
Northern Walls

  • Grade context: AU
  • Ascents: 24

Access: Parking meters have been installed

Blue Mountains City Council has installed parking meters at Sublime Point in December 2023. If you are not a resident of the Blue Mtns LGA the costs are $12/hour or $38/day if you download the Paystay app and purchase a daypass. You cannot purchase a day pass from the meter - you must use the app (which takes several minutes to configure once downloaded). Time limits are 12 hours. We understand these rates are very steep and you may wish to park further down the road for free. Try and avoid parking on grass lawns and be careful not to cause traffic issues by blocking this narrow road with larger vans. ACANSW has been in discussions with Blue Mtns City Council about the possibility of cheaper parking rates. This will not be resolved until early 2024 at earliest.

See warning details and discuss

Created 5 months ago




The cliffs north of Whymper.

Access issues inherited from West Face (Main Area)

There is NO pubic toilet at the carpark, and the surrounding bush is already suffering from overuse as a bush toilet and tourist rubbish dump (the nearby residents don’t like people literally crapping in their backyards). The nearest public toilet is on the Leura Mall. There are private houses directly above this cliffline - try not to be too noisy, especially in the carpark.


Continue walking past Whymper - World of Wander is about 300m north.

Descent notes

All routes top out and walk out via tourist track running along the top.

Ethic inherited from West Face (Main Area)

Sublime Point is an old climbing area, with many routes dating from the 1950s and 1960s. Aid and mixed climbing was the fashion then, and the easier routes can be pretty bold for a modern climber. In the last 10 years there have been a lot of well protected sport routes added. This has been seen as controversial by some climbers who consider the crag a 'mixed' climbing venue.


History timeline chart

Many old routes and one new route.


Some content has been provided under license from: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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Start: Scramble up and left 60m from Knights Mare.

  1. 27m (-) Corner to tree.

  2. 33m (16) Corner to bulge. Around this on right wall then corner and chimney.

Start: On wall, just right of "Achilles Crack".

  1. Wall to ledge and boulder belay.

  2. (crux) Right to overhanging corner then piton belay.

  3. Traverse by crawling left through slot (Can it get any worse!? -Ed). Rusted remains of piton belay.

  4. Up wall to tree.

5-7) Up slightly right to ledge and rotten buttress above to top.

FA: T. Batty & R. Ryan, 1963

"A good climb up a steep direct line." [JME]

Start: 300m left of landslide at crack running right to the top of a broken black wall.

  1. Wall and scrub to tree belay at base of crack.

  2. (crux) Wall to top of chimney, around overhang into crack above and tree belay.

  3. Over overlap up rotten rock to rock belay.

  4. Crack and chimney-gully to tree belay on ledge.

  5. "A small cliffline above provides interest."

FA: P. Draffin, D. Tanner, C. Regan & K. Horn, 1963

"A one pitch climb and that could probably be avoided." [JME]

Start: To left of "Achilles Crack"

  1. 30m (crux) Up to bolt before bulge, left across overhang then left to tree. 2-5) 80m Easy climbing as you will to the top.

FA: Bryden Allen † & T. Batty, 1963

1 19 35m
2 18 30m
3 20 25m
4 17 15m

Nice pumping up a long wall. Walk about 5 minutes (300m) left of Whymper. After you drop down into a 3rd red shale cave, the route starts 30m further on, at the base of an undercut buttress, marked by a cairn. If you reach a wet gully you've gone 40m too far (This may be Garbage Gully).

  1. 35m 19 Either hard start or step off tree then up easing wall. A few loose holds here, take helmets!

  2. 30m 18 Up steep orange wall and right to slab. Walk to belay on wall right of cave. 3 rings so you can space yourselves.

  3. 25m 20 Up thin slab and roof.

  4. 10m 10 Up dirty slab, left to ledge, belay here so the secondcan see the leader on the next pitch

  5. 10m 17 one move tricky wall.

Walk-off: Walk away from the cliff and slightly left (ENE) to a small tree 15m back from the cliff edge with a white tag. Veer right to next tag then up till you cross a walking track. Turn right and 5 minutes walk takes you past the top of Sweet Dreams and back to the carpark.

FA: Eugene Mak, Jeff Crass & Mikl Law, 2021

"Garbage Gully is the gully between Apollo to the left and "Knight's Mare" to the right." [JME] (Or it was in 1967 - Ed.)

Start: 3-400 yds left of "Achilles Crack"

  1. "90' Hand traverse for 15' across to stream and scramble up through stream and round to right hand wall and tree belay." [BA] (See, it did get worse!! - Ed.)

  2. 90 ' traverse 30' right to wall then back left to crack.

  3. 90' Continue crack above to gully and block belay.

FA: D. Tanner & B. Ryan, 1963

"One of the longest climbs on the cliff, and undoubtedly the most rotten. Absolutely appalling. A masterpiece of decaying chunder, mank and rubbish." [JME]

Start: At a creek, normally with water flowing. A huge black wall to the left.

  1. Across waterfall to ledge ...

  2. Up a series of rotten yellow walls, into and out of caves. .. Take an ice axe.

5-7) Minor improvements to top

FA: B. Ryan & T. Westren, 1964

"A great climb, one of the best on the cliff. Exposed and sustained wall climbing. Bloody good. Excellent rock." [JME]

Start: The climb takes a line up the great black wall left of the creek where Apollo starts. Scramble up 30m from left to scrubby ledge.

  1. (crux) 25m Straight up near centre of wall below small break in overhangs (Ewbank, Zemek 1964) or original start diagonally up from the right.

  2. Traverse left to bolt belay.

  3. 30m Up slight ramp left then straight up to bolt in cave. "Good view" [JME]

  4. Out of cave via wall on right and up slight overhang to tree belay on ledge.

FA: Bryden Allen † & T. Batty, 1963


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Author(s): Simon Carter

Date: 2019

ISBN: 9780958079082

The latest comprehensive, latest and greatest Blue Mountains Climbing Guide is here and it has more routes than you can poke a clip stick at! 3421 to be exact. You are not going to get bored.

Author(s): Simon Carter

Date: 2019

ISBN: 9780958079075

Simon Carter's "Best of the Blue" is the latest selected climbing guide book for the Blue Mountains and covers 1000 routes and 19 different climbing areas. For all the sport climbers out there, the travellers, or just anyone who doesn't want to lug around the big guide that's more than 3 times the size - cut out the riff-raff and get to the good stuff! This will pretty much cover everything you need!

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