
Ascensões em Fiordland

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Mostrando 601 - 689 de 689 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber Data
Fiordland The Chasm
22 Granite Gringo Sport 15m, 3
Blair Johnston
Thu 13th Dec 2012
22 Granite Gringo - with Andrew Banks Sport 15m, 3 Very Good
David Jefferson
Sat 10th Feb 2024
Quite unlikely climbing at points. A bit of a tease because partners weren’t keen to do this pitch age join at the Chillout Ledge. Very keen to return for some of the harder lines.

22 Granite Gringo Sport 15m, 3 Good
Matias Rivera Urrutia
Fri 16th Feb 2024
21 24 Jack The Biscuit Sport 82m, 20 Very Good
Naf Rostron
Wed 11th Feb 2015
20 Jack The Biscuit - with Lukas Sport 82m, 20 Good
Thu 7th Jan 2016
Route up to the chill-out ledge.

24 Jack The Biscuit
1 lead by Alessio
2 lead by Alessio
3 lead by Alessio
Sport 82m, 20 Good
Alessio Alaimo
Sun 27th Mar 2016
Didn't climb pitch 4

24 Jack The Biscuit Sport 82m, 20
Matt Miller
Fri 15th Apr 2016
24 Jack The Biscuit Sport 82m, 20
Matt Miller
Fri 15th Apr 2016
24 Jack The Biscuit Sport 82m, 20
Alex Hartshorne
Thu 15th Sep 2016
24 Jack The Biscuit Sport 82m, 20
Max Gordon
Fri 13th Apr 2018
Didn't climb the last pitch. Thought the climbing was hard for the grade, amazing location and intro to exposure.

20 24 Jack The Biscuit - with Tom Buckley Sport 82m, 20 Classic
Tue 9th Oct 2018
First 3 Pitches only so Grade 20 to the chill out ledge. wild from walking to the crag in the rain then entering the mammoth rain cave on bomber granite! very different style of climbing which I flailed on and tommy cruised!

24 Jack The Biscuit
1 17
2 18
3 20
4 24
Sport 82m, 20
Anthony Wuster
Fri 10th Jan 2020
18 Jack The Biscuit - with Tim H
1 17 15m Second
2 18 15m Sport
Sport 30m, 20
Gee Rad
Sun 19th Mar 2023
17 Jack The Biscuit P1
1 17 30m Sport
Sport 30m, 20 Good
Sule Mcrazy
Sat 18th Feb 2023
20 Jack The Biscuit - with louis birkhead
1 17 30m Sport
2 18 15m Sport
3 20 25m Sport
Sport 70m, 20 Very Good
Matt Wilson
Tue 31st Jan 2023
18 Jack The Biscuit - with Jon
1 17 30 Second
2 18 15 Sport
Sport 45m, 20
Matthew Creahan
Tue 18th Apr 2023
Just went to chill out ledge

24 Jack The Biscuit - with Erin Hager Sport 82m, 20
Joey G
Sun 5th Feb 2023
24 Jack The Biscuit
1 17 30m Second
2 18 15m Sport
3 20 25m Second
4 24 12m Sport
Sport 82m, 20 Very Good
Adam Sanders
Mon 6th Nov 2023
Great few pitches on this one. Faffed the moves on the 18 (which is more 19) - haven't fallen on a 19 in a while.. neither of us attempted the 24 as we wanted to try other routes. Great intro to the crag though!

24 Jack The Biscuit
1 17 30 Sport
2 18 15 Second
3 20 25 Sport
4 24 12 Sport
Sport 82m, 20 Very Good
Adam Sanders
Tue 2nd Jan 2024
18 Jack The Biscuit - with Emily, Mon
1 17 30m Sport lead by Matthew Creahan
2 18 15m Sport lead by Matthew Creahan
Sport 45m, 20
Matthew Creahan
Thu 4th Jan 2024
to chill out ledge

24 Jack The Biscuit
1 17 30m Sport
2 18 15m Second
3 20 25m Sport
4 24 12m Sport
Sport 82m, 20 Classic
Sat 4th Nov 2023
24 Jack The Biscuit - with Andrew Banks Sport 82m, 20 Very Good
David Jefferson
Sat 10th Feb 2024
Did pitch 1 only to link into Granite Gringo.

24 Jack The Biscuit
1 17 30m Sport
2 18 15m Sport
3 20 25m Sport
4 24 12m Sport
Sport 82m, 20 Very Good
Matias Rivera Urrutia
Fri 16th Feb 2024
10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m
Matt Miller
Fri 15th Apr 2016
10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m
Matt Miller
Fri 15th Apr 2016
10 Access rungs Via ferrata 20m Mega Classic
Miles Mason Winther
Fri 2nd Feb 2018
Best route in the Darrans

10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m
Max Gordon
Fri 13th Apr 2018
10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m Good
Wed 6th Feb 2019
10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m
Anthony Wuster
Fri 10th Jan 2020
10 ~12 Access Rungs - with Tim H Via ferrata 20m
Gee Rad
Sun 19th Mar 2023
10 Access Rungs - with louis birkhead Via ferrata 20m Very Good
Matt Wilson
Tue 31st Jan 2023
10 Access Rungs - with Jon Via ferrata 20m
Matthew Creahan
Tue 18th Apr 2023
suprisingly exciting under a waterfall

10 Hard Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m Classic
Adam Sanders
Tue 7th Nov 2023
Stiff for the grade but absolutely classic none-the-less.

10 Access Rungs Via ferrata 20m
Jongin Chae
Sat 3rd Feb 2024
10 Access Rungs - with Andrew Banks Via ferrata 20m Very Good
David Jefferson
Sat 10th Feb 2024
Probably the only time I’ve led a via ferrata. Two stars? Sure, why not.

10 ~9 Access Rungs — 2 attempts Via ferrata 20m Mega Classic
Quinn Edmondson
Sun 16th Jun 2024
19 17 Unnamed 17 (Mainly Tramping) Sport 15m, 5 Good
Vanessa Wills
Sat 22nd Mar 2008
Nice recent addition and a better way onto the wall than the tree.

17 Unnamed 17 Sport 15m, 5
Wed 8th Nov 2023
22 Mr. Wolf Trad 41m Good
Vanessa Wills
Wed 30th Mar 2016
Second (crux) pitch only. Nice underclings and a few hardish moves on the steeper section.

22 Mr. Wolf Trad 41m
Alex Hartshorne
Thu 15th Sep 2016
22 Mr. Wolf
1 19 15 Second
2 22 19 Trad
Trad 34m Classic
Adam Sanders
Mon 6th Nov 2023
Had one sit on underclinng traverse. Sent it clean from there. Amazing second pitch!! Will try again for sure. Scott led first. Followed this clean.

22 Mr. Wolf Trad 41m Classic
Adam Sanders
Tue 2nd Jan 2024
First at the grade for Trad. Tried the onsight a few weeks back. Got it first time today.

22 Mr. Wolf
1 18 15m Trad
2 22 26m Second
Trad 41m Classic
Sun 5th Nov 2023
24 Dread Zone Mixed trad 60m, 17 Classic
Zdenek Moravek
Sat 18th Dec 2004
24 Dread Zone - with Erin Hager Mixed trad 60m, 17
Joey G
Sun 5th Feb 2023
19 The Drunkin Skunkin Leprechaun Sport 20m, 5
Miles Mason Winther
Fri 2nd Feb 2018
Caroline lead it

19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun (The Drunkin Skunkin Leprechaun) - with Blair Crafar Sport 20m, 5 Good
Anthony Brandis
Mon 5th Mar 2018
19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun - with Ryan Siacci, Imogen Sport 20m, 5
Max Wasley
Mon 9th Jan 2023
Need to get stronger so I can get on the rest of the routes at this crag!

19 ~18 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Gomez Garcia Gonzalez
Tue 7th Mar 2023
Is more like 30m with 11 bolts.

19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun - with louis birkhead Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Matt Wilson
Tue 31st Jan 2023
19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun - with Erin Hager Sport 20m, 5
Joey G
Sun 5th Feb 2023
19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Adam Sanders
Tue 2nd Jan 2024
19 The Drunken Skunkin Leprechaun Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Sun 3rd Mar 2024
Fiordland Borland Valley The Dusk Wall
20 Sol de Tarde
1 19 Trad
2 20 Trad
3 16 Second
4 14 Second
5 19 Second
Mixed trad 170m, 12 Very Good
Troy Kendall
Sat 29th Apr 2023
23 Eventide Sport 14m, 4 Very Good
Troy Kendall
Sun 10th Apr 2022
First ascent. Boulder crux move, V3/V4. Really cool, ends up into an opposing pressure double gaston with bad feet and small holds. Could be a potentially harder grade than 23.

Fiordland Borland Valley Confluence Crags The Den
21 Hard Kiore Mixed trad 30m, 3 Classic
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
The first 3 bolts were hard. Couldn't onsight, pulled on a draw but climbed the rest of the route clean. Stopping at a tree before the upper corner as I needed my small gear back. Amazing upper corner! Such cool moves w/ good gear. The lower moves are hard but interesting. Would like to return and Redpoint this properly. Recommend!

23 Foxy Red Sport 30m, 7
Josh laidlaw
Sun 2nd Jan 2022
23 Foxy Red Sport 30m, 7
Dave Eckl
Sun 7th Apr 2024
17 Mary had a little Jamb Sport 15m
Josh laidlaw
Sun 2nd Jan 2022
Super fun steep jugs and an amazing quartz rib

17 Mary had a little Jamb Sport 15m Very Good
Troy Kendall
Sun 10th Apr 2022
Bottom part is pretty eh. However, it steadily improves in rock quality as the climb goes up.

17 Mary had a little Jamb Sport 15m Average
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
17 Mary had a little Jamb Sport 15m Good
Dave Eckl
Sun 7th Apr 2024
18 The Wanderer Mixed trad 80m, 1 Good
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
Shame about the second pitch, but worth it for the first and last. The first is really fun! Exposed and fun moderate climbing with heaps of pro. Only just misses out on 2 ⭐ imo.

Fiordland Borland Valley Confluence Crags The Perch
24 Stash
1 Second
2 Sport
3 Second
4 Sport
5 Second

Slipped on mossy ledge first attempt

Sport 120m, 30
Owyn Aitken
Sat 10th Feb 2024
Nice climb and cool moves through the roof on pitch 2. Pulled off a scary loose block on pitch 3

Fiordland Borland Valley Confluence Crags The Watchtower
23 Low Voltage Sport 15m, 7 Mega Classic
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Blew the flash, Pumped out just before the last bolt before the anchor.

23 Low Voltage Sport 15m, 7 Classic
Troy Kendall
Mon 7th Feb 2022
Keep falling on the same spot… just one more sequence then the rest jug… pumpy as!

23 Energetic Disassembly Sport 18m, 5 Don't Bother
Troy Kendall
Mon 7th Feb 2022
Not worth the risk. Stupidly bolted.

Fiordland Borland Valley Confluence Crags The Burrow
21 The Modern Man
1 21 25m
2 18 20m
Mixed trad 45m, 5
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Crux move is actually knarly. The name refers to modern bouldeering I'd expect. Fun line!

Fiordland Borland Valley Confluence Crags Split Persona Area
17 Nose Candy Trad 10m
Troy Kendall
Sun 7th Nov 2021
FFA. Superb rock quality! One of the only climbs in NZ where I've actually had to jam to do moves. Good stuff!

17 Nose Candy Trad 10m
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Showing ol John the splitter crack. He reckons one of the best cracks he has climbed since Yosemite days.

17 Nose Candy Trad 10m Good
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
19 Spin Sport 22m, 6
Troy Kendall
Sun 7th Nov 2021
More superb rock quality! really good moves through overlaps. Tricky moves with rest in between. Makes it a wee bit easier.

19 Spin Sport 22m, 6 Very Good
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Showing around

18 KB's Crack Mixed trad 15m, 1 Good
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Cool layback crack. Great gear

Fiordland Borland Valley Main Bluffs Upper Bluff
20 Jumarnji - with Ash Simpson Unknown 32m, 4 Very Good
Wed 28th Dec 2022
Fiordland Borland Valley Main Bluffs Feature Wall
23 Done by Lunch - with Jordan R, Nick O'Rourke Sport 60m, 23 Classic
Adam Sanders
Sat 6th Apr 2024
FA! Really happy with how this turned out, amazing climbing - hopefully it gets some repeats soon. Crux pitch took 3 lead attempts. All pitches established and freed in 2.5 days. A great team effort.

23 Done by Lunch
1 Sport

Quality climbing

2 Sport

Hard moves up and through the overlap. Watch for the good right hand jug then crank on tiny crimps

3 Sport

Delicate moves through the first 3 bolts then quality climbing to the anchors

Sport 60m, 23 Classic
Nick O'Rourke
Sat 6th Apr 2024
23 Done by Lunch Sport 60m, 23 Mega Classic
Jordan R
Mon 1st Apr 2024
24 Feature Face Direct Sport 20m Classic
Tom Hill
Wed 13th Mar 2024
Fell on the direct start due to numb fingers and couldn't feel the crimps. Got it next go G/U

21 Feature Face - with Ashlee
1 17 20 lead by Chris
2 21 25 lead by Chris
3 19 20 lead by Chris
Sport 65m Mega Classic
Thu 27th Dec 2018
Tough for the grade! First pitch felt like a 20, second about 22 and 3rd 19. This climb is fantastic! Well-worth the trip just for this

17 Feature Face (Feature Face P1)
1 17 65m
Sport 65m
Hichel Soares
Sun 7th Feb 2021
17 Feature Face (Feature Face P1)
1 17 65m
Sport 65m
Hichel Soares
Sun 7th Feb 2021
21 Feature Face Sport 65m Mega Classic
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
The second pitch is a must do. Amazing movement up a water runnel, the rock is made to climb. Hopefully a key quartz hold doesn't snap off or will be harder. I sat twice leading crux pitch but seconded everything else clean. Will definitely be back to red point this!

21 Feature Face Sport 65m Mega Classic
Tom Hill
Wed 13th Mar 2024
Via the direct start. Stunning second pitch. Onsight from P2

21 Feature Face Sport 65m Mega Classic
Adam Sanders
Sat 30th Mar 2024
Fiordland Borland Valley Main Bluffs Lower Bluff
22 Hard Myriad
1 Trad
2 Trad

Linked with third pitch.

3 Trad
Mixed trad 80m, 5 Mega Classic
Adam Sanders
Sat 8th Apr 2023
One of the best pitches of climbing in NZ. Such a unique offering - offwidth, laybacking, delicate stemming and then hard slab climbing. Nick had an impressive onsight burn on this (hardest to date for him) but had to sit/took a fall on the crux. I seconded, but sat twice on the crux. Will 100% be back to climb this on lead, clean. Ultra-mega classic.

21 First Blood
1 18 25
2 21 18
3 15 35
Mixed trad 78m, 8 Classic
Troy Kendall
Sun 16th Jan 2022
Mint bold climb. Sick crack up first pitch leads to a bold runout. Second pitch is amazing, awesome techy face climbing. Third pitch is an alpine adventure (no joke).

Fiordland Borland Valley Main Bluffs Puke Wall
20 Joyride - with Ashlee Mixed trad 20m, 1 Mega Classic
Fri 28th Dec 2018
Excellent! I got smashed. Not enough power/gas! Gear is bomber. Just go for it!

21 Hard Esoteric Sport 40m, 11 Good
Adam Sanders
Sat 30th Mar 2024
Commiting climbing on small edges and insecure feet..


Mostrando 601 - 689 de 689 ascensões.

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