
Ascensões em South East como Pink point

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
32 Whistling Kite Mixed trad 30m, 3 Frog Buttress Classic
Duncan Steel †
Wed 8th Aug 2007
So Happy

32 Bite The Hand That Feeds Sport 23m, 10 Mt Coolum Classic
Matt Schimke
Sun 19th Oct 2014
Woohoo! Second ascent, and for sure my hardest climb ever. 20 shots this year, after trying it for a LONG time 4 years ago and giving up. It was great to make a come back on this climb. Did the start nicely, rested well before the scoop, aced the scoop, rested badly and got pumped on the slab and tried really hard to not fall off for the rest. Was kinda close to falling off getting the knee bar clipping anchor in, which would have been heartbreaking. Thanks to Susy, JJ, Nick, Alex, and Lee.

32 ~31 Whistling Kite - with Sammi, Erik Smits Mixed trad 30m, 3 Frog Buttress Classic
Lee Cujes
Wed 19th Jul 2023
So, so happy to come full circle this particular journey that has so much meaning because of Duncan and his role in my climbing and life. 10 days, but split by 17 years. So crazy. In this instance, the grade of the route has no meaning to me. But with few repeats it's probably important to at least contribute an opinion. Two of the seven previous ascentionists have suggested 31 for a pre-placed gear ascent. I'm happy enough to agree with that, noting that when this route is led placing the gear, which I see happening soon, I feel 32 is deserved. [19]

32 ~31 Whistling Kite - with blake Mixed trad 30m, 3 Frog Buttress Classic
Dan Cox
Sat 12th Aug 2023
Learnt a lot, this rig is epic. Classy, technical sustained face climbing. Thanks to everyone who supported me!

31 Esoteric Agenda Sport 19m, 9 Mt Coolum Mega Classic
Ryan Holmes
Sun 27th Jun 2021
Awesome! Probably the favourite for the trip. Lots of cool compression and it stays interesting all the way to the top. 5th shot.

31 Esoteric Agenda - with Brad Sport 19m, 9 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 16th Jul 2022
What an amazing line. Some of the best movement and sequences I’ve done. I’m sure this will forever be an all time favourite. Happy to get this done. I found it easier than Gladiator, but it is much more my style.

30 Esoteric Agenda - with Johnny Sullivan, Lia Sullivan Sport 19m, 9 Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Wed 22nd Feb 2023
31 UFO - with Kat🏔, Jack Brown, Kallin Willis, Munya Johnstone, Anthony Bristow Sport 14m, 7 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 9th Dec 2023
And it’s done!! Was battling conditions to get this one before leaving. Beauty of a climb, power endurance at its finest.

31 Space Jam - with Kat🏔, Jack Brown, Kallin Willis, Munya Johnstone, Anthony Bristow Sport 16m, 9 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 9th Dec 2023
31 Esoteric Agenda - with Munya Johnstone Sport 19m, 9 Mt Coolum Mega Classic
Jack Brown
Sun 4th Feb 2024
30 Evil Wears No Pants Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum Classic
Matt Schimke
Sun 19th Sep 2010
Awesome. Finally came together nicely. Didnt expect it. (26)

30 Evil Wears No Pants Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum Classic
Corey Batten
Sat 6th Dec 2014
30 Evil Wears No Pants Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum Classic
Ryan Holmes
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Epic! Not sure how I managed to get up this second go given the flailfest on the first try where I didn't even make it to the anchor.

30 Gladiator Sport 17m, 10 Mt Coolum Classic
Ryan Holmes
Mon 28th Jun 2021
Nice. Less steep than most other routes here - I enjoyed the "slab" particularly. Felt harder than Evil but I'm sure I had less than optimum beta. 6 tie-ins.

30 Channing Potatum Sport 20m Flinders Peak (limited access) Very Good
Andy Brown
Sun 19th Dec 2021
30 Dr Potato Sport 25m Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
Andy Brown
Mon 3rd Jan 2022
30 Gladiator Sport 17m, 10 Mt Coolum Classic
Andy Brown
Sun 23rd Jan 2022
10th shot

30 Gladiator - with Jack Brown Sport 17m, 10 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 29th Jan 2022
Super happy this is done!! Amazing conditions and a good crew helped.

30 Gladiator - with Anthony Lidbetter Sport 17m, 10 Mt Coolum Classic
Jack Brown
Mon 11th Jul 2022
Great line and the moves a so rad really enjoyed this one a lot!

30 Hidden Agenda Sport 24m, 13 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Tue 8th Nov 2022
What a cool line! So many fun moves. Extended first 2 of Evil Knievel and the first draw you encounter as you cross into Esoteric

30 Channing Potatum Sport 20m Flinders Peak (limited access)
Jack Brown
Wed 21st Dec 2022
30 Evil Wears No Pants - with Munya Johnstone, Jack Brown Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 30th Jul 2023
What a beautiful line. Super happy to get this with a great crew at the cave. And it’s good getting it done without the use of the old cairn. King line of the cave for sure!

30 Evil Wears No Pants - with Anthony Lidbetter Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Wed 9th Aug 2023
30 Evil Wears No Pants Sport 20m, 11 Mt Coolum Mega Classic
Jack Brown
Sun 24th Sep 2023
30 Hidden Agenda - with Anthony Lidbetter Sport 24m, 13 Mt Coolum Very Good
Jack Brown
Sun 10th Dec 2023
With my bestest bud on belay wouldn’t have it any other way! Shall savour this one in my mind!

30 Gladiator — 2 attempts - with Anthony Bristow, Jack Brown, Oscar Bassi Sport 17m, 10 Mt Coolum Mega Classic
Kallin Willis
Sat 10th Feb 2024
An absolutely amazing route! I'd climb this again just because of how incredibly fun the movement is. Never found these kinds of moves on rock before. It definitely taught me alot. Thank you to everyone for the belays, beta and support

29 How Are Your Calluses Today? Sport 20m Frog Buttress Very Good
peta barrett
Sun 23rd Sep 2007
finally! the conditions were good, i'm finally over that flu, i had no excuses left! Scott belayed me so i was feeling good! Adam says..'you wont get it first time so i wont get the camera out..." famous last words!!!

29 The Beast from the East Sport 15m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Lee Cujes
Sat 18th Oct 2008
End of day, no pressure. No rest in cave this time.

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum
Lee Cujes
Sat 23rd Jan 2010
another clean lap. nice. started working on the extension.

29 Space Oddity Sport 15m, 9 Mt Coolum Very Good
Lee Cujes
Sat 20th Feb 2010
Battled it out, but ticked. Kneebars galore. [3]

29 True North (True North (aka GA DS)) Sport 15m, 10 Mt Coolum
Lee Cujes
Mon 1st Mar 2010
Bouldery, tensiony start. Unexpected, tired ascent. [7]

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Classic
Sun 29th Mar 2009
Everything went well, thanks to everyone who got involved along the way. w/MattE

29 The Beast from the East Sport 15m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Lee Cujes
Sat 18th Oct 2008
End of day, no pressure. No rest in cave this time....

29 How Are Your Calluses Today? Sport 20m Frog Buttress Good
Lee Cujes
Sat 3rd Jun 2006
No one expected this, least of all me. Third shot! Absolutely stoked! [1/3]

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Very Good
Lee Cujes
Sun 27th Apr 2008
Photo lap that went clean.

29 The Beast from the East Sport 15m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Lee Cujes
Tue 7th Oct 2008
Tibro says: "COWER BEFORE ME MORTALS!" Second ascent. [9]

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Very Good
Lee Cujes
Sun 27th Apr 2008
Lights camera action. 3rd (& 4th!) ascent. [6]

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Classic
Matt Schimke
Tue 18th May 2010
Awesome. Got it. 7 shots over a year ago, 6 shots this week (13).

29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum Very Good
Matt Schimke
Sat 29th Jan 2011
Very nice route. Second ascent. Quite a toughie

29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum Good
Lee Cujes
Sat 10th Sep 2011
Strange route which feels easy bolt to bolt, but becomes a beast to link. Last climb before Kaly 2011 [12]

29 Prime Evil Sport 25m Mt Coolum Very Good
Matt Schimke
Tue 20th Mar 2012
Cool as. Second ascent. (9).

29 Prime Evil - with JJ Sport 25m Mt Coolum Good
Lee Cujes
Sat 24th Nov 2012
Another route trying to muscle in on Evil's popularity. Interesting, but not sustained. [4]

29 Semtex - with Carrie Doyle Sport 7 Mt Ninderry Very Good
Matt Schimke
Fri 27th May 2016
Woohoo! Hardest route outside of Coolum. I got some beta to try different kneepads, so did just that and it made all the difference for that shitty knee scum at the crux. Climbed the route direct as Lee did, and glad I did. Just like a lot of the harder routes at Ninderry, they can be a bit contrived so no classic from me. Probably low end 29, but how would I know considering its my first 29 face climb? (9)

30 29 Desperado - with Steve Cooper Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
Tom Reid
Sat 1st Oct 2016
Well..ain't that a great feeling! I usually dog it once to get in the groove a bit.. today I just decided to have a go straight up. Next thing I know, I'm in the air after tickling the last hold! mixed emotions.. wondered if I'd even be able to get up there again the same day. I waiting a bit over an hour, tied in, and set off- latching the crux with only the back 3, kept going, til I was staring down the barrel again.. stabbed blindly over the lip for the slot, one finger missed out again but I was still on! Torquing the heel toe like a bottle opener, I didn't dare try adjust my grip.. "just clip the fucking rope" I thought. And I did. Now it's time for a big ass burger.

30 29 A Space Odyssey - with Todd Herriott Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Very Good
Tom Reid
Sun 6th Nov 2016
First shot fumble at the crux clip and came off 2 moves later.. second go nailed every move, and though I was tired I squeezed like a bastard til I arrived at the jugs with a dry mouth and stars in my eyes... kneebar til my leg was numb then pumped it to the chain. Epic, brutal power climbing up this original king line.

29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Classic
Bo Palmer
Fri 11th Nov 2016
Very cool and way outta my comfort zone.

29 How Are Your Calluses Today? Sport 20m Frog Buttress
Alex Mougenot
Wed 20th Jun 2018
Cool! Was in a weirdly engaged-but-calm headspace this time; even though each move didn't feel secure and perfect I kept to the beta and did each move without much extraneous thought. Using imagery in the days between attempts helped heaps with this; Also, warming up on the Cliffboard. Learnt a lot on headgame, face-climbing, and projecting. (For reference as this isn't on theCrag yet: onsighted Time for Chai (26) same day, over an hr haha. Hardest send and onsight today!)

30 29 A Space Odyssey Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access)
Alex Mougenot
Thu 11th Oct 2018
Hell yeah! Stoked as. Really rad climb.

29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum
Sun 31st Mar 2019
Perfect conditions, 25° cool dry breeze. It felt under control the whole way. 154 shots, plus countless shots at the start moves. 29 at least #team_edelrid belay: Dan Gordon

29 Desperado Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mega Classic
Matt Langley
Sun 24th May 2020
Decided to hang on this time for a warm up send Complete with a few extra (very unnecessary) campus moves - including on the anchor holds! First 29, stoked.

29 Steve 'Epic' Turner Memorial Route Sport 25m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access)
Matt Langley
Sat 26th Sep 2020
First shot, flashed the extension but had done One Eyed last week. Traverse was spicy and a bit daunting, but top was sweet moves on not so great rock. Great line

29 Desperado Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mega Classic
Rick Helm
Sat 10th Oct 2020

29 Steve 'Epic' Turner Memorial Route - with Ryan Siacci Sport 25m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
David Jefferson
Wed 3rd Mar 2021
Second shot felt nearly flawless. Rested well midway, fired the crux, skipped the clip at the pocket, locked myself into the corner and relaxed. Managed to get it all back and climbed easily to the chains. First of the grade, and a great line.

30 29 A Space Odyssey - with Michael C, Jimmy Blackhall Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
David Jefferson
Wed 31st Mar 2021
You rippa! Sinking the kneebar at the top of the arête while redlining was euphoric. Ranks among the most satisfying climbing experiences I’ve ever had. The perfect culmination to a cracker of a season in the cave, and to my years living in SEQ.

30 29 A Space Odyssey Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
Andy Brown
Sat 10th Apr 2021
29 Iron Chef Sport 25m Mt Coolum Classic
Ryan Holmes
Mon 21st Jun 2021
Nice! Pumpy last section that I fell off a few times on the first day - needed the fitness training!

29 Prime Evil Sport 25m Mt Coolum Classic
Ryan Holmes
Thu 8th Jul 2021
Long with lots of cool sections. Second go. Upper pinch/sloper boulder felt hard in less than optimal conditions. I'm sure there's some knees up there that I didn't find that would make it easier.

29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum Classic
Ryan Holmes
Wed 7th Jul 2021
Very nice! 2nd go.

29 Zuri Bloom Sport 20m, 8 Mt Ninderry Classic
Ryan Holmes
Mon 5th Jul 2021
Awesome! Cool techie sequence moving left with long moves. I didn't clip the carrot. I moved left at the top, rather than using the matchbox hold - felt like 29 this way. 2nd go. Thanks for the suggestions, development and beta Cal!

29 Desperado Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mega Classic
Andy Brown
Sat 31st Jul 2021
29 A Kneebar Too Far - with Lucy Pople Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Mega Classic
John van Osta
Sun 5th Sep 2021
29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum
Umberto Schena
Fri 2nd Apr 2021
29 True North Sport 15m, 10 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Tue 26th Oct 2021
12 tie ins! Conditions were a little better today which definitely helped. Onto ‘True Metal’ now

29 True Metal - with , Andrew souris Sport 12m, 7 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 31st Oct 2021
Non stop bouldering. Happy to get it done.

29 Iron Chef - with Bob Brown Sport 25m Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 6th Feb 2022
What an amazing line. Has the fun bits of every climb and pumpy as heck.

29 A Kneebar Too Far - with Bob Brown Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Sat 19th Feb 2022
29 Iron Baby - with Jack Brown, Belledonna Brown Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum Very Good
Anthony Lidbetter
Thu 10th Mar 2022
Lovely conditions helped tick this off. Awesome climb, super sustained missing all the good kneebars of spoonman. Already keen to climb it again

29 Steve 'Epic' Turner Memorial Route - with Andy Brown, Anthony Lidbetter, Jimmy Blackhall Sport 25m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access) Very Good
Jack Brown
Thu 14th Apr 2022
29 Iron Baby - with KrystleJWright Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 23rd Apr 2022
29 Iron Baby Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 11th Jun 2022
29 A Kneebar Too Far - with Munya Johnstone, Anthony Lidbetter Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Sun 17th Jul 2022
30 29 Bring Back The Kneebar - with Munya Johnstone, Anthony Lidbetter Sport 16m, 8 Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Sun 17th Jul 2022
29 A Kneebar Too Far Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Classic
Andy Brown
Sat 12th Mar 2022
28 29 Steve 'Epic' Turner Memorial Route Sport 25m, 10 Flinders Peak (limited access) Very Good
Andy Brown
Sat 23rd Jul 2022
29 Space Oddity - with KrystleJWright Sport 15m, 9 Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Wed 3rd Aug 2022
29 Bring Back The Kneebar - with Yuval Azaria Sport 16m, 8 Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Fri 30th Sep 2022
29 Assistance is Futile - with Ben Dixon Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 2nd Oct 2022
What a banger. Awesome bouldery moves, lots of tension. Really enjoyed it.

29 Space Oddity - with Ben Dixon Sport 15m, 9 Mt Coolum Classic
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 15th Oct 2022

29 Desperado - with Belledonna Brown Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mega Classic
Jack Brown
Sat 5th Nov 2022
King line for sure such a great route and not a bad fight!

29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 6th Nov 2022
A classic for sure. Much nicer than Space Oddity

29 A Space Odyssey Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access)
Jack Brown
Sat 11th Feb 2023
29 ~32 A Space Odyssey Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Mega Classic
Matt Hillman
Sun 23rd Apr 2023
found this new beta that makes it 32, Jack Brown’s send gets an upgrade too

29 Desperado - with Kallin Willis Sport 30m, 12 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
Oscar Bassi
Sat 13th May 2023
Finally held the last throw! Felt so light today. 25 dogs and 4 half attempts before the send. 1st of the grade

29 A Space Odyssey - with Jack Brown, Oscar Bassi, Matt Hillman Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Classic
Kallin Willis
Sat 10th Jun 2023
29 A Gaze Blank and Pitiless as the Sun Sport 20m, 9 Mt Tibrogargan Classic
Jack Brown
Sat 22nd Jul 2023
29 Evil Empire - with Nate Sport 30m Mt Coolum Mega Classic
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 5th Aug 2023
This climb is mega. So many awesome moves, and just keeps getting pumpier. Amazing conditions today definitely helped. This will be an all time favourite for sure.

29 Prime Evil - with Munya Johnstone Sport 25m Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Tue 8th Aug 2023
Another great route. It’s nice playing on rock I haven’t been on at coolum. Lots of cool holds up there and a fun bouldery sequence. Shame it’s not a little more consistent.

29 Iron Baby - with Tommy J Hutchinson Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum
Simone Bosshard
Sun 13th Aug 2023
Super stoked to get the send on this. Such a nice but pumpy line.

29 Prime Evil - with KrystleJWright Sport 25m Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Thu 14th Sep 2023
29 Evel Knievel Sport 15m Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Sat 30th Sep 2023
29 Space Oddity Sport 15m, 9 Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Mon 2nd Oct 2023
29 Evel Knievel - with Anthony Lidbetter Sport 15m Mt Coolum
Munya Johnstone
Tue 17th Oct 2023
29 Prime Evil Sport 25m Mt Coolum Classic
Jack Brown
Sat 21st Oct 2023
29 True Assistance - with Kat🏔 Sport 15m Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Sat 28th Oct 2023
29 A Kneebar Too Far - with Kat🏔 Sport 12m, 6 Mt Coolum Classic
Anthony Lidbetter
Wed 1st Nov 2023
After hurting my shoulder on this a couple of years ago and therefore avoiding it. I’m super happy to get it done in only a few shots. Nemesis climb defeated!!

29 Bring Back The Kneebar - with Kat🏔 Sport 16m, 8 Mt Coolum
Anthony Lidbetter
Wed 1st Nov 2023
Adds some funky and unique moves to the end of kneebar! Fun

29 Iron Baby - with Jack Brown Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum Very Good
Anthony Lidbetter
Sun 12th Nov 2023
29 Iron Baby Sport 20m, 9 Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Sun 12th Nov 2023
29 Iron Chef Sport 25m Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Sat 18th Nov 2023
29 Emotional Attachment - with Kallin Willis, Munya Johnstone, Oscar Bassi, Aster Sport 15m, 6 Mt Coolum
Jack Brown
Mon 26th Feb 2024

Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 ascensões.

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