
Ascensões em Mythen - Ybrig

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Mostrando 401 - 500 de 932 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber Data
Mythen - Ybrig Ibergeregg Chli Schijen Westgipfel
7a+ Dur, bien sur - with Philip, Jim Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
Slipped from the pinch

7a+ Dur, bien sur - with Philip, Jim Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
7a+ Dur, bien sur Sport
Wed 23rd Jun 2021
7a+ Dur, bien sur - with wk Sport
Wed 10th Nov 2021
7a+ Dur, bien sur Sport
Stefan Auf der Maur
Sun 18th Feb 2024
7b Dachkante - with Catalina Torres Sport
Victor Pillac
Sat 29th Oct 2022
7c Primis Fluch Sport
Stefan Auf der Maur
Fri 28th Jul 2017
7c Primis Fluch Sport Good
Mon 18th Jan 2021
7c Primis Fluch Sport
Wed 23rd Jun 2021
7c Primis Fluch - with Catalina Torres Sport
Victor Pillac
Sat 29th Oct 2022
6c L'escapade Sport
Mon 24th Aug 2020
6c L'escapade - with Moxi Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
Misread the lower crux in the slab :-/

6c L'escapade - with Moxi Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
6c L'escapade - with Philip, Jim Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
6c L'escapade Sport
Samuel Troxler
Sun 1st Jun 2014
6c L'escapade Sport
Sat 18th May 2024
6c+ Harakiri Sport
Sun 14th Jul 2019
6c+ Harakiri Sport
Mon 24th Aug 2020
6c+ Harakiri - with wk Sport
Wed 10th Nov 2021
6a Athletikus Sport Very Good
jonas haggstrom
Thu 11th Aug 2011
Long nice vertical route with some variation. A classic.

6a Athletikus Sport Good
Sun 3rd Oct 2010
6a Athletikus Sport Classic
Thu 25th Jul 2019
6a Athletikus Sport
Mon 24th Aug 2020
6a Athletikus - with Roy Küttel Sport
Dani KO
Thu 24th May 2018
6a Athletikus Sport
Samuel Troxler
Sun 4th Dec 2016
6a Athletikus - with Cedric Hegglin Sport
Sun 13th Jun 2021
6a Athletikus - with s Sport Very Good
Tue 20th Jul 2021
Actually wanted to climb the harder variant but did not really look at the topo...

Juggy & athletic. Nice route. Great view from the top.

6a Athletikus - with wk Sport
Wed 10th Nov 2021
6a Athletikus - with Catalina Torres Sport
Victor Pillac
Sun 30th Oct 2022
6a ~6a+ Athletikus - with Herbert Sport Very Good
Andreas Wilke
Sat 8th Jul 2023
6a Athletikus Sport Very Good
Giulio Saibene
Sun 20th Aug 2023
6a Athletikus - with Beatrice, Johannes Sport
Sun 17th Sep 2023
6a Athletikus - with Karin Bless Sport Very Good
Mon 25th Sep 2023
6a Athletikus - with Helge Sport
Sun 17th Sep 2023
6a Athletikus Sport Very Good
Sat 13th May 2023
6a Hard Athletikus Sport
Dani Werder
Mon 29th May 2023
6a Athletikus Sport
Sat 18th May 2024
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Gorges Sport Classic
Sat 16th Nov 2013
perfect limestone after the junction

6b+ Athletikus Variante links Sport Mega Classic
Thu 25th Jul 2019
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Georges Sport Classic
Thu 5th Dec 2019
6b+ Athletikus Variante links Sport Very Good
Ben Smith
Sun 19th Jul 2020
Not enough time for the red point attempt. Will be back.

6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Chris Sport Very Good
Stefan Barthel
Fri 31st Jul 2020
Wie der Name sagt athletisch an grossen Griffen, über den Bauch etwas schwieriger.

6b+ Athletikus Variante links Sport
Mon 24th Aug 2020
6b+ Athletikus Variante links Sport
Tue 8th Sep 2020
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Moxi Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Philip, Jim Sport Very Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Cedric Hegglin Sport
Sun 13th Jun 2021
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Klara Sinha Sport Classic
Yannick Froese
Sat 16th Sep 2023
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Karin Bless Sport Classic
Mon 25th Sep 2023
6b+ Athletikus Variante links Sport Classic
Victor Pillac
Sun 16th Jun 2024
Simply fun

6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Dani KO Sport Classic
Franco Koelliker
Tue 25th Jun 2024
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Dani KO Sport Classic
Franco Koelliker
Tue 25th Jun 2024
6b+ Athletikus Variante links - with Franco Koelliker Sport
Dani KO
Tue 25th Jun 2024
7b+ 7b Californian Desire Sport Classic
Stefan Barthel
Fri 31st Jul 2020
Unten athletisch, an zwei Kanten pressen, über den Bauch, dann technisch auf einer Platte an Leisten und Untergriffen und zuletzt noch ein Boulder, den ich noch nicht ganz geknackt hab.

7b Californian Desire Sport
Tue 8th Sep 2020
7b Californian Desire - with Moxi Sport Good
Sat 19th Sep 2020
Really nice till the last bolt, maybe 7a/+ till there. Then a strange boulder to the anchor. It's not so easy and also quite strange. The route would be better with a lower anchor

7b Californian Desire - with Philip, Jim Sport Average
Sat 19th Sep 2020
Strange boulder problem at the anchor

7b Californian Desire - with Beatrice, Johannes Sport
Sun 17th Sep 2023
8b Dynamokante Sport
Stefan Auf der Maur
Wed 23rd Jun 2021
8b Dynamokante Sport Very Good
Victor Pillac
Sun 16th Jun 2024
Cool route with enjoyable technical section at the top. Still have to figure the single move.

6c Schiss im Riss Sport
Sun 20th Jun 2021
Mythen - Ybrig Ibergeregg Chli Schijen Vorgipfel
5c Degalo - with Patrik Sport
Sun 6th May 2018
5c Degalo Sport Good
Giulio Saibene
Sun 20th Aug 2023
Some really old bolts and the line I did shared the anchor with the 5c+ multipitch so 70m rope was necessary

5a Nordwand - with Baltilu Sport Good
Sun 30th Oct 2022
7a Mut zur Wut Sport
Sun 11th Jul 2021
4a Südostgrat Sport
Adam Pullen †
Tue 16th Jul 2013
Mythen - Ybrig Peter und Paul Sockelwand
6c+ Dreamliner Sport 140m, 14
Mon 19th Jun 2023
6c+ Dreamliner
1 6b 25m Sport
2 6c+ 30m Second

Schlüsselstelle im oberen Drittel. Man muss in schwieriger Position einen kaum sichtbaren Griff ertasten.

3 6c+ 20m Sport

Wunderschön technisch. Zuerst dem Riss entlang hoch, dann Querung nach links und zwei Meter weiter oben wieder nach rechts.

4 6b+ 30m Second
5 6b+ 35m Sport
Sport 140m, 14 Classic
Sun 12th May 2024
Was für eine tolle Linie: homogen und geradlienig durch diese schöne Wand. Dazu super abgesichert und fair bewertet. Die zweite Seillänge ist schwer zu lesen, geht aber gut auf, wenn man alle Griffe gefunden hat. Allgemein eher technisch, wenige kräftige Züge. Ideal für erste MSL Versuche im Bereich 6c. Mit 50m Halbseilen in 3 Abseilmanövern zurück zum Einstieg.

6c+ Dreamliner
1 6b 25m Second
2 6c+ 30m Sport
3 6c+ 20m Second
4 6b+ 30m Sport
5 6b+ 35m Second
Sport 140m, 14 Classic
Sun 19th May 2024
6c+ Dreamliner Sport 140m, 14
Stefan Auf der Maur
Mon 17th Jun 2024
6a 6a+ Peter und Paul Direkte - with adam, hanna, simone Sport 200m, 10 Average
jonas haggstrom
Sun 16th Sep 2012
needs some gardening

6a+ Peter und Paul Direkte - with Chääs Sport 200m, 10
Sat 21st Aug 2021
6a+ Peter und Paul Direkte - with Pesche Sport 200m, 10
Mon 30th Aug 2021
6a+ Peter und Paul Direkte
1 5c Second
2 4a Second
3 4b Second

Aufpassen, dass man zum richtigen Stand steigt. Es hat einen neuen Stand, bei welchem in roter Schrift "D.À.C" angeschrieben ist. Von diesem aus muss man noch einmal rechts um die Ecke weiter.

4 6a+ Second

Sehr gut abgesichert.

5 6a Second
6 6a Sport
7 5b Sport
Sport 200m, 10 Very Good
Thu 8th Jun 2023
7a+ Paul SW-Kante Sport 220m, 12
Sun 14th Jun 2020
7b Paul SW-Kante - with Lisa
1 6a Sport
2 5b Second
3 6c Sport
4 5c+ Sport
5 5c Sport
6 7b Sport
7 5c+ Sport
Sport 220m, 12
Sat 2nd Sep 2023
7a+ Paul SW-Kante P7
7 7a+ 30m Sport
Sport 30m, 12
Sun 19th May 2024
Mythen - Ybrig Holzegg
6b+ Um dä Eggä - with Anika, Jakob Sport Classic
Thu 14th Mar 2024
6b+ Um dä Eggä - with Anika, Jakob Sport Classic
Thu 14th Mar 2024
7a+ Knorrlifix Sport Good
Wed 24th Feb 2021
7a+ Knorrlifix Sport Good
Sat 24th Oct 2020
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Linus Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Sat 29th Mar 2014
diversified - the name "the dream" says it all

6b+ S'Tröimli Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Sat 29th Mar 2014
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Anika, Paul Schneeweiß Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Sat 15th Feb 2020
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Colin Sport 30m, 15
Sun 22nd Jul 2018
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Roy Küttel Sport 30m, 15
Dani KO
Sun 7th Oct 2018
6b+ S'Tröimli Sport 30m, 15 Very Good
Sat 15th Feb 2020
6b+ S'Tröimli Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Sat 14th Nov 2020
A real beauty. Varied. Technical start, then quite athletic for a bit.

6b+ S'Tröimli
1 6b+ 30m
2 5c
Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Tom Balsiger
Sat 28th Nov 2020
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Rodi Sport 30m, 15
Mon 17th Oct 2022
6b+ S'Tröimli Sport 30m, 15 Classic
Sat 3rd Dec 2022
6b+ ~6c+ S'Tröimli - with M.R Sport 30m, 15 Very Good
Sun 12th Feb 2023
Würde die Route auf 6C+ aufwerten. extrem kleine Leisten. Nicht im Verhältnis zu anderen 6b+ Routen.

6b+ Hard S'Tröimli Sport 30m, 15 Mega Classic
Sat 6th Apr 2024
Evtl. 6c. Nach der Platte rechts abbiegen. Leicht zu verfehlen wenn man sich vorher die Route nicht gut genug anschaut.

6b+ S'Tröimli - with Dani KO Sport 30m, 15 Mega Classic
Franco Koelliker
Thu 13th Jun 2024
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Dani KO Sport 30m, 15 Mega Classic
Franco Koelliker
Thu 13th Jun 2024
6b+ S'Tröimli - with Franco Koelliker Sport 30m, 15
Dani KO
Thu 13th Jun 2024
6a Schlafwandler - with Anika, Paul Schneeweiß Sport 13 Very Good
Sat 15th Feb 2020
6a Schlafwandler - with Colin Sport 13
Sun 22nd Jul 2018
6a Schlafwandler Sport 13 Very Good
Sat 15th Feb 2020
6a Schlafwandler Sport 13
Sat 28th Nov 2020

Mostrando 401 - 500 de 932 ascensões.

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