
Santa Cruz La Laguna, Atitlán

  • Grade context: US
  • Photos: 3
  • Ascents: 6




Santa Cruz is the sole destination on the entire lake where rock climbing enthusiasts can indulge in this thrilling sport.


Santa Cruz La Laguna, a vibrant village nestled along the picturesque shores of Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. As, an NGO dedicated to the development of sports and tourism, we are excited to introduce you to a unique opportunity – rock climbing. Santa Cruz is the sole destination on the entire lake where rock climbing enthusiasts can indulge in this thrilling sport.

Our NGO has embarked on a remarkable project to cultivate the sport of rock climbing in this region. Not only do we aim to offer an exhilarating experience for climbers, but we are also committed to contributing to the economic growth of the local community. By developing this climbing area, we envision creating new avenues for sustainable tourism, fostering job opportunities, and supporting the overall progress of Santa Cruz.


The rock is conveniently located within close proximity to the lakeshore, making it easily accessible for climbers and nature enthusiasts.

From the hotels, it takes approximately 15/20 minutes to reach the starting point of the climbing routes. Currently, there is no signage in place.

To find your way or arrange for guided climbing sessions, simply reach out to our community guide. They possess invaluable knowledge of the area and can provide directions or accompany you to the climbing site. Don’t hesitate to contact them for any assistance you may need, whether it’s understanding the route or organizing a climbing excursion.

By supporting our community guide, you not only enhance your climbing experience but also contribute to the livelihoods of the local community. They are passionate about sharing their expertise, fostering a safe climbing environment, and ensuring your time in Santa Cruz La Laguna is memorable.

Contact: +(502) 3034-6856

Where to stay

There are several accommodation options available. Among them, the top choices are La Iguana Perdida, which means "The Lost Iguana" in Spanish, and Free Cerveza.

La Iguana Perdida is a popular lodging option known for its welcoming atmosphere and beautiful location. It offers comfortable rooms, delicious meals, and a range of amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. Additionally, they provide information and assistance for those interested in exploring the rock climbing opportunities in the area.

Free Cerveza, as the name suggests, is another accommodation choice that offers a unique experience. With a laid-back and social vibe, it attracts travelers looking for a lively atmosphere. While staying there, guests can enjoy a variety of amenities and interact with fellow adventurers, including climbers seeking to explore the nearby rock climbing spots.

Both La Iguana Perdida and Free Cerveza have been instrumental in supporting the development of rock climbing in Santa Cruz La Laguna, which is why they are our top choices. Their commitment to the climbing community has made them popular among climbers. However, we encourage people to explore other options by browsing various travel websites and online platforms to find accommodations that suit their preferences. While these two establishments are excellent choices, there are other worthwhile options available that may offer unique experiences and cater to different interests.


History timeline chart NGO has embarked on a remarkable project to cultivate the sport of rock climbing in this region. Not only do we aim to offer an exhilarating experience for climbers, but we are also committed to contributing to the economic growth of the local community. By developing this climbing area, we envision creating new avenues for sustainable tourism, fostering job opportunities, and supporting the overall progress of Santa Cruz.

Nestled amidst the stunning natural beauty of Lake Atitlán, Santa Cruz boasts an awe-inspiring vertical landscape, adorned with an array of challenging cliffs and crags. Climbers of all skill levels can find their perfect routes here, whether they are beginners seeking introductory climbs or experienced climbers yearning for a thrilling challenge. This initiative aims to put Santa Cruz on the map as a premier rock climbing destination, attracting adventurers from far and wide.



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This route is perfect for beginner climbers or those seeking a visually pleasing experience. The smooth and gentle nature of the climb allows you to fully appreciate the surroundings as you make your way up the wall

FA: Guatemalaescala

"Matiox" wich in the Mayan language means "gracias" (thank you), is a positive line on a slab. It offers a delightful ascent, showcasing its remarkable beauty. With its meaningful name and scenic appeal, this climbing route is an ideal choice for those looking for a positive and enjoyable rock climbing experience."

FA: Guatemala escala

La Iguana is a climbing route with a short yet intriguing crux section. While it may not be overly physically demanding, it requires climbers to maintain close contact with the wall, hence its name, ‘La Iguana.’ This captivating route challenges your technique and balance, compelling you to stay intimately connected to the rock. With its unique characteristics and engaging crux, La Iguana offers an exciting climbing experience that rewards finesse and careful movement.

One interesting aspect of this route is that the initial bolts are shared with the route called Hairy Hippie. Climbers start by clipping the first 3 or 4 bolts of Hairy Hippie before La Iguana branches off, becoming its own distinct line.

FA: Guatemalaescala

Hairy Hippie is a climbing route spanning approximately 35 meters. This route is known for being very easy and highly accessible, making it suitable for climbers of various skill levels. While it offers a straightforward ascent for most of the climb, it presents a crux at the final few clips. This crux section requires a bit of technical finesse, but if you trust your footwork and maintain confidence, you'll navigate it with ease. With its manageable difficulty and an exciting challenge towards the end, Hairy Hippie provides a satisfying climbing experience that rewards climbers who embrace their foot placement skills. Enjoy the journey and embrace the thrill of conquering the crux

FA: Guatemala escala

This climbing route presents a moderate difficulty level with a highly technical move that requires placing a lot of trust in your feet due to their small size and less reliable handholds. Following this intricate movement, there are two small roofs that offer interesting challenges, although not as intense as the initial technical move. Reaching the top requires skillful body positioning rather than pure physical strength, especially when securing the chain.

This climbing route derives its name from a river that forms during the winter months, flowing right in front of the rock face. The route beautifully captures the essence of this seasonal river, combining its dynamic nature with the challenges it presents. The name serves as a reminder of the ever-changing environment surrounding the climb. As you ascend, you'll feel the connection to the elements and appreciate the harmonious interplay between the route and the natural surroundings.

FA: David Galindo

This climbing route is an exciting project, yet to be conquered by anyone. It begins with a highly technical slab section that requires precise compression techniques. As you progress, the route transitions into a challenging roof section with a demanding sequence of physically and technically demanding movements. Navigating this sequence successfully is crucial to reaching the top of the route. With its combination of intricate footwork, precise handholds, and physical demands, this project offers a thrilling and rewarding climbing experience for those who dare to take it on. Be prepared to push your limits both mentally and physically as you strive to complete this uncharted climb.

Did you know?

Did you know that you can create an account to record, track and share your climbing ascents? Thousands of climbers are already doing this.

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