
Ascents as Flash as trad by @dalai

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Showing all 8 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 27th Jan 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Sunny Side - South Side CBD Wall
17 Healthy People - with T-Bone Mixed trad 21m, 4 Very Good
Really nice climbing

18 Healthy Parks - with T-Bone Mixed trad 25m, 3 Good
Pleasant ramble with good gear placements

Fri 26th Jan 2024 - Coral Sea
The Church Northern Gullies Top Deck
10 The Secret of the Unicorn - with Poppy Trad 30m Average
Sun 2nd Jul 2023 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
20 Ebony Mixed trad 14m, 2 Good
Really enjoyed this.

Sun 2nd Apr 2023 - Big Hill
18 Cut Throat Crack Trad 11m Good
Solid lead by Doug.

2023 - Mt Stapylton Campground
I Forget Walls Main Cliff - South
14 One Two Seven - with T-Bone, Luke Batchelor Trad 18m Average
As most won't bring a rack I doubt it will get repeats which is a pity. Named in honour of Aron Ralston as we nearly got pinned by a toppling block at its base.

Sun 23rd Feb 2020 - Camels Hump
Omega Block Area Lower Tier
10 Grey Arete Trad 32m Very Good
Great beginners trad lead. After all these years, today was the first time on this route! Climbed as fitted replaceable wear points on the anchors. These were the last set that I am aware of that needed fixing on the hill!

1996 - Arapiles
Northern Group High Dive Gully
27 Power Corruption and Lies Trad 15m Very Good

Showing all 8 ascents.