
Ascensões em Schrumpelrisse

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Mostrando os 29 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sat 20th May 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
7 Vertikale (Ausstieg rechts) Sport 25m
Tobias Schober
8 1. Wahl Sport 25m Very Good
Tobias Schober
7- Gut so Sport 25m Very Good
Tobias Schober
6+ Rechter Schrumpelriss Sport 25m Good
Tobias Schober
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m Good
Tobias Schober
Tue 4th Oct 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
7- Gut so - with Tom Bösl Sport 25m Good
Sat 2nd Apr 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m
Thomas Hocke
7 Vertikale (Ausstieg rechts) Sport 25m
Thomas Hocke
7- Gut so Sport 25m
Thomas Hocke
8 Vertikale (Ausstieg links) Sport 25m
Thomas Hocke
Sat 26th Jun 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
8 1. Wahl Sport 25m
Jonas Jae
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m
Jonas Jae
7- Gut so Sport 25m
Jonas Jae
Sat 3rd Apr 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
8 1. Wahl - with monolith Sport 25m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Very nice wall climbing. Easy, fluid climbing in the lower half, then harder in the slab with quite small crimps. Then finally a little overhang with some sidepulls. Climbed straight over the bolts in the upper part.

6 6+ Rechter Schrumpelriss - with monolith Sport 25m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Enjoyable dihedral climbing, no crack skills required. Crux is the little traverse in the upper part. Not harder than 6, though, especially compared to the other crack.

6 Rechter Schrumpelriss - with Christoph Rauch Sport 25m Good
Noticeably easier than "Linker Schrumpelriss".

6+ Linker Schrumpelriss - with Christoph Rauch Sport 25m Very Good
Classic, long, exhausting crack climb with hard crux part in the middle. Got into the crack after a few meters and never got to climb it in a dihedral ever again. The grade is like so many other crack climb grades not very meaningful, if you are not very familiar with crack climbing. I was thankful that I did put on the crack gloves.

Sat 19th Oct 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
7- Gut so - with mantra Sport 25m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Great late addition to this crag. Tricky start moves to reach the huge jugs, then very peculiar rock structure with good holds up to a delicate slab with spaced bolting. Hard to read with absolutely no chalk on it.

6+ Linker Schrumpelriss - with mantra Sport 25m Very Good
Christoph Rauch
Amazing crack which can be climbed in its entirety using crack and chimney techniques. Perfect hands in the first half, then some stemming (with a jam in place) in the middle, followed by a cruxy part with a wide hand/fist crack and only limited footholds (foot jams!).

Mon 30th Sep 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
7- Gut so Sport 25m Very Good
Martin Skalli
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m Very Good
Martin Skalli
8 1. Wahl Sport 25m Very Good
Martin Skalli
In the upper part I was always a little right of the bolts. Maybe its Routenflucht, because its a little easy for straight 8...

6+ Rechter Schrumpelriss Sport 25m Very Good
Martin Skalli
Easier than the left one, but also a little more spacy protection. You can add some nuts...

7 Vertikale (Ausstieg rechts) Sport 25m Good
Martin Skalli

Fri 24th May 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m
Tue 28th Mar 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
8 1. Wahl Sport 25m Very Good

Erster haken lässt sich gut anklettern. Die Route ist perfekt gesichert. Nach dem 4.H etwas rechst halten. Alles ist fest. No-hand-Rest am 5.H. 6.H von rechts klippen und denn aufs Band steigen.2Fi-Seitleiste mit li und schlechte Leiste mit rechts, Füsse hoch und mit Rechts zum Seitgriff. Füsse sortieren, 7.H.klippen und mit links in den Henkel. Den Überhang kann man rechts der H stark vereinfachen.

Thu 16th Mar 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
6+ Rechter Schrumpelriss Sport 25m Good
Wed 19th Oct 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
7- Gut so Sport 25m
weite Hakenabstände

Thu 9th Jun 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Schrumpelrisse
6+ Linker Schrumpelriss Sport 25m

Mostrando os 29 ascensões.

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