
Ascents by Lee Cujes

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Showing 401 - 500 out of 7,155 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 30th Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
22 Much of a Muchness - with Sammi Sport 30m Good
Less sustained than This Sporting Life, might be easier for some?

Thu 13th Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Pierces Pass West Side
25 The Watchers On The Wall - with Jake Bresnehan, Kamil Sustiak
1 20 45 lead by Lee Cujes
2 23 25 lead by Lee Cujes
3 25 25 lead by Lee Cujes
4 25 25 lead by Lee Cujes
Sport 120m Very Good
FFA. Has all those ingredients you want in a Pierces Pass multipitch. Some adventure, some easier climbing, some harder climbing, all well-protected on U-bolts but with a feeling of growing intensity as you get higher. If you've not been to this wall before, it's around 25 mins walk-in from the carpark to the base of the route, mostly on an excellent track (see Bladderhozen approach notes in guide). Climb, rap back down, walk out. Or combine with The Iron Throne or Bladderhozen for more sport pitch fun in the same zone.

Sun 12th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Pierces Pass West Side
24 The Iron Throne - with Jake Bresnehan
1 16 14m lead by Jake Bresnehan
2 23 32m lead by Lee Cujes
3 21 30m lead by Jake Bresnehan
4 24 37m lead by Lee Cujes
Sport 110m Classic
Awesome one to do as a sport-multi summer afternoon combined with Bladderhozen as they are virtually side by side.

23 Bladderhozen - with Jake Bresnehan
1 21 lead by Lee Cujes
2 21 lead by Jake Bresnehan
3 23 lead by Lee Cujes
Sport 110m Classic
Great! Super variety of holds and rock shapes. Steepish, and mostly jugs.

Sun 10th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Hocus Pocus Area
15 El Dingle Mixed trad 54m, 3 Don't Bother
This was not the "climb with a pack on shortcut to the car" route I was hoping for. What was probably a fun jaunt in the 60s is just too dangerous by modern standards. And oddly, because of the few bolts, their positions and hugely weaving nature of the climbing, it's probably just as dangerous for the second as the leader.

Sun 10th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Cottage Boulder
24 Leanings - with Sammi Sport 17m Classic
Oddly sustained.

25 Cant - with Sammi Sport 25m Good
Blazing sun; bit of a battle.

Mon 4th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Slape Area
16 The Spartan - with Sammi Mixed trad 50m, 4 Very Good
Interesting in part because you cannot see the business from the ground. The hidden offwidth was actually hard! If I was doing it again I'd wear socks and maybe an approach shoe on my left foot. Thank god for the #5 camalot I've been holding onto for 20 years and never using until now. The novel cord-slung chockstone belay could do with an upgrade to chain as it's only a matter of time before abrasion or sun gets the better of it.

Sun 12th Sep 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
22 Jug Buzz - with Sammi Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Gearing up

28 Pulse - with Sammi Sport 20m, 7
Skin wasn't really up to the task, but will be keen to go back. Did all moves except what I presume is the crux to the blobby section. Didn't seem easy!

28 Zapt - with Sammi Sport 20m, 10 Very Good
Second go. 20 degrees, 20% humidity, gale force westerlies. With a wing suit I could have soloed it.

Sun 5th Sep 2021 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath The Sunbath
12 Until Death Do Us Part - with Sammi Sport 25m, 9 Very Good
Down jacket, sneakers and gardening gloves. Proper alpine.

22 23 The Incredible Hulk - with Sammi Sport 11m Good

14 Mañana - with Sammi Sport 22m, 8 Classic
Down jacket, sneakers and gardening gloves. Proper alpine.

Fri 3rd Sep 2021 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Narrow Neck Crags Southern Crag
18 On Both Sides of the Glass Direct - with Sammi
1 18 30m lead by Lee Cujes
2 18 30m lead by Lee Cujes
Mixed trad 60m, 10 Very Good
The first pitch is a great arete feature. Tons of trad and 2 carrots. Crux bulge is tricky and pumpy. For the second pitch, the direct certainly seemed the more sensible option and I'm glad we took it. I wonder if many people hit the ledge falling off the start of p2 (especially on second with rope stretch)? Take a panic draw if you have one. I reckon you'd want to be confident climbing 22 on trad to jump on this one. We walked off (staying roped up for the first 30m) which was fine to get back to the Cave Climb abseil, or back to the car if this is your last climb of the day.

13 Cave Climb - with Sammi Trad 50m Classic
Fantastic and unique cave pitch, crawling into the depths of the earth. You can happily take and use all your large protection. Big cams #3 → #5, big hexes etc. Access is rap in (50m should be fine), climb out, so very convenient. Stay safe getting to the exposed abseil point.

Sun 22nd Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Mezzaluna Area
16 Mezzaluna - with Sammi Sport 25m, 8 Classic
What's a better single pitch sport 16 in the Mtns?

19 Public Pressure - with Sammi Sport 30m, 8 Very Good
21 20 Murmel Snooze - with Sammi Sport 25m, 9 Good
Rooflet move is hard. I wonder how many ascents of this have skirted around to the right?

22 23 Cultivate a Callus - with Sammi Sport 10m Average
Hard, and harder still if you don't spot the grips. Climbs more like a boulder problem.

18 High Society - with Sammi Sport 25m, 7 Good
15 My Grandmother's Dinky - with Sammi Sport 20m, 5 Good
Right on golden hour with live music pumping from the valley. Lockdown party?

9 Frolic - with Sammi Trad 13m Very Good
#11 hex, y'all!

Sun 15th Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Janicepts Area
22 Thin Time - with Sammi Sport 24m Very Good
Quite good, interesting, weird, and hard - especially up top. Solid 23.

26 Daphne - with Sammi Sport 30m Very Good
Failed on low crux.

26 Daphne - with Sammi Sport 30m Very Good
Really pleased to have got this one in the bag. Hats off to Mikl clawing his way up this in biblical times. [3]

Sun 15th Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
13 Charity - with Sammi Trad 14m Good
16 surely?

15 Hope - with Sammi Trad 15m Very Good
Nice one

15 15 R Chastity - with Sammi Trad 14m
Retreat! Retreat! Climbed in 1966 in concrete boots and wooden rope. In 2021 with modern gear, I backed off. And I'm alright with that.

Sat 7th Aug 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Janicepts Area
26 Daphne - with Sammi Sport 30m Very Good
I was quietly proud to onsight the first 20m with no feeling in my fingers. I'd done the hard climbing, but fingies ceased to open or close, making climbing difficult. Warmed up and went to top. Will go back for it.

21 The Janicepts - with Sammi Trad 27m Mega Classic
Man, that was great. Intimidating, glad to have finally done it. Filmed the POV, it's on YouTube. Onsight spolier.

18 Amen Corner - with Sammi Trad 30m Classic
Really cool, with the wide section being pretty heady (for those of us without #7 cams!). Calves were burning. There may have even been #calfspooge.

Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Slape Area
22 21 Vinyl Idl - with Sammi Sport 23m, 6 Good
Yeah I'd give this 22 at least. A bit awkward and oozey but worth doing (moreso if there was an easy lower-off). Easy to run out of plates with both bottom and top belays requiring them. No top lower-off (2BRs). I walked climbers L 50m to a perma-slung tree, rapped from here to vegetated halfway ledge, located the bolted lower-off above the Carthegenian and rapped here to the floor. Apparently you can also go climbers R to rap down The Plunge.

19 Cartwheeling - with Sammi
1 13 15m lead by Sammi
2 19 15m lead by Lee Cujes
Sport 30m Very Good
Nice interesting jaunt. Second pitch arete was pretty cool with a few airy delicate moves.

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
15 Tombstone Wall - with Sammi Mixed trad 30m, 3 Classic
A cool varied wandering adventure. The low mantle is quite tricky I thought! Don't land on the tree spike of death!

17 Flake Crack - with Sammi
1 17 15m
2 17 15m
3 23m
Trad 53m Classic
I'm surprised there's not more prangs on this. The layback is pretty slip-off-able and big cams aren't always the best things in the world. Having a couple of #4 camalots for the flake would be prudent rather than relying on one.

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
15 The Carthaginian Trad 33m Very Good
Can't claim the onsight. Seconded this 19 years ago

Thu 15th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
25 Loop the Loop Sport 25m Classic
First lap in 17 years. Fell off the final hold

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Cheap Dive Wall and Beyond
22 Cheap Dive Sport 27m Classic
Great fun.

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Black Bart's Wall
19 Black Bart - with Sammi Mixed trad 25m, 7 Classic
Continually interesting and enjoyable from bottom to top.

13 Honey Dip - with Sammi Mixed trad 28m, 1 Mega Classic
This is the best easy pitch I've done in the Blue Mountains.

Sun 4th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Giggles Wall
16 Giggles - with Sammi Mixed trad 30m, 7 Classic
Classic! Just two cams (#1.5 and #2 friend).

Sun 4th Jul 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Zig Zag Dress Rehearsal Rag Wall
16 Dead Milkmen - with Sammi Mixed trad 15m, 1 Average
Lots of little wires. I tried to avoid stickclipping the only very high first carrot, but then backed off and stickclipped. Which was a bit of a mission in and of itself.

21 Dress Rehearsal Rag - with Sammi
1 17 15m lead by Lee Cujes
2 21 20m
Sport 35m, 4 Very Good
Interesting moves for a slab.

23 Disaster Area - with Sammi Sport 15m, 5 Good
5th shot. Yup! Slabs!

Mon 14th Jun 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point The Very Nice Wall
22 Killer Boas - with Sammi Sport 10m Good
Sort of a 1 legged ascent type of thing.

Mon 14th Jun 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
17 Butt Head - with Sammi Sport 15m, 7 Classic
Something I could do after the MCL tear. Such nice gritstone on this wall.

Sat 12th Jun 2021 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Little Grease Cave
30 Narcosis - with Doug McConnell Sport 10m
Things were coming along nicely until my knee went POP. Serves me right for dropkneeing though.

Sat 22nd May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau Elphinstone Main Wall
30 Mr Squiggle (Linkup) (Mr Squiggle) - with Doug McConnell Sport 30m
Yowza. Bolt to bolt first run.

Sun 16th May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
30 House of Suns - with Sammi Sport 25m, 11
Fell on move to final crimp. Fingers too numb and slow. Tried heel beta and it worked nicely. Maybe it’s the way to redpoint.

30 House of Suns - with Sammi Sport 25m, 11
Fell same move using heel beta. Hmm. Dunno.

30 House of Suns - with Sammi Sport 25m, 11
Gearing up

Fri 14th May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Hat Hill Crag
23 Fascinator - with Duncan Steel † Sport 25m, 11 Good
Fluffed the onsight [2]

22 Fedora - with Duncan Steel † Sport 18m, 8 Classic
Consistent and interesting the whole way. A great route at this grade.

Sun 9th May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Oliver Stone
26 Age Against the Machine - with Duncan Steel † Sport 17m, 9 Very Good
Fitness lap.

Sun 9th May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Sharon Stone
27 Fucked on Cocaine - with Duncan Steel † Sport 16m, 8 Very Good
Great addition by Evan; very well-equipped and quite bouldery. May be comparable to something like White Linen. Psyched.

27 Some Violence and Sexual References - with Duncan Steel † Sport 20m, 11 Very Good
Fitness lap.

Sat 8th May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Doomsday Wall
20 One for the Old School - with Duncan Steel † Sport 17m, 5 Don't Bother
Glad Duncan led this! Can't imagine many people would bother with this one? I'm actually not really sure why you bolted it Monty, let alone with carrots. I'm sure there's a good story.

22 Minority of Fun - with Duncan Steel † Sport 33m, 13 Very Good
Need to second as the massive traverse makes it "uncleanable" otherwise. The slab section off the belay on orange marble was super-tech!

23 Cockorona - with Duncan Steel † Sport 25m, 9 Good
Maybe the most memorable move on the whole wall: the slab-mantle! Deary me, kill me now!

24 Submission - with Duncan Steel † Sport 25m Good
Good one, felt like a bit of a gamble which way to go at the top.

24 Patience Zero - with Duncan Steel † Sport 37m, 15 Very Good
I was closest to falling off the top of this. No chalk to guide the way, proper hunting.

25 Lockdown - with Duncan Steel † Sport 36m, 17 Very Good
Some proper tricky moves on the slab. Did this as the last route and was happy to get away with it.

Sun 2nd May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag The Blowhole
27 Full Blown Frenzy - with Doug McConnell, Sammi Sport 11 Good
A rush of blood to the head? [2]

Sat 1st May 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
22 Nylon Happy - with Doug McConnell Sport 20m, 8 Very Good
Probably loses a star in today's money for the early 90s bolt positions.

25 Sparkle Motion - with Doug McConnell Sport 20m, 9 Don't Bother
17 year project! Lol, but also seriously. #FDLFCS [4]

Thu 29th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
25 Wipe Out - with Doug McConnell Sport 30m, 8 Classic
Between Mon 26 and Thu 29 Apr 2021, one of my quickdraws was removed from the traverse bolt. It's black, 25cm dogbone, Petzl biners. Slightly odd given the entire route and extension were geared up, and everything else was untouched. Maybe a cockatoo ate it?

29 28 My Pheramone - with Doug McConnell, Duncan Steel † Sport 45m Classic
Long slings, roller biners, 50m of air, skipping clips and and going feet first to the lip. That's what I call a good time. [6]

Thu 15th Apr 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Self Portrait Wall
29 Self Portrait - with Jake Bresnehan, Sammi Sport 30m Classic
Six tries this year. Several lobs off the last move [9]

Sun 28th Mar 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mitchells Ridge Grace Gully
24 Mogambo - with Sammi, Aaron Jones Sport 16m Good
Quite nice. Need to lay some power down at the top.

26 Grace - with Sammi, Aaron Jones Sport 16m Very Good
13 years after my previous attempt in 2008. Fell on the last move on this Alzheimer's OS try.

26 Grace - with Sammi, Aaron Jones Sport 16m Very Good
Understandably popular. Weirdly endurancy for such a short route. Heartbreaker finish.

23 Will it Stay? - with Sammi Sport 15m Good
Looks very unassuming from the ground. Top section is no joke. There are plenty of easier 24s around.

Sat 6th Mar 2021 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff
25 Dr Stein Sport 18m, 10 Classic
25 Dr Stein Sport 18m, 10 Classic
22 Room With a View Sport 15m Very Good
24 Surprise Package Sport 17m, 8 Very Good
24 Surprise Package Sport 17m, 8 Very Good
Wed 13th Jan 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
22 Vasco Pyjama - with Sammi Sport 12m, 4 Average
16 The Sisters of Fatima - with Sammi Sport 12m, 5 Classic
Wed 13th Jan 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Gulf War Wall
23 Guerilla Warfare - with Sammi Sport 18m, 6 Average
22 Sister Rosa - with Sammi Sport 18m, 8 Good
Sun 13th Dec 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Self Portrait Wall
23 Chook Lotto - with Sammi Sport 15m, 6 Good
14 years later apparently, now with trustworthy bolts. I would have called it an onsight but theCrag keeps me honest. You can kneebar your way through the start, if you're that way inclined.

Sun 6th Dec 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass La La Land Area
23 Legoland - with Sammi Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Fri 4th Dec 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Jimmy Cliff
19 Anal Leakage - with Sammi Sport 15m, 6 Good
22 Red Sleigh Down - with Sammi Sport 15m, 6 Good
Fri 4th Dec 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Rock Hudson
25 Geek Salad - with Sammi Sport 8 Very Good
Nice, well worth getting on!

Sun 27th Sep 2020 - The Balkans
The Trenches The Caves
V4 V6 Bring It On Boulder 12m
In the modern world of roof climbing and kneebars, this would be a grade 24 roof route if it was on a rope, but it does seem a bit mean to suggest it's a V3?

Sun 27th Sep 2020 - The Balkans
The Trenches AWOL
V2 V2 R AWOL Boulder 4m
Sun 27th Sep 2020 - The Balkans
The Frontline The Main Wall
V4 V4 R Toe to Toe Boulder 6m
V10 V10 R Woolly Jumper Boulder
V6 A2 is Not a Tank Boulder 3m
Sat 29th Aug 2020 - Blue Mountains
Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Bung Crag The White Tower
20 22 The Sun is the Same (Unknown Left) Sport 25m Very Good
Really great, but a couple of spicy runouts mean you'll enjoy this more with a few grades of buffer. Could be 22ish?

24 In a Relative Way (Unknown Middle) Sport 18m Good
Some of the thinnest moves of all time to get started, yeesh! Oh, and the slab! Good god, the slab! 24 is fair I'd say.

26 Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show (Unknown Right) Sport 20m Very Good
Yeeees. "23!" = 26, says I. The roof is surprisingly unobvious on the onsight and if your brain is telling you it's only 23(!), it's really setting you up to fail. Think 26 and go for it. And above that, it's not over.

Sat 29th Aug 2020 - Blue Mountains
Newnes Plateau Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area Bung Crag The Red Wall
21 The Diving Board Sport 22m, 11 Good
Sat 15th Aug 2020 - Jessicca's
V4 Bedside Manner Boulder 5m
V8 Midwife Crisis Boulder 3m
Sun 2nd Aug 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper War Babies Wall
24 No U-Turn - with Sammi Sport 20m Good
Sun 2nd Aug 2020 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Equaliser Wall
26 Slay Ride - with Sammi Sport 20m Classic
Failed onsight attempt.


Showing 401 - 500 out of 7,155 ascents.