
Ascents as Onsight or Onsight solo as sport by Kuno Klemmkeil

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Showing all 39 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 25th Jul 2020 - Erzgebirge
Wolkensteiner Gebiet Frauenholz Großer Himmelhund
5- Vergesssener Weg - with Mandy P. Sport 2
Sun 11th Aug 2019 - Oberlausitz
Oderwitzer Spitzberg Mittelwand
III 3 - 4 1 Janisstiege (Janisstiege) - with Paula, Tobias, Jana Sport 30m, 7
IV 4 2 Kirschbaumweg (Kirschbaumweg) - with Tobias Sport 30m, 6
Hard entry until the second Bühler, then okay

I can't believe this is available as 4+.

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
IV 4 4 Alte Mittelwand (Alte Mittelwand) - with Paula, Tobias, Jana Sport 30m, 6
Sun 9th Jun 2019 - Thüringer Wald
Gehlberg Blauer Stein
4+ Aufwind - with Ronny H. Sport 18m Very Good
4- 3+ Das Leben ist schön (Unknown) - with Ronny H. Sport 10m, 2
3+ Nordostwand - with Ronny H. Sport 13m, 2
3+ Für Christine - with Ronny H. Sport 11m
Sun 26th Aug 2018 - Vogtland
Steinicht Dornbusch-Gruppe Dornbusch
4 Gratwand Sport 23m, 4
4 Gratweg Sport 30m, 4 Very Good
4+ Waldarbeiter Sport 30m, 4
4+ Zaubermaus Sport 20m, 4
4 Müncknerkamin Sport 40m, 5 Classic
Wed 22nd Aug 2018 - Erzgebirge
Wolkensteiner Gebiet Wolkensteiner Wände Versteckte Wand
4+ 1,2,3 Angebrannt Sport 12m, 3
Sat 16th Jun 2018 - Erzgebirgsvorland
Rochlitzer Berg Seidelbruch Hauptwand
3 2 Steinmetz Sport 12m, 3
4- 4 Fremde Federn Sport 12m, 4
5 Mut zur Lücke Sport 12m, 4
3 Steinmetz Einstiegsvariante (Varainte zum Steinmetz) Sport 12m, 3
Sun 27th May 2018 - Erzgebirge
Auersberggebiet Breitenbrunn Nonnenfelsen
4 Dem Lappen seine Sport 8m, 2
Sat 19th May 2018 - Südlicher Frankenjura
Labertal Schönhofen Labertalwand
4 Wand Sport 10m Good
4+ Diagonalweg Sport 45m Classic
Thu 10th May 2018 - Erzgebirge
Müglitztal Dittersdorfer Tal Wand der Schlümpfe
4+ 5- Schlumpfine Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
5- Fauli Sport 10m, 1 Very Good
3 4+ Gargamel Sport 8m, 3 Good
3- Handy rechts (Handy) Sport 9m, 3 Very Good
4- 4+ Papa Schlumpf Sport 13m, 4 Good
3- Rotznase Sport 8m, 3 Good
Mon 26th Jun 2017 - Erzgebirge
Auersberggebiet Breitenbrunn Nonnenfelsen
3 Unterm scharfen Eck Sport 2
4 Dem Lappen seine Sport 8m, 2
Thu 25th May 2017 - Erzgebirge
Müglitztal Felsen bei Schlottwitz Rübenstein
5 Ritter Runkel - with Jens S. Sport 18m, 4
Thu 25th May 2017 - Erzgebirge
Müglitztal Felsen bei Schlottwitz Schlummerrolle
6- Kindertraum (Kindheitstraum) - with Holm Sport 20m, 6
4+ Kuscheltier - with Holm Sport 20m, 4
Sat 1st Apr 2017 - Erzgebirge
Auersberggebiet Breitenbrunn Nonnenfelsen
5 Steuerberater Sport 2
4+ Brennnessel Sport 3
5+ Tag der NVA Sport 8m, 4
Sun 21st Aug 2016 - Erzgebirge
Auersberggebiet Teufelssteingebiet Kleine Teufelswand
3+ Peters Route - with Jana, Tobias, Paula Sport 20m, 5
Wed 17th Aug 2016 - Erzgebirge
Wolkensteiner Gebiet Wolkensteiner Wände Untere Zentralwand
4- Ottifant - with Sindy, Holm Sport 14m, 4 Very Good
Mon 8th Aug 2016 - Erzgebirge
Wolkensteiner Gebiet Himmelmühle Himmelmühlenwand
4+ Kurtis Verschneidung - with Jana Sport 12m, 2
4 Versteckter Weg - with Jana Sport 14m, 4

Showing all 39 ascents.