
Vias em North America para uma graduação selecionada

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de mais de 10,000 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
5.8 D+
Canada British Columbia Pacific Ranges Waddington Range Tiedemann Group Combatant Mountain
5.8 D+ Kshatrya

Climbs the easternmost of the three major south buttresses of Combatant above the col. Approached via a bench at the elevation of the col (the Shelf)

FA: Cam Cairns & Mike Downs, 1982

Alpine 740m
5.12 D
Mexico Jalisco Ixcatan Koyaniskatsky
5.12 D Nueva Yorch

Set: Yorch

5.11 C - D
United States Kentucky Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Pebble Beach
5.11 C - D Can o' Peaches
Mixed trad 12m, 2
5.11 D
Mexico Jalisco Ixcatan La Recepcion
5.11 D La Cuchufleta

Set: Troll & Chafita

Sport 7m, 3
5.10d D
United States California Los Angeles Santa Monica Mountains Malibu Creek State Park The power station!
5.10d D rolling blackout

Very steep for its grade. The second route on the Power wall. Very asthetic climbing & great rock on this one!

FA: Bill Leventhal & Matt Oliphant

Boulder 25m
5.10 D
Mexico Veracruz parque biotico peñas del gallego
5.10 D techo blanco Sport 14m, 6
Mexico Jalisco Parque ecológico Las Peñas Paracaidista
5.10 D Mastografía

Inicio técnico, con salida a desplome y cazuelas , comparte seccion superior con papanicolau

Sport 15m, 5
Canada British Columbia Pacific Ranges Waddington Range Claw Peak
5.10 D The Trouble with Girls

Descend the pocket glacier to the base of the southeast buttress. Climb this buttress, through sandy broken terrain and with poor protection in places in the first ~75m. Above this, the rock improves up a steep yellow slab to a small gendarme. Descend into the notch and climb easier ground above to the summit.

Descend as per the West Ridge (down that route.)

FA: Julie Calhoun, Jim Nelson & Heather Paxson, 1988

Alpine 170m
United States New Mexico Sangre de Cristo Mountains Pecos River Area Cathedral Rock
5.10 D Faith Based Promotion

Goes to bypass anchor.

Sport 14m
V10 B1+
United States California Eastern California Joshua Tree National Park The Outback Tidal Wave Boulder
V10 B1+ Tidal Wave
5.10+ C0 - 1 V10
United States Wyoming Grand Teton National Park Death Canyon Omega Buttress
5.10+ C0 - 1 V10 Guardian Of Death Trad 99m, 4
5.9 D-
Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Strathcona Park Mount Colonel Foster
5.9 D- Lost boys Alpine 180m
5.8 D-
Canada British Columbia Pacific Ranges Waddington Range Claw Peak
5.8 D- Los Alamos Route

Climb the black, lichen-covered depression in the south face, following corner systems to the east ridge, then to the summit.

FA: 1971

Alpine 150m
Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Nanaimo and the Mid-Island Mount Arrowsmith and Mount Cokely
5.8 D- Get a Grip Alpine 200m
5.8 D- R
Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Strathcona Park Mount Colonel Foster
5.8 D- R Southwest Couloir Alpine 350m
5.2 D- AI1
Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Strathcona Park Mount Colonel Foster
5.2 D- AI1 Walsh's Foray Alpine 1100m
V6 - 9
Canada Nova Scotia South Shore Peggy's Cove Area Dover Island Orgasmatron Wall
V6 - 9 Blacksmith

FA: Ghislain Losier, 2004

5.11+ V9
United States Arizona Mt. Elden Crags Solitude Canyon Solitude Wall
5.11+ V9 Emotional Rescue Sport 11m
5.12c - 13a C+
United States Colorado Shelf Road The Dark Side
5.12c - 13a C+ The Eagle Has Landed
Sport 4
5.12 - 13
Mexico Chihuahua El Camino Real El Trepa Cascada Blanca
5.12 - 13 Cascada Blanca
Sport 2
5.11 - 13
Mexico Chihuahua El Camino Real El Trepa Cascada Blanca
5.11 - 13 No Tengo Trad
Sport 2
5.13 FB:5A
United States Oregon Mount Hood French's Dome
5.13 FB:5A The Siege

First bolt line to the right of Pump o Rama. The rating can change doe to breaking of holds. Make certain all anchor bolts are connected.The grade on this climb has changed several times.

FA: Hermann Gollner

Boulder 21m
5.9 - 13 C2/2+
United States North Carolina Looking Glass North Side
5.9 - 13 C2/2+ The Glass Menagerie (Aid)

This is the finest multipitch free-climb of its grade in the Southeast. If you want sustained climbing with big air and on perfect granite, this is the route for you. The Glass Menagerie is the obvious overhanging line up the center of the North Face of Looking Glass. It is equally good as an aid climb, as it is a free climb. Its cruxes are well protected and the rock is almost always stellar. Please be courteous to other parties if you are trying to work out the free moves. This route gets plenty of traffic and you will likely be sharing the route with other climbers if you try it during peak season.

  1. (5.11c or 5.8 C1) Start climbing up the easy face towards the obvious shallow right facing corner. You will eventually be faced with some 5.11 moves on great rock with mostly bolts for pro. You will then encounter a funky steep section that is protected with some pretty rusty bolts and sort of rotten granite. This is short lived and eventually you will traverse out far right on a ledge system (5.8? rotten) that will take you to a bolted belay. Two nice bolts and an angle for the belay. If you are hauling make sure you put your haulbag in the proper location for takeoff on the deck.

  2. (5.12+ or C1) This is one fine pitch of climbing. Start cranking hard moves right off the belay eventually scoring a nice kneebar rest under a shallow roof. Get ready for some thin face. Climb out past the roof and up past several bolts onto the beautiful face and end up finishing by traversing onto the exposed face placing a few cams to gain a nice little ledge belay below a flaring corner with a splitter crack in the back. Two bomber bolts will make your belay.

  3. (5.11a or C1) After a little rest, rack up with some cams and stoppers for this pitch. You will have a hard time with this one if you don't like rattly fingers. Climb a short crack in a left facing corner with great pro to a decent ledge with at least two bomber bolts for your anchor.

  4. (5.13 or C2) This is the money pitch. Get amped right off the bat because you will be loving the climbing here. Make some face moves off the belay. Then break out left through the improbable looking roof. You will encounter jugs, laybacks, and crimps out of this masterpiece. Keep cool for the first thirty feet off the belay. There is big air with bolts for pro and only 5.12 moves till you reach the lip of the roof. It suits the route that the hardest move is at the steepest part of the whole wall. Try and get a breather before you pull the crux. There are good bolts in between the bad ones for the whole roof. Once at the lip, pull a pretty dang hard boulder problem (V6?) and gain a thin lichen covered face. This face is about 5.10+, but it only has two bolts for pro. They are painted black so if you don't see them just keep lookin. Once you've pulled through the face you will find a two bolt belay for your anchor.

  5. (5.10+ PG 13) This pitch is only part of the free route. The aid line went up and left out of the roof, while the free variation goes up straight past the two bolts described in the previous pitch. Down climb down and left off the belay with only one bolt for pro. You may be able to get some small wires or aliens in as well. You will be angling down and left at about 7 o'clock off the belay. There was a fixed runner off the bolt when we were up there. This pitch will be sort of scary for the leader but terrifying for the second, as he will actually be doing the lead climbing. You will encounter a 2-bolt belay about twenty feet above the lip of the roof proper here.

  6. (5.10c or C2) You can link pitch 5 and 6 and save your second from doing the heinous down climb of pitch five with a semi-top rope. Either way you do it you will climb a splitter hand crack up and eventually gain a fixed nut anchor at a little roof. Traverse out left a few feet to regain the crack (crux 11.c?). Climb the hand crack that will turn into a reasonable off width that overhangs slightly and ends with a slabby right leaning finish to gain yet another two bolt anchor.

  7. (5.9+ or 5.8, C1) Climb up off the belay pulling through some thin hands past a bulge and then on to finish the crack up on a slab. You will eventually run out of crack and slab climb up to the top on easy terrain which can be wet if it has rained recently.

Location North Face of Looking Glass. Hike in from the obvious trailhead at the parking area heading south towards the North Face. It will be the first route you come to once at the wall.

It is possible to retreat from any pitch but you may have to leave some biners on the raw bolts. It is best to walk west towards the Nose and rappel it to get off the wall.

Aid 180m, 7
United States Colorado Shelf Road The Dark Side
5.12c Project
V6 - 8
Mexico Hidalgo Huasca de Ocampo El arquito Camp III
V6 - 8 El duende Negro

(Sit Start) Comienza en regletas invertidas bastante pequeñas, boulder de pasos explosivos

Boulder 5m
United States North Carolina Boone Blowing Rock Boulders Classic Boulder
V6 - 8 Heady Undercling Boulder 6m
United States Nevada Red Rock Calico Basin Kraft Mountain Kraft Boulders Angel Dyno
V6 - 8 The Angel Dyno
5.12c V8
United States Wyoming Laramie Vedauwoo The Dungeon
5.12c V8 The Warden Trad 8m
V5 - 8
Canada Nova Scotia South Shore Aspotogen Peninsula Exit 7 Boulders The Row
V5 - 8 Project #3
V4 - 8
United States New Hampshire Pawtuckaway State Park Blair Woods Karma and Crack Boulders
V4 - 8 Tempered Steel Boulder
V1 - 8
United States Ohio Hocking State Forest
V1 - 8 Steep Roof Problems Boulder 2m
United States California San Francisco Bay Area Central Valley And Foothills Vacaville Boulders Hillcrest Scott's Rock
V1 - 8 Could Have Been Jimi's
5.12c - 13b FR:8a
United States Colorado Shelf Road The Bank North Bank Cliffs
5.12c - 13b FR:8a Walking On The Moon
Sport 6
5.12 B - C
Mexico Hidalgo Actopan La Cueva La Purificadora
5.12 B - C Urantia
Canada Québec Laurentides Kanata (Tremblant) Secteur Tomahawk
5.12 B - C Peux tu encore mémé

Voie courte sur une proue déversante vers la droite. Video https://youtu.be/Ya9uhdEOkb4

United States Arizona Tucson Mount Lemmon Windy Point New Wave Wall
5.12 B - C Tsunami

Sustained face climbing on mostly good holds with a distinct crux midway.

Sport 18m, 9
5.11 C
Canada Ontario Central Ontario Greater Sudbury Bethel Lake
5.11 C Starfish

4 bolts. climb up to the overhanging chunk of rock, pull some difficult moves up to a good ledge and continue up through easier climbing. Varitaon 12a — start traversing from shore, and work your way into the route. Difficulty varies depending on water level, with higher water level turns into a pump fest pulling through to the second bolt.

Sport 4
United States Tennessee Obed National Park Tierrany
5.11 C Tales of the Sperm Sport
5.10b/c C
United States Colorado Shelf Road Cactus Cliff Right Side
5.10b/c C Agave
Sport 5
5.10 B - C
Canada Québec Lanaudière Lac du cap Lac du cap Jujubes
5.10 B - C Warrieur en speedo

Relais équipé

FA: Bruno Taquois & Vicky Amyot, Aug 2021

Trad 30m
United States Kentucky Red River Gorge Cathedral Rock Domain Buzzards Roost Area Light House Crag
5.10 B - C The Beacon
Sport 8m, 4
United States Colorado Colorado Springs Red Rock Canyon The Whale
5.10 B - C Arnold's Demise

Bolted line between Among the Stars and Aphrodite. Thin and technical down low, easing toward the top.

FA: Brian Shelton et al, 2010

Sport 32m, 8
United States Colorado South Platte Elevenmile Canyon Arch Rock
5.10 B - C Pride of Sweden

Begins off of the ledge atop Hollow Flake, Zamboni Man and Sprout Route. Follows the line of bolts to climber's right of the tree. Low crux leads to sustained and enjoyable friction.

FFA: Bill Schmausser

Sport 18m
5.10 C
Mexico Durango Parque Bayacora Sector Norte
5.10 C Diantres

un diesecito largo, el crux esta a la mitad es un paso de izquierda a derecha. preferentemente cuerda de 70 metros

Canada British Columbia Vernon Cougar Canyon Bear Wall
5.10 C 357 Sport
Canada Alberta Lake Louise Hillside Wall
5.10 C heart of darkness
1 5.10b
2 5.10 C

2 pitch

Unknown 2
United States New Mexico Sangre de Cristo Mountains Pecos River Area Cathedral Rock
5.10 C Double Roof Dilemma

Actually a top rope route.

Trad 14m
5.10 C Lesbian Thong Trot Sport 21m
5.12+ V6/7
United States Utah Crackhouse
5.12+ V6/7 Yuji's Crack Trad
Mexico Tlaxcala San Mateo Huexoyucan Rock stars
V6/7 Tinta reggae

Bulder en la misma piedra que big rip y dopamina, empieza a la izquierda de dopamina en dos agarres muy malos y casi sin pies, vas a un agarre lejano pero muy bueno

Mexico State of Mexico and Mexico City Salazar Tercer Piso Marie Curie
V6/7 Marie Curie

Comienzas en el agarre evidente y haces travesía a la izquierda por agarres chiquitos

FA: Santiago Vaca, 25 Jul 2020

Mexico State of Mexico and Mexico City Salazar Tercer Piso El Rinoceronte
V6/7 Boomerang Stand Start

Stand start bajo el techo en dos agarres grandes. Vas a chiquitos para salir al riel grande en la orilla del techo. De ahí vas en línea vertical sobre el riel.

Mexico State of Mexico and Mexico City Los Dinamos Cuarto Dinamo Boulder
V6/7 Wiener Schnitzel Boulder
Mexico State of Mexico and Mexico City Los Dinamos Segundo Dinamo Boulders Mantarraya
V6/7 King Cobra

first opened boulder at Mantarraya, going left with side-crimps and stick the swing at the lip

FA: Jorge Chapela

Mexico State of Mexico and Mexico City Los Dinamos Segundo Dinamo Boulders Sayula
V6/7 Refrigeradores baratos Boulder
Mexico San Luis Potosí Guadalcázar El Realejo Mezcaleros
V6/7 Laurencio

FA: Luis Cajero

Mexico Puebla Apulco Lado Norte La Azotea
V6/7 Furia de Ponys

Empiezas con dos laterales y pies a la izquierda y un movimiento explosivo a un agarre grande. Continúa con movimientos duros de compresión.

FA: Jose Hernández

Mexico La Laguna Dinamita La Mina La Biznaga
V6/7 La Biznaga Feroz

Inicias sentado en en extremo izquierdo de la cara desplomada del bloque. De ahí te levantas hacia las regletas y las sigues hacia la derecha para salir por el centro de la cara desplomada.

FA: Alberto Sánchez Aguilera, 26 Jun 2020

Mexico Hidalgo El Chico Boulders Mineral del Chico Prometheus
V6/7 Piragüa
Mexico Hidalgo El Chico Boulders Mineral del Chico Trucha
V6/7 La mollera sit start

Empiezas sentado en un agarre grande y subes por “La Mollera”.

Mexico Chiapas San Cristóbal de las Casas Peña María
V6/7 Dissident Aggressor Stand Start

Comienza parado en pinza con mano derecha y un agarre que es hoyo, regleta y romo en uno con mano izquierda. Después directo hacia arriba sin usar la buena grieta de "Banana Crest". Top out.

Boulder 4m
Canada Québec Bas Saint-Laurent Mont-Carmel Kangourou
V6/7 Kangourou

Dyno directement sur le lip à partir du bon flake de départ. Grade dépendant du reach et de la grandeur.

Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Cour du roi Trois mousquetaires Trois mousquetaires
V6/7 Savon Ivory
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Cour du roi Purgeur Le purgeur
V6/7 Exercise dans une bouteille

FA: Simon Gélinas, 2003

Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Cour du roi Purgeur Triangle classique
V6/7 Boody Lipstick

FA: David Lacasse, 2007

V6/7 Triangle classique

FA: Sébastien Gardner, 2007

Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David La Bleue C'est ton Problème
V6/7 Ligne de gauche
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David La Bleue L'Arraché
V6/7 Beat It Billy Jean
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Les Hommes Pierre
V6/7 Canard'eau (ou le robineux)
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Les Dammes Le Rustique
V6/7 Rusty Razor
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Les Dammes Johnny
V6/7 Fais-moi mal Johnny

FA: Antoine Séguin

Canada Québec Laurentides Val-David Les Dammes Martine
V6/7 Bedaine Chaude
Canada Québec Laurentides Val-Morin Belle-Neige (Blocs) Bloc 5
V6/7 TGV

Départ assis comme 'Moteur Charbon (5-C)' et continuer vers la droite pour tourner le coin et grimper l'arrête.

Canada Québec Laurentides Morin-Heights Viking
V6/7 Canadian Horse Power

Start on crimp climb face

Canada Québec Laurentides Morin-Heights Les Bouleaux
V6/7 Matchmaker

Climb slab just right of arete Video here https://www.instagram.com/p/CObj9bbAXxQ/?igshid=iqshig1tdqmx

FA: 2020

Canada Québec Laurentides Morin-Heights Parc Balser Bouldering
V6/7 Acide Lactique
Canada Québec Laurentides Kanata (Tremblant) Boulder near parking
V6/7 Le frigo

Grade needs confirmation See video (01:18) https://youtu.be/ewJRdleJl3E

FA: 2014

V6/7 A la Rescousse

Short and powerful

FA: 2016

Canada Nunavut Baffin Island Iqaluit Iqalugasurvik The Raven's Nest - Right
V6/7 Change

Sit start with both hands on the jug. Move up to a crimp and side pull then up to the lip and top out the same as Adaption Left.

Canada Nova Scotia South Shore Peggy's Cove Area Land of Confusion Nouveau Riche
V6/7 Hoof Maker

FA: Ghislain Losier, 2000

Canada Nova Scotia Eastern Shore Musquodoboit Valley Area Gibraltar Rock The Lost Stones Area
V6/7 Drunk Without Drinking

FA: Nate Smith

Canada British Columbia Pacific Ranges Squamish The Chief The North Walls Magic Kingdom
V6/7 Heellucination

Boulder in front of A Tribe Called Quest. SDS on the good hold and head right on small hold and crystals. Classic lip traverse.

Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island Cowichan Valley Region Duncan Bouldering Middle level Brass Monkey Bloc
V6/7 Monkey Rail Direct Boulder
Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island South Vancouver Island Pike Lake
V6/7 Quartzite Dyke

FA: Nick Gibbs & Peter Michaux, 1997

Canada British Columbia Vancouver Island South Vancouver Island Cyberia (hartland-kilarney lake) Cyberia Boulders The Sleeper boulder
V6/7 He Drew The Sleeper
United States Wyoming Laramie Vedauwoo Coyote Rocks The Miser Boulder
V6/7 The Miser Boulder 3m
United States Wyoming Laramie Vedauwoo Nautilus
V6/7 Sun Up To Sundown Boulder 6m
United States Wyoming Pinedale Soda Press Blox Boulder
V6/7 Press Blocks Boulder
United States Wyoming Cody Cedar Mountain Boulders Africa Area
V6/7 Studs Build Houses Boulder 5m
United States Wyoming Jackson Mountain Resort Rock Springs Buttress West Sector
V6/7 Box Car Boulder Boulder 6m
United States Wisconsin Door County Lake Trail
V6/7 Makarov's Revenge Boulder 3m
United States Wisconsin Central Sandstone Quincy Bluff And Wetland Reserve
V6/7 Direct Line Boulder 3m
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The South Bluff The Reserve
V6/7 Lake Boulder Crack Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff Monolith Area East Bluff Monolith Talus Field
V6/7 Mean Gurlz Direct Boulder 5m
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff The Eastern Rampart East Of The East
V6/7 Pivot Point Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff Balanced Rock Area Boulders
V6/7 Road Runner Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff West Ridge Vulture Lookout Vulture Lookout West
V6/7 Escanaba In Da Loonlight Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff Railroad Tracks The Lost And Found Whaler's Rock
V6/7 Don't F With The Bees Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff Railroad Tracks The Lost And Found Mirror Field
V6/7 Russian Puppet Boulder
United States Wisconsin Devil's Lake State Park The East Bluff Railroad Tracks Horse Rampart
V6/7 Equestrian Project BoulderProjeto

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