
Vias como sport em 广西 Guangxi

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Mostrando 501 - 600 de 2,227 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade Local de escalada
5.12b The Wiggle

FA: Kalle Juhani Viira, 2006

Sport 22m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 梅花三弄 / Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms

Set: 2017

Sport 7m, 4 马山 MaShan
5.13c 金蝉脱壳

Set: 罗柳生, 19 Feb 2021

FFA: 萧**, 14 May 2021

Sport 24m, 12 柳州 Liuzhou
5.10c 过敏性反应第一段 Skullduggery & Anaphylaxis pitch 1

FA: Colin Edwards, 2004

Sport 17m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c Blue Moon

Furthest right

FA: 2004

Sport 23m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d Moon Walker (first lower-off)

FA: Todd skinner, 1991

Sport 23m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12b VPN

Set: 赵四

FA: 赵四

Sport 3 南宁 Nanning
5.8 Zhu's Shadow

FA: Zhu Ge

Sport 20m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10a Lifetime of Love

FA: YiFuDe

Sport 17m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d Let Me See Your War Face!

FA: Adndrew Hedesh & Andrew Hedesh, 2009

Sport 28m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b Yangshuo hello

FA: Tyson Wallace, 2006

Sport 25m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10d Shot

Set: LuochunHua/Paul.Q

FA: Paul.Q

Sport 25m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 Happy New Year (lower 2 pitches)
1 5.9 27m
2 5.7 22m

Delete this... its a repost of the original line.

Sport 49m, 2 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 7. Unnamed (sport)
Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12a 菲鱼

FFA: 赵忠军, 2010

Set: 赵忠军, 2010

Sport 10 柳州 Liuzhou
5.10d Everything Guy Returns

#sandbagged Hard boulder problem followed by distant bolting and a no fall zone. The anchor is high up in the weakness after the chimney.

FA: Simon Dilks & Dave Giddon, 2005

Sport 28m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11b 宇宙最简单的线The easiest route in the universe

New route. Lots of fun.

Set: Jerry zhong

FA: 王宇, 1 Apr 2022

Sport 20m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.13c 今天的啤酒格外香甜 Celebration Ale

Do you fear the difficulty?

Set: Dave Gliddon

FA: WangQingHua

Sport 35m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 G142

Set: 赵四


Sport 3 南宁 Nanning
5.10b 闲云

Set: 赵四

FA: 阿成

Sport 6 南宁 Nanning
5.11b I'm too sexy

Loose rock?? be careful near the top...an out of control fall may not be good for your cranium. We purposely took the fall several times with no consequesnces but its intimidating and you will definetly be overgripped! HAHAHA

FA: Andrew

Sport 20m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c 生日快乐Happy Birthday


FA: 何川, 21 Feb 2022

Sport 24m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d 炒旧菜
Sport 10 南宁 Nanning
5.9 Pheonix II

Last route accessible from this trail

FA: Cheng Fu, 2012

Sport 35m, 16 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 厚爱

FFA: 陈耀海

Set: 罗柳生 & 秋水, 22 Mar 2015

Sport 17m, 9 柳州 Liuzhou
5.11c Touching The Cloth

the face to the right of the corner and man-made entrance.

FA: James Murphy, Karen Potts & Roland, 2004

Sport 20m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12a 虎虎生威Panda remix


Sport 17m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d 重生 Resurrection

Set: Andrew Hedesh, 2015

FA: TJ, 2015

Sport 22m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.13b 攀岩学校 / Rock climbing school
Sport 20m, 11 马山 MaShan
5.10a 麦金利向导

Set: 赵四 & 大昌, 2003

Sport 15m, 5 南宁 Nanning
5.12b Hongkong Team

Set: 黄尚平

Sport 31m, 16 南宁 Nanning
5.12c 眼泪

Set: 苏峰,张晓柳, 2013

Sport 8 柳州 Liuzhou
5.11d Chino Chaco

Left of PS, finishing in a cave. Short and powerful. The route name is correctly recorded per conversation with Ernesto in 2016. Basically the two routes were incorrectly recorded locally after his FA in 1996.

FA: Ernesto Lopez & pili llatas, 1995

Sport 15m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d Da Moguai
1 5.10c
2 5.11d

1st pitch as the same as The Never Ending Story. Can be led as one pitch to the top anchor and descended in two rappels.

FA: Dave Gliddon & Colton Lindeman

Sport 40m, 2 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d 肌肉拉伤 Muscle Damage

FA: Shinsuke Kimura, 2007

Sport 14m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c False Reality

This is the route that spits many people off. originally graded 12b. low percentage and committing with high feet.

Sport 20m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b Command Economy

1st route on the right side of the crag.

FA: Qiu Jiang

Sport 20m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.13b 韩国头号 Korea No.1

FA: JH & Kim, 2008

Sport 27m, 7, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11a I forgot the name

This has become P1 of Monkey King.

FA: GuGu, 2009

Sport 20m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11b Tail Spin

FA: Paul Collis & Andy Halkyard, 2009

Sport 22m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b 7
Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 4
Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11b Scary Mary

climb either Dirty Annie or Clean Jean to access this fun traverse. climbs right to left.

FA: Dan Hannah, Paul Collis & Matt Warner, 2008

Sport 24m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b 3: Name?(up the butterfly)
Sport 20m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11b 降级 Misconduct

Shares a similar start to the climb on it's left then heads right up the huge tufa.

FA: Johnny, 2013

Sport 15m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10a Frying Up Friendships

The far left route

FA: Ryan & Fred

Sport 22m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10c The Grey Line


Set: Wei JiaYao

FA: Guang Tui, 2013

Sport 30m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c 肌肉拉伤右支线 Muscle Damage right variation

FA: Shinsuke Kimura

Sport 14m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12c Double Dragon

FA: Dave Gliddon

Sport 30m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11a 固醇王 Steroid King

FA: Guitang Jia et al from Shenzen, 2003

Sport 30m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12a/b Calamity Jane

Feels like 12b/12c for some people. but many have confirmed that it is around 12a. just very unusual.

Starting with easy climbing, coming into the steep part with good holds followed by a bouldery part with small edges and a foothook to accelerate dynamically to a big jug. Topping out is not that difficult any more. (Martin)

Set: Andrew

Sport 20m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10c Chrysanthemum

if you're short, more like 10d.

Set: Qiu Jiang, 2013

Sport 30m, 12 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c 老树盘根 / Entangled Roots
Sport 15m, 9 马山 MaShan
5.11d Eclipse

FA: Lau Kung hing & Wong yee ping, 1994

Sport 25m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11a Yu Rong Market

this climb is located around the mountain 100m to the left. must bushwhack to get to its base. maybe sent after the origianl party?

03\2024 the start is completely overgrown

FA: Sierra & Eric Allen, 2012

Sport 32m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b Society of Gravitational Studies


Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12c 南宁往事


FA: 阿成

Set: 赵四

Sport 14 南宁 Nanning
5.12c 双击 Twin Smack

FA: Dave Gliddon, Aug 2014

Sport 19m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10d 9
Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11c 容我想想

FFA: 龙城老赵

Set: 罗柳生, 26 Nov 2017

Sport 14m, 8 柳州 Liuzhou
5.11d Kneebar 少年

Start on either Big Leg Pain or Big Thumb and follow the line of draws squeezed in the middle

FA: 陈信, 2020

Sport 20m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11b 后山M

Set: 赵四

Sport 6 南宁 Nanning
5.10b Mumma’s Gem

FA: Zhang Yong

Sport 15m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 冰冷阳光

Set: 罗柳生, 2012

FFA: 何卫, 2012

Sport 8 柳州 Liuzhou
5.9 花果山

Set: 赵四

Sport 3 南宁 Nanning
5.10b 天门4

Set: 赵四

Sport 5 南宁 Nanning
5.12d 啲嗒糖走私贩 The Tic Tac Smuggler

FA: Colton Lindeman, 2006

Sport 25m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.13a Dragon Breath

Set: Jake Miller

FA: TJ, 2011

Sport 19m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 Beating Around the Bush

Last route on this side of the wall. P1 shares the start with Cat Meat and Tough Guy and climbs the ramping weakness till the first anchor. P2 traverses right and then up a short corner. P3 and P4 continue up the wide layback crack and should be linked together. Abseil the route.

FA: Jonathon Griffith & Jack, 2012

Sport 54m, 4, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.14a 成王荡后

Set: 阿成,Marcos, 2013

FFA: 大魏, 5 Oct

Sport 14 柳州 Liuzhou
5.10d 死扣 Wishful Kiss

First Anchor 21m - 7 bolts Second Anchor 29m -13 bolts

Set: 陈信

Sport 29m, 2, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 新线
Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11a Demon Head


FFA: DaWei

Set: QiuZhang, 2013

Sport 30m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12b 美丽的月份 Shake Me In The Morning

FA: David Brasco, 2009

Sport 8m, 4 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10c Short Holiday

Bottom half is run out. A few wires might help.

FA: Qiu Jiang, 2003

Sport 15m, 3 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11d 烈日灼心

FA: Jerry

Sport 15m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10c Sister Bai

FA: Qiu Jiang & Tyson Wallace

Sport 30m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12b 掉链子支线 The Missing Link - Variation

FA: Paul Collis, Chen Xie Wei & Liu Tao, 2004

Sport 20m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11a Hard On, Easy Off

From belay of Xin Jiang Black head up and right instead of up and left.

FA: Josh Latila & Andrew Hedesh, 2010

Sport 23m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.11+ Da Feiji (pt3)-Frequent Flyer Finish

FA: xi tang & Paul Collis

Sport 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 The Deviant, Original Start

This pitch goes to the belay on the large ledge at 25m but if you are not doing the upper pitches you can avoid the traverse by lowering of the belay at 22m.

FA: Dan Hannah & Paul Collis

Sport 22m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b 凤凰涅槃

FFA: 秋水

Set: 罗柳生 & 莫旋飞, 16 Jul 2017

Sport 15m, 6 柳州 Liuzhou
5.11c Surprise Attack

Steep corner with a tougher finish.

Set: andrew

FA: Valentine Laubriet, 2015

Sport 17m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.8 1: Name?
Sport 15m 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12b Anti Polar

From the back of the cave to lower off midway to the front.

FA: Felipe Borderas, Duran & SGarlic

Set: 2004

Sport 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b Chinese Rose
1 5.10a 28m
2 5.8 15m
3 5.10a 30m
4 5.9 18m
5 5.10b 28m

From the ViaFerrata access, go right 30m and find a small plaque. these 2 routes start here.

FA: Kolon Alpine School, Nov 2015

Sport 120m, 5 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.13d 黄金之路 / Golden road
1 5.12c 35m
2 5.13d 35m
3 5.13b 40m

Bolts: 13,12,12

Sport 110m, 3, 13 马山 MaShan
5.10b Germans in Tights


Sport 25m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12d Grievous Bodily Harm

The gem of the cave...

FA: Seb Grieve, 2005

Sport 20m, 6 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10b 葵瓜子 / Sunflower seeds

Set: 2017

Sport 25m, 10 马山 MaShan
5.12a 灵魂出窍 / Soul out
1 5.11a 26m
2 5.12a 9m

Bolts: 15,7

Sport 35m, 2, 15 马山 MaShan
5.11b Red Bull

FA: Paul Collis, Andrew Thomson & Jeanette Holmes, 2001

Sport 20m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 The Bucket List


Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10a 喷血的果芒 / Blood-sucking fruit

Set: 2017

Sport 15m, 5 马山 MaShan
5.10a 超级奶爸

FFA: 莫旋飞

Set: 罗柳生,莫旋飞, 27 Sep 2014

Sport 13 柳州 Liuzhou
5.8 Bald Team

A chimney. Climb it. you wont be disappointed.

FA: Simon Lü, 2001

Sport 21m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.12a Shattered Ego

To the right of the Todd skinner route. a hold broke so it has lost quality.

FA: Oscar Gimenez, 2009

Sport 25m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.10c Babes in Thailand



Sport 25m, 12 阳朔 Yangshuo
5.9 狂晕

Set: 赵四, 鸡精 & 小晓, 2006

Sport 7 南宁 Nanning
5.13b 江缘客栈 Smile Forever

Maybe the hardest 8a in Yangshuo. Climb the first 2 draws of Yangshuo Hotel and then go strait up. Enjoy the mono holds and compression climbing above. The first ascensionist named the route 永远的微笑 (smiling forever), but the route was called 江缘客栈 in the guidebook of the time (which was the name of the hostel owned by the route setter). That hostel closed down in 2020.

Set: Zhang Yong

FA: Abond, Mar 2015

Sport 27m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo

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