
Ascensões em Austria como Tick

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 9,539 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
7 Schrei aus Stein (Gimpel Classics) - with Alpinlama
1 5 lead by Alpinlama
2 6+ lead by Gaisbachjodler
3 4+ lead by Alpinlama
4 7 lead by Gaisbachjodler
5 6- lead by Alpinlama
6 5 linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Gaisbachjodler
7 6+ linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Alpinlama
8 6+ linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Gaisbachjodler
9 5- linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Gaisbachjodler
10 3 linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Alpinlama
11 3 linkup Schertelplatte , lead by Alpinlama
12 4+ linkup Lang/Schmitt-Kamin , lead by Gaisbachjodler
13 5- linkup Lang/Schmitt-Kamin , lead by Alpinlama
14 4 linkup Lang/Schmitt-Kamin , lead by Gaisbachjodler
15 5 linkup Lang/Schmitt-Kamin , lead by Alpinlama
16 3 linkup Ausstieg
Trad 700m Gimpel
Thu 22nd Jul 2021
7b Brutalinsky
1 7a
2 7b
Sport Kanzianiberg Very Good
Thu 28th Jun 2018
5c Super Gau
1 5c 17m
Sport 17m Maltatal Classic
Martin Unger
Sun 7th Jun 2020
5c Super Gau - with Annie
1 5c 17m
2 5c 20m
3 5c 15m
Sport 52m Maltatal
Sat 25th Jul 2020
6c+ Super Gau - with Another just-missed onsight damn. Got through both cruxes and fell off the little, Another just-missed onsight damn. Got through both cruxes and fell off the little
1 5c 17m
2 6c+
Sport 17m Maltatal
Wed 7th Jul 2021
7a+ Super Gau
1 5c 17m
2 6c+ 20m
3 7a+ 15m
Sport 52m Maltatal
Tobias Schober
Sun 18th Jul 2021
5+ Light Foot
1 5+ 15
Sport 15m Maltatal Good
Wed 7th Jul 2021
8 Kuschelrock
1 6+ 35m
2 7+ 20
3 6+ 30
4 8 10
5 6- 20m
Sport 120m Gimpel Very Good
Michael Laur
Tue 10th May 2022
mit Direktvariante (7+)

7- Miss Nesselwängle
1 7- 25m
2 6+ 35m
Sport 60m, 42 Zwerchwand Good
Mon 20th Jun 2022
Die teilweise überschwänglichen Bewertungen der Route kann ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen, aber einige nette Seillängen sind schon dabei. Leider sind die jedoch meist viel zu kurz. Kaum kommt man in den Kletterfluss, schon kommt der nächste Standplatz... Die 8er Stelle hat es in sich, das ging bei mir nur A0 - und auch danach bleibt es noch für einige Klettermeter deutlich schwieriger, als im Rest der Route. geniale Abseilfahrt!

8 Weni-Wari-Hädi
1 8 40m
2 8 40m
3 8- 35m
4 8 30m
Sport 150m Steinplatte Classic
Fri 12th Aug 2022
8 Kuschelrock
1 6+ 35 Second
2 7 15 Sport
3 6+ 15 Second
4 6+ 35 Second
5 8 20 Second
Sport 120m Gimpel
Melanie Straubmeier
Sat 8th Jul 2023
6a Sancho Panza - with Lukas Staudt
1 6a
Sport Maltatal Good
Fri 17th Jun 2022
Nur erste SL

6a+ Nudl Move (Nudl Move P1) - with Gabriel Emm, lilami
1 6a+
Sport Maltatal Classic
Thu 19th Aug 2021
8- Via Christina
1 6+ 25m
2 8- 30m
3 6+ 20m
4 7 30m
5 7 25m
Sport 130m Große Klara
Anna Gre
Sun 7th Aug 2022
8- Mentor - with Franz
1 5+ 40m Second
2 6 35m Second
3 7 35m Sport

Interessante Stelle am Riss und ausdauernde Kletterei

4 8- 45m Sport

So eine schöne Seillänge! Nach dem Abschnitt an Untergriffen kommt eine ausdauernde Stelle mit schlechten Tritten; und als ich gerade darüber hinaus war, ist mir der Fuß abgerutscht. Beim zweiten Versuch hat’s dann geklappt, anschließend noch nicht zu Ende.

Sport 160m Wilder Kaiser Classic
Raphael Fritz
Wed 14th Jun 2023
8- Easy SteinZeitLos - with Al
1 8- 35m Sport lead by Alexander Oppe

Richtig griffiger Fels! Coole Länge!

2 7+ 35m Second lead by Al

Nicht viel einfacher als die erste SL, tendenziell unangenehmer zum Vorsteigen! Eher Einzelstellengeprägt - trotzdem lohnenswert

Sport 70m Große Klara Very Good
Alexander Oppe
Wed 11th Oct 2023
8- Glück auf Zeit - with Alice
1 6- 25m
2 5 35m
3 4 25m
4 5 25m
5 4 45m
6 4 50m
7 5+ 40m
8 3 25m
9 7- 40m
10 8- 40m
11 5+ 35m
12 5 40m
13 2 15m
Sport 440m Gosausee Classic
Sat 8th Jul 2017
8- Esel streck' dich
1 6 30m
2 7- 30m
3 7 30m
4 7- 20m
5 4 25m
6 5+ 30m
7 4+ 15m
8 3 40m
9 7 25m
10 7- 30m
11 8- 20m
12 7- 18m
Sport 310m Hohes Kreuz
Sat 26th Aug 2017
8- Glück auf Zeit
1 6- 25m
2 5 35m
3 4 25m
4 5 25m
5 4 45m
6 4 50m
7 5+ 40m
8 3 25m
9 7- 40m
10 8- 40m
11 5+ 35m
12 5 40m
13 2 15m
Sport 440m Gosausee
Sat 8th Jul 2017
6a+ Falkenblick und Adlerauge (Falkenblick und Adlerauge P1)
1 6a+ 20
Sport 20m Maltatal Very Good
Wed 19th Jun 2019
nur 1 schwerer Zug

6c Marathon - with Lukas Staudt
1 6c 50m lead by Lukas Staudt
2 6a 40m lead by Matthias
3 50m linkup Stand nur mit einem Bohrhaken, daher vorzeitiger Rückzug , lead by Lukas Staudt
Sport 140m, 17 Maltatal Very Good
Tue 21st Jun 2022
Arg steiler Zustieg durch den Grashang

7+ Gemini
1 7- 35m
2 5- 15m
3 6+ 55m
4 1 40m
5 4 55m
6 2 25m lead by Alice
7 5+ 35m
8 7+ 20m
9 6- 45m
10 1 30m
11 5 30m
12 5 45m
13 2 30m
14 3 40m
Sport 500m, 10 Wilder Kaiser
Sat 22nd Jul 2017
7+ Diran
1 6 30
2 7 30
3 5- 25
4 7- 30
5 5 10
6 7+ 35
7 7- 20
Sport 180m, 15 Gosaukamm
Pavel Zámečník
Sat 13th Jul 2013
7+ Wolke 7 - with Franz, Dirk
1 7- 200m
2 7-
3 7+
4 7
5 7+
6 7
7 7-
Sport 200m Schüsselkarspitze Classic
Sun 12th Jul 2020
Went in a team of 3. First pitch starts with a short but sketchy slab part. Pitch two and three are steeper and need some endurance. After that all pitches were wet and most of the harder parts were unclimbable wet (A0 fun).

7+ Knöchelbruch
1 7 35m
2 6- 25m
3 7+ 30m
4 7+ 30m
5 7- 20m
6 7 20m
7 3- 15m
8 7 30m
Sport 210m Kleiner Säuling Very Good
Tue 23rd May 2017
7+ Ironmouse - with chris
1 7+ 25m
2 7- 25m lead by Eichinger Christoph
3 2 10m
4 7 25m
5 5+ 30m lead by Eichinger Christoph
6 6 25m
7 6+ 40m lead by Eichinger Christoph
8 6 25m
Sport 210m Steinplatte Classic
Lukas Staudt
Thu 27th Oct 2022
Selten in so einem schönen Stück Fels geklettert!

7+ Loswand Sirtaki - with Sebi
1 6- 30m Second lead by Sebi
2 6+ 30m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
3 7- 30m Second lead by Sebi
4 6+ 25m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
5 6+ 30m Second lead by Sebi
6 2 60m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
7 6 25m Second lead by Sebi
8 7- 30m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
9 6 40m Second lead by Sebi
10 7- 55m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
11 7+ 15m Second lead by Sebi
12 7- 40m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
13 6- 35m Second lead by Sebi
14 2 30m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
15 6+ 20m Second lead by Sebi
16 7+ 25m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
17 7- 25m Second lead by Sebi
18 7+ 35m Sport lead by Tarsoly Dániel
19 7- 40m Second lead by Tarsoly Dániel
Sport 620m, 16 Höllental
Tarsoly Dániel
Sat 30th Mar 2024
7 Scotty beam me up - with uwe
1 7- 25m lead by uwe
2 7 30m
3 5 20m
4 6- 35m
5 5+ 45m
Sport 160m Martinswand Good
Sun 4th Jul 2021
7 Clear Water - with Franz
1 5+ 50m
2 6 40m
3 5 25m
4 6+ 30m
5 4 40m
6 7 40m
7 7- 30m
8 6+ 45m
9 3 20m
Sport 320m Wilder Kaiser Classic
Sat 7th Aug 2021
Eindeutig die beste Linie an der kopfkraxe. Durchgehend gute und gut gesicherte Kletterei. Die erste Länge scheint länger nass zu sein, geht aber durch die rauen Wasserrillen trotzdem ganz gut.

Schönste Länge ist L7 mit einer abwechslungsreichen Kletterei aus Wand, Platte und Piaz.

7 Scotty beam me up - with C
1 7- 25m
2 7 30m
3 5 20m
4 6- 35m lead by C
5 5+ 45m
Sport 160m Martinswand
Sun 27th Feb 2022
7 Ludwig
1 6+ 25m
2 7 30m
3 6+ 20m
4 7 30m
5 7 25m
Sport 130m Große Klara
Anna Gre
Thu 11th Aug 2022
6- A0 Spitzenstätter - with Jeni
1 6- A0 lead by Christoph Rauch
2 5+ lead by Jeni
3 6- lead by Christoph Rauch
5 5+ lead by Jeni
7 5- lead by Christoph Rauch
8 4 lead by Jeni
Trad 200m Scharnitzspitze Classic
Christoph Rauch
Fri 23rd Sep 2022
Fantastic route with a single, short crux and otherwise brilliant, easy climbing. The approach, however, was horrendously painful due to the snow. None of us had been here before, so we couldn't make out where the path would be and somehow made our way up to the wall through the snow. The first pitch is bolted in a way that allows to avoid the wet crack at the start and is quite easy, so we linked it with the second pitch, which is already the crux (which is also how it is entered here). After a marvellous traverse along a big flake, the line of bolts indicates to go up straight, but I couldn't find a way to climb this for the grade. Maybe I was just too exhausted from the approach already, but after grabbing the draw and pulling myself up, I realized there's a juggy yet chossy flake two meters to the right, which allows you to gain the jugs. After this section, keep left for the belay on the big flake. The next pitch is a glorious traverse on a massive flake, followed by steep, juggy dihedral and wall climbing. Another longish pitch through left-leaning dihedrals gets you directly in the line of the big roof, which is reached via another nice, slabby pitch (or two, depending on the topo). Manoeuvering the weakness in the roof is astonishingly easy (hip flexibility is helpful, nevertheless). It's hard to communicate with your partner from the next belay, so it's best to clarify signals before the runout. The last pitch is a nice chimney/dihedral (my partner got fooled and went to the right into terribly chossy terrain after the chock stone, though, so I had to go there and back to clean the gear). The descent is adventurous to say the least. If there's snow, prepare for some more belaying.

7 Blechmauernpogo - with Radoslav Golian
1 4- 20m Sport lead by Bohus
2 6 25m Sport lead by Bohus
3 7- 20m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
4 7- 20m Sport lead by Bohus
5 7- 35m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
6 4+ 35m Sport lead by Bohus
7 7- 30m Sport lead by Bohus
8 7 25m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
9 7 25m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
10 7- 25m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
11 3 20m Sport lead by Radoslav Golian
Sport 280m, 12 Höllental
Sun 30th Jun 2024
6 Salewa (Salewa P1) - with Fia Weis
1 6 35m lead by Tom B
Sport 35m Plombergstein
Tom B
Fri 26th Jun 2020
7 Seeblick
1 6- 45m
2 3 25m
3 6 45m
4 4 40m
5 6+ 50m
6 4+ 40m
7 6- 40m
8 5+ 45m
9 6+ 25m
10 7- 25m
11 7 30m
12 7 20m
Sport 430m Trisselwand
Mon 26th Oct 2020
7 Höhlentraverse
1 7- 22m lead by cooky
2 7- 20m
3 7 20m
Sport 62m Nassereith
Sat 14th May 2016
6b Lochaufsteher
1 4c 45m
2 6b
Sport 45m, 12 Kanzianiberg Very Good
Wed 3rd Apr 2019
6b Strada del Sole - with Dascha
1 5b 38m
2 6b 25m
3 6a 25m
4 5c 27m
5 5c 15m
6 6a+ 30m
7 5c 45m
Sport 210m, 14 Nösslach Very Good
Alexander Oppe
Wed 1st Jul 2020
Tolle Tour! 7:30 am Einstieg. 4h Kletterzeit. Sturz nach Griffausbruch am Ausstieg der 2. SL (vermutlich war ich zuweit rechts). 3. SL war bis zum 4. Haken triefend nass!

6b Humuspfeiler - with Phillip, Alpinteam
1 6a
2 6a+
3 6b
4 5c
Sport Maltatal Classic
Christoph Kircher
Sun 6th Sep 2020

7- Junge Füchsin - with Edi
1 6 25 lead by Gabriel Emm
2 2 35 lead by Gabriel Emm
3 7- 40 lead by Edi
4 5 20 lead by Gabriel Emm
5 6 20 lead by Edi
6 6- 25 lead by Edi
7 4 25 lead by Gabriel Emm
8 5+ 25 lead by Edi
Sport 220m, 14 Hohe Wand Mega Classic
Gabriel Emm
Thu 13th Jul 2017
Pitch 3: Rested twice; Pitch 6: Rested once

7- De Oide Wurzn - with Edi
1 5- lead by Edi
2 6- lead by Gabriel Emm
3 5+ lead by Edi
4 7- lead by Gabriel Emm
5 5- lead by Edi
6 5 lead by Edi
7 6+ lead by Gabriel Emm
8 1- lead by Edi
Sport 220m, 12 Höllental Classic
Gabriel Emm
Sat 21st Oct 2017
Die 2te SL als etwas schwerer empfunden. In der 4ten SL bei der Crux reingesetzt und etwas rumgetüftelt. Die letzte SL ist eigentlich nur noch Gehgelände.

7- Via Helma - with Gabriel Emm
1 5- 30m lead by Gabriel Emm
2 5 20m lead by Edi
3 7- 25m lead by Edi
4 5+ 30m lead by Gabriel Emm
5 6+ 35m lead by Edi
6 6 40m lead by Gabriel Emm
Sport 180m Höllental Classic
Sun 22nd Apr 2018
In SL 3 zu früh in die Querung gestartet, beim nächsten mal den rechten Pfeiler bis nach oben weitergehen und dann nach Links queren (hangeln)

7- Via Helma - with Edi
1 5- 30 lead by Gabriel Emm
2 5 20 lead by Edi
3 7- 25 lead by Edi
4 3 30 lead by Gabriel Emm
5 6+ 35 lead by Edi
6 6 40 lead by Gabriel Emm
Sport 180m Höllental Classic
Gabriel Emm
Sun 22nd Apr 2018
In der Schlüssel-SL etwas verklettert und ws. über "Wet Dog Boys" in den Hangel eingestiegen. Habe den Riss in der letzten SL nochmal sehr schwer gefunden.

7- Indian Summer - with Lukas
1 6+ 25m
2 7- 25m
3 6+ 25m
4 5- 30m
5 6 30m
Sport 140m Bad Goisern Classic
Sun 20th Aug 2017
6a+ Rindbachpfeiler - with Lukas
1 6a+ 30m lead by Lukas
2 6a 20m
Sport 50m Traunsee
Wed 12th Sep 2018
5c Faller
1 5c
Sport 27m Maltatal Classic
Wed 19th Jun 2019
5c Kärtner Nudl (Kärtner Nudl P1)
1 5c
Sport 60m Maltatal Mega Classic
Wed 19th Jun 2019
perfekte Verschneidung

7- Ostkante - with pholz
1 3 40m
2 4+ 15m
3 6 40m
4 4+ 15m
5 6 15m
6 6 25m
7 4+ 40m
8 5 35m
9 6+ 35m
10 7- 30m
11 5+ 40m
12 7- 10m
13 5 20m
14 4+ 15m
Mixed trad 380m, 1 Gosaukamm
Sun 18th Aug 2019
Wir wollten uns an den zwei Seilschaften vor uns orienteren.. aber irgendwie waren die schnell außer Sichtweite :o Schöne Route für einen Ganztagestrip, die 6+ und die erste 7- sind Einzelstellen. Zweite 7- schon recht abgeschmiert.

5- Asyl in Österreich (Asyl in Österreich P1) - with Joey
1 5- 220m lead by @j0da
Sport 220m Hochmaderer
Thu 6th Aug 2020
6a+ Eidechse
1 6a+ 30m
Sport 30m Telfs
Sun 16th Aug 2020
6a+ Kärtner Nudl - with Paulina Geißler
1 5c 25m lead by Victor
2 6a+ 20m lead by Victor
Sport 45m Maltatal Classic
Fri 21st Aug 2020
Die Verschneidungsseillänge ist einfach nur Wow.

5c Faller (Faller P1)
1 5c 15m lead by Victor
Sport 15m Maltatal Classic
Fri 21st Aug 2020
7- Supersommer - with Nick
1 6- 25 lead by cooky
2 6- 20 lead by Nick
3 6 25 lead by cooky
4 2- 15 lead by Nick
5 7- 30 lead by cooky
6 5+ 25 lead by Nick
7 7- 20 lead by cooky
8 6+ 20 lead by cooky
9 6+ 30 lead by cooky
10 6+ 25 lead by cooky
11 6+ 30 lead by Nick
Sport 270m, 10 Zillergrund Very Good
Sat 3rd Jul 2021
7- Sonnenkind - with Szabolcs Szomolanyi, patrik kato
1 6+ 40m lead by patrik kato
2 6 25m lead by Fehér Csaba
3 7- 25m lead by Szabolcs Szomolanyi
4 6+ 30m lead by patrik kato
5 6- 20m lead by Fehér Csaba
Sport 140m Hohe Wand Very Good
Fehér Csaba
Sun 4th Jul 2021
6a+ Gfiatach
1 5a
2 6a+
Sport Maltatal
Tobias Schober
Sun 18th Jul 2021
6a+ Faller
1 5c 15m
2 6a+ 12m
Sport 27m Maltatal
Tobias Schober
Sun 18th Jul 2021
6a+ Kärtner Nudl
1 5c 25m
2 6a+ 20m
3 5b 15m
Sport 60m Maltatal
Tobias Schober
Fri 23rd Jul 2021
7- Faszinosum Karwendulum
1 5+ 45m
2 6+ 45m
3 5 30m
4 6- 55m
5 5 30m
6 7- 30m
7 5 50m
8 6+ 45m
Mixed trad 330m, 30 Sonnjoch
Sun 12th Sep 2021
In der letzten SL an Scheiß zamgeklettert und am 3. Haken nicht mehr aus der Position rausgekommen. Für den Grad vermutlich eher weiter links und nicht direkt. Evtl. auch ein Tritt weggebrochen oder einfach zu unfähig für harte Karwendelplatten, jedenfalls eine fordernde Tour

7- Superspur - with Kubaclimbsrocks
1 6 20m
2 7- 30m
3 6+ 35m
4 6+ 35m
5 6+ 40m
Sport 160m, 14 Hohe Wand Classic
Lukas Lacina
Sun 3rd Oct 2021
Again, nice route with great solid rock. Start of the route is clearly marked with a label on the rock. At the end of the second pitch make sure you make it to the right anchor - see the topo on bergsteigen.at. On the last pitch you follow kinda polished corner for about 15m(1 piton, 3 bolts), traverse left onto the face and then straight up for the glory. Got pretty worked, yay!

6a+ Geierwandführe - with Tobias Vogel
1 5a+ lead by silvangriesel
2 5c lead by Tobias Vogel
3 6a+ lead by silvangriesel
4 6a+ lead by Tobias Vogel
Sport 100m Haiming Geierwand Good
Sat 17th Sep 2022
6+ Maxl's Gamsrevier
1 5 175m
2 6
3 6+
4 6
5 6-
6 1
Sport 180m, 11 Martinswand
Sat 12th Nov 2022
7- Südostwand (Peters-Haringer) - with Emil
1 5 Second
2 6 Trad
3 7- Second
4 6+ Trad

Relativ harte 6+, Riss quert diagonal nach links oben.

5 7- Second

Glatte Verschneidung mit ekliger Plattenquerung, A0.

6 6+ Trad

Traumlänge. Steil henkelig und mal gerade.

7 7- Second
8 4+ Trad
9 3+ Second
Trad 400m Schüsselkarspitze
Sun 30th Sep 2018
Abfahrt in Muc 5:15, Parkplatz 7.00, Wangalm 800, Einstieg um 1030.

Ausstieg und Querung auf Westgrat nicht gefunden und nach L9 über Route mit etwas aufwand abgeseilt.

7- Auckenthaler
1 5 40 Second
2 5+ 30 Sport
3 4+ 20 Second
4 6- 30 Sport
5 6 15 Second
6 7- 20 Sport
7 6 20 Second
8 7- 20 Sport
9 5 30 Second
10 5- 30 Sport
11 5 30 Second
12 5- 45 Sport
Sport 330m, 79 Martinswand
Tue 7th Mar 2023
Komplett sanierter Klassiker - erste 7- ziemlich harte und griffarme Verschneidung, sonst vergleichsweise soft bewertet (zweite 7- eher 6). Abwechslungsreich und durchaus empfehlenswert.

6a Honeymoon P1
1 6a 25 Sport
Sport 25m Mixnitz
Jiří Železný
Wed 5th Jul 2023
7- Weg der Freiheit + Stadler Kröttlinger Risse - with Peter L
1 6 45m Sport lead by Peter L
2 7- 20m Sport lead by Bohus
3 7- 20m Sport lead by Peter L
4 4+ 35m Sport lead by Bohus
5 2 40m Sport lead by Bohus
6 4+ 35m Sport lead by Bohus
7 5+ 20m Sport lead by Bohus
8 6+ 25m Sport lead by Peter L
9 6- 15m Sport lead by Bohus
10 6 30m Sport lead by Peter L
11 4 15m Sport lead by Peter L
Sport 300m Höllental
Mon 18th Oct 2021
6a August 82 (August 82 P1)
1 6a
Sport Kanzianiberg
Christoph Kircher
Wed 14th Jul 2021
6a Alhambra - with Juls
1 5a 40m lead by Juls
2 5b 37m
3 3a 45m lead by Juls
4 5a 30m
5 4c 30m lead by Juls
6 1 50m
7 6a 35m
8 5a+ 30m lead by Juls
9 5c 23m
10 6+ 35m
11 3 25m
12 1 50m
Sport 430m Haiming Geierwand Very Good
Gianluca C.
Sat 11th Jun 2022
6a Leben im Sonnenschein - with Niklas
1 4c 18m Sport lead by Anna Bä.
2 5a+ 30m Second lead by Niklas
3 6a 30m Sport lead by Anna Bä.
4 5a 27m Second lead by Niklas
Sport 110m, 15 Nassereith Good
Anna Bä.
Fri 10th May 2024
6- Weichtal Wichtel (Weichtalwichtel Linkup Wachthüttelnord SL 3) - with Edi
6 5+ 20m linkup Wachthüttelnord SL 3 , lead by Edi
7 6- 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
8 5- 20m lead by Edi
Sport 60m Höllental Very Good
Gabriel Emm
Sun 6th May 2018
6+ A1 Kreuzkante - with Christian
1 4 45m
2 5+ 45m
3 4+ 40m
4 5- 15m
5 3 100m
6 6 20m
7 6+ 30m
8 5+ 25m
9 6- A1 40m
10 5 40m
11 6+ 20m
12 5+ 50m
13 6+ 25m
Trad 500m Hohes Kreuz Mega Classic
Sat 18th Jun 2016
took the wrong line at pitch 9, ended up in an pretty difficult crag climb, which we aided up A1

6+ Erichs Weg
1 5-
2 3+
3 6+
4 6-
5 5
6 5
7 6
9 4+
10 4+
11 6
12 5
13 5
14 4
15 5+
16 5
17 3
Mixed trad 700m, 1 Almtaler Köpfl
Thu 19th Jul 2018
Nach dem Notausstieg nach der 7. Seillänge letztes Jahr wegen Gewitter jetzt endlich nachgeholt. Ziemlich alpines feeling, reichlich Steinschlag.

6+ Filou
1 5- 22m lead by Tom
2 5 17m
3 2 20 lead by Tom
4 3+ 12
5 6+ 13 lead by Tom
6 6 13 lead by Tom
7 3 40
8 3 31 lead by Tom
9 2 18
Sport 190m, 12 Plombergstein Very Good
Mon 29th Oct 2018
Glücklich die Schlüsselstelle frei gemacht zu haben, der Hänger ist etwas ärgerlich. Saubres Glück beim Wetter gehabt: Sonnenschein bis wir durch die Platten durch warn, dann etwas Nieselregen. Mit der Salzburger Kletterhalle am Vortag schöner Jahresabschluss

6 Nix für Suderer - with D.S.
1 6 30m lead by Edi
2 5+ 40m lead by Edi
3 4+ 25m lead by D.S.
4 6- 25m lead by Edi
5 6- 20m lead by D.S.
6 5- 25m lead by Edi
7 5- 25m lead by D.S.
Sport 190m, 12 Höllental Very Good
Sun 7th Apr 2019
In der 2. SL nach der Platte beinahe in die Gaisbauer-Jug. 3. SL über den Baum gelöst. Dach in der 6. SL ziemlich kraftig.

6+ Blue Moon (Blue Moon Linkup Via Romantica (pitch 15)) - with danisahni
1 3+ 50m lead by danisahni
2 4- 40m lead by danisahni
3 6+ 45m lead by danisahni
4 1 35m lead by danisahni
5 5- 50m lead by danisahni
6 6 45m lead by danisahni
7 5 40m lead by danisahni
8 5 30m lead by danisahni
9 6 45m lead by danisahni
10 2 45m lead by danisahni
11 6 35m lead by danisahni
12 6- 40m lead by danisahni
13 2 40m lead by danisahni
14 4+ 35m linkup Via Romantica (pitch 15) , lead by danisahni
Sport 580m Wilder Kaiser
Sat 24th Jun 2017
6+ John Wayne der Alpen - with Gabriel Emm
1 5+ 30m lead by Edi
2 5+ 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
3 5- 30m lead by Edi
4 6+ 30m lead by Gabriel Emm
5 6+ 20m lead by Edi
6 5+ 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
7 2 15m lead by Gabriel Emm
Sport 170m, 13 Höllental Classic
Sat 25th May 2019
Sehr schöne Tour, durchwegs homogen. SL 1 für 5+ schon ziemlich kraftig. Crux in SL 4 stark abhängig von der Körpergröße. Die letzten beiden SL lassen sich gut verbinden.

6+ Erichs Weg - with Lukas
1 5- 45m
2 3+ 60m
3 6+ 60m
4 6- 40m
5 5 30m
6 5 40m
7 6 50m
8 2+ 20m
9 4+ 35m
10 4+ 50m
11 6 25m
12 5 30m
13 5 50m
14 4 25m
15 5+ 30m
16 5 50m
17 3 55m
Mixed trad 700m, 1 Almtaler Köpfl Classic
Sat 29th Jun 2019
6+ King Kong Karl - with Gabriel Emm
1 4 25m lead by Edi
2 6+ 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
3 6+ 15m lead by Edi
4 5+ 15m lead by Gabriel Emm
5 6 20m lead by Edi
6 6 15m lead by Gabriel Emm
7 6+ 30m lead by Edi
Sport 140m Höllental Classic
Thu 15th Aug 2019
SL 6 etwas unübersichtlich und über rechts umgangen. Letzte SL ein absoluter klassiker, sehr konstante Schwierigkeit.

6+ Feuervogel
1 6- 30m
2 6+ 35m
3 6+ 45m
4 4 35m
5 6+ 35m
6 2 30m
Sport 210m, 12 Mixnitz Mega Classic
Sat 17th May 2008
6 Nix für Suderer - with Edi
1 6 30m lead by Edi
2 5+ 40m lead by Edi
3 4+ 25m lead by D.S.
4 6- 25m lead by Edi
5 6- 20m lead by D.S.
6 5- 25m lead by Edi
7 5- 25m lead by D.S.
Sport 190m, 12 Höllental Very Good
Dennis S.
Sun 7th Apr 2019
6+ Ufo (Ufo Kombiniere Broken Soul)
1 5 50m linkup Broken Soul
2 1 45m
3 6 35m
4 6 45m
5 6 40m
6 6+ 40m
7 6+ 40m
8 6+ 40m
9 6- 45m
Sport 380m Mixnitz
Sat 30th May 2020
Einstieg ab 4. SL (von Broken Soul). Vorstieg alles OSF, Nachstieg all free

6+ Broken Soul
1 5+ 25m
2 4+ 30m
3 6 40m
4 4- 40m
5 6- 25m
6 6 35m
7 6+ 30m
8 5+ 20m
9 5+ 35m
10 6+ 35m
Sport 320m, 12 Mixnitz
Sat 30th May 2020
Wechsel in UFO nach dem Gehgelände; Vorstieg onsight, Nachstieg all free

6+ Genussknecht (Ge...sKn...t)
1 6 25m
2 5 25m
3 6+ 30m
4 4 30m
Sport 110m Hochschwabgruppe Very Good
Fri 19th Jun 2020
6+ Auf Wildenauers Spuren - with Gabriel Emm
1 6- 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
2 6+ 25m lead by Edi
3 4- 30m lead by Gabriel Emm
4 6+ 35m lead by Edi
5 6+ 25m lead by Gabriel Emm
6 6+ 20m lead by Edi
7 6+ 30m lead by Gabriel Emm
8 6- 35m lead by Edi
Sport 220m, 11 Hohe Wand Classic
Fri 10th Jul 2020
Konstante Schwierigkeit, sehr empfehlenswert!

6+ Hiltimanie - with Christoph K
1 5+ 25m lead by @j0da
2 6- 35m lead by Christoph K
3 6+ 35m lead by @j0da
4 4+ 35m lead by Christoph K
5 5+ 40m lead by @j0da
6 3 30m lead by Christoph K
Sport 200m, 22 Widderstein Classic
Tue 14th Jul 2020
Super! Aber keine reine Plaisirroute =) Auf den Seilverlauf in der vierten Seillänge achten!

5 Adlerauge (Adlerauge P1)
1 5
Sport 55m Gesäuse
Sun 20th Sep 2020
6+ Traum und Wirklichkeit - with KuCe
1 5 50m
2 5+ 35m
3 5+ 20m
4 6+ 30m
5 4- 15m
6 6+ 40m
7 3- 10m
Sport 200m, 17 Hohe Wand Classic
Sat 10th Oct 2020
6+ Iran Air
1 6+ 17m
2 6 16m
Sport 33m Falkenmauer
Sun 28th Mar 2021
6+ Stoahammer
1 6 25m
2 6- 20m
3 6+ 25m
4 6+ 25m
5 6+ 20m
Sport 120m, 11 Bad Goisern Classic
Thu 1st Apr 2021
after 5 days on granit, it was quite hard to get used to limestone slabs again

6+ Traum und Wirklichkeit - with Gabriel Emm
1 5 50m lead by Gabriel Emm
2 5+ 35m lead by Edi
3 5+ 20m lead by Gabriel Emm
4 6+ 30m lead by Edi
5 4- 15m lead by Gabriel Emm
6 6+ 40m lead by Edi
7 3- 10m lead by Edi
Sport 200m, 17 Hohe Wand Very Good
Sat 26th Jun 2021
SL2 immer noch ein starker Einzelzug gleich zu beginn. SL4 etwas zu früh beendet, dafür die SL5 über den Draschgrat verlängert. SL6+7 kombiniert aber vermutlich etwas zu weit in den Draschgrat gekommen – starker, kräftiger Einstieg in die SL6.

7- Joe Stickler Gedächtnisweg
1 5- 20m
2 5 30m
3 5- 25m
4 6- 30m
5 4+ 30m
6 6 30m
7 6- 30m
8 2 15m
9 6- 30m
10 5+ 25m
11 7- 25m
12 5+ 20m
13 5+ 30m
14 4- 35m
Sport 380m Großofen Good
David Zorgo
Thu 2nd Sep 2021
6+ In Vino Veritas
1 4+ 20m
2 20m
3 5 25m
4 6+
5 5-
6 5
7 5-
Sport 65m Großofen Classic
David Zorgo
Sun 4th Jul 2021
Unfortunately, the key holds at the crux section are way too polished and greasy, so the crux nowadays is a super-hard +6, more like 7-.

6+ Sonnenhur - with Kubaclimbsrocks
1 6+ 30m
2 6 20m
3 6- 35m
4 6+ 20m
5 5+ 30m
6 5 40m
Sport 180m, 15 Hohe Wand Classic
Lukas Lacina
Sat 2nd Oct 2021
Beautiful route, we enjoyed every pitch. Great topo and info at bergsteigen.at

6+ Sechser Kombination - with @j0da
1 6 400m lead by HansAlp
2 6+ lead by @j0da
3 1 lead by HansAlp
4 5 lead by @j0da
5 5+ lead by @j0da
6 5+ lead by HansAlp
7 6- lead by @j0da
8 6+ lead by HansAlp
9 4+ lead by @j0da
10 5+ lead by HansAlp
11 3 lead by @j0da
Sport 400m Widderstein
Sat 25th Sep 2021
6+ Gildenpfeiler - with Lorenz
1 3 15m
2 6+ 30m
3 5+ 25m
4 6+ 40m
Sport 110m Wilder Kaiser Very Good
Sat 2nd Jul 2022
Vor allem die zweite SL in der steileren Pfeilerwand ist sehr zu empfehlen.

6 Nix für Suderer
1 6 30m
2 5+ 40m
3 4+ 25m
4 6- 25m
5 6- 20m
6 5- 25m
7 5- 25m
Sport 190m, 12 Höllental Very Good
David Zorgo
Wed 13th Jul 2022
6+ Alpenmordor - with Sabine Partik
1 6- 25m lead by Michael Prochazka
2 6+ 15m lead by Sabine Partik
3 6+ 45m lead by Michael Prochazka
4 6 35m lead by Sabine Partik
Sport 120m, 13 Hohe Wand
Michael Prochazka
Tue 16th Aug 2022
6 Kraftlackl
1 5- 115m
2 6
3 5-
Sport 120m, 10 Martinswand
Sat 12th Nov 2022
Nicht ansatzweise so brüchig wie erwartet. Trotzdem Griffe und Tritte prüfen! Absicherung gut. Sehr schöner Quergang.

6+ A0 Botanik Grand Prix
1 3+ 50 Sport
2 5 50 Second
3 4- 30 Sport
4 5 40 Second
5 6- 25 Sport
6 5+ 42 Second
7 5 32 Sport
8 5+ 27 Second
9 6+ 45 Sport
10 5 25 Second
11 6 25 Sport
12 5+ 55 Second
13 3 35 Sport
14 5 32 Second
15 5+ 30 Sport
16 6+ 22 Second
17 5+ 37 Sport
18 6+ A0 45 Second
19 5+ 48 Sport
Sport 700m, 19 Martinswand
Sun 27th Nov 2022
6+ Traum und Wirklichkeit - with Radoslav Golian
1 5 50m Sport
2 5+ 35m Sport
3 5+ 20m Sport
4 6+ 30m Sport
5 4- 15m Sport
6 6+ 40m Sport
7 3- 10m Sport
Sport 200m, 17 Hohe Wand
Tue 10th May 2022
6+ Wirklich oben bist du nie
1 6+ 40 Second
2 6+ 27 Sport
3 6+ 27 Second
4 6+ 25 Second
5 6+ 30 Sport
6 6 23 Second
Sport 170m Gimpel
Fri 9th Jun 2023
Schöne, homogene, abwechslungsreiche Route. Absolute Empfehlung!


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