Mr Meaner Sport 22m Blue Mountains
Zuzana Zbrankova
Sat 5th Sep 2020
27 Stinky Cheese Sport 25m Nowra
Zuzana Zbrankova
Wed 16th Sep 2020
28 Ain't No Sunshine when he's Gone Sport 15m Nowra Classic
Zuzana Zbrankova
Sat 27th Nov 2021
28 Cougars Sport 15m, 10 The Woolwash
Zuzana Zbrankova
Mon 23rd May 2022
23 Pocket Shot Sport 16m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Zsofia Nichols
Sun 28th Apr 2024
18 Straws in the Wind Sport 8m Woodford Island
Mon 1st Apr 2024
22 The Next Doctor Pitch 1 Sport 35m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 14th Aug 2010
Beautiful climbing in the morning sun, and the lee of the wind. Great line with some thought provoking moves through the central crux. Might even come back for the red point?

25 Dr Stein Sport 18m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 28th Aug 2010
Finally managed to pull all the moves...after Big Ed put the draws on for me! I reakon this is about 2 months away from the clean tick. Pretty stoked to get the dog!

23 Bubble Guts Sport 15m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 29th Aug 2010
Two shots on this bad boy, the crux undercling at the 3rd bolt is invigorating! With only a single rest at the crux; I'll be coming back for the clean tick!

21 3D Wimp Out Sport 15m, 4 Berowra Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 30th Apr 2006
Very scary second clip...wear a brain bucket...campus through the roof

24 Wages Of Fear Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 27th May 2007
Fell at the last bolt...oh this will go soon...Mwahahaha...The hand seems to be coping really well, even in the vicious finger locks required!

24 Goosebumps Sport 10m, 4 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 3rd Feb 2007
Great route, worked all the moves out, just need to string it together. Shouldn't take too long.

23 Wedding Bell Blues Sport 12m Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 10th Dec 2006
After several shots on Creep Show, this was a welcome relief. 4 great foot techniques required, which rarely see the light of day, and even more infrequently together. Awesome route...will get it on point soon.

21 SF Sport 12m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Mon 13th Feb 2006
21 22 Trickles Sport 10m, 4 Narrabeen Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 9th Jul 2006
Really nice moves through crimps to slopey side pulls to high crimp...I'll get it next shot!

24 23 Cosmic Psycho Sport 25m, 6 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Very Good
Zorba Parer
Mon 24th Sep 2007
Nice cruisy moves to the slopers at the end...v'nice line.

21 The Most Monstrous Monster Sport 13m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan Average
Zorba Parer
Sun 10th Jun 2007
Don't know why this one spat me off...oh well good warmup for next time.

22 Ladder of Death Sport 10m, 5 Berowra Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Jul 2006
23 Acceptably Cosmic Sport 10m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 16th Apr 2006
22 Never Ask the Moon Sport 25m, 8 Flinders Peak (limited access) Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Mar 2008
Monster Hike upto Mt Flinders Secret Cave. About 2 hours along a ridge. The cave is very impressive, with many steeeeep juggy and not so juggy lines...interesting rock...

20 The William Tell Thing Sport 14m, 6 Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Wed 7th Jan 2009
Sustained fun route; worth the trip to the crag, get on it!

24 Pallets of Pies Sport 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 18th Feb 2007
Awesome route, perhaps a little soft for the grade...not that I could tick it! It will definitely go next time...

24 Wages of Fear Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 25th May 2007
Nice pockets for finger locks...bit strenuous on my still broken hand (excuse #1)...will get it in a few more days (rationalisation #1)...all round, a nice piece of climbing (acceptance)...

21 Diana Ross Sport 15m Blue Mountains
Zorba Parer
Mon 17th Apr 2006
22 These People are Sandwiches Sport 15m Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Fri 7th Jul 2006
Will definitely go back for this one...awesome route, hard first move through the roof.

23 24 No U-Turn Sport 20m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 7th Jul 2006
Hard first sequence to sustained hardish. It made a meal out of me, but I went back for more...

19 Spook Eyes (Direct) Sport 8m Blue Mountains
Zorba Parer
Sat 6th May 2006
23 Rudolf the Bloody Reindeer Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 5th Feb 2006
22 SWALK Sport 25m Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Tue 25th Mar 2008
Really nice, should have had the onsight but am weak....

24 Howler Sport 16m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 17th Jun 2007
Awesome route. Highpoint at the fourth bolt, one take to the top. Have the sequences nailed, just need to string them together. More endurance required.

23 Monkey Magic Sport 10m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 24th Jun 2007
Fantastic, technical, full body crimp fest.

21 Mr Pink Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 22nd Jul 2006
Shot number two

24 Junket Pumper Sport 15m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Mon 23rd Apr 2007
Finally stiched the final sequence at the top.

23 Scheme of Things Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 16th Jul 2006
Felt like it was going to go on the third try...but oh well, it should go next time i'm down that way...

21 20 Pilot Error Mixed trad 12m, 1 Arapiles Classic
Zorba Parer
Tue 9th Jan 2007
First climb at Arapiles. Awesome, love the bolt, but so pumped after stitching three cams in the start! I am such a crap trad climber! Took at the bolt to get the confidence up, then pulled the top easily. Will clean this on the next Arapiles trip.

21 Cowboy Clip Sport 10m Blue Mountains
Zorba Parer
Mon 17th Apr 2006
20 20 R Kidney Stoned Sport 18m Victoria Range Very Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 12th Jan 2007
Fantastic route, very scary traverse, had me afraid like the traverse pitch of Hotel California. Great pumpy route, and very considerate of the hardmen to put in an easy one for us lowly hacks.

23 Cryogenics Sport 25m Blue Mountains Classic
Zorba Parer
Tue 25th Mar 2008
Awesome...will have to come back to clean this one up...thanks to Mr Betts for the recommendation!

20 Egotistical Pinapple Trad 14m Frog Buttress Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 8th Jul 2007
Far out, what a warmup...beefy...

21 22 Hotel California Sport 330m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 29th Oct 2006
Great adventure route, loved the headwall from the traverse on, fantastic holds. Really hard first pitch...not 21, unless you pull on the draw at the crux...not that I would do that...

23 Walking Wounded Mixed trad 20m, 4 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 20th Aug 2006
Needs a retrobolt at the bottom...if you wanna free solo, may as well leave the rack and rope at home....otherwise...great route.

18 Mental Fatigue Sport 13m Berowra Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Jul 2006
20 Satanic Nuns Sport 15m Blue Mountains
Zorba Parer
Sun 19th Mar 2006
21 22 Lady Grinning Soul Sport 25m, 7 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Thu 21st Dec 2006
Awesome move at the crux, great little route.

21 Truly Madly Deeply Steeply Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 5th Feb 2006
21 Idiot Wind Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Good
Zorba Parer
Wed 27th Jun 2007
Nice root, should have got the onsight...lack of commitment...fucking KP...messing with my head game...

21 Girly Germs Sport 15m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 16th Apr 2006
23 Sisters of Mercy Sport 25m, 4 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 23rd Sep 2007
Fun fun fun...Grampian jugs, forever...Pumpy.

23 Tripitaka Sport 14m Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 10th Jun 2007
Pumped out at the jug on top...dicked around too much with the sequence just below. Freaking awesome route...full of crimping fun for every one, heaps of balance and style required...makes it hard for a pump monger like me...really sweet movement.

20 Ricochet Rabbit Trad 28m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 11th Aug 2006
Came off at the top crux...hard and very scary route. Managed all the moves in the end, but requires a decent amount of head space.

20 Strange Karma Sport 15m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 16th Apr 2006
23 The Floating Cloud Sport 15m, 5 Victoria Range Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 12th Jan 2007
Hard start for the short assess of the world. Managed to jump to the sloping pinch, what a bastardo. The third bolt is somewhat scary too. This will definitely go next time around. Easy for the grade.

22 The Tyrants Grasp Sport 18m, 7 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 22nd Sep 2007
What the grampians is all about, positive holds, slight pump...nice.

23 Creep Show Sport 18m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 19th Nov 2006
Great little route, took about 5 shots on it...almost about to tick it. First time at Logan Brae, pretty cool spot. A lot like Boronia.

19 Something About Sandy Sport 13m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 3rd Jun 2007
Nice warmup. Missed the onsight...but oh well...testing out the new La Sportiva...so much pain...

23 Off the Lip Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Thu 30th Nov 2006
Really nice moves from the roof through to the anchors.

23 22 Kaboodle (Kaboobi) Sport 10m Earlwood Very Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 19th Jan 2007
Great moves, hurt my tendon on the mono. Loved the horizontal dyno. Wierd start.

20 Eccles Sport 12m, 2 Berowra Average
Zorba Parer
Sun 30th Apr 2006
Crimpy...frigin...grumble, pain...short boulder crimp slut

23 Gangbang Wall Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Average
Zorba Parer
Wed 27th Jun 2007
Another mind fucking foot working crimp fest....need to try it during the daylight hours...

20 Luv Handles Sport 12m, 5 Berowra Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Jul 2006
19 Ladder of Gloom Sport 12m, 4 Berowra Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 30th Apr 2006
Ugly head game on the bottom traverse

19 Ancient Mariner Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains
Zorba Parer
Mon 17th Apr 2006
21 Pink Berets Sport 15m, 4 Kangaroo Point Good
Zorba Parer
Tue 29th May 2007
Hardish move...needed the beta...plus the dark makes it hard to see...scary top out on chalky stuff

23 Lyptus Sport 23m, 8 Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 11th Mar 2007
Awesome route...almost got the tick twice...high point at the 7th bolt...excellent route...fair grade...sustained as a mofo...

21 Septic Penguins Sport 12m, 5 Narrabeen Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Apr 2006
Definite project, excellent pump fest!

20 Hark! The .. Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Fri 3rd Feb 2006
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Frog Buttress Classic
Zorba Parer
Sun 15th Jul 2007
Awesome route...defintely one for the tick list...will be back for this next week...

23 Scones of Doom Sport 15m, 4 Berowra Very Good
Zorba Parer
Mon 2nd Oct 2006
Almost got the onsite!!! Probably a 22, but I'll take a 23! Nice bouldery style problem.

19 20 IGMC Sport 12m Berowra Crap
Zorba Parer
Sun 3rd Sep 2006
21 Looks Poxable Sport 15m, 5 Berowra Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 1st Jul 2006
21 Mean Streak Mixed trad 50m, 10 Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 11th Jan 2009
First pitch is scary; a wee bit gnarly, nice though poorly bolted. Top pitch is fantastic, although again needs fresh bolts.

23 Squealer Sport 21m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sun 3rd Jun 2007
Another awesome route on slider upper...highly recommendable pump fest.

22 24 Chip A Holloway (Chip-a-Holdaway) Sport 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Average
Zorba Parer
Wed 27th Jun 2007
Have dogged this a few times...still cant get the tick...has me totally head fucked at the crux.

23 Weaveworld Sport 25m Victoria Range Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 29th Sep 2007
Great ending to this classic, the overhanging arete with max exposure esta beuno!

23 Cucumber Castle Sport 18m, 4 Kangaroo Point Good
Zorba Parer
Thu 30th Aug 2007
Not pretty...but I did pull all the moves...shouldnt take too long...but I thought that about fucking CH too...

17 Harpo Sport 20m Blue Mountains Good
Zorba Parer
Mon 13th Feb 2006
24 Sting Like a Bee Sport 19m, 6 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 22nd Sep 2007
Hard moves, nice line.

26 26 R The Invisible Fist (of Professor Hiddich Smiddich) (+ Southern Delight) (The Invisible Fist (of Professor Hiddich Smiddich)) Sport 26m, 7 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classic
Zorba Parer
Mon 24th Sep 2007
Fucking awesome introduction to Taipan! Giles is right! Crux is clipping the third bolt...WOW!

24 Work Injury (Work Place Injuries) Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 10th Mar 2007
Smashed my fuckin shins...high point at the 5th bolt...pulled all the moves. Felt like it was close to going. Ian says this route was put up by Damian...not sure of other details.

19 Gun Barrel Highway Sport 25m, 10 Nowra Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 24th Jun 2006
25 24 Body Count Sport 25m, 7 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Classic
Zorba Parer
Mon 24th Sep 2007
Layback forever, and then pull through the awkward kneebars...fantastic and painful...pretty stoked to get through the crux on this bitch, even without the clean tick...another open Gramps project...oh well will just have to come back.

20 Luv Handles Sport 12m, 5 Berowra Classic
Zorba Parer
Sat 16th Sep 2006
Fantastis heel hooking on death blocks...terrafying fun.

20 Birdsville Track Sport 23m, 9 Nowra Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 24th Jun 2006
23 Split Wave Sport 20m Blue Mountains Very Good
Zorba Parer
Sat 10th Feb 2007
Hard...have been meaning to get on this for a while...no rest...pumpy...fun


Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

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