
Colvin Center (Oklahoma State University)


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119 Colvin Center


Oklahoma 74075 USA

call: (405) 744-5510

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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Tony Mayse

Date: 2018

ISBN: 978-1892540-27-0

Sharp End:
Oklahoma Rock is the only guide you'll need. With beautiful, full-color photographs and thorough descriptions, it covers the state's best routes and its rich climbing history.
  • Oklahoma Rock covers the routes of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, historic Quartz Mountain and more
  • Includes area maps as well as GPS coordinates expressed through QR codes (scan it on your phone and it will open Google Maps to get you where you're going)
  • Also includes a Quartz Bouldering chapter for boulderers

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Fri 2 Jun
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