
Ascensões em Traumfängerwand

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 232 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber Data
5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Little Lee
Sat 31st Aug 2019
5 Dreamcatcher Sport Average
Temssy Raj
Fri 12th Jun 2020
5 Dreamcatcher - with de no schnoi ramazotti Sport
Fri 26th Mar 2021
5 Dreamcatcher Sport Good
Sun 3rd Oct 2021
5 Dreamcatcher - with Ursi Sport 7m
Hans Wurst
Thu 14th Apr 2022
First bolt is not trustworthy anymore - be careful!

5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Fri 26th Aug 2022
5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Martin Mascarin
Fri 12th Jun 2020
5 Dreamcatcher Sport Average
Jarrah Turner
Sun 4th Jun 2023
5 Dreamcatcher Sport Average
Chris Martin
Fri 11th Aug 2023
Fast am Start rausgeflogen, gefühlt schwer für 5

5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Grace McClelland
Mon 14th Aug 2023
5 Dreamcatcher Sport Good
Sat 14th Oct 2023
5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Simon Schmidt
Fri 16th Feb 2024
5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Sun 12th May 2024
5 Dreamcatcher - with sonja Sport
Jonny S
Sun 12th May 2024
5 Dreamcatcher Sport
Fabian Schott
Sun 26th May 2024
6+ Van Helsing - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Sun 30th Sep 2018
Harte Schlüsselstelle, für Kleine sicher noch lustiger.

6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Little Lee
Jun 2019
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Little Lee
Sat 31st Aug 2019
6+ Van Helsing - with ramazotti Sport 10m, 5
Wed 31st Mar 2021
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Ferdinand Full
Wed 21st Apr 2021
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Sat 21st Aug 2021
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Sun 3rd Oct 2021
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5 Good
Jarrah Turner
Sun 4th Jun 2023
6+ Van Helsing — 2 attempts Sport 10m, 5 Good
Chris Martin
Fri 11th Aug 2023
2nd go, die crux ist cool. Hat Spaß gemacht

6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Grace McClelland
Mon 14th Aug 2023
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5 Average
Lucas Kugler
Sun 3rd Sep 2023
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Simon Schmidt
Fri 16th Feb 2024
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Simon Schmidt
Fri 16th Feb 2024
6+ ~7- Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
viktor koelbig
Sun 5th May 2024
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Sun 5th May 2024
6+ Van Helsing Sport 10m, 5
Fabian Schott
Sun 26th May 2024
9- Die Letzte Instanz Sport
Little Lee
Fri 17th May 2019
9- Die Letzte Instanz Sport
Little Lee
Sat 17th Aug 2019
6+ Gemeinsame Sache - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Sun 30th Sep 2018
Nicht schlecht, kräftig unten, tricky oben - eher ne schwere Geburt...

6+ Gemeinsame Sache - with Anderl, Arvin, Jarno Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Sandra †
Sun 30th Sep 2018
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Little Lee
Jun 2019
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Little Lee
Sat 31st Aug 2019
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Lena v. D.
Tue 7th Apr 2020
6+ Gemeinsame Sache - with ramazotti Sport 10m, 5
Wed 31st Mar 2021
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Ferdinand Full
Wed 21st Apr 2021
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Sat 21st Aug 2021
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Fri 3rd Feb 2023
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Martin Mascarin
Fri 12th Jun 2020
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Andreas Treml
Sat 1st Jul 2023
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Chris Martin
Fri 11th Aug 2023
Fast rausgeflogen am dritten Haken, aber noch geschafft. Coole Tour!

6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Grace McClelland
Mon 14th Aug 2023
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Lucas Kugler
Sat 2nd Sep 2023
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Simon Schmidt
Sun 25th Feb 2024
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
viktor koelbig
Sun 5th May 2024
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Sun 5th May 2024
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Sun 12th May 2024
6+ Gemeinsame Sache - with sonja Sport 10m, 5
Jonny S
Sun 12th May 2024
6+ Gemeinsame Sache Sport 10m, 5
Fabian Schott
Sun 26th May 2024
4+ Onkozytom - with Anderl, Sandra †, Jarno Sport 12m, 5
Sun 30th Sep 2018
4+ Onkozytom - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 12m, 5 Good
Sun 30th Sep 2018
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Lena v. D.
Tue 7th Apr 2020
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5 Don't Bother
Temssy Raj
Fri 12th Jun 2020
4+ Onkozytom - with de no schnoi ramazotti Sport 12m, 5
Fri 26th Mar 2021
4+ Onkozytom - with ramazotti Sport 12m, 5
Wed 31st Mar 2021
4+ Onkozytom - with Ancala Sport 12m, 5
Adam Mujaj
Sun 9th May 2021
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Thu 3rd Jun 2021
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Markus S
Sat 26th Jun 2021
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Tue 17th Aug 2021
4+ Onkozytom - with Ursi Sport 12m, 5
Hans Wurst
Thu 14th Apr 2022
4+ Onkozytom - with Ursi Sport 12m, 5
Hans Wurst
Tue 19th Apr 2022
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Tue 26th Jul 2022
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Die Wilkinger
Mon 29th Aug 2022
5 4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Chris Martin
Thu 27th Oct 2022
4+ Onkozytom - with Nour Sport 12m, 5
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Fri 3rd Feb 2023
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5 Good
Jarrah Turner
Sun 4th Jun 2023
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Grace McClelland
Mon 14th Aug 2023
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Simon Schmidt
Fri 16th Feb 2024
4+ Onkozytom - with sonja Sport 12m, 5 Classic
Jonny S
Sun 12th May 2024
4+ Onkozytom Sport 12m, 5
Fabian Schott
Sun 26th May 2024
3 Rubbl Bubble Sport 8m Average
Temssy Raj
Fri 12th Jun 2020
3 Rubbl Bubble - with de no schnoi ramazotti Sport 8m
Fri 26th Mar 2021
3 Rubbl Bubble Sport 8m
Markus S
Sat 26th Jun 2021
3 Rubbl Bubble Sport 8m
Tue 17th Aug 2021
3 Rubbl Bubble Sport 8m
Die Wilkinger
Mon 29th Aug 2022
3+ Bubi-P. - with Anderl, Sandra †, Jarno Sport 8m, 8
Sun 30th Sep 2018
3+ Bubi-P. - with Anderl, Sandra †, Arvin Sport 8m, 8
Sun 30th Sep 2018
3+ Bubi-P. - with Anderl, Sandra †, Arvin Sport 8m, 8
Sun 30th Sep 2018
3+ Bubi-P. - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 8m, 8
Sun 30th Sep 2018
3+ Bubi-P. - with de no schnoi ramazotti Sport 8m, 8
Fri 26th Mar 2021
3+ Bubi-P. Sport 8m, 8
Sat 24th Apr 2021
3+ Bubi-P. Sport 8m, 8
Markus S
Sat 26th Jun 2021
3+ Bubi-P. Sport 8m, 8
Die Wilkinger
Mon 29th Aug 2022
3+ Bubi-P. Sport 8m, 8
Fri 3rd Feb 2023
3+ ~3 Bubi-P. - with sonja Sport 8m, 8
Jonny S
Sun 12th May 2024
8 White Russian Sport 15m Very Good
Little Lee
Sun 11th Aug 2019
8 White Russian Sport 15m Very Good
Little Lee
Sat 31st Aug 2019
8 White Russian Sport 15m
Ferdinand Full
Tue 4th May 2021
8- 8 White Russian - with Ursi Sport 15m Very Good
Hans Wurst
Thu 14th Apr 2022
Brought in a top rope via Dirk Bach to test first and send it later. Easier than 7a I think.

8 White Russian Sport 15m
Fabian Schott
Sun 26th May 2024
8 White Russian Sport 15m
Sat 29th Jun 2024
6+ Dirk Bach Memorial Sport 20m, 5
Sat 28th Jul 2018
6+ Dirk Bach Memorial - with Sandra †, Arvin, Jarno Sport 20m, 5
Sun 30th Sep 2018
Nein danke! Einstieg gefährlich, Clipstick vergessen...

6+ Dirk Bach Memorial Sport 20m, 5 Good
Little Lee
Jun 2019
6+ Dirk Bach Memorial Sport 20m, 5 Good
Little Lee
Sat 31st Aug 2019

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 232 ascensões.

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