
Ascensões em Katzentaler Fels

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Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber Data
Katzentaler Fels
7- ~6+ Mackweg - with Anna Bä. Sport 15m Good
Tue 10th Oct 2023
Brüchig aber gut!

4+ (Ver)grübel(t) Sport 12m
Moritz Gut
Sun 28th Mar 2021
4+ (Ver)grübel(t) - with franzi Sport 12m Very Good
Daniel Rapp
Sun 4th Jun 2023
6 Woodstock Generation - with Anna Bä. Sport 12m Average
Tue 10th Oct 2023
Kurz und zäh.

6 Woodstock Generation - with Niklas Sport 12m Good
Anna Bä.
Tue 10th Oct 2023
4+ Bergseite Sport
Hauke do
Sun 11th Jun 2006
4+ Bergseite - with Anna Bä. Sport
Tue 10th Oct 2023
4+ Bergseite - with Niklas Sport Good
Anna Bä.
Tue 10th Oct 2023
7 Däumling - with anna Sport 18m Good
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
7 Däumling Sport 18m
Sat 18th Mar 2023
7 Däumling - with anna Sport 18m Good
Wed 22nd Mar 2023
7 Däumling - with Niklas Sport 18m
Anna Bä.
Mon 10th Apr 2023
7 Däumling Sport 18m Very Good
Sergi K
Tue 12th Apr 2022
7 Däumling Sport 18m Very Good
Sergi K
Mon 18th Apr 2022
7 Däumling Sport 18m Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 10th Aug 2023
7 Däumling Sport 18m Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 7th Sep 2023
7 Däumling - with Malte Sport 18m Good
Sun 19th May 2024

8- Bohrtrottel Sport 20m Average
Deleted climber 2312902986
Fri 8th Sep 2017
8- Bohrtrottel Sport 20m
Deleted climber 2312902986
Fri 8th Sep 2017
8- Easy Bohrtrottel — 3 attempts - with anna Sport 20m Very Good
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
Rechter Ausstieg.

8- Bohrtrottel — 4 attempts Sport 20m
Sergi K
Mon 19th May 2014
8- Bohrtrottel — 2 attempts Sport 20m Very Good
Sergi K
Mon 18th Apr 2022
8- Bohrtrottel Sport 20m Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 7th Sep 2023
8- Easy Bohrtrottel — 2 attempts - with Malte Sport 20m Very Good
Sun 19th May 2024
Linker Ausstieg.

8- Geisterstiege Sport 21m Average
Deleted climber 2312902986
Thu 29th Jun 2017
8- Geisterstiege Sport 21m
Deleted climber 2312902986
Thu 29th Jun 2017
8- Geisterstiege — 2 attempts Sport 21m Very Good
Thu 23rd Mar 2023
8- Geisterstiege - with anna Sport 21m Very Good
Mon 10th Apr 2023
8- Geisterstiege - with Flori Sport 21m Very Good
Sun 30th Apr 2023
8- Hard Geisterstiege Sport 21m Very Good
Sergi K
Mon 18th Apr 2022
8 Wildkatze Sport Good
Sun 8th Oct 2023
Neues Projekt…

8 Hard Wildkatze — 2 attempts Sport Very Good
Sergi K
Tue 12th Apr 2022
8+ Hard Meiranger Glob Sport Very Good
Sergi K
Tue 12th Apr 2022
8+ Hard Meiranger Glob — 2 attempts Sport Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 10th Aug 2023
6 Alte Ostwand Sport 22m
Sat 18th Mar 2023
6 Alte Ostwand Sport 22m Very Good
Thu 23rd Mar 2023
6 Alte Ostwand Sport 22m
Sat 27th May 2023
6 ~6+ Alte Ostwand Sport 22m Very Good
Sergi K
Tue 12th Apr 2022
6 ~6+ Alte Ostwand Sport 22m Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 10th Aug 2023
6 ~6+ Alte Ostwand Sport 22m Very Good
Sergi K
Thu 7th Sep 2023
7 Rammstein Sport 22m
Mon 12th Aug 2013
7 Rammstein Sport 22m Good
Sun 8th Oct 2023
Achtung brüchig. Aber schön!

7 Rammstein Sport 22m Good
Sun 8th Oct 2023
6+ Il Gatto Nero - with anna Sport 23m Good
Mon 10th Apr 2023
6+ Il Gatto Nero - with Niklas Sport 23m
Anna Bä.
Mon 10th Apr 2023
7- ~6+ Kantenfeeling - with anna Sport 25m Good
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
7- Kantenfeeling Sport 25m
Fri 26th May 2023
7- ~6+ Kantenfeeling - with Niklas Sport 25m Good
Anna Bä.
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
8 Krausweg Direkteinstieg (Krausweg) Sport 12m Very Good
Robert Busch
Mon 3rd Oct 2011
good boulder

8 Carmodram Sport 10m Mega Classic
Robert Busch
Mon 3rd Oct 2011
7+ Direkte Südwand Sport
Mon 12th Aug 2013
9- Bodo Ballermann Sport 12m Very Good
Robert Busch
Mon 3rd Oct 2011
6- Südwestkante - with anna Sport 11m, 3 Good
Wed 22nd Mar 2023
6- Südwestkante - with Niklas Sport 11m, 3 Good
Anna Bä.
Wed 22nd Mar 2023
6- Baumweg - with Flori Sport 10m, 2 Average
Sun 30th Apr 2023
6- Baumweg Sport 10m, 2
Sat 9th Mar 2024
6+ Mackplatte Sport 15m, 7
Robert Busch
Mon 3rd Oct 2011
6+ Mackplatte Sport 15m, 7
Sat 14th May 2022
6+ Mackplatte Sport 15m, 7
Sat 18th Mar 2023
6+ Mackplatte Sport 15m, 7
Fri 26th May 2023
6+ Mackplatte - with Anna Bä. Sport 15m, 7 Good
Tue 10th Oct 2023
6+ Mackplatte - with Niklas Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
Anna Bä.
Tue 10th Oct 2023
6- Piazriß Sport 14m, 6
Sat 14th May 2022
6- Piazriß Sport 14m, 6
Sat 18th Mar 2023
6- Piazriß Sport 14m, 6
Sat 27th May 2023
6- Piazriß Sport 14m, 6
Fri 26th May 2023
6- Piazriß - with Anna Bä. Sport 14m, 6 Good
Tue 10th Oct 2023
Alzheimer-Flash. War glaub schon mal drin aber kann mich nimmer erinnern.

6- Piazriß - with Niklas Sport 14m, 6 Good
Anna Bä.
Tue 10th Oct 2023
Gut speckig

6- Einäugige Sport
Sat 14th May 2022
6- Einäugige - with Flori Sport Average
Sun 30th Apr 2023
6- Einäugige Sport
Fri 26th May 2023
3+ Schiefer Riß - with konrad Sport
Hauke do
Sun 11th Jun 2006
3+ Schiefer Riß Sport
Sat 14th May 2022
3+ Schiefer Riß Sport
Moritz Gut
Sun 28th Mar 2021
3+ Schiefer Riß Sport
Moritz Gut
Sun 28th Mar 2021
3+ Schiefer Riß Sport
Sat 27th May 2023
3+ Schiefer Riß Sport
Fri 26th May 2023
6- Neidruckt - with anna Sport Average
Wed 22nd Mar 2023
6- Neidruckt Sport
Fri 26th May 2023
6- Neidruckt - with Niklas Sport Good
Anna Bä.
Wed 22nd Mar 2023
2+ Normalweg Sport
Fri 26th May 2023

Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

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