
Ascents of Raspberry Jam and Crackers as Clean

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Showing all 12 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Sat 3rd Dec 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Hard Raspberry Jam and Crackers - with Mitch Scanlan-Bloor Trad 25m Classic
Nick Whitelaw
It's great, engaging climbing, and a good lead from Mitch Scanlan-Bloor , with cool face-climbing, rock-over moves and a crack to finish. Bellisimo!

Mon 7th Nov 2022 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Very Good
Liam Mangan-Smith
Great climb with some Gym-like moves. High foot placement into a balanced lock in and long reach. Good quality face climbing.

Thu 7th Mar 2019 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers - with Martin Cankov Trad 25m Very Good
Ludek Sykora
Mon 16th Oct 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Classic
pretty damn good have to come back and lead it

Sun 30th Apr 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers - with Danielle, Amps Trad 25m Very Good
Cameron Semple
Should probably lead this soon.

Sun 26th Mar 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Very Good
Cameron Semple
Sun 22nd Jan 2017 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
18 Raspberry Jam and Crackers - with Danielle Trad 25m Very Good
Cameron Semple
Exciting climbing

2016 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Good
Ben Armstrong
Sat 28th Mar 2015 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Classic
Nick Morgan
Great moves. Good gear.

Sat 3rd Jan 2015 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers - with Steve Hawkshaw Trad 25m Classic
Arthur Schultz
A gem, great face climbing.

Sat 7th Apr 2012 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m
Mike Dixon
Mon 3rd Jan 2005 - Mount Wellington
The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
17 Raspberry Jam and Crackers Trad 25m Good
Marcus Yong

Showing all 12 ascents.

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