
Vias em San Luis Potosí

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 273 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade Local de escalada
Unknown 10
Trad El Potosí
5.9 Unamed

Magnífica grieta protegida por 5 cams (.4,.5,.75,1,2). Increible ruta para practicar hand jams.

Trad Presa San Jose
Unnamed Trad El Peaje
Demencia Trad 11m El Peaje
Top rope
5.9 Rascuacho Gabacho

Esta ruta se encuentra a espaldas de "Frontera de Cristal" Ruta con agarres fragiles. Se llega a la reunion por la parte de atras de la piedra, hay que escalar un poco.

Top rope 8m El Peaje
Unknown 6
Sport 6 El Potosí
5.10a Distanciamiento Social
Sport 6 Presa San Jose
5.12b Nueva

An easy start leads to small crimps to the anchors. Missing its first bolt.

Sport 13m, 6 Guadalcázar
5.11a Esto nos mantendrá unidos Sport 12m, 6 El Peaje
La Fea

A hard start leads to fun stalactite climbing to a delicate finish. Climbs through the largest stalactite on the wall.

SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.12b Agasajo Sport Guadalcázar
Unknown 7
Sport 6 El Potosí
Unnamed 16
Sport 6 Presa San Jose
5.12b Mano de Mickey

An easy start leads to a technical boulder problem to amazing climbing to the anchors. Classic!

Sport 13m, 6 Guadalcázar
5.10b Lomo de Lagarto Sport 12m, 5 El Peaje
5.12c La Guacharaca

A technical start leads to fun stalactite climbing followed by a section on crimps and sidepulls before the last tufa section to the anchors way up in the roof.

Sport 35m, 20 Guadalcázar
5.10+ Unknown 6

FA: Alfredo Velazquez & christian ehlert

Sport Guadalcázar
5.11b Petricor
Sport 10 El Potosí
Unnamed 17
Sport 6 Presa San Jose
5.11a Paseo Escolar

Climbing through hidden jugs on a steep wall, a lot harder than it looks. The leftmost route on the wall. This is actually one of the worst routes on this wall, despite its popularity. If it is your first time here and looking for something easy, better try Chukrut, it is a lot friendlier and fun.

FA: Lu Ramirez

Sport 9m, 5 Guadalcázar
5.8 Unknown 1

Short pocket route. Great for kids.

FA: Gunter Ehlert

Sport 6m, 3 Guadalcázar
5.10a El ultimo de los mamados Sport 12m, 5 El Peaje
5.12d La Cítara

A technical crux at the bottom leads to endurance climbing through massive stalactites to an anchor just below the roof. A unique route for the cave. Classic!

Set: Hugo Marin

FA: Alma Esteban & Hugo Marin

Sport 30m, 15 Guadalcázar
5.10+ Unknown 7

FA: Alfredo Velazquez & christian ehlert

Sport Guadalcázar
5.10b Mazapanda
Sport 8m, 8 El Potosí
5.11c Hurracarrana

Climb up to the left edge of the massive hole then traverse the left side on jugs to the top.

Set: Lu Ramirez

FA: christian ehlert

Sport 10m, 6 Guadalcázar
5.11d Magmatse

Sustained climbing through a slightly overhung wall.

FA: Javier Canche

Sport 8m, 4 Guadalcázar
5.10a Perspectiva Oculta

Comienza por el camino bajo la yuca.

Sport 13m, 5 El Peaje
5.12d Betamina

One of the longest and steepest routes in the cave. A fun but wet start leads to unbelievable climbing through massive stalactites.

Sport 35m, 16 Guadalcázar
5.9 Adiós Vertigo

A short route starting with a slab near the field along the entrance path to the main wall. Slightly overgrown. Easy slab leading to a big texture sloper.

Sport 10m, 5 Guadalcázar
5.11a Chukrut

A bouldery start leads to large jugs to the top.

Sport 10m, 6 Guadalcázar
5.12a Puerquito en Salsa Verde

A technical start leads through a steep arete to a dihedral finish. Shares the same anchors as Magmatse.

FA: Millon Poiz & Luis Carlos Garcia

Sport 9m, 5 Guadalcázar
Unnamed SportProjeto 2 El Peaje
5.11c Mabruk

Stalactite climbing leads to a thin section through pockets to a finish on large stalactites.

Sport 20m, 8 Guadalcázar
5.12c Ataque de Golondrinas

Climb the large stalagtites until they thin out to a straight line of stalagtites with blank sections in between. Pull through the crux and continue through large stalagtites and tufas to the anchors.

FA: Urs Moosmüller

Sport 33m, 12 Guadalcázar
5.11c Tufanfarria

Starts on two large tufas and ends on the same anchors as Choucroute.

Set: Baraka

FA: Lu Ramirez

Sport 11m, 7 Guadalcázar
5.12a La Cortita Negra

Sustained crimps up a blank vertical wall leads to the anchors. Its not over until you reach the top.

FA: Salvador Macias & christian ehlert

Sport 8m, 4 Guadalcázar
5.11a Unnamed 2 Sport 5m, 3 El Peaje
5.11d Anunaki

Climbs the natural weakness through the wall following tufas to the bottom of the massive stalactites.

Sport 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
New Route

Route not finished yet.

SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.8 Jardin de Niños

La primer ruta a la derecha de la pared.

Sport 7m, 5 El Peaje
5.12a Kathmandu

Follows hidden jugs through massive huecos to the top of the wall.

Set: Lu Ramirez

FA: christian ehlert

Sport 16m, 8 Guadalcázar
5.11c Las Poquianchis

A technical boulder problem on sidepulls leads to an easy topout. Hard for the grade.

Sport 8m, 4 Guadalcázar
5.10b A traves del camino Sport 5m, 4 El Peaje
5.12a Niviru

Small stalactites lead to the crux near the middle of the route to a finish on several perfect tufa pinches.

Sport 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.13c Curcuman SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.8 Roca 101

A la izquierda de "Jardin de Niños"

Sport 5m, 4 El Peaje
5.12c Oogie Boogie

Climb through a series of pinches and crimps to reach the spectacular tufa. Pinch up the tufa and follow jugs to the anchors. Shares the same anchors with África. Classic!

Sport 14m, 10 Guadalcázar
5.10b Quincenera

A hard beginning on small pockets leads to fun climbing to the top.

FA: Miguel Jordano & Javier Calzada

Sport 8m, 4 Guadalcázar
5.10b Menesteres Dignos Sport 5m, 4 El Peaje
5.12b Chun Cha Ka

Large tufas and stalagtites lead to a final crux at the end.

Sport 25m, 8 Guadalcázar
5.9 Exit Route

The short route that is sued to climb out of the cave. Exactly where you rap in.

Sport 11m Guadalcázar
5.9 Elemento

La ruta de frente al sendero de acceso.

Tiene un pequeño desplome al inicio.

Sport 5m, 3 El Peaje
5.13a Nomak

Start on large holds that changes into long moves on crimps to a good rest with a final boulder problem at the top.

Sport 14m, 10 Guadalcázar
5.10a Unknown 2

A hard beginning on small pockets leads to fun climbing to the top. Very similar to Quinceanera.

FA: Lu Ramirez

Sport 8m, 4 Guadalcázar
A través de luna roja

Proposed 5.14a

SportProjeto Cueva del Salitre
5.12b Vuelo del aguila ?

Ruta dinámica/explosiva con una de las mejores vistas de la zona La ruta más dura de la zona

Maint: Andres E, 1 Mar 2020

Sport 11m, 4 El Peaje
5.13c El Chupacabras

The endurance testpiece of the cave. Climb Ataque de Golondrinas to the base of the roof. Climb through the roof using stalatgtites to a technical crux when the stalagtites run out. A steep arete leads to the anchors.

FA: Urs Moosmüller

Sport 50m, 2, 23 Guadalcázar
5.12a Unnamed 1 Sport Guadalcázar
5.10d El Ultimo Intento

A la izquirda de "Elemento".

Es una Grieta con placas muy pegadas.

Sport 5m, 5 El Peaje
5.13c Massai Mara

Starts on the largest stalagmite at the left end of the cave and climbs out the underside of the roof ending at the highest set of anchors in the hole on the other side of the cave. Shares the anchor with Oagadougou, Chinguetti, and Vaacanda. Classic!

Set: christian ehlert

FA: Mauricio Huerta

Sport 28m, 15 Guadalcázar
5.10a La de Javier

Hidden jugs lead to an easier face.

FA: Javier Serratos

Sport 8m, 3 Guadalcázar
5.13+ Luna Roja

Set: Mac

Sport Cueva del Salitre
Nunca Pares de Soñar

Set: Paco Peña

Sport 4 El Peaje
La Bruja de Guadalcazar

A V12 boulder problem off the ground leads to 6 bolts of 5.13c climbing to the base of a 10m horizontal ceiling. Confidence building 5.13 climbing for two bolts leads to a V10/11 boulder problem guarding the lip of the cave. Estimated grade is 5.14d/15a.

Set: Urs Moosmüller

SportProjeto 30m, 15 Guadalcázar
5.12b/c Unnamed 2 Sport Guadalcázar
5.9 Fuego Interno

(Diedro) Se puede hacer por la derecha (más facil), o por la izquierda (más divertida) desde la primera placa.

Sport 11m, 5 El Peaje
5.13c Oagadougou

Starts at the deepest part of the cave. Longest route in the cave. Ends in the whole in the ceiling at the highest set of anchors and shares the anchor with Chinguetti and Vaacanda.

Set: christian ehlert

FA: Javier Canche

Sport 35m, 22 Guadalcázar
Unknown 1
Sport Guadalcázar

Set: Giuseppe T.

SportProjeto Cueva del Salitre
5.10b Por si te vuelvo a ver Sport 15m, 8 El Peaje
5.13c/d Espacio Muerto

A soon to be classic. Technical climbing up stalagtites leads to a steep finish.

Set: Urs Moosmüller

Sport 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
5.10 Kokiri

A short route with anchors in the roof.

Sport 9m Guadalcázar
5.10a Alas de libertad

Pequeño desplome al final

Ubicada a un par de metros a la izquierda de "Fuego Interno"

Sport 10m, 5 El Peaje
5.13d Zion

Starts at the entrance of the other cave and follows big stalactites to a long endurance traverse to the lip of the cave. Ends at the entrance to the cave (anchors above stairs). Classic!

Set: Javier Canche

FA: Mauricio Huerta

Sport 30m, 19 Guadalcázar
Unknown 2

FA: W. Ramirez & Paco Peña

Sport Guadalcázar
Por si no te vuelvo a ver Sport 15m, 8 El Peaje
5.13d Enki

Several bolts of tufa climbing leads to a hard boulder problem through the roof.

FFA: Urs Moosmüller

Set: christian ehlert

Sport 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
5.12c Unnamed 3

Starts at the obvious stalgamite left under the arch.

Sport Guadalcázar
5.10a Del otro lado del Sol

A la izquierda de "Alas de libertad"

Sport 10m, 6 El Peaje
5.13b/c Chinguetti

Climb the large stalactites just right of the tunnel to the other cave to the lip of the cave. Resting on the large stalagmite makes the grade to 12d/13a. Shares the anchor with Oagadougou and Vaacanda.

Sport 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
5.10d Hombre Erectus

Vertical pocket climbing leads to steep climbing through pockets and jugs.

FA: W. Ramirez & Paco Peña

Sport 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.10c 36 Volts

Ruta divertida, con grieta, crimps y slopers. See hace a través de la grieta por la derecha.

Sport 15m, 10 El Peaje
5.14a Ninkasi

A steep technical route that finishes on a steep roof.

Set: Urs Moosmüller & christian ehlert

Sport 25m, 12 Guadalcázar
Unnamed 4

Starting right under the arch and follwoing the steep arch up.

Set: Urs Moosmüller

SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.9 Nirvana

La cuerda rosa a partir de la 3ra placa. Descender por "Con la Luz del Espiritu".

La ruta esta en la pared posterior de "En la inmensidad del poder" a unos cuantos metros continuando por el sendero al noreste después de "Del otro lado del Sol"

Sport 9m, 4 El Peaje
5.12c Vaacanda

Climb through hundreds of hanging stalactites starting on a large stalagmite left of the stairs as you go down. One of the best routes in Las Candelas! Ends in the whole in the ceiling at the lower set of two anchors. Shares the anchor with Shangrila, Rabat, and Sri Lanka.

Sport 15m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.11c Grande de Caderas

A dirty start leads to a technical head wall with a cool tufa that leads to nice ledge. A final crux through a crack leads to the anchors.

Sport 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
Vamos a ponerle Jorge al niño Sport 6 El Peaje
5.14c Gilgamesh

Several bolts of technical climbing on crimps and pinches leads to a brutal boulder problem through the roof. Climbs through the longest and steepest part of the wall.

Set: christian ehlert

FFA: Urs Moosmüller

Sport 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
Unnamed 5 SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.10b En la inmensidad del poder

Tiene una saliente después de la mitad, se debe usar una anilla larga para evitar rosar la cuerda.

Sport 9m, 4 El Peaje
5.13a/b Crónicas de una Muerte Anunciada

Newest line on the wall. Climbs relatively easy until a high crux

FA: Luis Cajero

Sport Guadalcázar
5.12a Shangrila

Start on top of the stalagmite at the cave entrance, just right of the stairs as you walk in, and climb out numerous hanging stalactites to the anchors (by the skylight). Shares the anchor with Vaacanda, Rabat, and Sri Lanka.

Sport 12m, 8 Guadalcázar
5.13d Güero de Rancho

An easy start leads to a hard three move long boulder problem to a 5.12 finish. With two sit down rests, how hard could it be?

FA: Urs Moosmüller & christian ehlert

Sport 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.10c Cuestion de Honor Sport 7 El Peaje
5.14a El Intento

One of the best routes in the cave. Technical climbing in the beginning leads to a sustained boulder problem through the final roof.

Sport 25m, 12 Guadalcázar
Unnamed 6 SportProjeto Guadalcázar
Unnamed 7 SportProjeto Guadalcázar
5.10b Con la Luz del Espiritu Sport 10m, 5 El Peaje

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 273 vias.

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