
Vias como boulder em Around Nairobi

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Mostrando 201 - 300 de 374 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade Local de escalada
{US} V3 Shark fin soup

Stand start on the left side of boulder on two crimps. Tension moves to reach the right arete and then straight up Fintickler.

FA: Joel M, 23 Mar 2019

Boulder 4m Ma-Voloni
{US} V2 Mzunguzungu

Better than it looks. Stand-start in the middle of the overhang matched on okay holds and feet high. Get up to the big block and mantle above this to finish up the slab above.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 Oct 2020

Boulder Lukenya
V3 The jammings are coming

Interesting problem with potential for varying jams and holds. Low sit start to establish, avoiding the boulder to left for whole problem, otherwise quality and difficulty is massively compromised.

Boulder Lukenya
V0 Raphael

Sit-start on same holds as Ninja, move right to big rail, using the flake above gently to exit right.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 2017

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Leonardo

Highball. Go up as for Donatello, but instead of exiting right go straight up over the overhang. Maybe hard to reach the crucial crimp on the overhang easily if you're not tall!

FA: Sven, 2020

Boulder Lukenya
V2 Michelangelo

Highball. Start as for Leonardo, but then move right to exit through the right side of the overhang, without using the arete for hands or feet.

FA: Sven, 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V4 That tree has got to go

Just to the left and around the corner from 'Feet Up', but before 'the legitimacy of knees'. Sit start on two good crimp jugs, moving upwards on the left side of the crack until very good jug on the lip.

FA: kash ramli & Schunk, 14 Jul 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Sarcophagus

Start from the Sarcophagus chalk mark, and move almost directly up. It gets easier, but a lot headier near the top. You can relax once you've finished! Could be considered E3 5c, but there's no gear worth speaking of. Come down off the tree to the right.

FFA: Mark Haworth, 5 Feb 2023

Boulder 8m Lukenya
V2 Repeat the Sending Joy

Stand start on lowest possible holds facing each other, both have 90 degree corners and the left hand is small and sharp. Find your way up and across the ridge line to the top. Top out as far left as you can without getting stuck in the thorns.

FA: Schunk

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Lost Skin

A pleasingly aesthetic line, though the start hold is very tough on the skin. Stand-start with left hand on an incut hold low on the arete and right hand on a higher very sharp and small crimp. Bump up the left hand and get feet higher before going up to the decent hold just right of the arete, and from there to top on okay holds.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 15 Oct 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Slab in the face

Easiest and most obvious line up the boulder. Stand-start, follow the crack in the middle of the boulder.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Henrik, 8 Nov 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Slabdash

Stand-start on big obvious holds to the left of the crack line and work your way delicately up avoiding the crack on your right.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Henrik, 8 Nov 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Mvua inakuja

Short but fun problem. Start on lowest usable hold on the arete, one hardish move up to the big flakes, then work your way left along the arete and up to finish.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 8 Nov 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Straight up

Sit-start to the left o the crack, on crimps. Get up to better holds in the crack and up this to a good topout.

FA: Nathan Brand, 1 Mar 2016

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 On the Rocks

Sit-down start to the right of Straight Up on the little jug past the arrete. Go left round the arete and up the crack.

FA: Nathan Brand, 3 Apr 2016

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Low-hanging Fruit

The easy slab line on the section of the boulder furthest uphill. Stand-start on a rail and go straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 20 Jan

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V6 Berghain

Sit-start on the only real obvious holds through the middle of the boulder. Hard move to get established in the pocket, then hard moves to the top.

FA: Felix Berg, 2005

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V4 Jesse

Stand-start on a sloping right hand and left on a sharp rail, both around head height. Either cross through or bump to the big flake up and left. Take care with this hollow flake and the one above, topping out straight up.

FA: kash ramli, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Tempered Steel

Stand-start under where the overhang starts, work up the slab and exit just right of the overhang.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 20 Jan

Boulder Lukenya
V2 The Shallows

To the right of Shark Bite. Sit-start matched on the low jugs and move up to a good hold above. To top out move slightly left and get feet high to flop over.

FA: Peter Naituli, 12 Feb 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Heavy are the crown jewels

An alternative finish to Heavy is the head. Start on the same holds as for Heavy is the head, but when you arrive at the decent crimp about midway in match and head out left rather than right.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, Jun 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Scarface

Stand-start matched on a good hold on the left hand-side of the boulder. The perpendicular boulder to your left is off, and you should establish also full off the sloping rock below. Go straight up via decent holds and sidepulls.

FA: Emmanuel F & Michele Leone, 2017

FA: Emmanuel F & Michele Leone, 2017

Boulder Lukenya
{US} VB Walking stick

On the far left of the slab, behind a tree. Stand-start up the easiest part of the face.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Moran therapy

To the right of the tree on the left-hand side of the face. Stand-start on two good feet where there is some quartz in the black rock. Once established on those, up to decent holds and top out.

FA: Ian Lekiluai, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Thunderthighs

To the right of Moran Therapy.Stand-start. Get established on a good left foot and slopey right foot, before popping up to a decent gaston - quite a unique move. Don't just jump up from the ground to the good holds higher up.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
V2 Steep 1

Nice. Don't use the boulders on right and on left. #bad_dropzone #juggy

Stand-start with left hand just around the arete and right hand on the arete. Pull a couple spicy moves and then your top out of choice.

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 The Last Gaboli

Just left of a small fig tree growing out of the rock. Get established from a stand-start on the best holds within reach from a decent foot next to the tree. Up on crimps to top out.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Kupe Mweupe

Up the right side of the boulder, starting right of the fig tree. Get established from a stand-start, then straight up.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Active recovery

Sit-start under the overhanging arete right of the very small fig tree starting to grow from the rock. Start with one hand next to the tree on a big hold (be gentle) and other on another jug to the right. Big move up to the lip, then easier climbing to finish up and left.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Esoteric

Harder than it looks and a bit awkward. sit-start matched on the obvious big block left of the arete, then up to another obvious ledge above, then big move to top.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Finger Tingler Assis

Same as Finger-Tingler, but adding in a sit-start from the lowest crack.

FA: Joel M, 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Bullfrog

Stand-start up the middle of the boulder, to the left of Churapati and similar. Start on two decent holds, get feet up and get over the bulge. Easier to the top.

FA: Peter Naituli, 16 Jan 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Aimu

Up the middle of the face towards the upper slope. Sit-start between two smaller rocks under the boulder, on decent crimps. Keep going up between decent edges to the top straight up. Aimu are the spirits of ancestors of the Kamba people.

FA: kash ramli, 12 May

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Kiboko ana Njaa

Problem furthest left, using the big undercling. Stand-start, get your feet up and easier at the top.

FA: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Felix the Cat

A couple of variations on the left-hand side of the boulder, starting stood up at the horizontal rail and mantling. Very short but strenuous.

FA: Felix Berg, 2005

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Mjuicy

Alternate finish to Shelter from the Storm. Start in the same rail where the mjusi lives, but ignore the higher rail on the right and instead go straight up from the small pocket crack for a crimpy finish.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 27 Jun 2021

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Thin ice

Lovely technical climbing up the right-hand arete of the main face. Sit-start in the big crack, then work your way up with right hand using the arete and left on face holds. Figure out how to get your feet high and go for the finishing jugs at the top!

FA: 6 Jul 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Mean relative humidity

Stand-start with hand matched on a small triangular flake at chest level. Straight up via pretty good holds to an easy topout.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 20 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V6 Bodily fluids

Start on two small crimpers above the rock. Traverse left and finish as for act of blasphemy. #SD #traverse #crimpy

FA: Michele Leone

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Yugen

On the left side of the boulder. Start on a good rail, then a big move to a decent hold just under the lip. From there find holds further in and mantle.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 6 Dec 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Searching for UFOs

SIt-start to the left of Satelitte Dish, with left hand on good crimp on low rail and right hand on a low gaston crimp. Hard first move to stand up and reach a diagonal crimp up and right. Easier to the top. Useful to have a friend hold branches out of the way.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 5 Mar 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Jack, don't let go

Round the side from iceberg, good warm-up. Pretty vertical on crimps. Don't let go!

FA: Ian Thorpe, 30 Mar 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Ikoko

Sit-start, then keep tension to move up the face, avoiding the arete, towards the right. Ikoko is another Kamba word for leopard.

FA: kash ramli, 13 May

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 The Calm Before the Storm

Line going up the furthest right part of this big boulder. Stand-start with left hand on a decent square knob, right hand on a diagonal side-pull and foot on a big sloping ledge. Tension up using an intermediate to the crack, get your feet up and easier to top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 12 Dec 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Kivuli

A welcome route in the shade in the afternoon. At the back of the boulder start standing with feet low under the overhanging left side and hands on two good holds in the orange streak. Straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 5 Mar 2022

Boulder Lukenya
V4 Barabara Blues

Deceptively tricky. Stand/squat-start on two low crimps along the same crackline around the bulge. Hard first move, then easier to top, straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Croissant

On the far left of the boulder, from the platform of the large boulder below. Stand-start on obvious big jugs on the arete and go straight up more jugs.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 Apr 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Do It First

Easy smearing up the backside slab of the boulder. Be humbled by the local kids walking up it barefoot.

FA: Henrik Reukhala, 3 Jun 2018

Boulder 4m Ma-Voloni
{US} V3 James

Up the middle of the boulder, just right of Meowth. Stand-start on two slopey crimps around head height. Up to a decent right hand crimp then to the lip. Take care using the big flakes to the right for the top-out.

FA: kash ramli, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 The Mantleorian

Stand-start with hands on the mantleshelf; mantle up leftwards by any means necessary.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 Vertigo

Start awkwardly below a scoop and work your way into it with fantastic undercling moves. Hard hand traverse along a sharp leftward sloping ridge with poor feet, before a heady direct top out.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 2020

Boulder 5m Lukenya
{US} V2 On the Road

Stand-start with hands matched on the big obvious flake. Move right and up the arete to mantle.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Damascus Steel

Same start as for Tempered Steel, but finish up and left through the initial overhand, aiming for big chickenheads. Pretty high.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 21 Jan

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Truck Stop

Start on obvious horizontal to the right of Dump Truck. Navigate right to a big move and an easy top out.

FA: Nathan Sick, 1 Mar 2017

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2/3 Bigrock Horseman

Sit-start low to the right of the arete, go up on crimps and big left-hand gaston staying right of arete to the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 2 Apr 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Pain au Chocolat

To the right of Croissant. Sit-start matched on a low small crimp. Hard first move from here up to a decent flat hold, then up to better more incut holds directly above. Stay right of Croissant and its holds the whole way.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 Apr 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 99 Flake

Take the ridge around from Do it First direct. Heel hooks on the ridge, then good holds up. The mantle finish is a bit scary but there's a good jug to finish on the right.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 3 Jun 2018

Boulder 4m Ma-Voloni
{US} V2 Easter egg

Sit-start with both hands as low as possible - left in a small crack and right on the ledge which is also used for the right foot. Go straight up the face, with some deceptively tricky and balancey moves.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 26 Aug 2023

Boulder Lukenya
V4 Trash boat

Low start on compression of the block that looks like a boat near a pile of trash. Compress your way up to the throne topout.

FA: Nathan Brand

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 No ice

Stand-start just to the right of a small tree. Go up and slightly right to a topout on good holds.

FA: Emmanuel F, 2016

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Aplats magnifiques

More fun than it looks. Start matched low on a great sidepull/undercling and work your way up slopers and a ledge to the topout.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 27 Mar 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V4 Gekko

Start matched on the smaller crimp rail to the left of Yugen. Find a hold round the corner on the left, then up to the top edge and find a way to mantle up.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 9 Oct 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 On the Road Again

Awkward problem on the left side of the boulder. Stand-start with hands on slopers at shoulder level. Straight up a series of slopers.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V4 El Machete

On the side of the boulder facing the road.

Sit start with one hand on crimp and another on low sidepull. Make strong moves right and up to sloping rail and spicy mantle to top out.

FA: Peter Naituli, Jan 2024

Boulder Lukenya
V3 Fanta Orange

Starts crouched. Straight up the face on good holds, just don't look down at the top to avoid fantaing your trousers.

FA: Andrew Andress, 1 Apr 2017

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Arret de Toucher

Stand-start on the arete and the hollow flake, established off the slanting rock below. Straight up the arete from there - good to have a few pads and a spotter as the landing is not great.

FA: Emmanuel F & Michele Leone, 2017

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Pain au Raisin

Right of Pain au Chocolat. Stand-start on two crimps and go straight up, using an intermediate crimp and getting feet up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 Apr 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Baby Shark

On the left side of the boulder from Baby Slap. Stand-start on good feet and and handholds. Up jugs to the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 19 Feb 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Funny bones

Great introduction to highballing - good rock, good feet and good holds with a juggy finish. Stand-start in a kind of break in the bushes and trees about 10 m right of Bone Hole. Straight up the obvious line of holds to the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 3 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Monotreme

Stand-start to the left of the arete on the left of the boulder. Straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
V3 Mabati Roof

Stack pads to start on the only jug you could possibly reach then climb left out of the roof on an incredible crack line. Really Fun and unique climb.

FA: Andrew Andress?

Boulder Lukenya
V0 Upper Roost Warmup

Travel on jugs on overhanging face above Chicken Head.

FA: Andew Andress

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Pas terrible

Start on same big undercling/sidepull as for Aplats magnifiques but go out right and work your way up to a slightly harder topout.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 27 Mar 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V4 Tsuki no shutsu

Short but very fun. Start in the obvious slot to the left of Ukiyo. Big move up to the lip, then cut loose and match before moving left to better holds and mantling.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 9 Oct 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Sore Back

Stand-start up the right-hand arete of the boulder.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 12 Mar 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Abstract Hyrax

If you hate it-starts stay away. Sit-start on big holds low on the lip, and awkwardly and with difficult mantle up. Straight up from there.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Alan

Sit-start just left of the small boulder in the middle of the overhang, on two decent crimps. Pup up to the lip, then traverse right until you can mantle.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 11 Mar

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Lone boat

Sit-start on the far left of the boulder, get established on good hand-holds and traverse on these to top out on the small boulder on the right.

FA: Eric Ducroix, 1 Jan 2018

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V8 Jaws

The most visually iconic line on the plains. Start is shared with 'Gills' (matching the far left of the crack rail). Traverse the rail before performing a series of athletic moves leading right to a shared top out with 'Shark Bite.'

FA: Peter Naituli, 13 May 2021

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Chouquette

Right of Pain au Raisin and very similar. Stand-start on obvious holds, go straight up via a good horn and getting feet up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 Apr 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} VB Dark side of the boulder

Easiest route up the backside of the boulder. Stand-start with hands on two good holds at 10 and 2 o'clock - straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 3 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya

Stand-start to the right of the arete, with left hand low on the arete and right on a sidepull. Pogo up the arete with the left hand, then top out from there. Fun first move.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Kisu

Starting at the big obvious crimp on the right of the boulder, traverse left on the sloping ledge, avoiding the exit jugs above, all the way to the sidepull start to Kijiko on the left. Feel free to exit earlier for an easier problem.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 27 Mar 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Ticki-taka

Full traverse of the boulder. Sit-start on the start jug of Ticked off on the left and work your way right and to the top-out of Tickle me Elmo. Avoid all holds at the top of the boulder before the top-out on the far right.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 12 Mar 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V3 Into the light

Stand-start on a good left hand at the lip of the overhang and a higher, smaller right hand. Get stood on a high foot and then snap to a jug. Easy finish. Short but cool moves - potential there for much harder lower starts.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Mar

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Sanity crumble

Sit-start on a low rail, then delicately straight up on decent but crumbling, hollow holds. Choose wisely!

FA: Ian Thorpe, 25 Feb 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Baguette

Fun one-move problem. Stand-start on big obvious jugs. Straight up via a big move to jugs at the top. Just make sure you get the jugs or have a good spotter as the landing is awkward.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 9 Apr 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Rockabilly Faith

Straight up the middle of the boulder on crimps.

FA: Andrés Torca, 3 Jun 2018

Boulder 4m Ma-Voloni
{US} V0 Jug Juggler

Stand-start, up the left-hand side of the boulder on good holds.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 Aug 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Sinking sun

Sit-start in the middle of the backside of the boulder, with hands on two quite low slopey holds in the black streak. Bump up to better holds, get a foot above the bulge and rock up. Nice exercise in sit-starts!

FA: Ian Thorpe, 3 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Hatch pull

Stand-start just right of Togepi, with left hand in the right hand start hold for Togepi and right in another sidepull. Get feet up then stand up to the lip.

FA: kash ramli, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya
V1 Cracky

Up the vertical crack on the right.

FA: Emmanuel F, 2016

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Kijiko

Stand-start from the side-pull on the left of the boulder. Straight up on good holds.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 27 Mar 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Kecap manis

Stand-start on the right of the boulder, just left of where it cracks, on good holds. Up on jugs.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 Mar

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V0 Le Crumble est un Dessert Français

To the right of sanity crumble, start low and delicately get to the top.

FA: 25 Feb 2020

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V5 2 Min

Deceptively difficult and techy problem. Sit-start with left hand in lowest horizontal crack and right in a good low undercling. Make your way to a standing position via okay crimps, then up and right via weight shifts and tenuous body positions to top out on the right edge of the boulder on good holds.

FA: Mathias, 2016

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Yai la upweke

Sit-start on decent holds on the rail, then move up and left to top out. Short and sort of sweet. Named after a lonely little egg sitting on the top for the FA.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Ian Thorpe, 28 Nov 2021

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V1 Muscle-up Master

Sit-start on the big blocky holds low down, mantle this staying on the arete rather than the slab to the right, delicately reach holds on top of the boulder and muscle up to top out.

FA: Peter Naituli, 31 Aug 2022

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Kupe coping

Up the middle of the boulder. Sit-start with hands in the horizontal crack about halfway up. Straight up through tensiony, crimpy moves. Short but fun problem, requiring a good sequence to climb it well.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 3 Sep 2023

Boulder Lukenya
{US} V2 Hatch pulley

Sit-start using same crimps as for Hatch crimp, but go left and up instead of right and up. Boulder below is off.

FA: kash ramli, 24 Nov 2023

Boulder Lukenya

Mostrando 201 - 300 de 374 vias.

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