
Ascents of Autoexpansivo as Hang dog

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Showing all 4 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - Tenerife
South Arico Abajo Sector 7a
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6c Autoexpansivo Sport 18m
Alberto Esteban
Fri 23rd Feb 2024 - Tenerife
South Arico Abajo Sector 7a
6c Autoexpansivo - with alonso.ATCO Sport 18m Average
Mon 18th Dec 2023 - Tenerife
South Arico Abajo Sector 7a
6c Autoexpansivo Sport 18m
Amelie Kieweg
Sat 16th Dec 2023 - Tenerife
South Arico Abajo Sector 7a
6c ~6c+ Autoexpansivo - with Amelie Kieweg Sport 18m
William Wuerpel
beautiful & technical climb until the top! At the top there's a hard boulder, which makes this route really hard to onsight. After you figured out how it works, its still harder than 6c in my opinion.


Showing all 4 ascents.

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