
Use this Region Guide to easily find and compare Crags.

Table of contents

1. Alpen 34,613 routes in Region



Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.642374, 8.645683

1.1. Appenzeller Alpen 2,247 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.307764, 9.226442

1.1.1. Herisau 21 routes in Crag

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 47.386132, 9.282473


Buildering fristet in der Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich eher ein Schattendasein. Dies mag einerseits an den umfangreichen Klettermöglichkeiten an den natürlichen Felswänden oder aber auch an den heiklen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen liegen. Wer jedoch mit dem nötigen Anstand und Respekt mal ein paar Züge an einem geeigneten Objekt probiert, wird eventuell feststellen wie überraschend unterschiedlich und abwechlungsreich die Boulderprobleme sein können.

access issues

Beachte die Einschränkungen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in den einzelnen Gebieten. Nur durch konsequent beanstandungsfreies Buildering dürfte es längerfristig eventuell möglich werden Gebiete aus der rechtlichen Grauzone zu holen und eine offizielle Erlaubnis zu erlangen.

Die Publikation von Gebieten / Routen / Boulderproblemen an künstlichen Objekten auf stellt keine grundsätzliche Legitimation dar. Wiederholung erfolgen in Eigenverantwortung und unter eigener Haftung.

Bitte melde allfällige Zwischenfälle mit Eigentümern, Behörden, Polizei, etc. jeweils umgehend, damit die Angaben auf aktualisiert werden können (zusätzliche Einschränkungen, Gebietssperrungen, etc.)

1.1.2. Freienbach 31 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing


It's on private gound and it's only tolerated, not explicitly allowed, to climb at the crag. Keep a low profile and respect the local residents! Please don't provide further information about this crag.



1.1.3. Alpstein 1,174 routes in Crag

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 47.259579, 9.357574


Incredible Schrattenkalk in a beautiful landscape.


The Alpstein mountain range is a subgroup of the Appenzell Alps in Switzerland. The Alpstein massif is in Appenzell Innerrhoden, Appenzell Ausserrhoden and St. Gallen.

Despite it being rather low when compared to other Alpine peaks - the highest mountain is the Säntis at 2502 metres - the Alpstein, due to their northern "outpost" position only a short distance from Lake Constance (nearly 30 km) are relatively tall when compared to the surrounding area. The range also includes the Altenalp Türm as the northernmost summit above 2,000 metres in Switzerland.

To get an impression of this beauty check out the 360° panormas presented by


Because of its size the area has 4 major starting points:

  1. Schwägalp (North)

  2. Wasserauen (North/East)

  3. Brülisau (East)

  4. Wildhaus (South)

From this starting points most climbs are accessible within 2 hours. Some approaches can be accelerated by using cable cars but they are very expensive.

where to stay

The villages around the area provide a lot accommodations and there are a lot of huts where you can stay. Above 2000m its generally allowed to biwak.


Sport climbs are very well protected but the historic multi pitch routes are sometime strange bolted and you have to take long run outs. Generally it is a good advice to bring some gear to improve protection where necessary.

New routes should be discussed with local authorities and the Swiss Alpine Club (SAC) before hand. Especially if routes may distract animals and destroy vegetation.


Already at the beginning of the 20th century mountaineers started to explore and ascent the summits of the Alpstein. Marcel Halbeisen from the Swiss mountain club St. Gallen scanned the old guide books and published them on his website.

1.1.4. Alvierkette 1 route in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.122358, 9.416991

1.1.5. Churfirsten 124 routes in Crag

Trad climbing, Sport climbing and Aid climbing

Lat / Long: 47.159217, 9.298945

1.1.6. Ziegelbrücke 27 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.149357, 9.074441

1.1.7. Amden - Weesen 406 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.158609, 9.134629

1.1.8. Kletterzentrum St. Gallen 173 routes in Gym

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.408598, 9.309214


1.1.9. Kletterhalle Appenzellerpark 273 routes in Gym

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.390021, 9.269095


1.1.10. Boulder- / Kletterwand Schwellbrunn 17 routes in Gym

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.354537, 9.247398


Kleine aber feine Boulder- und Kletterwand in der Mehrzweckanlage Schwellbrunn. Für die Benutzung ist eine Mitgliedschaft im Kletterverein Schwellbrunn erforderlich ( Öffnungszeiten: jeweils Mittwoch 18:00-22:00.

Wir bedanken uns speziell bei allen Unterstützern, die dieses Projekt mit grosszügigen Beiträgen ermöglicht haben, namentlich:

  • Sportfonds AR
  • Raiffeisenbank Appenzeller Hinterland
  • Huber Suhner Stiftung
  • Dr. Fred Styger Stiftung
  • Steinegg Stiftung
  • Metrohm Stiftung
  • Gemeinde Schwellbrunn
  • Bächli Bergsport AG
  • Walter Zellweger, Meisterflorist und Gestalter
  • Knöpfel Kundenmaurer Kleinbaggerbetrieb GmbH

1.2. Glarner Alpen 1,139 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.984659, 9.060931

1.2.1. Brüggler 65 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.117309, 8.986103


A very big crag with two sectors. In Südwand you will find lots of (mostly) easy multi-pitch routes. In Überhänge there are hard and short sportclimbing routes.


Due to the south facing wall, it usually is too hot in summertime (maybe you'll get some shades in the Überhänge Sector) but sometimes you can even climb in winter.


Follow the signs to the base of Südwand. To Überhänge you can either walk at the base of the Südwand to the right and there on a path marked white blue white around the corner (10 min from the backpack depot) or you follow the small road after Alpenbeizli Winteregg to the east and then after a few hundred meters you go up the crag over the steep gras slope

where to stay

You can camp at the parking (10.-€/sFr. per tent/campervan, 2.-€/sFr. per person, 1.- €/sFr. per child (8-16years)), parking costs 5.-€/sFr. per day (8:00-22:00)). (Prices from 2020) You should best be able to pay the exact amount you need in an envelope.

1.2.2. Wageten 21 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.118871, 8.999378

1.2.3. Fridlispitz 23 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.112434, 9.021867

1.2.4. Plattenwald 146 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.098964, 9.050956


You can find a topo created from the bolters at Also you can financially support them there.

access issues

Die Parksituation kann an vollen Tagen sehr angespannt sein. Bitte Fahrgemeinschaften bilden und unbedingt nur die Markierten Parkflächen benutzen und den Durchgangsverkehr nicht behindern

1.2.5. Niederurnen 10 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.119808, 9.055516

1.2.6. Nordgalerie 108 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.125882, 9.129545


Shady crag next to the Walensee with mostly vertical endurance climbing on limestone.


From the paid parking area the the campsite (47.1269, 9.1114), follow the gravel road eastwards, crossing the river Linth. You will find some sectors directly at the road. For the main sector you have to continue until you reach a stairway next to the car gallery (47.1258, 9.1239). After going up the stairway, you have to go right on a small path.

1.2.7. Gäsi 59 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.120979, 9.112569


"Gäsi is reserved for hard-movers - below a 7a/b level you have no business on these rocks, as even the few easier routes are tough and require solid foot technique and a complete repertoire of movements. Since Gäsi is less frequented, there are mostly no traces of chalk on the routes, which makes onsight-climbing even more interesting, albeit more demanding."

1.2.8. Deponie 38 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.091256, 9.054530


Deponie‘s routes offer many different climbing styles and a wide range of grades. The approach is pleasant and kid-friendly as is the base of the wall. The rock is not extremely solid everywhere so beware of rock fall.

1.2.9. Chrüterlutz 1 route in Cliff

All Aid climbing

1.2.10. Mullern Alp 22 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.091025, 9.114708

1.2.11. Mürtschenstock 1 route in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.064583, 9.141349

1.2.12. Hüttenkopf 28 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.048600, 9.085716


1.2.13. Leglerhütte 47 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.920507, 9.091585

1.2.14. Indianerstein 17 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.066855, 9.067007

1.2.15. Herbersteine 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.059437, 9.069783

1.2.16. Schlattstein 0 routes in Boulder


Kletterschwierigkeit zwischen 5b bis 7c; oben gebohrter Stand zum Topropen

1.2.17. Bürglenstein 7 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.059421, 9.057329

1.2.18. Meierislistein 6 routes in Cliff

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.040671, 9.042501

1.2.19. Gilbi 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.989343, 9.049019

1.2.20. Lochsiten 9 routes in Cliff

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.997016, 9.091112

1.2.21. Mettmenalp 174 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.961402, 9.110445

1.2.22. Engi 60 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.985797, 9.136361


großer Klettergarten am Rande des Bergdorfs Engi

where to stay

Campen am Fels verboten

1.2.23. Elm 3 routes in Crag

All Ice climbing

Lat / Long: 46.921972, 9.180845

1.2.24. Braunwald 57 routes in Crag

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and Rock climbing

Lat / Long: 46.959776, 8.975728

1.2.25. Sportzentrum Linth-Arena 96 routes in Gym

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.107795, 9.065282

1.2.26. Schilt 5 routes in Crag

Trad climbing and Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.044469, 9.099757

1.2.27. Höchtor 1 route in Crag

All Aid climbing

Lat / Long: 47.013229, 9.024463

1.2.28. Ruchen 2 routes in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.011851, 9.001637

1.2.29. Glärnischhütte 34 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.001485, 8.972615

1.2.30. Gumenplatte 4 routes in Cliff

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.054004, 9.001210

1.2.31. Ochsenchopf 6 routes in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.038051, 8.921759

1.2.32. Wegfels 6 routes in Cliff

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.037156, 9.009836


Vorderseite steile boulderige Routen, hinten 3 flächere und einfachere Routen die eher lange feucht bleiben.

1.2.33. Tschingelhorn 1 route in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.899122, 9.221676

1.2.34. Martinsmadhütte 4 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.892067, 9.191416

1.2.35. Schneehorn 15 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.885336, 9.182704

1.2.36. Laaxerstöckli 2 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.881137, 9.198509

1.2.37. Gletscherhorn 1 route in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.887744, 9.176118

1.2.38. Zwölfihorn 1 route in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.889868, 9.170086

1.2.39. Vorab 1 route in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.877841, 9.142551

1.2.40. Chli Chalchhorn 1 route in Crag

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.868571, 9.110874

1.2.41. Pleus 1 route in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.934480, 9.132001

1.2.42. Rohrberg 5 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.925851, 9.192704

1.2.43. Linthal 34 routes in Crag

Sport climbing and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.886556, 8.960274

1.2.44. Rauti NO-Grat 1 route in Cliff

All Alpine climbing

Lat / Long: 47.075315, 9.034553


Ausgesetzter Grat am Rauti mit ausgezeichnetem Ambiente.


Am besten liest man sich einen Bericht von dazu durch.

descent notes

Über Normalweg.

1.3. Sarganserland 1,505 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 47.040132, 9.376931

1.3.1. Voralpsee 24 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.151429, 9.377445


Really nice endurance routes. One of the best areas in the region if you climb that grade. Due the high altitude and the shade in the morning, you can climb here quite well in the summer.


  • With kids: The base on the wall is mostly steep with not much space. On the left side of the crag, in front of 'Don't speak', there is some space for kids to play.


You can park your car at the top parking space when you drive up the "Grabserberg" at 47.16423, 9.38304

You have to pay a fee of 6CHF per day or 10CHF for two days.

1.3.2. Brochne Burg 84 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.103642, 9.490543


This crag, located in the east of Switzerland, Kanton St. Gallen, right next to Liechtenstein offers plenty of climbing for all levels. Brochne Burg has over 60 routes jam packed into an extremely picturesque and well protected gorge.

There is a public car park, a paved walk-in through wine fields with a view of to old ruines set before typically Swiss backdrop of snow capped Alps.

The crag is protected all day long from the sun, and the walls are laid out as if they were built for climbing. Each wall has its own dedicated grade band, plenty of room between the starts, and there is even a picknick area.

However, not all is good with Brochne Burg. Lots of the routes were polished and I found them to be under graded. So 4cs felt like 5b.

  • With kids: The base is inclined but not too steep and suitable for smaller children. However, there are a lot of loose rocks on the ground and not a lot of space to play or run around.

access issues

Public car-park, paved foot path, easy walk from top of crag to climbing routes.


This has to be one of the most pleasant walk-ins both terms of ease and scenery I have ever had. There is an official public car-park (47.10473, 9.4852) From here it is a nice 15 min stroll to the top of the crag.

From the car-park walk back from where you came, back on the road that you drove up, about 15 meters down is the entrance (47.0997, 9.4845)

Simply follow this path through the wine fields (you will seen the Wartau Ruine) past the cow padock back into the forest

Then about 200 meters into the forest you will be located at the top of the crag. (crag47.1035, 9.4901)


As your walking from the public car-park to the hiking trail you may see cars parked along the road. Please do not get tempted to park here, you will only save your self 4 mins of walking but will start to upset the locals.

1.3.3. Schollberg 80 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.066148, 9.465995


Many easy routes and well established, therefore often crowded.


All the route names are written on the wall and there is a drawn Topo with the route names and grades at the crag.

  • With kids: Perfect crag for kids! The ground is flat with lots of space to run and play and there are even a few easy routes for firsts tries on the rock. There is a shelter with tables and benches and you can barbecue. Not a lot of rockfall potential at the sector 'Hauptwand' but there are many loose rocks at 'Römerweg'. The only downside is the road nearby with lots of traffic so you have to be careful when visiting with very small children.


There is a parking lot directly at the crag at this location: (47.06630, 9.46791). There is a small fee (5 SFR, coins only) for the parking, which is used to maintain the climbing area.

1.3.4. Atscha 14 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.066599, 9.460609


Grundsätzlich sehr schönes Klettergebiet mit Schwierigkeiten im Plaisirbereich, leider jedoch etwas abgenutzte Tritte und Griffe. Die zusätzlichen Zustiegsminuten empfehlen sich insbesondere wenn es unten am Schollberg bereits sehr voll ist.


Es existieren 2 verschiedene Topos.

Ein älteres aus dem Jahr 2000:

sowie ein neueres aus dem Jahr 2015:


Beim Schollberg der Wand entlang und wenige Stufen aufwärts auf die historische Schollbergstrasse. Auf der Strasse rund 50 m von der Felswand weg bis zu einem Schild "Achtung Schiesslärm". Dort dem Wegweiser "Umleitung bei Schiessbetrieb" auf einem schmalen Pfad (weiss-rot-weiss) den Berg hinauf folgen, bis sich allmählich oben das Ende der steilen Flanke abzeichnet. In einer Spitzkehre nach rechts den Pfad durch eine Runse verlassen und zu den sichtbaren Felsen traversieren.

1.3.5. Maziferchopf 30 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.068881, 9.461725


There is a free topo from the restaurant 'Aufstieg' which can be found here.

1.3.6. Katzenbach 31 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.064784, 9.418826

1.3.7. Valaschga 3 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.096424, 9.381927

1.3.8. Spitzbüel 5 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.089208, 9.393875


Kein Rückzug nach unten! Es gilt nur die Flucht nach oben. Ggf. Seil hängen lassen...

1.3.9. Chrinnen 42 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.003845, 9.481211


Due the hight altitude, it is possible to climb there at summer. Never the less it is also possible in the winter because the exposition.


You can find a free topo at

Print publications:


You can park your car at Wildboden located here: 46.99709, 9.48252

From there you have to take a short walk to the crag.

1.3.10. Chropfberg 106 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.008263, 9.469329


Because of the exposition and the high altitude it is perfect to climb here in summer.


You can find a free topo for all sectors at

  • With kids: The base is mostly steep although there are some flat spots especially when you go further up. Suitable for older kids. The approach is steep as well and smaller kids will need assistance or have to be carried up. Not a lot of rockfall.


You should park at the same spot as for 'Chrinnen'[517769085] at Wildboden

1.3.11. Pizol 21 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.974699, 9.403841


This small crag, located in St.Gallen, Switzerland, offers a good range of beginner rock climbing routes from 3c to 6a.

There is a website deticated to Pizol Here you can find opening hours and prices of the lifts.

The crag is located around 2,222 meters above sea level, so remember to take some warm cloths because even when it is 30° at the car park it can be 11° at the crag.

Topo is available for download on the above-mentioned website.


The crag is located on a hiking trail east of the Pizolhütte (7323 Vilters-Wangs, Switzerland).

You will need to take a gondola to the top station, then take two chair lifts to the the very top.

Then follow the very obvious path up the mountain for 10-15 min.

A day pass ticket will cost around 40 CHF (or 20 CHF if you have a Swiss SBB 1/2 tax or GA card so remember to take it)

where to stay

The following website dedicated to Pizol lists accommodation

This site lists accommodation along with approx. distances from the Pizolhütte

1.3.12. Motel 52 routes in Crag

Sport climbing and Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.996261, 9.510056


Crag with mostly bouldery and overhanging climbs. It's a good spots for warmer days, because it's always shady.

access issues

Es gibt dringende (und schlechte) Nachrichten zum Klettergebiet Motel. Wir stehen hier nämlich kurz vor einem Kletterverbot!!!

Derzeit wird hier regelmässig nachts mit Scheinwerfern und lauter Musik geklettert, Powerscreams und laute Fluchtiraden bei einem Sturz fehlen ebenso wenig. Die Gäste fühlen sich dadurch in ihrer Nachtruhe gestört. Da das Klettergiet auf Privatgrund des Motels.

Daher unbedingt folgende Regeln beachten:

  1. Keine Nightsessions, egal ob mit Scheinwerfer, Stirnlampe oder im Dunkeln!

  2. Keine fixen Installationen (Seile, Leitern), keine Gegenstände (Teppiche), kein Abfall!

  3. Keine Musik, kein unnötiges Geschrei. Ein leises Ächzen mag einem in diesen anstrengenden Routen entfahren, das geht

  4. Zustieg stets dem Weglein vom Parkplatz entlang, keinesfalls über die Golfwiese gehen.

Mehr zum Thema:


There is a parking space at the Hotel Schloss Bad Ragaz. You have to pay a parking fee of 0.50 CHF per hour. From there it's only a short walk to the wall.

1.3.13. Fluppi 26 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.992431, 9.516010


You can download a free topo at

The passwort for the login is "topos4free" and for the pdf itself the username "topos" and password "4free".

1.3.14. Alter Tiergarten 11 routes in Crag

Bouldering and Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.063656, 9.392510


Small crag with some routes and boulders. The boulders are marked by numbers. If you follow the crag westwards you will find some additional numbers on the wall, marking some other boulders.

With kids: Flat and grassy base of the wall makes it perfect for kids.

access issues

The crag is located on private ground, but climbing is tolerated. So respect the locals!

When cows are on the field, don't climb at this crag.


There is a parking space east of the crag.

1.3.15. Vallhallabütz 23 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

1.3.16. St. Jöri 54 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.102587, 9.354138


Short endurance routes at a nice location, which stay dry at the rain. But after long periods of rain it gets wet and stays wet for a long time.


access issues

Der Zugang von der Strasse zum Klettergarten führt über privaten Grund, bitte den Weg nicht verlassen!


There is a public parking at 47.10725, 9.34499

Der Parkplatz bei St. Jöri ist für die Besucher der Kapelle gedacht und darf zum Klettern nicht benützt werden. Bitte den Parkplatz bei der Bushaltestelle Unterdorf in Berschis (ca. 15 Min. zum Klettergarten) benutzen.

1.3.17. Paschga 24 routes in Crag

Access: Parken im Kieswerk

Oft wird direkt beim Kieswerk auf dem Privatgelände parkiert (so ist es z.B. auch im Extrem Ost angegeben). Bisher haben die Besitzer dies toleriert, solange der Betrieb nicht gestört wird.

DIes sorg allerdings für Ärger wenn die vielen Lastwagen aufwändiger manövrieren müssen oder deponiertes Material nicht zugänglich ist.

  1. Der Platz wird in den nächsten Tagen bzw. Wochen mit einem Teerbelag gedeckt und steht dann nicht zur Verfügung. Während dieser Zeit müsst ihr unbedingt fragen, ob ihr die Arbeiten nicht behindert.

  2. Vor allem tagsüber während den Betriebszeiten des Kieswerks empfehlen wir, diesen Parkplatz nicht zu nutzen und stattdessen unter der Ruine Gräpplang bzw. bei der ARA Flums zu parkieren (hier). Es sind nur 500m horizontaler Fussmarsch (5 Minuten!) mehr.

  3. Auch ausserhalb der Betriebszeiten: nur so parkieren, dass deponiertes Material immer zugänglich ist und die Zufahrt zum Kieswerk ohne Einschränkungen möglich ist.

See warning details and discuss

Created 3 years ago
All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.104873, 9.328071


Mostly endurance routes on limestone which stay dry in the rain. Due to the exposition, the cliff stays in the shade for the whole day. Crowded on weekends.


All route names are written to the wall, so it's easy to navigate even without a topo.

  • With kids: The base of the wall is wide and mostly without risk of falling. Because it's steep in some areas, it's only recommended for older kids who can walk safely or younger ones who don‘t walk at all. Also kids younger than the age of 3-4 have to be carried/assisted up to the crag because of the steep path full with loose rocks that is always wet.

  • Dry in the rain:
    Even if the wall isn't that much overhanging, it very rarely gets wet.


There is a small parking area behind the ARA Seez (47.1026, 9.3346). From there it's a short walk on a wide track to the stone quarry. There you have to follow a small and quite steep path (47.1055, 9.3287) to the crag.

1.3.18. Vättis 86 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.938529, 9.479463


Mostly 30+m vertical and overhanging endurance climbing on blue/yellow limestone.


All route names are written on the wall, so it's easy to navigate without a topo.


Opposite of the parking space at the road (46.9388, 9.4772), a little path starts above the concrete wall. The quite steep path will lead you to the crag.

1.3.19. Murgtal 649 routes in Crag

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 47.089004, 9.204438


Large bouldering area with a lot of potential for new boulders.


Several bouldering spots along the Murgbach. You can find anything from shady blocks in the forest at sector "Steibrächer" to sunny climbs on alpine pastures at sector "See". Thick skin is the key to pain-free bouldering for several days on the sharp verrucano

There is a teaser for the area from the crew on YouTube.


For the upper sectors you have to pay a toll of 10 CHF to drive up the road and for parking. The toll station is at "Alp Plätz" 47.09184, 9.20710 Please pay the fee and use only the official parking areas. You can either purchase your ticket with coins or remit the balance.


There are many boulders which could be cleaned, so it's always recommended to bring some brushes.


Be aware that there is frequent rock fall especially at sector "See" and use caution when bouldering in the area.

1.3.20. Magletsch 44 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.102146, 9.485402


Overhanging training crag for the locals. The access is only semi-official.

access issues

The climbing in this area is just tolerated! Behave yourself and be polite.


From the parking space (47.1036, 9.4843) walk up the track behind the gate. After ~150m, there is a small path on the left (47.1023, 9.4850), which will lead to the crag.

1.3.21. Masescha 26 routes in Area

Rock: Steinschlag Gefahr

Unterer Wandteil ist aufgrund von Steinschlag Gefahr gesperrt.

See warning details and discuss

Created 2 years ago
All Sport climbing

1.3.22. Boulderei 0 routes in Gym



Bergstrasse 31c

CH-8890 Flums

1.3.23. Sparta Bouldering 1 route in Gym

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: 47.172291, 9.482689


1.3.24. Gonzen 52 routes in Cliff

Sport climbing and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.064329, 9.438481


All topos on

1.3.25. Sportkletterhalle Sargans 0 routes in Gym

1.3.26. Weisstannental 15 routes in Crag

All Ice climbing

Lat / Long: 47.015518, 9.374115

1.3.27. Förenchopf 2 routes in Area

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 47.148772, 9.359207


Die Kletterrouten befinden sich auf der Nordseite des Förenchopfs.

Der Abstieg erfolgt über den mit Legföhren dicht bewachsenen NO-Kamm.


Der Förenchopf ist ein mit Föhren bewachsenen Felskopf südwestlich des Voralpsees.


Vom kostenpflichtigen Parkplatz bei der Voralp zum Nauser Untersäss. Von dort weglos und ziemlich steil über die Wiesen zum Wandfuss.

1.4. Graubünden 5,383 routes in Region

Bouldering, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.617679, 9.582909


Graubünden is the largest and easternmost canton of Switzerland. The canton shares borders with the cantons of Ticino, Uri, Glarus and St. Gallen and international borders with Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. The name Graubünden translates as the "Grey Leagues", referring to the canton's origin in three local alliances, the League of God's House, the Grey League, and the League of the Ten Jurisdictions. Graubünden is also home to three of Switzerland's ethnic groups and the subsequent languages of Swiss German, Italian and Romansh are all native to the canton. It is the only officially trilingual canton and the only canton where the Romansh language has official status.

An extensive guide book written by Thomas Wälti is available from the Swiss Alpine Club.

1.4.1. Surselva 491 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.710934, 9.042583

1.4.2. Landquart-Chur-Arosa 481 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.907284, 9.574443

1.4.3. Prättigau 364 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.829171, 9.760192

1.4.4. Silvretta 53 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Top roping and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.840474, 10.015431


Die Silvretta ist eine Gebirgsgruppe in den Zentralalpen der Ostalpen. Anteil haben Österreich mit den Bundesländern Tirol und Vorarlberg und die Schweiz mit dem Kanton Graubünden. Auf dem Gipfel der Dreiländerspitze stoßen die Gebiete von Tirol, Vorarlberg und Graubünden zusammen. In der Silvretta liegen viele Berggipfel mit einer Höhe von mehr als 3000 Metern ü. NN. (Dreitausender). Vor allem auf der Nordseite in Österreich sowie in der Schweiz nördlich des Flüelapasses gibt es eine Vielzahl größerer und kleinerer Gletscher. Deshalb wird das Gebiet auch „Die Blaue Silvretta“ genannt.

Die Silvretta ist zweigeteilt: der größere Teil und der höchste Gipfel, der Piz Linard, befinden sich in der Schweiz, Teile dieser Seite gelten als unerschlossen. Der österreichische Anteil der Silvretta dagegen weist die größere Vergletscherung und fast alle bewirtschafteten Alpenvereinshütten auf und ist daher bei Bergsteigern und Touristen bekannter.

1.4.5. Engadin - Poschiavo 697 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.582845, 10.047914

1.4.6. Bregaglia 125 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.351331, 9.604126

1.4.7. Flüelatal 190 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.758064, 9.951383

1.4.8. Albula Bergün Surses 86 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.599905, 9.647684

1.4.9. Val Ferrera 1,525 routes in Region

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.539419, 9.419549

1.4.10. Rongellen 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.678873, 9.452839

1.4.11. Moesano 1,363 routes in Region

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.342412, 9.133142

1.5. Zentralschweiz 5,329 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.881724, 8.432723

1.5.1. Pilatus 108 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.975878, 8.251056

1.5.2. Klewenalp 18 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.937095, 8.484114


Small crag that is especially well suited for families and beginners.


Neat little crag with a picnic-place, grill, firewood and a shelter. The main attraction is the south-face of "Sector B" with several routes well suited for inexperienced climbers and kids.

There is a lot of variety in the quality of the routes, some loose rock, grading is a bit inconsitent and bolting is not always top-notch.

You'll also find a small via ferrata traversing all of the sectors.


Follow the hiking trail past Hotel Klewenstock. Starting at the next fork, there are signs indicating the crag.

where to stay

Multiple possibilities on nearby Klewenalp

1.5.3. Schinberg & Elfer 18 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.914410, 8.472548

1.5.4. Mythen - Ybrig 255 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.068406, 8.779758

1.5.5. Muotathal 308 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.958963, 8.780603

1.5.6. Lidernen 37 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.932765, 8.712109


Multi-pitch climbing around the Lidernen hut.


Two major multi-pitch crags can be reached by foot from the Lidernen hut.


The hut can be reached by foot from Chäppeliberg in an ~1.5h walk or by cable-car Seilbahn Chäppeliberg-Spilau and a ~10min walk.

where to stay

1.5.7. Göscheneralp 548 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.663288, 8.515890


Beautiful valley with great granite climbing

access issues

In the whole Göscheneralptal wild tents are forbidden.

Im gesamten Göscheneralptal ist wildes Zelten verboten.

where to stay

Camping Mattli provides no-frills camping for fair prices:

Der Campingplatz Mattli Gwüestboden bietet Platz für Zelte, Toiletten, Unterstand zum kochen und Bier zu fairen Preisen:

Hotel Dammagletscher:

Gasthaus Göscheneralp:

1.5.8. Schächental 362 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.866031, 8.821893

1.5.9. Axen 229 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.945251, 8.629561

1.5.10. Erstfeld 292 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.833295, 8.649883

1.5.11. Krönten 39 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.789513, 8.581994


Climbing area around the Kröntenhütte. Nice multi-pitch routes for beginners.

where to stay


1.5.12. Felliberg 40 routes in Cliff

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.735872, 8.641287


Gutes Sommergiebiet für heisse Tag. 70m Seil, 14 Exen.


Von Amsteg der Strasse nach Wassen folgen, bis diese die Autobahn zwei mal unterkreuzt. Links unter der Autobahn weg (Postautohaltestelle Fellital), einer Teerstrasse zum Parkplatz folgen. Gerade aus auf der Kiesstrasse (Fahrverbot) ca. 40 min aufsteigen, bis die Wand in einer Linkskurve oberhalb der Strasse sichtbar wird.

Parkplatz/ Parking:

1.5.13. Meiental 290 routes in Region

Bouldering, Sport climbing and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.734303, 8.527424

1.5.14. Furkagebiet 199 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.585203, 8.442402

1.5.15. Schöllenen 56 routes in Region

Bouldering, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.658080, 8.589547

1.5.16. Oberalppass 63 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.653729, 8.640984

1.5.17. Isleten - Seelisberg 86 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.945635, 8.571351

1.5.18. Entlebuch Unesco Biosphäre 222 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.919710, 8.020785


Im Entlebuch finden sich einige lohnende Felsen von Sandstein über Konglomerat bis hin zu schönem Schrattenkalk.

The Entlebuch offers a few crags - some as you can see here - published. Others are there to be discovered. The climbing includes mostly limestone but also conglomerate and sandstone.

Local climbing communities: - -


Keep the climbs in their original and wild state. A few routes remain deliberately undisclosed to the public due to access issues. Get in touch with the local climbing community, wether you want to know more, publish content or open a new crag. Thank you.

1.5.19. Rigi 606 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 47.031739, 8.509539

1.5.20. Sarneraatal 390 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.917004, 8.222199

1.5.21. Engelbergertal 654 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.853173, 8.437354

1.5.22. Melchtal 313 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.815099, 8.281943

1.5.23. Wägital 143 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and Rock climbing

Lat / Long: 47.109172, 8.911655

1.5.24. Pilatus Indoor 0 routes in Gym

1.5.25. Kletterhalle Eiselin Sport 12 routes in Gym

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 47.041481, 8.321634


This gym is closed since Januar 2017

Eisfeldstrasse 2a 6003 Luzern

1.5.26. Cityboulder 0 routes in Gym


Nidfeldstrasse 1 6010 Kriens

1.5.27. Freiruum 0 routes in Gym


Temporary boulder gym in the center of Zug. The gym opened in summer 2019 and should stay for 3 years.

1.5.28. Boulder Gade 0 routes in Gym


1.5.29. Fitness Connection Wolhusen 0 routes in Gym


Bergboden 7 6110 Wolhusen

1.5.30. Rigirock 0 routes in Gym


Free to use outdoor gym in Küssnacht am Rigi.


The Rigirock is free to use boulder block and climbing tower. It is operated and manged by the local Alpine club. To enter you have to register once and you get the key to open the lock with your mobile phone. More information on


1.5.31. Spinnerei Indoor 0 routes in Gym


1.5.32. Luzern 24 routes in Area

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: 47.025015, 8.272126

1.5.33. Arnisee 17 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.772273, 8.638486


1.6. Berner Oberland 3,918 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.716439, 7.822051

1.6.1. Obersimmental 98 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.511834, 7.376681

1.6.2. Niedersimmental 478 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.668384, 7.497902

1.6.3. Diemtigtal 167 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.593550, 7.530276

1.6.4. Gantrisch Region 97 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.744369, 7.400887

1.6.5. Engstlental 116 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.524240, 7.587198

1.6.6. Kandertal 715 routes in Crag

Bouldering, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.532872, 7.653850

1.6.7. Kiental 0 routes in Region

1.6.8. Thunersee 759 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.718902, 7.679179

1.6.9. Grindelwald Gletscherschlucht 40 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.613842, 8.047158


Pleasant little crag within walking distance of Grindelwald.


From Grindelwald head south down the hill, across the river and along Mettenbergstrasse to the restaurant. The cliff is obvious across the bridge.

1.6.10. Jungfrau Region 83 routes in Area

Trad climbing, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.564166, 8.003351


Alpine climbing in the vicinity of Jungfrau.

1.6.11. Lütschinentäler 292 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.611862, 7.905909

1.6.12. Schreckhorn 3 routes in Crag

Trad climbing and Alpine climbing

Lat / Long: 46.585922, 8.111778


Das Schreckhorn ist mit seinen 4078m der nördlichste 4000er der Alpen und gleichzeitig der anspruchsvollste 4000er im Berner Oberland. Der Normalweg ist durch den traumhaft festen Fels und die guten Absicherungsmöglichkeiten eine beliebte, aber dennoch fordernde Bergtour.



1.6.13. Lauteraarhorn 1 route in Area

All Alpine climbing

Lat / Long: 46.583501, 8.127527


Das Lauteraarhorn ist mit 4042m der zweithöchste Berg am Schreckhornmassiv und wird eher selten bestiegen. Der Normalweg ist dennoch eine lohnende Hochtour welche Kletterei bis in den 3. Schwierigksgrad bietet.

1.6.14. Brienzersee 14 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.718123, 7.965932

1.6.15. Haslital 484 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.690265, 8.210047

1.6.16. Telltistock 9 routes in Crag

Trad climbing, Rock climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.679612, 8.374649


Easy alpine, trad, and sport climbing in granit right next to Trifthütte.



10 minutes from Trifthütte. See the topo for details.

where to stay

Trifthütte SAC

1.6.17. Scheideggwetterhorn 7 routes in Cliff

All Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.644031, 8.107961

1.6.18. Klein Wellhorn 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.666080, 8.151348


Koordinaten: 2 654730/ 1 168480 SE Ausrichtung

access issues

8 MSL Routen an der 700M hohen Südostwand


Aufstieg 1.5 Stunden ab Gletscherschlucht Richtung Dossenhütte für 30 Minuten. Nach 30 Minuten einen Abzweiger nach rechts, überqueren vom Bach. Guter Fussweg auf den Gletscherhubel und entlang der Wegspuren zu den Einstiegen

1.6.19. Gross Wellhorn 8 routes in Crag

Trad climbing, Rock climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.656467, 8.143681

1.6.20. Engelhörner 51 routes in Crag

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and Rock climbing

Lat / Long: 46.672657, 8.178026

where to stay

Engelhonhütte: Während der Klettersaison ca Juni bis September bewartet (

1.6.21. Windegghütte 48 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.691207, 8.344170


Watch for more details.

1.6.22. Tällistock 7 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.743942, 8.323783

1.6.23. Wendenstöcke 64 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.762241, 8.369430


The Wendenstöcke form a 10km long chain in the Gadmertal valley, generally oriented towards SSE, on the west side of the Sustenpass. From Tällistock to Titlis there are various sectors with a total of 130 multi-pitch routes. The routes at Pfaffenhuet, Gross Wendenstock and Reissend Nollen form the heart of the area. This is the epicentre of alpine sport climbing in Switzerland. Although one usually climbs only in the lower part of these mountains, the routes are very popular because of their rock quality, their beauty and difficulty. The climbing is often steep and athletic, the rock often firm, optimally structured and handy.

The season at Wendestöcken extends roughly from July to October. Early in the year, meltwater strips from the up to 3000m high summit regions often disturb and as long as there is still snow on the bands further up, there is a considerable danger of falling rocks. In midsummer, from midday onwards (except on very stable days with low humidity), thermal, deep-base spring clouds often occur, enveloping the walls in the cold, ghostly turning fog, which is unpleasant during climbing. The best conditions are usually found in autumn, but only until the first snow falls.

The protection is worth mentioning: depending on the route it varies from good to rough, but almost everywhere it is tight and requires a courageous lead, there are no plaisir routes.


The approaches now mostly show visible tracks and are not too tricky in good conditions. Nevertheless, they lead over long distances through steep cliffs, which don't allow any mistakes, fatal accidents have already occurred during the ascent. Whoever comes into a thunderstorm at the turns has a problem in several ways: in the upper wall areas enormous masses of water can accumulate, which pour out as huge torrents over the routes and entry areas, and they also carry the stones, which lie around in the upper wall areas so countlessly. And, of course, the way into the valley via the wet cliffs takes on a completely different dimension than it did in the morning, when the weather was friendly during the ascent.


Talk to locals about the ethic of bolting and retro-bolting routes.

1.6.24. Sustenpass 195 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.730700, 8.381732

1.6.25. Grimsel 172 routes in Area

Sport climbing, Trad climbing and Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.617100, 8.279888

1.6.26. Climbox 0 routes in Gym


Höheweg 3550 Langnau

1.6.27. Forum Sumiswald 0 routes in Gym


Burghof 3454 Sumiswald

1.6.28. Zäziboulder - Boulderhalle 0 routes in Gym


Thunstrasse 2 3532 Zäzwil

1.6.29. Finsteraarhorn 2 routes in Cliff

All Alpine climbing


Höchster Berg im Berner Oberland (4274m).

1.7. Greyerzerland 978 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.620668, 7.133584


Gruyère covers a big portion of Fribourg's foothills of the alps. Gentle hills and limestone mountains dominate the landscape and offer almost endless climbing in many crags of all sizes and styles.


Here the term Greyerzerland (Gruyère) is broader than the political or strict geographical definition. It covers climbing areas from the German speaking area of Fribourg (Sensenbezirk), through the foothills of Fribourg's alps up to the Jaun pass (incl. the Gastlosen) and to Montbovon towards the Pays-d’Enhaut.

This region mostly offers single and multi-pitch sport climbing and some bouldering on mostly excellent rock in a beautiful setting. It offers enough for everyone in all grades but also some of the hardest routes in Switzerland.

You will find climbing year round but the best time for most areas is from early spring to late fall.

1.7.1. Walop 5 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.651724, 7.324039

1.7.2. Stahleflue 0 routes in Crag

1.7.3. Le Bifé 14 routes in Crag

Access: No access

it seems that this crag isn’t accessible anymore. I have read that in 2017, a mud slide went down in the area and therefore there is no path to the site anymore. We searched for a route but couldn’t find any way through (dated 26.7.2021)

See warning details and discuss

Created 2 years ago
All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.641612, 7.121222

1.7.4. Bataille 31 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.609280, 7.112344

1.7.5. Cousimbert 9 routes in Crag

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.719372, 7.220204

1.7.6. Châtel-sur-Montsalvens 19 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.615903, 7.119113


L'approche se fait depuis le chemin de crête. Un chemin étroit quite la crête au niveau d'un cairn (30m sous l'espace BBQ). Descendre ce chemin escarpé en prenant bien le premier virage à gauche.

1.7.7. Cerniat 21 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.625766, 7.150255

1.7.8. Charmey 210 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.610944, 7.185763

1.7.9. Jansegg 39 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.622776, 7.242137


Exceptional limestone with mostly hard routes. Perfect view of the Gastlosen.

1.7.10. Bärenloch 13 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.642774, 7.281570

1.7.11. Euschelsflue 0 routes in Crag

1.7.12. Gastlosen 412 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.566348, 7.254456

1.7.13. Bäderhorn 12 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.614466, 7.327614

1.7.14. Motélon 25 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.602863, 7.157667

1.7.15. Dent de Broc 18 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.588348, 7.128749

1.7.16. Epagny 50 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.585017, 7.104388

1.7.17. Enney 9 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.551399, 7.061907

1.7.18. Grandvillard 23 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.535883, 7.090638

1.7.19. Gros Mont 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.559600, 7.209915

1.7.20. Montbovon 23 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.476416, 7.037288

1.7.21. Rossinière 19 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.466804, 7.068359

1.7.22. Château-d'Oex 18 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.458893, 7.131089

1.7.23. Laniac SARL Bulle 0 routes in Gym


Rue du Stade 52 1630 Bulle

1.8. Waadtländer Alpen 920 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.300797, 7.056474


Wide range of crags in various style, from the little local cliff in the plain to long multi-pitch routes in a more alpine style.

The rock is mainly limestone with the odd patch of gneiss. Most of the routes are bolted and the equipment is well maintained.

Crags and cliff around Leysin.

The rock in the region is mostly high-quality limestone, with excellent grip and lot of funny carved shapes.


Always ask the local climbers before rebolting or modifying a local route.

A lot of stuff has been bolted by the Remy brothers, you'll find their contact in the local topo guide.

1.8.1. Vers-Cort 23 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.341319, 6.954287


Very small crag. Excellent for beginner.


Small crag. Nice for beginner. Several easy routes. Parking is really near the crag. Be careful, some routes are dirty.


From car park, 1 minut.

1.8.2. Roche 8 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.366058, 6.936199

1.8.3. Rhikiki 28 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.336795, 6.946459


Small crag near the road.


Bolted by Christian Meillard and Yves and Claude Remy.

1.8.4. Yvorne Drappel 127 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.322353, 6.978519


A nice and easy accessible crag that offers a great variety of single-pitch sport routes.


Climbing on limestone in a forest area. Well bolted routes using nickel bolts.


There's a very narrow road through the vineyards that leads to the forest where both the Pierre aux Druides and Drapel crags are located. At the end of the vineyards, take a small road that leads up into the forest for about 50m, then park alongside the road where the road changes into a trail. Walk for about 20 minutes following the trail and you'll find the Extasy sector on your left hand side.

1.8.5. Roc de Veyges 0 routes in Area


1.8.6. Corbeyrier 50 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.373992, 6.976344

1.8.7. Vionnaz 68 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.314636, 6.885005

1.8.8. Le Sechon 0 routes in Crag

1.8.9. Aigle 26 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.308237, 6.972584

1.8.10. Verschiez 20 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.308207, 6.978175


Petit secteur de dalle cosy et ludique


Trois secteurs de dalle au milieux des vignes

access issues

Éviter le site en période de vendanges. Ne pas marcher dans les vignes.


Accessible en transport public avec le train Aigle-les Diablerets (arrêt Verschiez). En voiture, se garer avant le village de Verschiez et terminer le trajet a pied (chemins de vignes interdits à la circulation).


1975 : Paul Besson 1982 : Laurent Monnet 1994 : Stéphane Renoul 2003 : Claude et Marcel Rémy

1.8.11. St Triphon 119 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.294522, 6.977490


Old rock quarry which provide a nice, isolated crag on beautiful limestone. The rock might be a bit slippery on the easiest roads, due to the polish of countless shoes.

It's best to avoid the place in summer, it's enclosed nature makes it a real oven.

access issues

Please respect the park sign on the roads, and if possible, prefer the train during the weekend (the crag is only a short walk from the station)


Take the renewed path behind the building site that'll lead you directly to the crag

1.8.12. Yvorne 51 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.337570, 6.950685


Parkieren beim Chateau blanc. Blaue Zone nur für 3 Stunden. Weitere Parkplätze gehören zum Chateau blanc. Vm Chateau blanc dem Weg durch die Rebberge folgen. Anschliessend führt ein Weg zwischen den Fangnetzen gegen Steinschlag nach oben zum Fels.

1.8.13. Pierre du Moelle 51 routes in Area

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.390567, 7.029615


Nice accessible zone with lots of easy climbs. Perfect outing for a day with kids, or with a school.


Drive to the "Pierre du Moelle" restaurant and park here. Then take the track leading west behind the restaurant toward the "Famelon" tower. climb a small hill and continue for ~1km. The first sector is just after the farm.

1.8.14. Leysin 62 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.356960, 7.012468

1.8.15. Les Avants 28 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.453285, 6.949478


Easily accessible crag next to the route, nicely situated in the shade of the forest. Great beginners area.


Good crag for beginner / intermediate climbers, easily accessible. Some routes are very "used", be careful. A small cave is present at the top of routes 8 and 9.

access issues

There are only few car parking (about 10).


From "Les Avants" take the steep route toward "Col de Jaman". The crag is on the left, 40m after the village exit sign.

There is some car spaces along the road, otherwise in the village (15 minutes walk).

Better still, you can take the train to the village and walk from the station (20')

where to stay

Les Avants have some little hotels or directly on Vevey / Montreux.


The area is classified as Natural Reserve : no camping, no fire

1.8.16. Dent de Jaman 2 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.444018, 6.974540

1.8.17. Les Diablerets 96 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.323217, 7.228687

1.8.18. Solalex 8 routes in Field

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.289919, 7.135790

1.8.19. Miroir d'Argentine 16 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.276615, 7.141185

1.8.20. Collombey 11 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.271787, 6.934591

1.8.21. Les Crosets 4 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.194271, 6.834002

1.8.22. Les Chatel- falaises Dufour 39 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.226164, 7.004793

1.8.23. Gietroz 40 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.056236, 6.948838


1.8.24. Petite Dent de Morcles 1 route in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.201250, 7.070182

1.8.25. Lavey 15 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.196712, 7.031822

1.8.26. Chavalon 17 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.342720, 6.877433


Nice little crag for winter climbing. Becomes really hot in spring.

1.8.27. Dent Rouge 1 route in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.229537, 7.083004

1.8.28. Scex du Châtelard 9 routes in Crag

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.396834, 6.935234


Hard routes are in the overhang on the left side and easier routes on the right side. A topo can be found here.

1.8.29. - Villeneuve 0 routes in Gym


Big climbing center with, routes, boulders, kids area, cafeteria, auto-assureur.


Big climbing center with, routes, boulders, kids area, cafeteria, auto-assureur.


Free parking in front of the Gym center

1.9. Wallis 5,645 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.254639, 7.626560

1.9.1. Chablais 288 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and Rock climbing

Lat / Long: 46.273340, 6.893119

1.9.2. Raron Siders 548 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.298625, 7.664033

1.9.3. Rawyl 253 routes in Crag

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.350950, 7.425681


A climbing spot in an awesome alpine setting with rather harder to very hard and long routes. One of the biggest sport climbing areas in the Wallis (Valais).


Climbing spot at an altitude of about 1800m near a small lake (barrage de Zeuzier). Mostly cruxy and challenging routes. Sectors see lots of sun, shade in late afternoon. The cliff base is often steep and exposed and thus not suitable for kids.

access issues

Visitors should not drive past the dam, camping is forbidden in the area (source in French).


Make your way to Sion and from there up to the lake. There is also public transport (bus) available.

Parking at the lake: (46.344228, 7.433154)

where to stay

Camping is forbidden on the whole area.


Initially devloped by Jean Marie Moos, Dominique Lugon, Jean Marie Porcellona, Daniel Blanc, François Mathey, Didier Berthod in the years 1997 to 2005.

1.9.4. Verbier/ Le Chable 138 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.104444, 7.200847

1.9.5. Pays du St-Bernard 194 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 45.982614, 7.072410

1.9.6. Val de Bagnes 157 routes in Region

Sport climbing and Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.032656, 7.278059

1.9.7. Sembrancher - Bovernier 236 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.078546, 7.122071

1.9.8. Sion region 352 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.245403, 7.428123

1.9.9. Saxon region 88 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.168018, 7.206267

1.9.10. Martigny region 716 routes in Region

Sport climbing and Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.139839, 7.028034

1.9.11. Sanetsch region 314 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.288875, 7.286778

1.9.12. Annivers - Hérémence 144 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.085934, 7.497013

1.9.13. Goms 275 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.473513, 8.283429

1.9.14. Brig Aletsch 521 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.395916, 7.997687

1.9.15. Simplon 207 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.195756, 8.074106

1.9.16. Visp 362 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.318848, 7.853289

1.9.17. Saastal 388 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.115738, 7.951146

1.9.18. Moiry Valley 10 routes in Crag

Sport climbing, Rock climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.104921, 7.580657

1.9.19. Mattertal 424 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.087609, 7.772136

1.9.20. Pralong 2 routes in Field

All Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.112843, 7.397834

1.9.21. Lötschental 28 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.429638, 7.828850

1.10. Ticino 7,549 routes in Region

Bouldering, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.219306, 8.774011


Thousands of routes and boulders of very high quality are waiting on the southern side of the Alps. As the weather here is often better than on the northern side of the Alps, and winters are usually warmer, they can be climbed almost all year long.

1.10.1. Val Bedretto - San Gottardo 963 routes in Region

Bouldering, Sport climbing and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.524640, 8.529787

1.10.2. Valle di Blenio - Valle Leventina 1,929 routes in Region

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.483121, 8.883188

1.10.3. Valle di Bosco Gurin 87 routes in Area

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.297337, 8.509558

1.10.4. Valle Bavona 121 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.404732, 8.528745

1.10.5. Valle Lavizzara 162 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.423405, 8.624832

1.10.6. Bellinzona - Riviera 1,734 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and Trad climbing

Lat / Long: 46.248845, 9.034967

1.10.7. Valle Verzasca 661 routes in Region

Mostly Bouldering

Lat / Long: 46.299882, 8.835677

1.10.8. Valle Onsernone 103 routes in Region

All Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.203584, 8.608018

1.10.9. Valle Maggia 836 routes in Region

Sport climbing, Bouldering and other styles

Lat / Long: 46.274194, 8.685265


For a detailed description on how to reach Valle Maggia by fair means visit the Ecopoint Web-Site.

1.10.10. Locarno 607 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 46.143045, 8.780279

1.10.11. Sottoceneri 345 routes in Region

Mostly Sport climbing

Lat / Long: 45.968954, 8.943000

1.10.12. Monte Generoso 1 route in Area

All Rock climbing

Lat / Long: 45.932655, 9.020523

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