
Myeongsung-san, Chak-bawi

  • Grade context: US


Chak-bawi 책바위 is granite rock that offers pleasant slab climbs. Recently, a local climbing club developed two new routes. There is a lot of potential for traditional climbs between the existing routes. It faces south.


From either Sang-bong 상봉, Dong-Seoul 동서울, or Suyou-ri Bus Terminal 수유리, take a bus to Uncheon 운천 in Phocheon 포천 . From Uncheon, get on the bus to San Jung-Hosu 산정호수 and walk toward temple Jain-sa 자인사. Continue on the main trail for twenty minutes and then scramble to the right past Rescue Mark 3-2. Cross over the small, dry stream and then continue hiking for ten minutes.

Descent notes

Gear 10 draws, a 60m rope, a set of cams, and extra webbing. Additional Comments Unfortunately, it is hard to get accurately documented route beta. This crag is 100m high and 80m wide with low-angled slab climbing on granite rock.There are a few unknown routes that had been put up when I went in November 2011. Grades are assumed to be ranging from 5.9 to 5.11 in di culty. There are good opportunities to develop climbs around Chak-bawi. Trees, in the middle of routes, will give you a great rest point and belay spot.

This cliff doesn't have any sub-areas or routes yet!

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Fri 2 Jun
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