
Ascensões em Victoria como Flash or Top rope flash por Anthony Williams

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 134 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Data
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mount Beckworth The Main Group Edge Boulder
V3 V1 Edge Traverse - with Tanya Boulder Average Sat 22nd Sep 2018
V0 Edge of Glory - with Tanya Boulder Average Sat 22nd Sep 2018
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mount Beckworth The Main Group Almost Easter
V4 Underclinger - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 22nd Sep 2018
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Dog Rocks
V5 The Dyke - with Tanya Boulder Average Sat 5th May 2018
V1 Mercury 13 - with Nick Moore Boulder Average Fri 4th Oct 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Dog Rocks Tucked Tail Boulders
V1 Antechinus Boulder 2m Good Fri 23rd Aug 2019
V0 Flake and Bake L Boulder 3m Average Fri 23rd Aug 2019
VB Down Boulder 3m Don't Bother Fri 23rd Aug 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Pullout bouldering
V0 Fathers crack - with Tanya Boulder 4m Good Sat 7th Mar 2020
V0 Number 8 Boulder 4m Average Mon 9th Mar 2015
V1 Number 7 Boulder 4m Good Mon 9th Mar 2015
V4 Number 5 Boulder 4m Good Mon 9th Mar 2015
V3 Number 2a Boulder 3m Good Mon 9th Mar 2015
V1 Number 1 Boulder 3m Average Mon 9th Mar 2015
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Garden Boulders
V4 Beetle Boulder Average Sun 24th May 2015
V1 Step right Boulder Average Sun 24th May 2015
V1 Step left Boulder Good Sun 24th May 2015
V2 Rippled slab 3 Boulder Good Sun 24th May 2015
V1 Rippled slab 2 Boulder Average Sun 24th May 2015
V1 Rippled slab 1 Boulder Good Sun 24th May 2015
Not bad

V5 The Other Groove - with Tanya, Nick Moore, Indie Ladan Boulder Very Good Sun 7th Jun 2020
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Land of the Overhangs Ash's to Ashes Boulder
V3 Ash's to Ashes - with Tanya Boulder Good Sat 1st Jul 2017

Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Land of the Overhangs Land of the Overhangs Boulder
V2 Landslide - with Nick Moore Boulder 2m Good Wed 31st Jul 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Land of the Overhangs Technique Boulder
V1 Directly Boulder 3m Good Sun 1st Feb 2015
V1 First Impressions Boulder 3m Good Sun 1st Feb 2015
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander High Fells
V2 Netherfield Boulder Good Sun 3rd May 2015
Bit mossy but was good

V0 Beginner's Bounty Boulder Average Sun 3rd May 2015
Warm up

Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander The Goldfield
V1 Ranger's Apprentice - with Nick Moore Boulder Good Fri 30th Aug 2019
V0- Groove and Arete - with Nick Moore Boulder Average Fri 30th Aug 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Spirit Boulders Near the Quarry
V1 Chinky Boulder Good Wed 11th Sep 2019
V3 Miller's Tail Boulder Good Wed 11th Sep 2019
V2 Billy Blunt Boulder Average Wed 11th Sep 2019
V1 Rocktown Boulder Average Wed 11th Sep 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Kingdom Boulders
V4 The Bulb Boulder 4m Average Sun 24th May 2015
Top out is on scary moss and sand.

V1 Coronation Day Traverse Boulder Good Sun 24th May 2015

V2 Step Left Up - with Tanya, Heidixe, Indie Ladan Boulder Good Sat 27th May 2017
Committing but good holds everywhere at the top.

Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Kingdom Boulders Upper Kingdom
V1 Chillin' at the Holidae Inn - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 7th Mar 2020
V3 Moss Trumpeter Boulder Good Sun 3rd May 2015

V1 Interogation Boulder 4m Average Mon 9th Mar 2015
V2 Step in Time Boulder 3m Average Mon 9th Mar 2015
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Crystal Creek Hell West Wall
V2 True Grit - with Nick Moore Boulder 3m Good Sun 23rd Jul 2023
V1 Wagon Wheel - with Nick Moore Boulder 3m Average Sun 23rd Jul 2023
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Hidden Hideaway
V7 V5 Swimming Lessons - with Tanya, Indie Ladan, Justin Foo Boulder Very Good Sat 22nd Jul 2017
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Roadside boulders
V2 Disappearing spider Boulder Good Mon 26th Jan 2015
Fun slab.

V0 Sick skink and the ham Boulder Good Mon 26th Jan 2015
More fun than it looks.

V0 St James Boulder Good Mon 26th Jan 2015
V1 St Alia V1 Boulder Good Mon 26th Jan 2015
V0 Toby's slab #2 Boulder Average Sun 1st Feb 2015

V0 Toby's slab #1 - with Justin Foo, Tanya, Indie Ladan Boulder Average Sat 22nd Jul 2017
V0 Ash's Arete Boulder Good Mon 26th Jan 2015
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Camels Hump Trackside Boulders The Juggernaut
V2 Slip Right - with Tanya Boulder 5m Sat 23rd Feb 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Camels Hump Trackside Boulders Thin Face
V1 Sucker Punch - with Tanya Boulder 3m Average Sun 1st Apr 2018

Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds The You Yangs Lower Picnic Ground Back Boulders
V1 Wattle They Climb Next Boulder 3m Average Wed 15th May 2019
V3 Seam Teaser Boulder 2m Very Good Wed 15th May 2019
V2 Seam of the Crime Boulder 3m Good Wed 15th May 2019
Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds The You Yangs Lower Picnic Ground Picnic Boulder
V0- Easy Peasy Boulder 5m Average Wed 15th May 2019
Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Leviathan Bloc
V3 Cannon Fodder - with Tanya Boulder 8m Very Good Sat 13th Jun 2015

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Stu's Bloc
V0 Special K - with Tanya Boulder 2m Average Sat 13th Jun 2015
Warm Up

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Fountain Blue Bloc
V3 Flop Fomme un Phoque Boulder 2m Very Good Sat 4th Jul 2015
Really fun Font like mantle.

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion Pride Rock
V2 Simba's Problem... With Moss Boulder 4m Good Sat 7th Mar 2015
V3 P.C.B.A.G.B.F.O.Y.H.A.Y.F.O.Y.A Boulder 4m Good Sat 7th Mar 2015
V1 Hakuna Matata Boulder 5m Good Sat 7th Mar 2015
V0- Mufasa Boulder 4m Good Sat 7th Mar 2015
Warm up

V2 Simba's Pride Boulder 6m Classic Sat 7th Mar 2015
Great problem

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Chimney Pot Gap Mountain Lion
V2 Climbing the Knuckles Boulder 4m Average Sat 4th Jul 2015
V1 Tooth Stepping Boulder 3m Average Sat 4th Jul 2015
V3 Dirt Merchant Right Variant Boulder 3m Good Sat 7th Mar 2015
Top out is the hard bit

V3 Sweet FA Boulder 3m Average Fri 3rd Apr 2015
Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Cave of Man Hands
V5 Hands Up Boulder 3m Good Mon 6th Apr 2015
Maybe soft?

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area The Tower Bouldering Tower Proper 9.1 Boulder
V1 One Move Wonder - with Nick Moore, Dylan Gilmore Boulder 3m Average Sat 21st Jul 2018
Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Made It Area
V3 Heavy Metals - with Nick Moore, Tanya Boulder Average Sat 15th Jul 2017

V2 Cookie Monster - with Nick Moore, Tanya Boulder Good Sat 15th Jul 2017
Tough for a 2. I would say 3. Good problem.

Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Made It Area Shit Carter Area
V2 Grey Slab - with Nick Moore, Tanya Boulder 3m Average Sat 15th Jul 2017
First ever problem at Buandik!!

V3 Grey Area - with Nick Moore, Tanya Boulder Good Sat 15th Jul 2017
Fun one mover.

V3 Shit Carter - with Nick Moore, Tanya Boulder Good Sat 15th Jul 2017
Fun roof

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants Close Shave Boulder
V4 Two-Mover Boulder 3m Average Mon 6th Nov 2017
Or one move if you dyno

V2 Weilly Wather Wowying Boulder 4m Average Mon 6th Nov 2017
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants Weill Deal Boulder
V1 Weill Wrong - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 18th Nov 2017
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants Weilly Annoying Boulder
V2 The Jigsaw - with Tanya, Nick Moore Boulder 5m Very Good Sat 18th Nov 2017
Scary top but just got to keep moving the feet.

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants The Taken Boulder
V0 VS Ramachandran Boulder 4m Average Mon 6th Nov 2017
1st climb at Valley

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Den of Dwarfs
V1 Pony - with Tanya Boulder 2m Good Sat 29th Oct 2016
I reckon this is worth stars. Fun compression.

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Slappers Boulder
V1 High & Mighty - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 29th Oct 2016
V2 Pimply Pinches - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 29th Oct 2016
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers The Three Sisters
V1 Nervous Ned Is Dead - with Tanya Boulder 4m Good Sat 29th Oct 2016
V2 Hylander - with Tanya Boulder 4m Average Sat 29th Oct 2016
Holds aren't as good as they look from the ground

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Nicholas Cage Memorial Face
V2 Leaving Las Vegas - with Tanya Boulder 5m Average Sat 29th Oct 2016
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Heart Boulder
V0 Pray - with Tanya Boulder 4m Good Sat 14th Oct 2017
V4 Too Legit To Quit - with Tanya Boulder 4m Good Sat 14th Oct 2017
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Railon Boulder
V2 Swarm up - with Tanya Boulder 3m Good Sat 14th Oct 2017
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Stoplight Boulder
V4 And Then There Was Red - with Tanya, Justin Foo Boulder 4m Classic Sun 28th Aug 2016

V1 Problem Banana Boulder 3m Average Fri 21st Jun 2019
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Diagonal Laneway Boulder
V3 Diagonal Laneway - with Tanya, Justin Foo Boulder 3m Good Sun 28th Aug 2016
Exciting finish.

Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Courtyard Boulders
V1 Cat's Meow Boulder 6m Sat 28th Sep 2019
V0 Duck's Nuts Boulder 5m Sat 28th Sep 2019
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Bakelite Concept
V2 Eye Of The Tiger Boulder 3m Average Mon 24th Jun 2019
Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Rick & Morty Boulder
V2 Helluva Miller Boulder 3m Good Fri 21st Jun 2019
Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Legoland
V2 The Train - with N Moore, Tanya Boulder Average Sun 11th Jun 2017
Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Loopeys
V3 V4 Fashion - with Indie Ladan, Tanya, Justin Foo Boulder 4m Very Good Sun 24th Apr 2016
V2 One Sleep - with Indie Ladan, Tanya, Justin Foo Boulder 2m Average Sun 24th Apr 2016
Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Clicke Coppertone Boulder
V0 Bumbly Daycare Boulder Average Sat 12th Dec 2015

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 134 ascensões.

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