
Ascents as Onsight or Onsight solo as sport by David Gibbs

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 697 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 4th Aug 2024 - Bolton
Bolton Dome The Pirate's Cove
5.8 Crushdepedence P1
1 Sport
Sport 52m, 12 Classic
Excellent climbing. Burly climbing up the initial face, then lovely slab above on P1.

Sat 3rd Aug 2024 - Bolton
Bolton Dome Railroad Yard
5.7 PG Work Shoes Sport 120m, 5 Very Good
Enjoyable, though requiring a strong head, as it is really run-out for a nominally "sport" climb.

Sat 3rd Aug 2024 - Bolton
Bolton Dome West Side
5.4 (unknown new route) Sport 26m, 6 Good
Pleasant climbing -- not quite as good as "Sir Didymus", but a nice addition.

5.4 Sir Didymus Sport 27m, 7 Very Good
Sun 21st Jul 2024 - Känzele
Arwen | Just in time
5 Monsoon wedding Sport 20m Very Good
Lots of fun climbing.

5 Ladylike Sport 25m Very Good
Climbs steeper than it looks from the ground.

Sun 21st Jul 2024 - Känzele
4+ Tombaou Sport 20m Good
A lot of moss.

4 Schichtarbeit Umgehung Sport 20m Don't Bother
Moss, moss, and more moss. Also, the route appears to go directly through a major shrubbery.

5- Schichtarbeit direkt Sport 20m Good
A lot of moss.

Sat 20th Jul 2024 - Pocksberg
4 Meister Eder Sport Very Good
4+ Kobold Sport Very Good
5 Flip Sport Good
5+ Pepone Sport Very Good
5+ Don Camillo Sport Very Good
6+ Grisu Sport Classic
5+ Batman Sport 20m Good
Fri 19th Jul 2024 - Schwarzenberg
4- Max Sport
A lot of actual climbing for the grade.

5+ Glühwürmchen Sport Good
Sun 14th Jul 2024 - Bad Heilbrunn
Große Platte
5- Salger-Gedächtnis-Platte Sport 32m, 5
4 ~5- Glühwürmchen Sport 32m, 5 Good
5 Egonplatte Sport 30m
Only a single-bolt anchor.

5- Dachplatte Sport Very Good
Sun 14th Jul 2024 - Bad Heilbrunn
6- Easy Otto-Flugplatte Sport 23m Average
A good crux section, but too much scrambling at the start to be a great route.

Sun 14th Jul 2024 - Bad Heilbrunn
Große Platte
5+ Siebenschläfer Sport 32m
Probably this one.

Sun 7th Jul 2024 - Calabogie
Skywalk Skywalk Main Cliff Star Wars Sector
5.7 Command and Conquer Sport 7 Average
The lower part was wet, making it almost interesting climbing. And, of course, making the interesting crux a bit more interesting due to not knowing if wet rubber would stick.

5.6 Princess Leia Sport 35m, 12 Average
Only climbed until the rap anchor, since wasn't sure how much rope I had.

5.6 Benjamin Kenobi Sport 32m, 9 Average
Crux move could use another bolt -- it is done above the previous bolt, with definite ledge-fall potential.

Sun 26th May 2024 - Weir
Mur de l'ouest 2ème étage
5.8 Hard Ruban Rose Sport 27m
Sat 11th May 2024 - Kanata (Tremblant)
Secteur Tomahawk
5.10a Déclic Sport 17m, 7 Very Good
The finish is a bit run-out, but the climbing eases off, too.

Fri 29th Mar 2024 - Lone star
5.5 La lili Sport 12m, 5 Good
Sat 28th Oct 2023 - Agios Andreas
5c+ Hard Joker Sport 20m, 12 Very Good
5c Rambo Sport 20m, 12 Good
5c Dirty Harry Sport 18m, 11 Good
The most uncomfortable of my 5c leads for the trip -- the first half was always insecure -- slopy slippery hands and feet the whole way. I am just glad it was so closely bolted it was never particularly scary, despite being so insecure.

5c Legolas Sport 17m Classic
5a Django Sport 15m, 8 Very Good
4c Bilbo Sport 15m, 9 Good
5b Skali Sport 15m, 9 Good
Clipping/cleaning the anchors is much harder than 5b, but I can understand that that's where the bolts needed to be.

Fri 27th Oct 2023 - Geraki Wave
5b+ ~5b Souvlakias Sport 18m Very Good
Might be 5b+ if you're not comfortable with a hand-jam or two, but everyone should be.

5b Platanos Sport 20m Very Good
A bit squeezed bewteen the routes to the left and right.

6a Hani marounta Sport 20m Good
6a+ Orange line Sport 20m Classic
Excellent line, too bad the adacent root squeezes it so badly.

5c Easy Mikros mystras Sport 18m Average
One 5c move.

5b+ ~5b Maleatis apollo Sport 18m Good
5c ~5b+ Nikiforos vrettakos Sport 18m Good
6a+ Krousma Sport 18m Very Good
Wed 25th Oct 2023 - Leonidio
Lakkos Dornröschen
5c Es war einmal... Sport 25m, 10 Very Good
Also good climbing, but sharper than Three Kings, so sometimes the holds just hurt more.

5c Three Holy Kings Sport 30m, 11 Classic
Excellent climbing on jugs. I was tired when I lead this, having just fought with one of the 6bs (on TR), but this opened up, and we had to grab it.

5a ~5b Borge Sport 17m Crap
Badly bolted and squeezed by the route to the left. Not worth climbing unless you want to set up top-ropes on the 6Bs to the right which share the anchor.

5a Terrier Brothers Sport 17m Average
A real squeeze-job with Borge to the right.

Tue 24th Oct 2023 - Agios Petros
5c Kontakis Sport 20m, 10 Very Good
A bit tough for a warm up, and the holds were a bit hard to read, but were all there.

5b ~5c Kronion Sport 13m, 6 Very Good
Do not get on this climb expecting a usual Leonidio-area 5a lead.

Guide book says 5a -- but no way. It is harder than Kontakis (which seemed a solid 5c) (agreed by several climbers with very different body sizes and climbing styles.

5b Dutch cyclist Sport 13m, 7 Good
5a Margarita Sport 13m, 7 Very Good
Better, and steeper, than it looks.

5c Locas Botas Sport 13m, 7 Good
I found some bad beta, and probably made it more like 6a at the top.

Mon 23rd Oct 2023 - Leonidio
Lakkos Sabaton Ilektra
5a Ilektra Sport 20m Classic
Good climbing, but the exposure on the arete makes it a classic.

5b Gabriel Sport 20m Good
Mon 23rd Oct 2023 - Leonidio
Lakkos Sabaton Lower
6a ~5c Podikus Sport 28m Very Good
Route-finding on a traverse can be less obvious than on a more vertical route -- but if you find the best way through, this is no harder than 5c. And quite enjoyable.

5a - b Juliett Extension Sport 15m, 10
Guide book suggests extension is 5b, but really 5a seems fair.

5b - c ~5c Giota Sport 15m, 10
Seems solid at 5c.

6a Tokotoukan Sport 15m, 9
Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - Leonidio
Kokkinovrachos Red Rock
4c Masterplan Sport 20m Good
4b Soft Parade Sport 20m Good
Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - Leonidio
Kokkinovrachos Hospital
6a+ ~6a Psila Sport 40m
6a ~5c+ Manolis Glezos Sport 40m Very Good
Sat 16th Sep 2023 - Weir
Mur de l'ouest 2ème étage
5.9 Diedre Mauve Sport
Mon 4th Sep 2023 - Lone star
5.8 ~5.7 Mysophobie Sport 12m, 6
Harder than Gros Orteil, but I think that is just the difference between an easy 7 and a stiffer 7.

5.7 Gros orteil Sport 12m, 5
5.6 Esprit de famille Sport 12m, 4
Tue 22nd Aug 2023 - Calabogie
Wabun Lake Hill Side Cliff
5.8 Space Age Sunshine Sport 34m, 13 Very Good
5.8 start, some relaxed climbing, then the 5.8 kicks back in.

Tue 22nd Aug 2023 - Calabogie
Wabun Lake Lake Cliff aka Ant Hill
5.7 Half Moon Run Sport 8m, 3 Good
5.8 Hard Bleep Bloop Sport 8m, 3 Don't Bother
First climb at the crag, and my least favourite. It just wasn't, at least for me, enjoyable climbing.

5.9 Mad Tom Sport 19m, 5 Very Good
Much more consistent at the grade than the 10s to its right, making it a better climb.

5.10b Uncharted Sport 20m, 7 Good
Maybe 5.10b? Though only at the start, rest is pretty mellow, maybe 5.8-5.9.

Sun 20th Aug 2023 - Calabogie
Lake Cliff Right Side
5.9 Learning by doing Sport 10m, 5 Average
Final moves to the anchor are not a gimme, and a bit exposed (compared to the rest of the bolting in this section).

5.10a ~5.9 Dissolution of Parliament 2.0 Sport 12m, 6 Good
Really really hard 5.8. Might be 5.9. Especially if you don't hand-jam to pull past bolt 2.

5.10b ~5.10a Toxic Positivity Sport 13m, 7 Average
Barely 5.10a to clip the anchor, at least at my height, but the final pull up to anchor height is noticeably harder than anything else on the route. Do you have to do that final move? Then, maybe, 10b. If you're done when you clip... not so 10b.

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
5.9 Healing Crystals Sport 15m, 9 Very Good
Sat 19th Aug 2023 - Calabogie
Lake Cliff Left Side
5.9 Uncle Jim’s Magic Box Sport 22m, 9 Very Good
5.9 Calabogie Dreaming Sport 18m, 8 Good
Start was damp-to-wet, so stick-clipped bolt 2. Was actually damp through the first 4-5 bolts, but climbed ok.

Fri 11th Aug 2023 - Manuels
Upper Face
5.7 Dyslexia Sport 22m, 8 Good
The second steep section was not just wet, but wet and slimy, making what would otherwise have been a very enjoyable climb only enjoyable.

Fri 11th Aug 2023 - Manuels
Baby Face
5.8 Boston Mantle Sport 10m, 4 Good
Short but fun.

Wed 9th Aug 2023 - Manuels
German Face
5.7 Sick Like Dog Sport 25m, 10 Good

5.9 Hat Shit Sport 25m, 10
First climb at the crag, and counting bolt lines from the right, thought this was "Sick Like Dog" (5.7). So, figured it would be a nice 5.7 warm up. That it was not. It was not a very pleasant 5.7, seeming quite hard for the grade. Then I found out that "German Access" was around the corner, oops.

At least it was quite closely bolted.

5.10b Easy Photophobia Sport 28m, 12 Good
Some technical thin edge slab climbing and good old slab smears on this one. Happy to get the on-sight, and think it is about 5.10-, so "easy 5.10b" seems fair.

5.9 Tach Auch Sport 28m, 10 Very Good
Climbed this after "Photophobia" so chose different holds and movement past the shared bolt to "preserve my on-sight".

5.9 Core Shot Sport 25m, 9 Very Good
Some fun climbing on holds, not just slab.

5.8 German Engineered Sport 25m, 8 Very Good
Some very enjoyable stemming movement in the corner/groove.

Tue 8th Aug 2023 - Flatrock
Main Face
5.7 Hard Spray Down Sport 20m, 6
Felt like glued (not always solidly) kitty litter.

Sat 5th Aug 2023 - Swift Current
Tiger Wall
5.6 Astro Kitty Sport 14m, 6 Good
Pleasant little less than vertical sport climb, with nicely featured slab, and some bits of trust-your-feet. Nice way to finish the day.

Sat 5th Aug 2023 - Swift Current
Geometry Wall
5.8 Polygon-na Climb it Sport 12m, 5 Classic
Surprisingly steep for a 5.8, but there are big, jugs the whole way, though, I occasionally had to convince myself the flakes were solid, and occasionally you had to do a bit of route-finding to find the jugs.

Sun 23rd Jul 2023 - Red Rock: Pet Wall
Main Wall The Laboratory
5.10a Hard Wacko Tango Sport 12m, 5 Good
Sun 25th Jun 2023 - Paroi Laurin - La Macaza
5.9 Yes Weekend Sport 18m, 8 Very Good
5.9 Easy Les Dents de la Mer Sport 19m, 7 Very Good
5.10b Easy Waterploof Sport 19m, 9 Good
5.9 Gemme au Départ Sport 19m, 8 Very Good
5.10a Hard La Transe Sport 21m, 8 Good
5.9 Belzébuth Sport 19m, 10 Good
5.8 Easy Monsieur Laurin Sport 19m, 9 Average
5.7 Camel Sport 19m, 8 Good
5.7 Easy Mes patates sont su'l feu Sport 19m, 9 Average
Like the two routes to the left, unsustained.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 697 ascents.