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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 351 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade Local de escalada
{FB} 7A Sunset Traverse

Sit-start on the right in the corner and traverse into Vertige.

Listed as a classic in the guidebook


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Maties

Sit-start and climb the obvious rail through the roof. Easier if you use the wall on the left for feet.



FA: Scott Noy, 2006

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A Esoterrorist

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start and climb up through the balancy bulge. "The Original"



FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Finders Keepers

Sit-start on jug, move up right to sloper and then climb leftwards out of the cave with a balancy top-out.



FA: Guy Holwill, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Silky Natural

Sit-start on the right, traverse left and finish out along the upper rail.


FA: Nate Peach, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A John Denver

Start with large pockets, climb the right side of the arch then move left through roof and finish straight up the slab. 6c+ if you wimp out left at the top.

Listed as a classic in the guidebook



FA: Justin Hawkins, 2001

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A More Than Perfect

Direct right finish


FA: Michael Janata, 2020

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Teapot

Sit-start with pocket, move to crimp and climb straight up.


FA: Alan Cameron, 1996

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Panic Room

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start under the roof with undercling, move out and traverse right and around the corner.


FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A Kiesl

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start below the roof, climb out left and up on slopers. "Get the name and you'll get the problem"


FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Girlfriend's Problem

Sit-start low on the corner, climb up right and finish up the arête.


FA: Daniel Woods, 2008

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Colin the Librarian

Start with jug, traverse right on fragile holds and climb up finishing out left.


FA: Evan Wiercx, 1996

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Fin

Climb the rail through the roof and up the arête.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Buff the Banana

Very popular route

Start with large undercling system, reach to the top and climb up.


FA: Klem Loskot et al., 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Arch Valley

Start as Man or Machine but climb up right on crimps and finish as Sex Etiquette.


FA: Rafael Passos, 2011

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Fakir of Ipi

Sit-start with hour-glass feature and climb up the high seam.


FA: Klem Loskot, 1998

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Secret to Olive's Preserve Cupboard Direct

Start as The Secret to Olive's Preserve Cupboard but climb straight up


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Beer Belly Bandit

Climb the arête

FA: Dan Archambault, 2006

Boulder 4m Rocklands
{FB} 7A Creeper Pre-break

Start in the scoop, climb up and then left to join Human Energy


A hold broke in 2022 but apparently it still goes, see here.

FA: Scott Noy & Dimitri Velissariou, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A Olli Düsentrieb

Sit-start with side pull and traverse right on pockets.

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Bols Island

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start with large flake, move to good hold then right to gaston and finish up the face. This route is often confused for the easier variation (Bols Island Left) which climbs directly up on jugs.


FA: Scott Noy, 2009

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Todd's Sloper Problem

Climb the bulging wall behind the Yosemite Slab

FA: Lisa Rands, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Far Side

Sit start with incut edges and climb straight up the high face to grey knob.

Jarryd New


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Stalker on The Horizon Left

Start as Chakijana but climb out right.

FA: Cody Roth, 2009

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Hill Start

Sit-start with slipey rail under roof, move to edge and throw up right.


FA: Marijus Šmigelskis, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A Toy Story

Sit-start with large sidepull feature and climb up (without using any of the good holds on the right).


FA: Scott Noy, 2012

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A Death-Proof

Running Out of Ammunition into Bullet-proof.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Ron Ron Diagonal

Start as Ron Ron Dyno but from the edge climb out right.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Durka, Durka Wildebeast

Sit-start low, move left and climb up


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Rumour Has It

Start with both hands on the flake and climb up. Be careful not to dab.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A Don't Worry be Happy

Crouch-start with slots and dyno to the ledge

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A - B Broadside Arête

Start on the rock and climb the high arête. "Up, up and away"

Video at 9:40

FA: Chuck Fryberger, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Powerband

Jump-start up to rail and climb straight up.


FA: Wills Young, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Pocket Power


Sit-start with good pockets and dyno up


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Ground Control

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start low with good holds and climb up through the roof.

FA: Evan Wiercx, 1996

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Salty Egg

Sit-start with smooth jug, traverse right to slopey jug and mantle.


FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Power Up

Start with side pulls, move up left to sharp sidepull and climb up on crimps.

FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Beckoning Sit-Start

Sit-start on the right and climb into The Beckoning.

FA: Lisa Rands, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A La Bowling Ball

Start from obvious holds on the left and traverse the lip to an ending hold on the lip.

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Shagadelic Finn

Sit-start with large slopey rail and climb the arete


FA: Jarmo Annunen, 2017

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C - 7A The Arborist

Crouch-start and climb straight up.

FA: Sean Maasch, 2016

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Venerable Yorgi Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Per's Pearler Problem

Start with large rail, do a tricky first move and finish straight up the high face.

FA: Per Arild Strand, 2006

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Trapped at the Alpha Farms

Sit-start below obvious seam and climb up. "Named after the now yearly occurrence of being stuck behind flooded streams for TOO long"

FA: Fred Moix, 2001

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Love Actually

Sit-start with large hole, climb up right and finish up on slopers.

FA: Chris Tartaglia, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Pov atm

Sit start and climb out right.

FA: Ove Skagen, Jul 2019

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Totally Bonin

Start as Bonin Forever but do a long reach from the middle of the crack to the lip.

FA: Ian Cotter-Brown, 2010

Boulder Rocklands
7c Mal Plat

Crimpy face, grade confirmation needed

Maint: Theo Grevelin, 2020

FA: Dylan Williams, Aug 2022

SportProjeto Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Beckoning Arête Sit-start

Sit-start with arete and climb The Beckoning.

FA: Beto Barbosa, 2011

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Right Wall

Climb the right side of the wall.

FA: Patrice Ulmann, 2006

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Up Top
Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Baboon

Sit Start.

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A Resourceful

Start as for The Source but go right from the starting hold.

FA: Charlie Schreiber, 17 Aug 2023

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Ausgesetzt Low

Start as Ausgesetzt but traverse out right on low flake.

FA: Klem Loskot, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A/A+ Bloody Gumby

Sit-start on the right and climb the prow into the tufa feature.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Ravachol


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A African Dancer

Climb the face.

FA: Marc Le Menestrel, 2015

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Nipple Alert

Stand start, go via nipples and do the slopy top out.

FA: Olli Antikainen, 2017

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Direct Contact

Sit-start in the back of cave and climb out.

FA: Emilie Esterhuizen, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Bokuma

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start with pocket for left-hand and edge right and climb up overhanging arête.

FA: Rob Guinn, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Kronstadt

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Crouch-start with large undercling and climb through the roof. "A Russian sea-port town famous for playing an important role in the 1905 revolution"

FA: Guillaume Boissard, 2003

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Party Cat

Climb up on the right-hand side of the arete.

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Sunset Freak

Sunset Traverse into Freaking Heights.

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A The Arc

Sit-start on the left with slopey crack and climb up left of the arete

FA: Matt Wilder, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Catatta

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Sit-start below the arête and climb up.

FA: Rob Guinn, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Feist Extension

Start as Let it Die and climb into Feist.

FA: Newton Neto, 2011

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A Life Is a Gift

Sit start with jugs and climb straight up.


Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A Razor Paws

Crouch start, climb right and then up to the highest point via a small pocket

Boulder Rocklands
{SA} 29 Factor 15

Apparently this route has no anchor

FA: T. Skinner, 1992

Sport 5 Rocklands
29 - 31 Worlds Apart

Start as for Wolfgang, and then follow the line of bolts and seam up the wall to the anchor. Some trad gear is also required to protect the route.

FA: P. Schlotfeldt & D. Shewell, 1991

Mixed trad 40m, 6 Wolfberg
{FB} 7A Free Coffee

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Climb up to the hole then up left and finish right with good holds.

FA: Ivan Luengo, 2007

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Big Foot

#SD Sit-start with two good holds, move to a cool hold in the roof then do a

FA: Les Warnock, 2010

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Not by the Book

Climb the vertical crack without using holds on the black streak to the right

FA: Jason Ruger, 2021

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A The last kink of Scotland Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Boss man

Sit-start with low rail and climb out left.

FA: Danaan Markey, 2017

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Big Bonin

Sit-start with pocket and sidepull and climb out.

FA: Jesse Bonin, 2010

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 6C+/7A After 8

Climb the cool flake.


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Trekking Heights

Climb up the high slab moving right near the top

FA: Cyrille le Menestrel, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{UK} E9 UKT:6c Bonnano Pisano

FFA: James Pearson, 2015

Trad 50m Wolfberg
{FB} 6C - 7A Bonghead
Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Elefant im Porzellanden

Start with large shelf and climb rightwards up the featured wall.

FA: Michi Tresch, 2002

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Jos le Beau Gosse

Sit-start and climb the crack.

FA: Francois Peraldi, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Jos l'Ardéchois

Climb the arete.

FA: Julien Gras, 2005

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Stapes

Start with right hand on sidepull & left on crimp and climb up left.

FA: Sean Maasch, 2016

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Judith

Sit-start with corner hold and climb up diagonally right.

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Be Your Own Guru

Start as slash and burn, but climb high arête

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A The Huck

From the big hold move up on slippery crimps to gain better holds as you move up

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2016

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Across the Grain

Sit-start and climb straight up.

FA: Sean Maasch, 2015

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A A for Epic

Sit-start with obvious trianglar hold and climb up.

FA: Jarmo Annunen & Scott Noy, 2018

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Right is Tight

Start with rail and climb out right to large flake.

FA: Shawn Raboutou, 2016

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Enter the Realm

Climb the center the the high wall.

FA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2017

Boulder Rocklands
FB:7A Certiphobic

FA: Kaddi Lehmann, 2021

Boulder Rocklands
7c Rockin' Rolo

Start with left hand on undercling, boulder up and right then do a long move up to crimp and climb up to ledge. Climb the overhang wall, first on good holds then some dynamic final moves to finish.

FA: Roland Hemetzberger, 2018

Trad Rocklands
FB:7A Mistaken Identity

Sit-start as for Mistaken Identity with the hole/jug, and keep low to traverse left only using the pockets low down (ignoring the slopers higher up - Mistaken Identity Variation).

FA: Scott Noy, 2003

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A She's a Man-eater

Crouch-start at the back of a large cave with flake, climb through the roof on good holds and finish on the broken hold.


FA: Scott Noy, 2009

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Jacoste


Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Billetje Balletje

Sit-start with sidepulls, and climb the arete.

FA: Frank Bogerman, 2015

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Trouvaille

Climb the tall arete.

FA: Steve Deluca, 2012

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A Cobalt Blue

Listed as a classic in the guidebook

Climb the high arete without using good flake (with flake 6b).

FA: Andy Mann, 2006

Boulder Rocklands
{FB} 7A One in the Pink

Start with left hand on arete and right hand on one finger pocket and climb the arete.

FA: Jarmo Annunen, 2017

Boulder Rocklands

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 351 vias.

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