
Cueva de las Grajas




Drive from Cantalejo in the direction of Sepúlveda on the SG-205, for 4km. Turn right at the height of Aldeonsancho, and cross the road in the direction of Sebúlcor. On the same track, on the other side of the road, there is a path that runs parallel to the road for 800 meters. Taking the detour to the left. Continue on this road for 2km (always straight ahead at the detours). Use as a reference a concrete water tank, which is more or less the point you are going to. The path becomes a canyon, continue until you come to a large parking area next to an old mill. Park there.


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Starting left of Cayo Malayo finishing on the same anchor. Some of the bolts higher up are extended by rope slings.

Starts to the right and stays on the pilar. It's a bit squeezed in and the difficulty depends on how strictly you stay on the edge of the pilar. Goes to the same top as la canal.

Set: Bernabé Fernandez

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 1996

Set: Bernabé Fernandez

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 1998

Same start as Orujo, ventures off to the right at the third bolt.

FA: Bernabé Fernandez

Set: Bernabé Fernandez

1 6a+ 12m
2 7a 10m
1 7a+ 15m
2 7c 15m

Set: Bernabé Fernandez

FA: Bernabé Fernandez, 2008

FA: Ramón Julián

FA: Bernabé Fernandez

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Author(s): D. Munilla

Date: 2021

Author(s): D. Munilla

Date: 2007

Comprehensive climbing guidebook for Andalusia - 40 climbing areas - mostly 6th and 7th grade french scale / single and multi pitches.

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Fri 2 Jun
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