
Routes in Victoria Range for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 166 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Eureka Area Eureka Wall
18 Darwin's Theory (1st 2 pitches)

Survival of the fittest. Described without the third pitch so that it gets noticed as a fantastic 2 pitch 18.

Start: Start as for Newton's Law.

  1. 30m (18) Up "Newton's Law" for 5m then R to the line of big white scooped out pockets. Up these (take slings for threads), then a piton for the finish to the break.

  2. 25m (18) Hand traverse R along the rising break to the rap anchor above "Pythagoras' Theorem".

FA: Steve Monks & Keith Lockwood, 1991

Trad 55m, 2
Eureka Area Clean Cut Walls
18 Stray Sheep

Fab warm up. Starts up crack system.

Sport 30m, 13
18 Villiers Terrace

Bolted Water streaks on right side of fixed lines. Shared start to other routes.

FA: Kent Paterson, 2014

Sport 15m
Eureka Area Weirs Creek West Side
18 Reload-Revolver

For another good warm up - go right at second last bolt to lower off above Revolver.

Sport 18m, 8
Eureka Area Gondwanaland
18 Up The Road

Ninety degree sharp arete with clean wall on right side about 40m right of 'Terra Incognita'. A short corner crack is climbed to a little ledge on the left, then launch up the pocketed arete with some fiddly pro. The final ten metres is jug city. 'Small' to medium gear and slings.

FA: Neil Monteith & Michael Boniwell, 2003

Trad 20m
18 Wild Iris

Magic pocket pulling sport route on immaculate rock. Would be amazing if longer. Starts 50m left of 'Gibber'. White pockets through bulge leads to spaced heucos on face. At third BR head right to BR then up juggy corner to rap chain. Keep an eye out for the bolts on the upper wall, they can be easy to miss!

FA: Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon, 2002

Sport 15m, 4
18 Pineapple

Line 2m left of 'Picking Plums'. Similar sustained climbing up rounded cracks, but the rock is a little less perfect. Bring plenty of big cams. Traverse off right to chain or belay from natural bollards at top.

FA: Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon, 2002

Trad 17m
Eureka Area The Lost World
18 Round the Twist

Start to the left of the bulgy wall. Hand traverse rightwards along break to gain straight up crack.

FFA: Jack Jane, 2011

Trad 20m
18 Roraima

Obvious crack splitting the orange tower.Straight up all the stepped overhangs.

FA: Malcolm Matheson & Keith Lockwood, 2003

Trad 20m
Mt Fox Area Jungle Gym
18 Varicose Vines Double Bypass

Straightens out "Varicose Vines"

FA: Graeme Smith, Glenn Donohue & Peter Cunningham, 1994

Unknown 20m
18 The Wreckery

Sustained jamming up a beautiful diagonal crack on smooth rock.

FA: Chris Baxter & Ian Ravenscroft, 1988

Trad 30m
18 The Wreckery Direct

Instead of traversing left and joining up with 'Storm' In A D-Cup at 15m keep climbing the face directly above, eventually heading slightly right up short diagonal flake to top. Makes the route a lot more sustained.

Trad 28m
Mt Fox Area Muline Crag
18 Some Like It Hot

Pull onto wall at right-hand end of overhanging section and go up, veering left.

Start: Just along from and at right-angles to the right-hand end of the cave terrace is a small wall with an overhanging left side.

FA: Edwin Young & Kate Hilton, 1995

Trad 10m
18 Too Hot to trot

Up middle seam right of "Some Like It Hot". Follow grassy, right-leading crack, then up.

FA: Michael Hampton, Rhyl Shaw, Kate Hilton & Edwin Young, 1995

Trad 10m
Mt Fox Area Doritos Wall
18 Homework
  1. 20m Up arete and step L into L facing corner then diagonally L up steep wall to join 'Quick Draw McGraw' at belay ledge. 2) 35m Up rotten corner to top (or last pitch of 'Quick' Draw McGraw).

Start: Start 12m along from L end of undercut section.

FA: Mike Wust, Wayne Maher (alt) Jeremy Boreham & Jerry Maddox, 1993

Trad 55m
Mt Fox Area Emu Rock
18 Sufferers' Palestine
  1. 35m Start as for 'Sahara' but traverse L across steep wall where 'Sahara' veers R. Through friable section, then up to wall between 'Mother Superior' and 'Sahara'. Face, then vague runnel at 15m, wall. HB at dyke. 2) 25m Directly up wall until it eases, then veer L to meet 'Whipping Boy' at weakness in head-wall. 3) Roped scrambling to top.

FA: Anton Bartlett & Simon Murray (alt), 1995

Trad 90m
18 Sorority Babes
  1. 30m From bottom R toe of the wall, climb intermittent, diagonal crack system up wall to above small, friable cave. Veer L up wall on vague dyke below base of large cave. HB where rising dyke meets major horizontal dyke. 2) 50m (crux) Traverse L across wall along dyke to HB on L arete of face. 3-4) 65m As for 'Whipping Boy'.

FA: Simon Murray & Tim Peterson (alt), 1995

Trad 150m
Mt Fox Area Hollywood Bowl
18 The Enchantress

Rather contrived. An enjoyable enough route, but not in the same league as 'Romancing Times'. 1) 35m (crux) As for 'Romancing Times' but head up just L of the brown rock past an obvious under-cling at 25m. 2) 35m Up R, taking both overhangs pretty much direct.

FA: Melanie & James McIntosh (alt), 1992

Trad 70m
18 R Romancing Times

Despite the crux being very run-out, James is reported to have declared this 'the best new route we have ever done'.

Start: Start as for 'Bowled Out'.

FA: Melanie McIntosh & James McIntosh, 1991

Trad 60m
Mt Fox Area Hollywood Valley
18 Size Isn't Everything

Excellent quality but much too short.

FA: James & Melanie McIntosh, 1992

Trad 7m
Mt Fox Area Mt Fox
18 R The Radgel

Apparently radgel may be Cornish for fox. Later accidentally retro-bolted as Warm Salty Bottom Washer; fortunately both the bolts and name have been consigned to the dustbin.

FA: Robin Miller (solo), 1983

Trad 20m
18 Fox Trot Direct Start
Trad 44m
Mt Fox Area The Far Pavilion
18 The Five Year Plan
  1. 20m (18) Start up 'Kava Boy' but where it ducks out right, head straight up the arete via a tricky move. Follow arete for a few more metres, then climb straight up face until you get to a ledge just right of the arete.

  2. 30m (17) From ledge head up face above, trending rightwards, until you hit the diagonal crack heading out of 'Kava Boy' (Propaganda), follow this up to corner. In corner, place high cam then step right and blast up on jugs in an exposed position, then up crack, past little slab, moving right up final slabby headwall.

FA: Chris Snell & Ross Taylor (alt), 2009

Trad 50m, 2
18 Little Johnny Warpig

Takes second corner crack to the right of 'Kava Boy'. As for 'Far Horizons' to belay ledge, continue for a few meters up short clean corner, step left to base of crack. Up corner crack to belay on terrace. Rope scramble off right.

FA: Steve Holloway, Mark Rewi & Nic Kiraly, 2006

Trad 45m
18 Downtime

Up and over flake to first roof/overlap. Over this on good holds to stance, up wall and through R-hand weakness in second roof/overlap, up to belay on terrace or continue up short but tricky headwall with lots of slopers.

Start: Scramble up to blocky terrace at R end of Cold War wall. Takes line around 15-20m right of 'Synthetic Venetian' through series of overlaps at far R end of terrace.

FA: Steve Holloway, Geoff Gledhill & Nic Kiraly, 2005

Trad 30m
Mt Fox Area The Far Pavilion Far Pavilion Left Side
18 R Absorbed in Stone

Sustained, delicate and consistently absorbing, but not in the same league as 'Bliss'. A few loose and sandy sections will hopefully tidy up after some traffic.

FA: Josef Goding & Geoff Gledhill (alt), 2005

Red Rock Area Band Of Gypsies
18 Read Rover

Enjoyable face with good gear.

FA: Michael Hampton & Sharyn George, 2005

Trad 25m
18 Errol Flynn

Diagonal cracks in black streak right of "Johnny Depp" to bolt. Step left and follow left-hand line through bulges. Go right a bit and straight up.

FA: Geoff Butcher, Michael Hampton & Sharyn George, 2005

Mixed trad 20m, 1
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles North Pinnacle
18 Hamstrung

On the north west corner of the pinnacle is an easy angled left facing orange corner (about 10m right of Struck Twice). Up this to meet with top of pine tree. Peer around the corner to find horizontal rising crack with occasional tufts of grass. Traverse desperately along this with nigh all footholds to end up perched on sharp rest flake. Finish up easy jugs to top.

FA: Neil Monteith

Trad 30m
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles South Pinnacle
18 M1 R I Just Called To Say I Love You

Starts 7m right of One Ring To Bind Them. Right leading ramp leads to bulge, then left past protruding knob and up. Watch for the perched block of doom. Leader slung knob for aid.

FA: Gay Welders Union, 2002

Trad 15m
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles Marianas Trench
18 Over And Out

Wide overhung trench 4m right of 'Used Platypus Condom'. No wide trad gear required. Surprisingly steep and interesting. Walk off descent.

FA: Neil Monteith Hannah Lockie, 2005

Trad 13m
Red Rock Area Featherswords
18 Errol Flynn

Diagonal cracks in black streak right of "Johnny Depp" to carrot bolt. Step left and follow left-hand line through bulges. Go right a bit and straight up.

FA: Geoff Butcher, Michael Hampton & Sharyn George, 2005

Mixed trad 20m, 1
Red Rock Area Crag X
18 Counting Your X Before They Hatch

The big corner at the far right-hand side of the cliff. An unheralded classic in the climb-a-line-to-the-top-of-the-cliff-adventure vein. To descend, first follow your nose up the fragile chicken heads to the top, walk back from the edge, and follow an easy gully to the right. Scramble up the easy ramp to the base of the corner to start.

  1. 25m (12) Mossy face into awesome orange cave, followed by a mossy chimney to belay on a mossy chockstone. Strangely enjoyable.

  2. 35m (18) The original description: delightful bridging up the corner on clean orange rock. The reality: awesome unlikely climbing to gain the corner proper, wish you had a dust mask past the poo cave, then brilliant orange rock to the top without a bridge in sight. Traverse off right when the corner blanks out.

FA: Louise Shepherd, Steve Monks (alt) & Keith Lockwood, 1989

Trad 60m, 2
Red Rock Area The Solarium
18 Repent Harlequin! Said The Ticktockman

Trad? WTF? Medium cams and wires and a couple of slings. Start below large flaky scoops. Up past 3 FH, trending left to stay on the good rock, then up black groove on trad to anchors.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Alex Trnovsky, 2014

Mixed trad 15m, 3
Red Rock Area The Solarium Ballbag Amphitheatre
18 Deer hunting for Jesus

Start up the same juggy groove, but after the second bolt bust out rightwards past a third to the anchors above the ledge.

FA: Bill Begg & Alex Trnovsky, 2015

Sport 3
Red Rock Area Scoop Rocks
18 Stone Circus

A wee bit of jamming. A slabby start leads to the diagonal line. At the final overhangs, step R to the finishing crack.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1988

Trad 40m
Buandik Area The Studio
18 Joan

Up to a horn-like jug and a good slot 3 metres right of Jeff. Up again, then step right into crack until it finishes. Left and up pleasant wall to eventually join Manufacturing Consent near the top.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Woodfield

Trad 26m
Buandik Area Pinnacle Of Achievement
18 Shop Assistant From Hell

3 metres right of The Dude is a short overhanging flake-crack. Up flake-crack then right to ledge. Up easy walls and overlaps.

FA: Glen Tempest & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 25m
Buandik Area Quartz Block
18 Searching For PB

From ledge 2 metres right of Killdozer Diagonal go left on orange flake then up to right-leading diagonal crack. Up and left to finish on juggy wall.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Chris Lawrence, 1991

Trad 35m
Buandik Area Hut Creek Track Mordor
18 Dargorlad

Sustained, interesting, well protected but will need a bit more cleaning to become it's best (and that's going to happen?).

About in the middle of the cliff at ground level is an attractive well featured slabby looking wall.

Start on a low ledge at the base of the yellow face/slab. Wander a little taking the easiest line to a big ledge, rap off.

FA: Josef Goding, 2008

Trad 25m
18 Mount Doom

Good fun climbing - well protected At ground level near the left end of the cliff is an attractive crack. Straight up the crack (20m). Belay on ledge (as FA) or continue up steep crack and left along juggy traverse to rap station on ledge. *Rap is only about 20m so 1 rope is fine. Take standard trad gear up to #3 cam.

FA: Josef Goding (P1) & Ingvar Lidman (P2), 2008

Trad 35m
Buandik Area Goat Track Pygmy Terrace
18 Curse Of The Vampire Goldfish

The only climb positively identified and looks OK. Interesting traverse. Start at the right-hand end of the upper terrace.

Climb layback on block then wall to FH. Traverse left. It looks like you go up at some point after that.

FA: Geoff Butcher, 1992

Mixed trad 20m, 1
18 Condor Capers

Take the charcoal-black corner line in the middle of the wall. At horizontal break, move right up flake to finish.

FA: Geoff Butcher, 1993

Trad 21m
Buandik Area Closed Billywing Buttress Chasm Saddle Slabs
18 Bitter

The groove right of "Stout" then continue all the way.

FA: Richard Smith (solo), 1993

Trad 70m
Buandik Area Closed Billywing Buttress Green Gully Area
18 Special Girl

A tricky start at flake 3 metres left of first large diagonal in Green Gully to stance. Up flake to join diagonal. At 3/4 height an airy move gains the crack-line above.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Sharyn George, 2001

Trad 27m
18 Shut The Fuck Up!

A bucket haul with a fun conclusion.

Climb the overhanging descent gully wall and traverse left at the obvious break. Finish as for Big Nose N Barge Arse Go Bouldering.

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 1993

Unknown 20m
Buandik Area Closed Billywing Buttress The Wall Of Deceit
18 Mundarnin

Overhang then crack and wall on east end of "Wall Of Deceit", finishing right under the overhang.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Campbell, 1993

Trad 18m
Buandik Area The Catacombs
18 Maggot Ridden

West side of entrance to the 'Slow Torture' 'Gully' which is 50m west of 'Wrapped in Pain'. Worthwhile despite the name. Rounded arête with short crack at start. Bulgy and committing finish with last trad below your feet.

FA: Neil Monteith Gareth Llewellin Adam Demmert, 2004

Trad 15m
Mt Thackeray Party Wall
18 If It's Not On, Then It's Not On

Start up the corner for 6 metres then step left into crack-line and follow this.

FA: Gary Wills, Hugh Foxcroft & Peter Megens, 1990

Trad 20m
Mt Thackeray Crystal Palace The Servant's Quarters
18 Adam, the groom of the stool

There are two obvious corner cracks leading from the ledge, this is the right-hand one.

  1. 20m (15). Up corner then step left onto juggy face, up to rooflet step right onto airy plate and continue up to ledge belay.

  2. 30m (18). Trend left up juggy face towards the flake in the roof above. At roof beware loose blocks instead climb through roof a metre right from obvious flake then blast up juggy wall to ledge. Scramble right to ledge with knotted rope in deep crack (2x60m rope rap to ledge).

FA: Simon Madden & Ross Taylor (alt), 14 Mar 2015

Trad 50m, 2
Mt Thackeray Crystal Palace Banksia Wall
18 Flemish Vanilla

The stepped corner that trends slightly left will appeal to all tradsters. Don't let the moss put you off.

Trad 27m
18 Foo Foo's Fourby
Trad 30m
18 Swinging Buckets
Trad 35m
Mt Thackeray Crystal Palace Tim's Gully Wall
18 Chocoholic and the Fly
Trad 32m
Mt Thackeray Crystal Palace Main Wall
18 Bedazzled
Trad 70m
Mt Thackeray Quartz Edge
18 Prague Spring

A good climb up the best line on the cliff. It's an attractive corner that doesn't quite reach the ground and leads to a roof.

  1. 30m (18) Up the steep wall below and left of the line until able to step right into base of the corner. Up the corner until just below the roof. Traverse left to the arete. Up through the left end of the roof, traverse 3 metres left to avoid dirty rock then up a little to a ledge.

  2. 8m (-) Easily up right.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Meg Sleeman, 1988

Trad 38m, 2
18 No Strings Attached

Start 5 metres right of On The Amazon. The shallow, loose-looking corner. Left under overhang and up to ledge. Left and up on easier broken ground.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Glenn Tempest, 1993

Trad 40m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Eastern End Ghost Ships
18 Phantom

Travels through some pretty unfriendly country.

Start: Start at obvious corner system 12 metres left of Ghost Ships

  1. 25m (18) Up the large corner to the roof. Step right and up to next roof then step right again and up to next roof. Step right to cramped stance.

  2. 15m (18) Up right past the next roof and then traverse back left for 7 metres to good stance.

  3. 30m (-) Up easily

FA: Matt walsh & Campbell Mercer (alt), 1994

Trad 70m, 3
18 Ghost Shits

Traverse left through the rooves from the belay at the end of the first pitch of Ghost Ships.

FA: Nick Hancock & Heather Hancock, 2004

Trad 30m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Eastern End Baby Bum Wall
18 Flying Fish

"Superb climbing on brilliant rock", Campbell Mercer.Start 4 metres left of right arete. Up crack, step right and up.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Mark Poustie, 1994

Trad 25m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Black Knight Buttress
18 Atom Ant

Steep, well-protected, delightful climbing up wall.

Start: Start 2 metres right of the left-hand end of the wall.

FA: Campbell Mercer & mark Poustie, 1994

Trad 20m
The Fortress Area The Fortress Summit Block
18 R Quincas Borba

The siuous corner just left of the chasm separating thePassport pinnacle from the main massif.

  1. 10m (16) Awkward short corner to large ledge.

  2. 30m (18) Follow the corner.

  3. 30m (14) Continue up the line until it doglegs right and peters out. Traverse left at this point until able to move up (runout) to the next line that leads to overhangs. Belay where possible.

  4. 40m (17) Continue up the line and through the overhangs.

FA: Keith Lockwood & David Shirra, 1977

Trad 140m, 4
The Fortress Area Shadow Lands
18 If We Were Giants

Up corner and crack line through overhang to top.

Start: Corner in centre of face on first buttress.

FA: Glen Donohue, Wayne Maher & Andrew Webb, 1994

Trad 20m
18 Plastic Pullers Worst Nightmare

Up cracks 1 metre left of righthand arete to a ledge. Directly through the overhang in the arete and directly up the face to the top.

Start: Start 2 metres right of 'If We Were Giants'.

FA: Glenn Donohue, Andrew Webb & Wayne Maher, 1994

Trad 22m
18 More Exciting Than Sex

Promises, promises. Starts below the central overhangs and orange rock. Up behind the dead tree (?still exists) then through the centre of the roof. Continue tranding rightwards up the centre of the face above.

FA: Wayne Maher, Glen Donohue & Andrew Webb, 1994

Unknown 23m
18 The Year That Was

Up the bulging column of rock and through the steepening, tending right then back slightly left. Finish on the right side of the upper wall.

Start: Start 4 metres right of 'More Exciting Than Sex' on the right side of the overhangs.

FA: Wayne Maher, Glen Donohue & Graeme Smith, 1994

Trad 25m
18 Jamb A TCU Up Glens Crack

Terrible name. Starts 7 metres right of More Exciting Than Sex. Straight up through the narrowest section of the overhang to follow the dished area of rock up and right for 2 metres, then straight up.

FA: Graeme Smith, Glen Donohue & Wayne Maher, 1994

Trad 20m
The Fortress Area Shadow Lands Blue Cities Area
18 Blue Cities

From scrubby ledge, up right-facing corner on the right side of the buttress. Traverse 3 metres left and climb the groove in the upper face to the top.

FA: Glen Donohue, Wilma Ooomen (alt) & Wayne Maher, 1995

Trad 25m
The Fortress Area Craigend
18 Sunday Stroll

Starts up the cracks on the right side of 'Diamonds In The Forest' wall to a ledge, step back left and up steep wall above, next to the arete.

FA: Wayne Maher & Graham Gittens, 1995

Trad 20m
The Fortress Area The Avenue
18 Dressed Up To Kill

Below a vague line higher up, 3 metres right of the left end of this section of cliff, before the scrub comes in again. Go straight up.

FA: Wayne Maher, Graeme Smith & Glenn Donohue, 1995

Trad 12m
Harrop Track Graham's Creek Baby Buttress
18 Baby Bum

Starts 8m L of 'The Crib'. Up horizontal bulges to seam. Up this to top.

FA: Robin Holmes, Steve Chapman & Michael O'Reilly, 2004

Trad 12m
Harrop Track Graham's Creek Good Friday Gully
18 Mayday

Climbs the left leaning dog-legged crack that goes up the middle of the orange wall (left of the major orange wall). Scramble up the easy slab to the belay ledge just below the major crack. Climb the corner/crack to the horizontal break. Traverse left one metre and then climb the crack above to a tricky mantle onto a dirty ledge. Climb the deep crack/chimney above to the top.

FA: Peter Darby & Graham Saunders, 1980

Trad 30m
Harrop Track Mosquito Creek Dragon Wall
18 Damsel in Distress

Major line on right of wall.

Overlap start and up line through 2 bulges. Up cleft and chimney.

FA: Greg Aimer & Chrissy Freestone, 1996

Trad 20m
Harrop Track Ultima Thule
18 In The Dominion of Eagles

Great climbing up a proud line with good rock.

Start: The commanding corner capped with a small roof 5m from the top near the middle of the cliff. There is a large gum tree sticking pretty much straight out from the cliff at this point.

Start just left of the corner at flake, then move right into corner to ledge at 6m. Up, dancing between the left hand face and corner. Fantastic, consistant climbing on good holds with surprisingly good rock quality and clean rock. Some sections are a little (4-5m) spaced. Take a very full rack up to number 4 BD camalot (with many mid and small cams) and some hexes for good measure. Move left under roof 5m from top to belay on ledge. 50m Rap off (two glue in U-bolts with mallions and large rings)at good ledge.

Pitch 2: Continue up corner, tricky section at around 10m above ledge (around grade 15) to top. Walk off West down gully (lots of nice looking un-touched orange walls in gully).

FA: Josef Goding (P1), Naomi Gibbs, Eric Sidharh & James Mcintosh (P2), 2006

Trad 55m
Harrop Track The Flatiron
18 Big Drum Small World

Up weakness and crack; step left through smooth section, back right to line and up. Scramble off and descend carefully to the left.

Start: 10m left of 'Against The Tide'.

FA: Michael Hampton & Geoff Butcher, 2006

Trad 30m
Harrop Track The Flatiron The Flatiron Pinnacles
18 Rump Ranger

A really tasty excursion up a wall of buckets n’ bums. Climb the second weakness 4m left of The Bottom Inspectors. Follow the steep flakes up and right-wards to an exiting traverse, with a final big ‘heave-ho’ to pull over the top. A couple of manky slings on a bollard at the upper/east end of the pinnacle which need replacing or adding to by who ever is there next.

FA: Edwin Young & Michael Hampton, 1991

Trad 25m
Harrop Track Curiosity Crag
18 R Big Nose

Start: At the nose at left end of left wall of grotto, where the descent track meets the wall. Committing moves up thin crack, move right and up overhang for five metres, veer left with easier climbing to the top. Continuing straight up makes for a more sustained finish.

FA: Rob Booth, Jill Gara & Ross Timms, 2003

Trad 12m
18 Bug Powder Dust

Can be done in 2 pitches, belay from the large ledge at half way. May add another bolt.

Start on the left of the grey arete.

Follow 2 BR to ledge (possible belay). Straight up past another bolt for 6m then step right to finish up juggy arête. Anchors to descend to the right on top of The Extension Lead or walk off back.

FA: Jill Gara, Michael O'Reilly & Robin Holmes, 2003

Trad 27m
18 The Extension Lead

Exposure plus, and linked with The Generator Routes this makes an awesome long pitch. Start at halfway ledge two meters right of Bug Powder Dust. Follow the 4FHs up the arête, moving to the right-hand side at the 3rd FH. (25m rap) (DRB anchor as of March 2024 - ignore fixed hanger and sheath, to be removed soon)

FA: Rob Booth & Ross Timms

Sport 15m, 4
18 Night Owl Theatre

The original route on the cliff."Hal Todd would be proud of this. The Del Monte of climbing." (Edited version of original description)

Start: At the line that splits the wall.

Climb crack, at the overhang, traverse right and finish up the right hand crack. Some loose rock. Take twin ropes or long slings, could be done in 2 pitches, with a belay at the end of the traverse.

FA: Peter Treby, Andrew Webb & Neil Barr., 1985

Trad 30m
18 Traditional Arrangement

Harder than it looks.

Start: At the right leaning hand/fist crack in middle of the wall at ground level.

Follow the crack to the large ledge at half height. From here you can access the next 4 climbs.

FA: Michael O'Reilly, Jill Gara & Robin Holmes, 2003

Trad 13m
18 Fillet De Boeuf

Up wall, steeply at first then easily to a ledge at 8 metres. Step left and continue up the steep wall.

Start: Start at foot of knobbly wall on right of scungy corner.

FA: Greg Aimer & Christina Freestone, 1993

Trad 20m
Harrop Track Slander Gully
18 R Twentieth Century Black Feral Cat

Classic climbing up the middle of the black slab. It gets an R rating due to a few exciting runouts, although gear shows up when it's needed - except for the final moves from which you do not want to fall off.

FA: Neil Barr & Peter Darby, 1983

Trad 45m
Harrop Track Mt Pox
18 Howling Huskies

Start: Start on right side of bivvy cave wall, a few metres left of the first chimney/chasm.

Trad 50m
18 Snow Cat Rock 'n' RoIl

Start: Start on left end of ledge off rocking block.

Trad 50m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Lower Tier Left Side
18 Sundae

A lovely climb.

The elegant sloping corner just left of Sweet Thursday.

FA: Keith Egerton & Peter Cunningham, 1978

Trad 25m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Galaxy Crag
18 Champagne Supernova

Crack in undercut buttress about 20 metres right of Captain Planet And The Planeteers, 1.5 metres right of rubbly chimney.

Power through undercut start and up crack to horizontal. Up line slightly to right, finishing up arete left of top ledge.

FA: Greg Aimer & Chrissy Freestone, 1996

Trad 15m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Lower Tier Right Side
18 The Final Solution

Arete climbing with large pockets. 2 x fixed hangers.

T1 start, arête with tree at base.

Pull onto wall and place gear up right leaning ramp until large flat top holds. Reach out to clip FH and move up through pockets to then mantle onto large ledge. Climb right side of arête to finish

FA: Damien Heath & Steve Hollaway, 2006

Trad 18m
18 Ssshh, don’t tell the masses 15m

Next face/buttress right. Line through bulges on left side of buttress

Start: Easily up to first ledge, up over bulge, up to second ledge, over small headwall to easy corner. Take care at top with loose rock. Finish at rap station above 'Raptor'.

FA: Steve Hollaway & Damien Heath, 2006

Trad 15m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Upper Tier
18 Inadequate Oxygen

Nice climbing to sustained crux.

Start: 1m left of Top Hat. Easy start to middle section sustained moves though break on horizontals to ledge then upper wall in a short corner to under roof.

FFA: Damien Heath & Geoff Butcher, 2006

Trad 27m
18 Wanna Buy An Idea

Varied face climbing with tricky crux. Can be done as independent line by climbing up via seam 2m L of GRB.

Start: As for Get Ready Bold, then left on flakes that traverse 2m to a stance. Hard move though middle wall (crux). Continue up and slightly L to finish in right facing corner just before upper ledge under large roof. Traverse R to anchor.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Damien Heath, 2006

Trad 28m
Harrop Track Eagles Head Eagles Head Summit Crags Back And Beyond
18 High On The Hill
Trad 40m
Harrop Track Ruined Castle
18 Tiger Mitres Central Organ

Meaty. In the centre of the wall is an appealing Arapilisean flake crack. Follow this to where it almost joins the shallow corner on the left. Continue right and up to terrace. Be careful of hollow flake in the middle.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Woodfield, 1991

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Woodfield, 1991

Trad 20m
18 The Knights Templar

Enjoyable, interesting trad climbing and a nice way to get to the 3rd tier. Starts 1m left of Carcassonne and Cassoulet at undercut left leading crack. Pull on and head left up nice crack with decent gear and better holds than expected. Mantle to reach large ledge at about 12m, then move right over Carcassonee and Cassoulet past bush and traverse easily (without any gear past the bush) to the base of the 3rd tier. Be wary of choss near the end.

FA: Josef Goding & Achim Gross, 2007

Trad 22m
Harrop Track Number 1 Creek Valley Tortoise Wall
18 Done To (Golden) Darth

Climb the weakness to the overhang and move right to the arete. Up to ledge and walk off.

Start: At the left-hand side of the wall is an orange recess. This climb was originally called 'Golden Gaytime'.

FA: Michael Hampton & Peter Woodfield, 1991

Trad 25m
18 Slug

Again, a good first pitch and vaguely described second pitch. Start at the chimney as for "Snail".

  1. 25m (18) Onto the rotten chockstone and take right-hand line to terrace.

  2. 25m (18) Up a series of walls to the top.

FA: Ed Neve & Gary Wills, 1981

Trad 50m, 2
Harrop Track Number 1 Creek Valley Cloggy Tralfamadore
18 Player Piano

The left-hand crack system

FA: Kieran Loughran, Keith Egerton & Heather Phillips. Esater, 1982

Trad 30m
Harrop Track Number 1 Creek Valley Death March Wall
18 Heart of Darkness

Diagonal crack with strange blocks poking out of it just left of "Chimney Thief". Finish up the arete.

FA: Keith Egerton, Kieran Loughran & Gordon Talbett, 1978

Trad 35m
18 Not Waving But Drowning

Great sustained jamming.

The major diagonal crack at the left end of the cave.

FA: Gordon Talbett, Peter Cunningham, Keith Egerton, Kieran Loughran & Iain Sedgman, 1978

Trad 40m
18 Fiery God

Start 3 metres left of "Bea-Lea" where a thin crack leads up a slab to an overhang.

Climb up to the overhang and step right into a cave. No up the steep crack.

FA: Keith Egerton, John Chapman & Peter Cunningham, 1978

Trad 30m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 166 routes.

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