
Ascents as Flash as sport by Sam Lancaster

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Showing all 22 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sun 27th Aug 2023 - Ti Point
Whiskey Delta Area
21 Easy Grunt=Mc2 Sport 8m, 4 Good
Sun 6th Aug 2023 - Whanganui Bay
The Plateau
17 Sporting Gesture Sport 12m, 7 Good
Rather dirty

Sat 15th Jul 2023 - Ti Point
Whiskey Delta Area
18 Birds Can't Fly on One Wing Sport 7m, 3 Good
Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Frog Pond
Stepped Down Wall
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
19 Awatiro Arete Sport 12m, 3 Very Good

Sun 23rd Oct 2022 - Kawakawa Bay
The Point
15 Pirate King Sport 20m, 10 Good
Pretty grubby but doesn't really matter that much at this grade.

Sat 16th Apr 2022 - Mead's Wall
18 Rock Without Moss Sport 20m, 8 Very Good
Nice route! Pretty pumpy, at least for my out of shape arms!

Fri 15th Apr 2022 - Whakapapa Gorge
19 Mountain Mantle Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
18 19 Nausea Sport 20m Good
Mon 31st Jan 2022 - Pakeho
Hidden Face
17 Pump Class Sport 8m, 3 Average
Almost worth a star, quite grubby obviously not climbed often.

Mon 4th Jan 2021 - Kawakawa Bay
The Bluff The Lower Bluff
20 Captain Cavegirl Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
Rock quality is average in places. Fun climb, good moves, do watch the rock as it's a bit chossy though.. Best to abseil off with how the rope runs over a sharp edge before the anchor.

Tue 29th Dec 2020 - Kawakawa Bay
The Point
20 Sunday School Sport 17m, 4 Good
Fri 18th Dec 2020 - Pakeho
The Leaning Tower
17 Dirty Deeds Sport 23m, 7 Good
Gets better as you get higher.

Fri 18th Dec 2020 - Pakeho
Main Crag
18 Calcium Snow Sport 23m, 10 Very Good
Warm up for the day- definitely warmed me up! Great route, nice holds and good moves, even a fun runout over juggy ground to the anchor. Might consider it a classic if it was a bit less snowy.

Sat 7th Nov 2020 - Kinloch
Whangamata Bay (K2)
19 Short Mans Shackles Sport 25m, 7 Very Good
Awesome climb, some great moves, bit heady. Lead it clean on draws that were left up. Wasted energy going up direct to first bolt (fun start though). Solid for the grade.

Sat 18th Jan 2020 - Waipapa
Main Cliff Metaphysical Wall
19 Pining Away Sport 25m Good
Thu 2nd Jan 2020 - Kawakawa Bay
The Yacht Club
19 Drink Like A Lady (LeD) Sport 12m, 5 Good
Mon 30th Dec 2019 - Kawakawa Bay
The Yacht Club
18 Alcoholics Anonymous Sport 18m, 4 Good
Sat 18th Nov 2017 - Sheridan Hills
Chunderosa Buttress
16 Burning Rain Sport 12m, 5 Good
Sun 26th Feb 2017 - Sebastapol Bluffs
Lunar Wall
18 Nicked Sport 55m, 12 Classic
Just climbed first 55m pitch- nice and airy. Very enjoyable climbing.

Wed 15th Feb 2017 - Paynes Ford
Creese Wall / Rawhide Roof
18 Hunting Tartan Sport 25m Good
Tue 14th Feb 2017 - Sheridan Hills
Chunderosa Buttress
18 Aurum Sport 25m, 13 Good
Sun 23rd Oct 2016 - Kawakawa Bay
Cracks Wall
16 Rohans Little Sister Sport 12m, 4 Good

Showing all 22 ascents.