
Ascents by Anderl having Distinct route

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Showing all 25 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
6c 6b+ Avenida (R3) - with Sandra † Sport 20m, 8 Alto Mijares Very Good Wed 23rd Aug 2017
Boulder start, some hard moves and a relaxing 2nd half. Nice route, only a bit unbalanced in difficulty.

6c Le moral dans l'échauguette - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport Rue des Masques Very Good Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Two overhangs with good rests beneath and surprisingly good holds. In the headwall after I first went the wrong way but managed to stay on. Quite obvious where it counts and bolts where you need them. Good fight but veeery (too) soft for 7a imho.

6c 7a+ El capitan Memo - with Sandra † Sport 17m, 6 Oriente Wed 4th Sep 2019
Got it! Used a bit the dihedral half a metre to the right in the easier upper part for security reasons (last two bolts are very rusty), but purely on the wall goes quite easily, too. What should I say? For me 6c max, quite reachy however.

6c Crypto - with Arvin, LFF, Sandra †, Norima Sport 9m, 5 Finale Ligure Classic Wed 1st Nov 2017
2nd go. Athletic tufa fun, only far too short. Almost killed my belayer with a 5kg flake I broke out

6c El Paso Residual - with Sandra † Sport 9m, 4 Oriente Good Mon 2nd Sep 2019
Solved with an over-the-head kneebar / heelhook, which turned the fierce crux almost into a no-hand

6a La Isla Bonita
1 6a lead by Anderl
2 4b lead by Daniel
3 6a lead by Anderl
Sport 60m Sa Gubia Very Good Tue 25th Nov 2014
Great route with 3 totally different pitches. P1 wall climbing (quite hard for the grade) with a tricky traverse from left to right and back, P2 relaxing groove, and then comes P3. It features some unusual rock, a kind of gripless curtains, which you have to spread up through. Not really hard, but I had to take a break to figure out the solution.

6c El canto del loco Sport 20m Puig de Garrafa Very Good Mon 24th Nov 2014
Yeah, finally I made it! Some tries on this beast during the last years. This time didn't felt too hard - I must have improved.

6c Colmena Sport 18m Puig de Garrafa Good Thu 28th Nov 2013
My first 6c! Hard pulling over the top bulge.

6c Vivan las jarras - with Sandra †, Arvin Sport 17m, 6 Puig de Garrafa Classic Fri 6th Nov 2015
Once you have mastered the hard pull out of the overhanging crack, difficulties are mostly over.

6c Bateria baixa - with Sandra †, Arvin, Laurent, Yue Sport 8m, 4 Ca's Català Good Tue 3rd Nov 2015
Really hard only until 2nd bolt, but the rest is not totally given neither. A bit too short, more a highball boulder...

6c Via morito - with LFF Sport 22m, 12 Caimari Classic Tue 5th Mar 2019
Yes! Zitat Arvin: "Am schönsten ist der Sieg wenn man von der Niederlage gekostet hat" P.S.: Clip the last bolt so late that you don't need it anymore...

6c Schwanensee - with Anne, Anika, Nicky Sport 25m Solothurner Jura Classic Sat 10th Jun 2023
Das erste Mal mit Risshandschuhen . Noch eine sehr coole Risslinie, aber wieder mangelnde Fitness und Technik. Der Überhang mit Handriss in der Mitte hat mir schon arg zu schaffen gemacht, sowas sollte man echt mal trainieren...

6c La Carotte Atomique - with Arvin Sport Gorges du Chassezac Very Good Sun 28th Aug 2022
Harter Start an schlechten Leisten, dann ab dem Riss etwas unübersichtlich und kräftig ehe es oben leichter wird. Ganz coole Kletterei, aber das lief gar nicht, wieder nur Stehprobleme und irgendwann Pump.

6c Voyage dans le surplomb - with LFF Sport 12m Finale Ligure Classic Fri 3rd Nov 2017
The name of the route is the programme: impressive, impressive, & super airy. With a break at every quickdraw

6c Happy Starting - with LFF, Sandra †, Jarno Sport 15m Es Torrent Very Good Mon 24th Feb 2020
Very nice athletic route, but the upper bolts are in pretty bad condition. Got super scared because I really didn't wanted to fall; finally reached an anchor which was too rusty for abseiling - continued to the other (good) one higher to the left...

6c La Djé Belle - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport Rocher Qui Répond Very Good Fri 7th Aug 2020
Failed after the last bolt, but this is clearly the crux. Very hard finish out of the overhang - too hard for me.

6c Madame Déficit - with Sandra †, LFF Sport Tazmania Very Good Wed 26th Feb 2020
Excellent short & super hard slab, very technical. Should be doable, but definetly would require some runs to find the best sequence. The team requests a trip to the next café instead...

6c Qui s'y frotte, s'y pique - with LFF Sport Les Alpilles Fri 15th Apr 2022
6c Unknown - with LFF Sport Es Capdellà Mon 20th Feb 2023
Directly right of the prior route. Nice & not too hard climbing until the last bolt, then very hard to the (slightly rusty) anchor. Grade unclear.

6c Yanomami - with Jarno, Maulwurf Sport 12m, 5 Chateauvert Fri 29th Mar 2024
Not even an idea, clipstick ascent.

6c Docteur Nanar - with Sandra †, Jarno Sport 10m, 3 Les Alpilles Average Mon 28th Oct 2019
Couldn't do the very powerful move out over the roof's lip. Probably found a solution but not motivated enough to try it again.

6c Betty Sport 25m La Vall Verda Sat 30th Nov 2013
Don't think this one is 6c, must be much much harder.

6c The Big Red Stain Sport Cala Magraner Fri 28th Nov 2014
aborted after realising that the 3rd bolt is only rusty puff

6c Bilitron Sport Puig de Garrafa Sat 5th Nov 2016
6c NN10 - with Sandra † Sport Réotier Sun 16th Aug 2020
Quick onsight attempt, failed seriously... Looks not very interesting anyway.


Showing all 25 ascents.