
Discussion: How to update a community profile?

  • Started: 29 days ago on Thu 9th May 2024

Public discussion This is a public discussion in How to forum.

SuperLongio started this discussion 29 days ago.

How to update a community profile?

What's the process for updating and keeping community profiles up to date?

For example if there was a new V17 ascent (will bosi, etc..), who do we need to contact to update this ?

replied 26 days ago.

This was managed by a to small group and due to lack of resources this is not going very well an the moment any more. We have to implement a way where normal users with a given role could log ascents for community profiles.

Would you be interested to take over one or two profiles to maintain for example Bosi?

Happy climbing Nicky

replied 26 days ago.


I think you should advertise this differently:

Have you been dreaming of ever logging a 9a in your life?

Here's your chance: manage one of our community profiles and get to tick the hardest climbs in the world, e.g. Burden of Dreams (9A).

replied 26 days ago.

Dominik yes you are right this sounds much better.

replied 25 days ago.

Good one 😂

SuperLongio replied 25 days ago.

And I'm keen Nicky and yes lol Dominik

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