
Ascents in The Fiscal Cliff

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Showing all 5 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Mon 25th Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12b Colliding — 2 attempts - with Chrissy Sport 9m Classic
Justin Case
Nice climb where you go from kneebar to kneebar like a bee going from flower to flower. Some physical big moves involving not-that-great pinches, and placing the kneebars can be tiring. Took me a minute to figure out (thank you Chrissy), but got it second go! First 12 send post-Kalymnos Also, I believe this is a special climb. According to my records on theCrag, I have done as many 5.12s in 2023 than I have in all other years combined- #41.

Sun 3rd Sep 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12c The Road — 3 attempts - with Chrissy, Jonathan Sport 9m Classic
Justin Case
What an unforgettable ascent. All-time moment FOR SURE. As Chrissy and Jonathan worked Over the Top (which both of them seeeent!!), I, shoulder recently semi-tweaked, wasn't sure what I was gonna do. I was so close to just belaying and taking it easy, as I was leaving for Kalymnos that very afternoon. I warmed up just in case. My shoulder was feeling OK, so I decided to give this one a good flash try after being sprayed by Chrissy. Got a good first burn in, but it started raining. I got to the top and fully expected to clean the route. My friends told me to leave it up, as I wondered how it would be possible to get up it again. I am so glad they had this kind of patience and psyche to climb. After the rain passed and the rock (sort of) dried, I gave it a determined second go. After the crux move at the lip of the slopers, I took a HUGE whipper which was pretty fun and funny. I said "no way" and wanted to try again immediately. I rested a couple minutes, and went up again. What followed was a screamfest assembled of extremely unlikely sticks to sub-optimal slopers for the entire climb, even to the clipping of the chains. I have never tried so hard on a climb, ever. I was completely overjoyed with such an unlikely send, but mainly because I didn't know I could dig that deep. I felt the consequences after for sure, which was a second confirmation that I did indeed access a level of effort previously unknown to me. What a prelude to Kalymnos!!

Sat 19th Aug 2023 - Denver
Clear Creek Canyon The Fiscal Cliff
5.12a Over The Top — 3 attempts - with Chrissie, Lucy Sport 11m Classic
Justin Case
Powerful, burly climb. Almost landed the OS! The second go I wanted to use a simpler beta, but ended up not working. Got it on my third go. Used the ol' knee-to-arm bar pioneered all those years ago in 3 men and a ladder!

5.11d Glitter And Doom - with Chrissie, Lucy Sport 15m Classic
Justin Case
Really happy about this OS! Found a key kneebar (more like kneescum) right at the crux, and stemmed my way out. A bit dirty, but a great climb nonetheless!

5.11a/b Systemic Risk - with Chrissie, Lucy Sport 15m Classic
Justin Case
Great route, and first I've done in the area! Great company too. The area has Coolum-like features, and climbs like it, only less steep. Kneebars are abundant.


Showing all 5 ascents.

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