
Discussion: Graphical statistics

  • Started: 22 days ago on Wed 15th May 2024

Public discussion This is a public discussion in World.

started this discussion 22 days ago.

Graphical statistics

I am an avid Strava user and there are some external tools that show yearly progression (e.g. Statshunters or Strava Toolbox), so that you can compare if you are on track to surpass your yearly kilometer record, or elevation gain record, etc.

It would be great if theCrag would implement a similar functionality, where you can graph ascents, pitches, elevation, grades etc. per month and year. I would be interested, for example, to see if I have climbed more pitches in this running year than during the same period last year. Stuff like that.

Is anything like that planned or does it already exist somewhere?

Philip replied 22 days ago.

IMHO the CPR graph gives you a quite good indication. You see:

  • your CPR, an indication for your performance
  • bars for the amount of ascents
  • maximum onsight and red point

With hovering over it you get more information and by clicking you see all relevant ascents and can be sorted by all time CPR.

cooky replied 22 days ago.

Maybe export as a csv file and filter in excel?

replied 21 days ago.

I use the CPR graphs for tracking progress, but I agree it would be cool to have some graphs for like pitches/routes/elevation climbed. I personally am tracking number of routes climbed in a spreadsheet.

Beakerboy replied 21 days ago.

If only the website code was open source. There are so many query features I’d love to add.

replied 21 days ago.

Thank you for the good ideas. Yes, I could export as CSV and then filter, but it would be much more efficient if these functionalities were available directly on the website, instead of everybody doing their own thing. CPR is pretty powerful, but much more could be done.

Siderunner replied 17 days ago.

My wish would be to filter the date range used in the bar chart of grades. After a long layoff it would be nice to see the recent “pyramid” rather than the lifetime one.

replied 5 days ago.

would love it if you opened the API for noncommercial use! Then we could make our own statistics apps 🙂

JositoGG replied 2 days ago.

Beakerboy The code is not open source but the web has an API (you have to ask for access tho) so if anybody is willing to develop a web-app that queries TheCrag to generate some plots, they should contact Support theCrag

replied 2 days ago.

The current documentation says:


replied about a day ago.

exactly. in my understanding this means that they would only consider giving people access if they wanted to develop commercial apps (which i certainly don't)

replied about a day ago.

Another good use case could be managing of temporary crag closures through warnings.

Lots of crags have yearly recurring temporary closures due to bird nesting, e.g. beginning of year till July.

For the record, there is also a feature request on Github:

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