
Ascents of Perverting the course of Justice

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Showing all 5 ascents.

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Tue 26th Jan 2021 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6a Perverting the course of Justice Sport 22m, 6
Such a lovely route I couldn't resist a run up it. Loose rock makes it a harder lead than the grade would suggest, but you are rewarded with lovely moves and a beautiful view at the top out.

Thu 3rd Dec 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6a Perverting the course of Justice Sport 22m, 6
Not sure if it's entirely an onsight as I've done And Justice for All before. This would be a damn lovely route if it wasn't for the seriously loose rock which is all around. Makes for a bold lead - climb with caution.

This route might benefit from one more bolt low down before the first, as for my partner (who is quite short) they couldn't clip the first bolt without climbing pretty high. A bolt at arms length from the ledge might also reduce the risk of the belayer falling if the belayer is on the ledge but not anchored.

I tend to climb (and belay) from the ground and put a sling around the tree - I've got some old rope so might put a thread around the tree to allow others to easily clip the tree as well, making it a little safer (with a bit more rope drag).

Tue 11th Aug 2020 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6a Perverting the course of Justice - with Faiz Rzk, SG_GIBSON Sport 22m, 6 Very Good
Azlinda Amin
Sun 28th Jul 2019 - Dairy Farm
Third Kid
6a Perverting the course of Justice ((Unfinished new line)) - with Al Bear Sport 22m, 6 Don't Bother
Positives to take away:

  1. Didn't die, or kill my belayer in the process

  2. The previous mission to remove overhead foliage has had the intended effect of drying out the route. The nasty slime is now dry and flaky & easily brushed off. (Recent dry weather also helped).


  1. Pulled off several large chunks of rock while leading.

  2. About half-way up it becomes clear that a large section of vertical rock is not attached to the wall behind, and you can look behind it to see visible daylight (this is particularly pronounced when not climbing at night). It's anyone's guess how long before this slab peels away...

  3. Start of the route is not particularly climbable (crack is filled flush with mud). Instead of navigating this chossy -mud filled- crack, I traversed in from the (also chossy) start of "And Justice for all" placing a tri-cam in some very dodgy looking rock. Happy not to have to test it.

Wouldn't particularly recommend this route in its current state. Maybe some more cleaning will improve things. Considering calling the route "Obstruction to Justice" or "Perverting the course of Justice", since you would have to be perverted to want to climb it...

6a (Unfinished new line) - with Hamish Sport 22m, 6 Good
Al Bear
Still needs more cleaning down low. Hamish did a heroic job of leading the bottom section on mixed gear with serious ground fall potential till the third bolt.


Showing all 5 ascents.

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