
Ascensões em Northern Beaches como Working

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 436 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
24 Wake Up Time To Fly Sport 18m
Angus Liddell
Sun 19th May 2024 - Black Cave
V4 Dead Calm - with Onetoehookatatime Boulder 3m Good
I blame the hormones.

Tue 16th Apr 2024 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V10 Bad Medicine - with Harmon Kassulke Boulder 3m
Thomas Jones
Thu 7th Mar 2024 - Valley Lines
Font Blocs
V3 $kullz Boulder Good
Feels impossible, maybe a hold broke.

Wed 21st Feb 2024 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
23 Caveman - with margot Sport 22m, 10
Daniel G
Fri 9th Feb 2024 - Valley Lines
Far Side
V4 Round the Twist — 2 attempts Boulder
Tue 6th Feb 2024 - Valley Lines
Font Blocs
V3 $kullz — 2 attempts Boulder Good
Where the holds

Fri 2nd Feb 2024 - Valley Lines
The Starter Second Tier
V3 Hugger — 7 attempts Boulder
Mon 29th Jan 2024 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V3 Grin Reaper — 6 attempts Boulder 5m Very Good
Top scary

Sat 6th Jan 2024 - Narrabeen
Nashville Hillbilly Face
V2 Paper Roses — 2 attempts Boulder
Hard without chalk

V1 Laidback Lady — 3 attempts Boulder Good
Hands too sore with send next go

Sat 6th Jan 2024 - Narrabeen
Nashville The Jukebox
V4 Poopa Scoopa — 6 attempts Boulder 4m Good
Just need to do top move but it’s super dirty

Wed 27th Dec 2023 - The Den
V5 Risk Management — 4 attempts Boulder 2m Good
All right holds covered in spiders.

V6 Kyle's Rule — 6 attempts Boulder 4m Good
Just gotta commit to the undercling.

Fri 22nd Dec 2023 - Narrabeen
Nashville Hillbilly Face
V1 Okie From Muskogee — 4 attempts Boulder Good
Sun 17th Dec 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius — 3 attempts Boulder 7m Classic
Sean Goh
Sun 10th Dec 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V1 Slab Left Boulder 5m
Kept not trusting the feet and bailing up the right hand side

V1 Slab Cube (Middle) Boulder 3m
Couldn’t get the sit start

V1 Slab Cube (Right) Boulder 3m
Couldn’t get the sit start

Thu 16th Nov 2023 - Narrabeen
Nashville The Rodeo
V2 Carlene — 2 attempts Boulder
V2 Blues Man — 2 attempts Boulder
Where are the holds?

V3 Jelly Roll — 2 attempts Boulder
Where are the holds

Thu 16th Nov 2023 - Narrabeen
Nashville The Jukebox
V4 Poopa Scoopa — 5 attempts Boulder 4m Good
Done every move just need to clean top

Sun 29th Oct 2023 - Elanora Heights
Heist Wall
20 Straight For The Safe — 2 attempts - with Jeremy Sport 12m, 7 Good
Aaron Dunford
Could not get up over the shelf. Next time…

17 Room With A View — 2 attempts - with Jeremy Sport 10m, 7 Very Good
Aaron Dunford
Just learning the ropes. My first lead with my son on belay.

Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - Palm Beach Boulders
V0 to V1 The Flake Boulder 4m
Lachlan Power
Sat 21st Oct 2023 - Elanora Heights
Outer Wall
25 Habanero - with pip riddell Sport 17m, 7 Very Good
Lily Watkins
Fri 20th Oct 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V1 Fishface Boulder 4m
Lachlan Power
V1 Arête a go go Boulder 3m
Lachlan Power
Sun 15th Oct 2023 - Narrabeen
The Academy Bump Block
V6 Base Camp - with Ace Villapando, Barney Boulder 3m Very Good
Marco Oshiro
Probably too tired and no skin - it was possible up to the third attempt but then every attempt after was quite taxing.

Managed to do all the moves including top - should be able to go for the full link next visit.

Sun 8th Oct 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge - with Delia Boulder
Alexander Lopes
Sun 1st Oct 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m Classic
Working the moves

V10 The Plunge Boulder Classic
Working the moves. Coming here after a day of doing a multi was a terrible idea

Tue 26th Sep 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge - with Ace Villapando, James McMaster Boulder
Marco Oshiro
First sesh felt pretty good. Cam goes in isolation but getting it from the start is hard. More work needed on the cut move as well. Excited!

Sun 24th Sep 2023 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V2 Shinedown Boulder 3m
Lachlan Power
V3 Main Line Boulder 3m
Lachlan Power
Wed 13th Sep 2023 - Black Cave
V7 Cruel Sea — 3 attempts - with Den Boulder 8m Classic
Bruno Martins
Totally underestimated it 🤣🤣 It was my goal for the day, but the transition where it goes from Aquarius to left hand side is brutal, will come back for it.

V5 Right To Left — 5 attempts - with Den Boulder 6m
Bruno Martins
Made some good progress, but it was towards the end of the session and sun was hitting pretty hard as well. Will comeback for this one.

V10 The Plunge - with Den Boulder Classic
Bruno Martins
It felt pretty cool working a few moves on this climb with Den It'll be interesting to come back every few months and check progress. Awesome problem.

V6 Aquarius - with Bruno Martins Boulder 7m Classic
I had no chance today

V10 The Plunge - with Bruno Martins Boulder Classic
The first half is tough but then it gets tougher haha

Sat 9th Sep 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge Boulder Classic
Michael Velsigne
Rough, holding the tension before the launch for the jug rail is definitely a work in progress. I feel like this could go in just a few short sessions if I keep my feet off the ground.

Sun 3rd Sep 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m
Lachlan Power
Sat 2nd Sep 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m Mega Classic
Fri 18th Aug 2023 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V10 Bad Medicine Boulder 3m
Cody waldon
All but the last 2 moves.

Sun 13th Aug 2023 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V10 Bad Medicine Boulder 3m
Cody waldon
Made a few moves hopefully make a few more on the next session.

Sat 12th Aug 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V5 Gecko Flex — 6 attempts Boulder Very Good
Fri 4th Aug 2023 - Cromer Heights
The Block
V3 Glint Boulder 5m
Lachlan Power
Fri 4th Aug 2023 - Cromer Heights
V4 Re-birth Boulder 6m
Lachlan Power
So sick line just need the link up

Tue 1st Aug 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V8 Night Crawler — 6 attempts - with Marco Oshiro Boulder 6m Classic
Jasmine Johnson
Made all the moves, just need to make some links!

Sun 30th Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
23 Tilt — 3 attempts - with Rob Presly Sport 15m Classic
Sat 29th Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
Roof Project Sport 18m
Michael Velsigne
This one is rough. I feel like 24/25 is optimistic considering the difficulty of each move. Gonna have to train harder to see this one on the FA list.

Tue 25th Jul 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius - with Marco Oshiro, Ace Villapando Boulder 7m
Wed 19th Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
19 Areeba Sport 7m
xav smith
Sat 15th Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V5 Gecko Flex — 8 attempts Boulder Very Good
Sat 8th Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V5 Gecko Flex — 6 attempts Boulder Very Good
One move off

Sat 1st Jul 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V5 Gecko Flex — 5 attempts Boulder Very Good
Sun 18th Jun 2023 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
21 Septic Penguins - with Rasto Sport 12m, 5
Tue 6th Jun 2023 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
26 Wake Up, Time to Fly (Direct) — 4 attempts - with Harley Sport 18m, 9 Very Good
Dan Brown
Feeling doable.

Sun 28th May 2023 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
24 Wake Up Time To Fly Sport 18m Classic
Lach F
Sat 20th May 2023 - Palm Beach Boulders
V8 I Just Wanna Go Swimming! — 4 attempts Boulder Good
Seb D
Sun 14th May 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V1 Slab Cube (Middle) Boulder 3m
Wed 10th May 2023 - Narrabeen
The Academy The 45
V3 Main Line — 7 attempts Boulder 3m Very Good
Sat 6th May 2023 - Whale Blocks
V2 Shell (right) — 3 attempts Boulder 3m Good

V3 Whale Ear Boulder 2m Good
Wed 3rd May 2023 - The Saddle Club
The Three Musketeers
V4 Troublemaker Boulder Classic
Lach F
Hard but so good

Mon 1st May 2023 - The Saddle Club
West Wall
V3 Cavemen Boulder 3m Very Good
Lach F
Couldnt get the shoulder move

Sat 29th Apr 2023 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
23 Caveman - with Ian Bacon Sport 22m, 10 Classic
Matthew Ritchie
Tue 25th Apr 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge Boulder
Dylan Hill
Heel toe cam pretty hard with clown feet, might have to commit to terrifying dyno. All other moves pretty chill

V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m
Dylan Hill
Pretty cool, felt stiff or I'm bad. Eats skin.

Wed 19th Apr 2023 - The Saddle Club
The Three Musketeers
V4 Troublemaker — 6 attempts Boulder Very Good
Classic, too hot today.

Sun 16th Apr 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V3 ~V4 Spearing — 4 attempts Boulder 4m Average
Seb D
Wed 12th Apr 2023 - The Saddle Club
West Wall
V3 Cavemen — 3 attempts Boulder 3m Very Good
Fitness got me. Too tired.

Sun 9th Apr 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V5 Smells Fishy — 3 attempts Boulder 4m Average
Feels impossible.

Sat 8th Apr 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V3 Spearing Boulder 4m
Sat 1st Apr 2023 - Whale Blocks
V1 To Easy — 2 attempts Boulder Good
Fingers too sore at this point.

V3 Dab Not Boulder 3m
Don’t know how to start this.

V3 Whale Ear — 2 attempts Boulder 2m Good
Sun 26th Mar 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V3 Spearing Boulder 4m
Sat 25th Mar 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V3 Hard Heel Hole — 9 attempts Boulder 3m Good
Sun 19th Mar 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V3 Hard Heel Hole — 7 attempts Boulder 3m Good
Have no clue how too top this?

Fri 10th Mar 2023 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V8 Night Crawler — 6 attempts Boulder 6m Classic
Cody waldon
So close on the second go

Sat 25th Feb 2023 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius - with Hyakatan Boulder 7m
Owen Rodley
Good session. Got the first three moves or so, fairly solid.

Sat 11th Feb 2023 - Shelly Beach Headland
V2 Chilly flakes Boulder 5m
Chicken at topout

Thu 19th Jan 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge Boulder
couple of goes, almost stuck the heel today

Tue 17th Jan 2023 - Black Cave
V10 The Plunge Boulder
Mon 2nd Jan 2023 - Black Cave
V5 Right to Left to Topout Boulder 6m
Dasha Sto
Mon 19th Dec 2022 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius — 9 attempts Boulder 7m
Marco Oshiro
I feel it coming

Fri 16th Dec 2022 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m Classic
Jasmine Johnson
Got about 70% of this in my first session. Conditions were great and so was my crew! Keen to give this another go soon.

Fri 16th Dec 2022 - Narrabeen
Deep Creek
V8 Night Crawler - with Noah Soderlund Boulder 6m
Keita Richardson
The first section is a bit cramped and dabby but one of the nicest spots and nicest views of any sydney boulder

Tue 13th Dec 2022 - The Den
V10 Fight Club Boulder
Phillip Booth
Sun 4th Dec 2022 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m Classic
Michael Thorley
Managed to most of the moves. I'll be back. A classic for sure.

Fri 2nd Dec 2022 - Black Cave
V6 Aquarius Boulder 7m Very Good
Jess Roach
Worked it all out and can almost link it all up but struggling on the cut

Sat 17th Sep 2022 - Elanora Heights
Main Wall
23 Caveman - with Malcolm Watson Sport 22m, 10 Classic
Tried in many forms, and found the beta for crux from 3rd to 4th bolt, which uses high right heel above 4th bolt then clip and go for right hand flake.

Mon 15th Aug 2022 - Narrabeen
18 Lunatic - with Will Donald Sport 19m, 5 Good
Kristof Donald
Sat 6th Aug 2022 - Black Cave
V12 V12/13 Deep Blue Sea Boulder
Ben Aves
Rad! All moves done except crux, need to come back with more focus next time.

Sat 16th Jul 2022 - Palm Beach Boulders
V3 The Overhang Traverse Boulder 6m
i like the technicality of the climb; it has heel hooks, knee bars, etc. but i need to work on my endurance

V1 16 Boulder 4m
didn't trust my feet after reaching the right crack

Fri 24th Jun 2022 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
23 Tilt Sport 15m
Patrick Sparks
One last TR solo session, will try to send it soon.

Wed 22nd Jun 2022 - Narrabeen
Wakehurst Parkway Steep Side
23 Tilt - with Christian Fane Sport 15m
Patrick Sparks
Working on toprope to relearn an old project, trying some new beta.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 436 ascensões.

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