
Routes in Central America for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 294 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Belize Barton Creek Cave
5.10a Welcome to Mike's Place

The left line around the corner of the left side of the wall.

FFA: 2012

Sport 15m, 6
5.9 Tufa the Price of One

Starts just above the big block on the ground and passes left of the huge tufa. A bouldery start leads to easy and fun climbing higher up.

Sport 15m, 7
5.9 Unnamed 2

Starts up the hill a bit around the corner and trends left after bolt 2.

Sport 12m, 4
5.9 Unnamed 13

Further to the left on the nice wall, leading up into an overhanging corner on big holds.

Sport 11m, 5
5.10a Unnamed 14

Short route just next to Unnamed 13. Anchor is half way up the wall before the steep section. Follows the crack, technical climbing down low.

Sport 6m, 2
5.10a Unnamed 15

First route on the nicely overhanging wall on the left. Shares the first 2 botls with unnamed 16 and then branches out right on the arrete. Sharp holds higher up.

Sport 11m, 5
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Terasse
5+ Tourist Ripoff

Short but sweet, licht overhangende colonette, 3 haken en twee tophaken, 10 meter.

Set: Frank Sillen, 1998

Sport 10m, 3
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Bringamosa
5 Voor Jos

Features a straight line through stalactite like rock. After the terasse (midway) the terrain changes to slightly sharp rock. Two tophooks, no further bolting. The route is dedicated to Jos Schilt who died in 1996 at the age of 22.

Set: 1996

Sport 23m, 6
5 Hard/Suf

Lower level technical with small sharp grips. Upper level comparable to Voor Jos. Tophooks, no further bolting.

Set: 1996

Sport 23m
5+ Terug naar Osdorp

Start by following the crack, then straight up. First route to be climbed on the lead in this area. Typical route for this sector. Osdorp is a suburban area of Amsterdam.

Set: Igor Monzon, 1996

Sport 23m
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Tears left
5+ The Power of the Schwartz

Naar boven via de colonettes en dan traverse naar links onder het grote dak door. UItklim om de hoek, links van uitklim Warawara Dream.

Follow the line through the "stalactites" and traverse to the left while following the hooks. Not suitable for toproping. The bolts on top are shared with "May the force be with you". When climbed on the lead there is a considerable ropefriction on top. Watch the runout, which is straight up from the last hook!

Set: Erik Suijker, 1997

Sport 23m
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Tears right
6a This is Grapefield

Klassieker, alle typen rots van Grapefield in één route te vinden. De lijn is gewoon recht naar boven.

Straight line which features all terrain types of the rocks of Grapefield. Two bolts on top.

Set: 1996

Sport 23m, 7
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Garbage
5+ Pure Garbage

In begin licht overhangend en daarna even rustig en dan scherpe, relatief grote grepen recht omhoog.

Set: 1996

Sport 23m
Caribbean Aruba Grapefield Birdwatch
5+ Absurdismo

Zeer scherpe rots. Pijn is fijn??

Set: 1996

Sport 23m
5 Machismo

Karakter rots als Absurdismo

Set: 1996

Sport 23m
5+ Masochismo

Scherp, mooi scheur die je kan volgen.

Set: 1996

Sport 23m
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac Stargazer Wall
5.9 Betelgeuse Sport 18m, 7
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac The Yogi Wall
5.10a Thread the Needle Sport 20m, 10
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac The Orange Cave Orange Streak
5.9 Shark Bait Sport 15m, 5
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac The Wave Wall
5.9 Blackened Durgon Sport 22m, 11
5.10a Shooting the Curl Sport 22m, 8
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac The Northeast Point
5.9 What’s the Point? Sport 13
5.10a No Problem, Mon Sport 9
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac Edd's Place
5.10a Spiral Staircase Sport 12
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac Spot Bay Dixon’s Wall
5.10a OMG! Sport 22m, 8
Caribbean Cayman Islands Cayman Brac Heritage Wall
5.9 May Cow

Set: Miha Popovic, 2017

FA: Miha Popovic, 2017

Sport 18m, 7
Caribbean Cuba La Habana Búlder Habana
5 NoName 01
Sport 8m
5 NoName 02
Sport 8m
6a NoName 06 - 09
Sport 8m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Campismo Area Kmacho Wall
6a De espalda a La Realidad

Set: Jorge Luis Pimentel "Tito" & Yaroby García, 2022

Sport 10m, 9
5+ Somos unos Porgusto

Set: Jorge Luis Pimentel "Tito" & Raikel Reyes, 2022

Sport 15m, 9
6a Wifi con Azúcar

Set: Jorge Luis Pimentel "Tito" & Yaroby García, 2022

Sport 5m, 5
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Campismo Area Esquina Caliente
5+ Sibaricú
Sport 25m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Campismo Area Pared Campismo
5 Pantalones Apretados

FA: Josué Millo, 2003

Sport 14m
6a Vaca y Pollito

FA: Josué Millo & Alberto Javier Leivas, 2003

Sport 14m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Cueva Larga Left Wall
5 Unknown 5

Climb the second line of bolts back from the boulder/chockstone. Follows a crack system which widens towards the top. Rock can be sharp. The last few metres are a little blank.

Sport 15m
5+ Unknown 5+

Just to the right of the Unknown 5, before the boulder/chockstone. Climb fairly juggy holds straight up, past the root system of a tree (watch out for poison ivy growing amongst the roots!).

Sport 15m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Cueva Larga Right Wall
6a Pelos de Rubia

FA: Josué Millo, 2002

Sport 15m
6a Chipojo

The first route established at this crag. Climb the first big column to a ledge, then follow the easy ramp left for a bit, before topping out straight up. 2-3 long draws nice for below the anchor.

Bolts with shackles (one worn and supplemented with a biner).

FA: Aníbal Fernández & Fernando Paulete, 2001

Sport 30m, 14
6a Chipojito

Climb the second big column toward the ledge, trending right before you reach it. Once on the ledge, top out as for Chipojo. Long draws or a bit of back cleaning before the ledge will reduce drag.

Sport 30m, 13
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle La Yunta
5 Jardinero

FA: Fernando Paulete & Troy Stephens, 2001

Trad 30m
6a Negrita

FA: Aníbal Fernández & Fernando Paulete, 2001

Sport 30m, 9
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Guajiro Ecológico
6a Ostraman

FA: Aníbal Fernández & David Brasco, 2001

Trad 45m
6a El Fantasma de la Ópera

FA: Alberto Leivas & Yarobys García, 2007

Sport 30m, 9
6a Cusacutuzu

Is bolted now, was originally gear protected and named Fire Down Below. It's the first climb you see as you get to the crag up the obvious crack system. It looks good but turns into a filthy dirt fest after the first 5 metres. Worst climb I did in Cuba.

FA: Frank Zacheri & Paul Tichner, 2000

Sport 19m
6a Julia Merece

FA: Josué Millo & Julien

Sport 25m
6a Josué’s Route

Easy crack on sharp grey rock to the right of where the path enter the crag. Nice easy warm up.

FA: Josué Millo, 2002

Sport 25m
6a Los Putre

FA: Yarobys García, Roilandy & Daniel, 2006

Sport 15m, 5
6a Dos Empotres
Sport 15m, 5
6a Intrusos

FA: Yarobys García & Alberto Leivas, 2007

Sport 15m, 6
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Milenio Wall
5+ Chinata loca
Sport 10m, 6
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Ensenada de Raúl Muralla Pitú
6a Comiquita

Route on the left-side of the cliff. Has a lower (though still high) first bolt than the others. Climb up and onto the base of a palm tree, then up the semi-circle rain groove (dihedral) above to anchors.

FA: Josué Millo, 2005

Sport 20m
6a Pitú

Middle climb on the cliff -- climbs up to the right-most of the two rain grooves at the top of the cliff. Really high first bolt -- but can "borrow" the first bolt or two from "Mojaita" to reduce the run-out.

FA: Aníbal Fernández, 2001

Sport 20m, 6
5+ Mojaita

Face climbing on the right-side; starts easy and finishes steeper.

FA: Reinier Sosa, 2005

Sport 20m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Ensenada de Raúl Punta Repaso
5+ Ojos Carmelitas

Climb the bolt line up the middle of the face, initially trending leftwards. Gets sharp in the final 1/3.

FA: Neil Gresham, 2002

Sport 30m
5 El Repaso

The bolt line up the right side of the face -- steep and sustained for the grade.

FA: Vitalio Echazábal, 2001

Sport 28m, 9
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Ensenada de Raúl Punta Lider
5 Dos Palmas

This route is about 10m right of "Cucarachón".

Sport 15m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Ensenada de Raúl Torre Blanca
5 Eternos Jóvenes

This climb is in the jungle, about 30m left of "Torre Blanca". Be prepared to have to pull down the occasional thorn-vine if you climb this.

The 2009 guide-book grades it "4+", but it is noticeably harder than this -- comparable to the harder 5+ routes in the Ensenada.

FA: Scott Cole, 2001

Sport 21m, 4
5+ Torrenado

Climb the groove/dihedral left of "Torre Blanca".

Sport 14m
5+ Torre Blanca

Climb the light grey pillar on the left of the cliff. The route finishes behind the top of the pillar, but one bolt was missing from the anchor – if still the case, rap off another route’s anchor on the left side of the pillar.

FA: David Ryan & Paul Tichner, 2000

Sport 15m, 4
5+ Psicología Infantil

Climb the groove/dihedral right of the pillar. Anchor is to the right at the top, shared with "En La Sombrita".

FA: Josué Millo & Adrián Pérez, 2004

Sport 12m
5 Otra Pasta

Climb straight up starting to the right of the ficus tree.

FA: Yarobys Garcia & Josué Millo, 2004

Sport 17m
5 Cuerpo Colorado

Not really sure where this climb is....

Sport 6m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Arista Filo de Cuchilla
6a Mi Chica Metálica
1 6a 25m
2 6a 15m

FA: Adrián Pérez & Fransua Bosmenir, 2006

Sport 40m, 2
6a Marcelino Pan, y se Vino

The left variant of the first pitch of Filo de Cuchilla.

FA: Josué Millo, 2002

Sport 30m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Cueva Cabeza de la Vaca
6a Cara Dura

FA: Josué Millo, 2004

Sport 15m, 6
5+ Mi Cusi

FA: Josué Millo, 2004

Sport 15m, 7
6a Feliz Cumpleaños

FA: Alberto Leiva, 2007

Sport 13m, 5
6a La Cuchillita
1 4+
2 6a
  1. (4+, 26m) Start off the platform up and rightward, then follow the groove/dihedral angling up and left, avoiding the steep section, then back right to an anchor. This pitch is popular as a beginner route.

  2. (6a, 25m). Climb the arete to the right, then move back left.

This was initially a trad route but has been bolted.

Sport 28m, 2
5+ Juegos de Niños

Start on the gray, strongly featured rock. Climbs nice and homogenously up on sharp rock with good holds. Popular top-rope route - bolts are spaced a bit far as an initiation route for lead.

Sport 29m, 8
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Paredón de Josué
6a Calentando Baterias

Starts just right of the big tree that follows the cliff. Excellent climbing on big holds to an anchor on the right flake.

Sport 25m, 7
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote del Valle Jaruquiño
5 Nicotina

FA: Aníbal Fernández & José Luís Gómez, 2005

Sport 20m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Mogote Palmarito
6a Sueño de las Chicas

FA: Paul Laperrière, 2002

Sport 20m, 7
5 Moneando

FA: Josué Millo, 2002

Sport 25m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales El Palenque Paraíso Escondido
6a Colmillo Blanco
5 T.P.R.
Sport 25m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales El Palenque Pared de Competición Pared de Competición
6a Artista sin Nombre
Sport 24m, 10
6a Calostro
Sport 24m, 10
6a Escaleras al Cielo
Sport 26m, 10
5+ Sin sentido
Sport 10m, 5
5+ Soborno
Sport 30m, 9
5+ Nueva Amistad
Sport 10m, 6
6a El Barrendero
Sport 30m, 12
6a Pegate
Sport 35m, 14
Caribbean Cuba Viñales El Palenque Cueva de San Miguel
5 Ay, Ay, Ay Palenque
Unknown 25m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales El Palenque El Palenque Wall
5 Socialismo? Oh! Muerte
Sport 25m
Caribbean Cuba Viñales La Costanera La Bóveda de las Españolas
6a Pablo's Squirmfest

FA: David Ryan, 2000

Sport 15m, 7
Caribbean Cuba Viñales Coco Solo
5+ Centipede

Set: Paul Laperriere

Sport 8m, 7
5+ Farsante

Set: Paul Laperriere

Sport 10m, 7
6a Ojo de Ciclón

Starts left of the cave, goes up the red rock.

Set: Christopher Bauchman

Sport 25m, 12
6a Pasamontaña

Fun route to climb with a chimmney on the last third. You have a slight overhang so remember to clip to the rope when cleaning the route down.

Set: Jorge Luis Pimentel "Tito" & Rikel Reyes

Sport 28m, 13
Caribbean Cuba Jibacoa Penon del Freile
5 Te Quedas en La Siguiente
Sport 10m, 8
5 Bucanero
Sport 10m, 6
5 Tranquila Nina
Sport 11m, 7
5+ Mal Viaje
Sport 11m, 9
5 Soledad
Sport 7m, 4
Caribbean Cuba Jibacoa Cueva de la Virgen
5 Pagano
Sport 20m, 12
5+ La Jaiba
Sport 20m, 10
5+ Cross y Fition
Sport 35m, 13
5+ El Viejo y El Mar
Sport 31m, 15

Showing 1 - 100 out of 294 routes.

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