
Ascensões em Kraków

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 443 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
VI.3 VI.3+ Ogień z dupy Sport 12m, 4 Jura
Thu 17th Jun 2021
VI.3 Easy Rekonkwista Sport 16m, 6 Jura Good
Tue 15th Aug 2023
VI.2+ Kant Freneya Sport 23m, 9 Jura
Thu 28th Aug 2014

VI.1+ VI.2 Skrawek smutku Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Tomek Rożen
Sat 20th Apr 2019
VI.1+ VI.2 Prawa knurówka Sport 12m, 4 Jura
Mon 6th Sep 2021
VI.2 Mszana Dolna Sport 10m, 3 Jura
Melina Martinez
Sun 28th May 2023
VI.2 Omskaniem Majac Obrzekle Prawice Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


VI.2 Skrawek smutku Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011

VI.2 Filar narożny Sport 22m, 9 Jura
Thu 7th Jul 2011


VI.1 VI.1+ Diretka Sport 12m, 6 Jura
Tomek Rożen
Sat 27th Aug 2016
VI.1 VI.1+ Bardzo prawa Szara Ścianka Sport 10m, 5 Jura
Predrag Bradarić
Tue 2nd Aug 2022
VI.1+ Diretka Sport 12m, 6 Jura Good
Thu 6th Oct 2022
VI.1+ Jęczydusza Sport 14m, 4 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


VI.1+ Ściśle fajne Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


VI.1+ Rysa lisa Syfilisa Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Fri 13th Jun 2014

VI.1+ Noc nad Wisłą Sport 16m, 7 Jura
Fri 10th Jun 2011


VI+ VI.1 Żółte ryski Sport 12m, 5 Jura
Thu 17th Jun 2021
VI.1 Kapliczka, przyjacielu! Sport 14m, 4 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011

VI.1 Easy Dilferissimiś - with Anwar Sport 16m, 5 Jura Very Good
Flavio Di Natale
Fri 23rd Aug 2024
First four bolts are the same as the previous route. Not very clear which bolt to use as 5th. I've use the one on the right and went up to the anchor. But there is another bolt on the left between the two anchors that might be safer to clip and would be otherwise of no use.

VI.1 Los mosquitos de la muerte (Las Mosquitos De La Muerte) Sport 12m, 4 Jura
Sun 13th May 2007
VI.1 Filarek Drzewusa (Filarek Drzewusa z Górnym Okapem) Sport 32m, 13 Jura
Sun 15th Oct 2017
VI.1 Żeberka tynieckie Sport 16m, 6 Jura Very Good
Thu 10th Aug 2023
VI.1 Czlapak Platonogi Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011

VI.1 Zeberka Tynieckie Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011

VI VI+ Jawne królestwo Sport 12m, 3 Jura
Sun 25th Mar 2007
VI+ Zdziczenie Obyczajów Sport 15m, 5 Jura
Sun 22nd Sep 2019
VI+ Jawne królestwo - with Marius Jebeleanu Sport 12m, 3 Jura Very Good
Wed 2nd Sep 2020
Good holds

VI+ Rysa Kurtyki Sport 28m, 10 Jura
Predrag Bradarić
Sun 17th Jul 2022
Very crumbly last part!

By the look of the chalk on the rock, people seem to be grabbing loose rocks too

Watchout what you're grabbing!

VI+ Zacięcie wiewiórek Sport 23m, 7 Jura
Sat 2nd Jul 2011


VI+ Rysa Kurtyki Sport 28m, 10 Jura
Flavio Di Natale
Wed 10th Apr 2024
VI+ Mrówcze zacięcie Sport 28m, 11 Jura Very Good
Tomasz Ziębowicz
Sun 18th Aug 2024
VI+ Easy Ścianka Kawalarzy Sport 13m Jura
Grzegorz Błotko
Thu 15th Aug 2024
VI- VI Rysa na honorze Sport 14m, 6 Jura
Wed 30th Jul 2014
V+ VI Filar Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Wed 30th Jul 2014
V VI Rewolwer Sport 15m, 3 Jura
Sun 22nd Sep 2019
V+ VI Filar Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Artur Khalikov
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
V+ VI Telewizorek Sport 12m, 5 Jura Crap
Thu 17th Jun 2021
VI Telewizorek Sport 12m, 5 Jura Good
Thu 6th Oct 2022
VI Wolski Mecharadża Sport 10m, 3 Jura
Melina Martinez
Sun 28th May 2023
VI Wolski Mecharadża Sport 10m, 3 Jura
Melina Martinez
Sun 28th May 2023
VI Rysa na honorze Sport 14m, 6 Jura
Fri 4th May 2012

VI Filar Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


VI Filar Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Dawid Jakubik
Fri 16th Jul 2021
VI Wolski Mecharadża Sport 10m, 3 Jura
Flavio Di Natale
Wed 10th Jul 2024
VI Dilferissima - with Anwar Sport 15m, 5 Jura Very Good
Flavio Di Natale
Fri 23rd Aug 2024
The bolting is a little confusing. The first 4 bolts are the ones on the left of the crack

VI Pełna Gotowość Bojowa Sport 12m, 4 Jura
Sun 22nd Sep 2019
VI Direttissima Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura Good
Artur Khalikov
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
VI Tyniecka intryga Sport 12m, 6 Jura Classic
Thu 10th Jun 2021
VI Pełna Gotowość Bojowa Sport 12m, 4 Jura Very Good
Wojtek Hellwing
Wed 12th Jul 2023
VI Direttissima Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura Very Good
Thu 10th Aug 2023
VI Direttissima Winnicy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


VI Liga Mistrzów Sport 13m Jura
Wojciech Detka
Thu 15th Aug 2024
V+ VI- Palba Sport 15m, 3 Jura
Sun 22nd Sep 2019
VI- Palba Sport 15m, 3 Jura
Thu 20th Apr 2023
VI- Dezerter - with Marius Jebeleanu Sport 15m, 4 Jura Very Good
Wed 24th Jul 2019
VI- SalwaTor Sport 15m, 3 Jura
Thu 18th Jul 2019
VI- Pluton Egzekucyjny Sport 14m, 5 Jura
Sun 22nd Sep 2019
VI- Pif-Paf Sport 12m, 3 Jura
Wed 24th Jul 2019
VI- Dezerter - with tichacek Sport 15m, 4 Jura Good
Marius Jebeleanu
Wed 24th Jul 2019
VI- SalwaTor Sport 15m, 3 Jura
Thu 20th Apr 2023
VI- ~V+ Ryska Zdobywców Pucharów Sport 13m Jura Good
Grzegorz Błotko
Thu 15th Aug 2024
V V+ Wszystko będzie dobrze Top rope 8m, 1 Jura
Sun 25th Mar 2007
V V+ Wszystko będzie dobrze Top rope 8m, 1 Jura Average
Thu 19th Mar 2020
V- V+ Rysa główna Sport 12m, 5 Jura
Thu 17th Jun 2021
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
V V+ Środek Szarej Ścianki Sport 10m, 4 Jura
Sun 22nd May 2022
V+ Środek Szarej Ścianki Sport 10m, 4 Jura
Melina Martinez
Thu 1st Jun 2023
V+ ~VI Zorka 5 Sport 14m, 4 Jura Very Good
Adam Orcholski
Tue 24th Oct 2023
Krótka, ale unikatowa formacja żywcem wyjęta z paklenicy ;-).

V+ ~VI Miejscy Hulajnogiści Sport 8m, 3 Jura
Adam Orcholski
Sun 18th Feb 2024
V+ Easy Trzy przewieszki Sport 12m, 6 Jura Good
Sun 7th Jul 2024
V+ Środek Szarej Ścianki Sport 10m, 4 Jura Good
Flavio Di Natale
Sun 3rd Jun 2018
Nice route but with dangerous start

V+ Trzy przewieszki Sport 12m, 6 Jura
Flavio Di Natale
Wed 5th Jun 2024
V+ Hopstery Sport 12m, 7 Jura Very Good
Flavio Di Natale
Wed 5th Jun 2024
V+ Rysa główna — 2 attempts Sport 12m, 5 Jura Average
Sun 14th Jul 2024
V+ Trzy przewieszki Sport 12m, 6 Jura Good
Mon 29th Jul 2024
V+ Warianty Miodowicza Sport 15m, 8 Jura Good
Wed 7th Aug 2024
V+ Hard Rysa lisa Wasylisa (start rysą) Sport 15m, 6 Jura Average
Flavio Di Natale
Fri 16th Aug 2024
the route is generally fine but the start could benefit of a bolt before you top the initial crack section. you can use one of the bolts of the routes on the left but they are behind the corner and that would cause unnecessary rope drag. The initial crack section might be hard enough to push the route to the VI grade territory.

most of the holds are covered in a dark sandy dirt. I think it is worth to bring a large brush to wipe them clean. The same issues affect the nearby routes on the right.

V+ Hopstery Sport 12m, 7 Jura Classic
Natalia Jamróz
Sun 18th Aug 2024
V+ Easy Hopstery Sport 12m, 7 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Sun 7th Aug 2022
V+ Hard Trzy przewieszki Sport 12m, 6 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Thu 8th Jun 2023
V V+ Matka Ziemia Sport 20m, 7 Jura
Sun 13th May 2007
V+ Trawers Strzelnicy - with Marius Jebeleanu Sport 24m, 11 Jura
Wed 24th Jul 2019
V+ Lewy Sowizdrzał Sport 13m Jura
Sat 8th Jun 2019
V+ Trawers Strzelnicy - with tichacek Sport 24m, 11 Jura Good
Marius Jebeleanu
Wed 24th Jul 2019
V+ Matka Ziemia - with Marius Jebeleanu Sport 20m, 7 Jura Average
Sun 8th Nov 2020
Quite a nice route, unfortunately really dirty

V+ Easy Trawers Strzelnicy Sport 24m, 11 Jura Very Good
Sviatoslav Saviak
Fri 23rd Aug 2024
Fun and unique! Nice sideways moves on crimps and marginal feet. Bolting is not ideal in some places though.

V Parapetówka Sport 7m, 2 Jura Good
Sviatoslav Saviak
Sat 27th May 2023
Some simple moves in the beginning before first clip, then 2 mantles back-to-back. Overhanging almost all the way through, but the difficulty is compensated by comfy jugs and large footholds. Pretty much just your average beginner gym boulder

V Okrążne zacięcie Sport 16m, 6 Jura Classic
Mon 19th Jun 2023
V Nowa Strategia Syntezy Sport 16m, 5 Jura Good
Mon 19th Jun 2023
V Pęknięty filarek Sport 15m, 7 Jura
Thu 9th Jun 2011


V Parapetówka Sport 7m, 2 Jura
Sat 11th May 2024
V Hard Nowa Strategia Syntezy Sport 16m, 5 Jura
Wojtek Bałka
Fri 3rd May 2024
V 1941 - with Aneta Falkowska Sport 16m, 6 Jura
Tue 14th May 2024
V Gruz 200 - with Aneta Falkowska Sport 16m, 7 Jura
Tue 14th May 2024
V Okrążne zacięcie Sport 16m, 6 Jura Mega Classic
Fri 26th Jul 2024
V 1941 Sport 16m, 6 Jura Good
Flavio Di Natale
Fri 16th Aug 2024
V Hard Ziarenko Prawdy - with Anwar Sport 10m, 3 Jura Very Good
Flavio Di Natale
Fri 23rd Aug 2024
V Easy Zacięcie Bocznej Ściany Sport 12m, 5 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Thu 8th Jun 2023
V ~V+ El niño Sport 13m, 6 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Thu 8th Jun 2023
V ~V+ Przez grotkę Sport 10m, 3 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Sun 2nd Jul 2023
V ~V+ Czarne Zacięcie Sport 25m, 8 Jura
Mateusz Orzeł
Sun 2nd Jul 2023

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 443 ascensões.

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