
Ascents as Red point or Ground up red point as sport by Bakó Ádám

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Showing all 84 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 31st Aug 2024 - Csókakő
Északi / Nagy-fal
8 Krokodil Sport 18m Classic
Very nice climb, requiring precise movement. You learn a lot climbing it. Climbed it in total flow state of mind, awesome experience

Tue 6th Aug 2024 - Csókakő
Északi / Nagy-fal
8- Easy Madár depresszió — 3 attempts Sport 20m Good
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - Bakony
Cuha-völgy Bucsek-gerinc Nagy-fal
8 ~8 Easy Halál Palermóban — 2 attempts Sport 20m
Wed 1st May 2024 - Băile Herculane
Zona Roman Surplombă Left
6c YOLO — 2 attempts Sport 20m Very Good
2nd Go. Glad I did it on the last day of the trip

Sun 28th Apr 2024 - Băile Herculane
Zona Roman Surplombă Left
7a Easy Bini Lee — 3 attempts Sport 20m Very Good
Very nice and varied. Soft

Sun 8th Oct 2023 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
8 Easy Diós búrkifli reggelire — 7 attempts Sport 15m
Sun 1st Oct 2023 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
7a+ Portland, Dorset — 3 attempts Sport 22m Classic
FIRST IN THE GRADE! 42 tries in 4 years - I felt impossible then. But with constant help of my grand master Gyorgyevics Lóránt today I clipped the chains. Beautiful route with crimp, crack, tufa, polished footholds. Technical yet power-endurance line.

Sun 2nd Jul 2023 - Tardosbánya
6c Szupercella Sport 15m
Sat 3rd Jun 2023 - Kaľamárka
Horné skaly Liepaky I
6b+ Ľavý liepak Sport 15m, 4
Mon 10th Apr 2023 - Várgesztes
Lapos-fal / Szék
5+ Rutin pálya Sport 8m
Mon 10th Apr 2023 - Várgesztes
7- Matematika Sport 9m
Sat 18th Mar 2023 - Várgesztes
7- ~7- Jégkrémbalett Sport 12m
2nd Go

7 Kubu Sport 12m
régi adósság

Fri 24th Feb 2023 - Malta
Ħamrija Tower Cobra Cave
6b Solstice Sport Classic
Beautiful route. Amazing moves, lovely holds

Wed 22nd Feb 2023 - Malta
Wied Il-Għasel (Mosta Valley) Cat's Arches
6b Tufa Moss Sport 12m Very Good
2nd Go. I fell on the first bolt. All above it "onsight"

Sat 19th Nov 2022 - Budapest
Rókahegy Kristályos
7- Kőleves — 2 attempts Sport 10m
2nd Go, due to cold/numb fingers

Sun 16th Oct 2022 - Budapest
Kis-Sváb-hegyi kőfejtő
6- KSH Nagy Traverz Sport 22m
First try but I knew a lot of parts from it. Also ruined a lot of future onsights

Sat 8th Oct 2022 - Tardosbánya
5+ Részeg óvodások Sport 10m
Sun 7th Aug 2022 - Budapest
Kis-Sváb-hegyi kőfejtő
7- Rianás Sport 18m Mega Classic
Fri 22nd Jul 2022 - Kotečnik
6b Beli svod Sport 13m
Sat 18th Jun 2022 - Nomenj
6b Mokrolaska Sport 16m
3rd Go, pp. dusty but nice moves

Mon 6th Jun 2022 - Kotečnik
6a Hard Nosorog Sport 16m
Sun 5th Jun 2022 - Kotečnik
6c+ Kamena doba Sport 6m
Interesting route. Big jugs in the roof, then uncomfortable moves around a belly. Anyway, happy to send my second 6c+

Sat 4th Jun 2022 - Kotečnik
6a+ Poč I Sport 14m
2nd Go

Sat 28th May 2022 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
8- Sika, kasza, léc Sport 15m Good
First 6c+ (after climbing 7a) nice bouldery moves

Sat 28th May 2022 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Kölykök kedvence Sport 12m
Mon 28th Mar 2022 - Kotečnik
6a+ Škorpijon Sport 13m
2nd Go

Sun 27th Mar 2022 - Kotečnik
7a Snoopy Sport 14m
FIRST 7a EVER!!! Very nice route with good jugs. I needed 5 trips and around 20 attempts for it. I had the perfect beta for myself and executed flawlessly when sending.

Sat 26th Mar 2022 - Kotečnik
6a+ Mojster Vilko Sport 25m
Sun 20th Mar 2022 - Bajdázó sziklamászóiskola
5 4c Vadnyulak (14. Párkány) Sport 9m, 4
Fri 15th Oct 2021 - Nago
Falesia Segrom Sector C
6b Coda di porco Sport 25m
2nd Go. beautiful movement, sadly failed the flash attempt at the crux's last move

Sat 11th Sep 2021 - Tardosbánya
6- Solymász Sport 15m
Sat 4th Sep 2021 - Tardosbánya
6a+ 6+ Moha & Páfrány Sport 25m Mega Classic
Finally I got to clip the anchor. Amazing route from the juggy start trough the crack, on the ledges to the final overhanging boulder. One of the most iconic routes in the country. Pretty polished but still easily climbable. I remember trying it toprope when I was a noob. Had around 15 Gos in one and a half year. I totally respect the FA'ist and I understand the circumstances of the grading, but this is harder - everybody knows.

Mon 19th Jul 2021 - Munții Pădurea Craiului
Vadu Crișului Pereții Gri Autentica
6+ Tom gegetel Sport 20m
2nd Go

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Munții Trascăului
Cheile Turzii Peștera Ungurească
6+ Auraru Sport 10m, 4
2nd Go

Sat 17th Jul 2021 - Munții Trascăului
Cheile Turzii Colțul Crăpat ATA 2007
6+ OSB Sport 14m
2nd Go after 2 years

Sat 19th Jun 2021 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
51-es körzet
6+ Fokhagyma Sport 9m
2nd Go, it was pretty dirty, needed some cleaning

Sun 13th Jun 2021 - Valea Cernei
Km 10 Sector 2
6a+ Final step Sport 12m
2nd Go. the anchor placement is very constrained

Sat 8th May 2021 - Budapest
Rókahegy Középső fal
6- Bal út Sport 20m
2nd Go after one year. Hard. 6a in my opinion

Sun 11th Apr 2021 - Tardosbánya
6 Friendes Sport 10m Good
Mon 5th Apr 2021 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Vörös sarok Sport 12m Good
6 Rongybaba Sport 12m
Fri 2nd Apr 2021 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Rongybaba Sport 12m
7- 23 karátos Sport 12m Mega Classic
Sat 14th Nov 2020 - Budapest
Rókahegy Afrika tábla
7 Naplevente Sport 18m
Sat 7th Nov 2020 - Várgesztes
7 7+ Fat Cat Sport 13m Good
6b+ 7+ Zsebes Sport 13m Good
2nd Go. first bolt on 6m, and the grade is given for the first 7m, the rest is easy

Wed 28th Oct 2020 - Bakony
Cuha-völgy Bucsek-gerinc Nagy-fal
6b+ 7+ Hatvanasok klubja Sport 20m
2nd Go. real technical route, needs some thinking

6 6/6+ Záróra Sport 20m
2nd Go. lost on the onsight try

Tue 27th Oct 2020 - Bakony
Cuha-völgy Bucsek-gerinc Nagy-fal
7 El Capone Sport 20m
2nd Go

Sat 10th Oct 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
7- Ozsváth Attila emlékút Sport 14m Good
Sat 3rd Oct 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6+ 6+/7- Red Rock West Sport 12m
6 Rongybaba Sport 12m

Sun 27th Sep 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6+ 6+/7- Langaléta Sport 12m
6 Vörös sarok Sport 12m Good

Sat 12th Sep 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Loreley Sport 14m
6 Kölykök kedvence Sport 12m
Sat 12th Sep 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
51-es körzet
6- Könnyek útja Sport 10m
5- Indián holokauszt Sport 10m
4 Farkasköröm Sport 10m
Sun 30th Aug 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
7- Push Up Sport 10m
2nd Go. very nice moves

Sun 30th Aug 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
51-es körzet
5+ Ülő Bika Sport 10m
Sat 11th Jul 2020 - Kotečnik
6a Marelica Sport 17m
6a+ Frančkova skušnjava Sport 17m
Sun 28th Jun 2020 - Kotečnik
6a+ Zajeda Sport 14m
Fri 26th Jun 2020 - Kotečnik
5b+ Frodo Sport 10m
5b 5a+ Bilbo Sport 10m
Mon 1st Jun 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
7- 6+/7- Langaléta Sport 12m
7- 23 karátos Sport 12m Mega Classic
6 Rongybaba Sport 12m
Sat 30th May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6+ 7- Csalóka Sport 12m
easyroute to the visible ring

Sun 24th May 2020 - Várgesztes
6+ Tökös mákos Sport 15m
Sat 23rd May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
7- Repedésen át Sport 12m
6 Rongybaba Sport 12m
6+ Katedrális Sport 12m
Sun 17th May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Vörös sarok Sport 12m Good
7- 6+/7- Senecio Sport 12m
Sat 16th May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6+ Fekete szél Sport 12m
Nice slab climbing

Sat 9th May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
7+ Senecio direkt Sport 12m Very Good
Sat 2nd May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Vörös sarok Sport 12m Good
Fri 1st May 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6b+ 7+ Alkonyat Sport 11m Very Good
Mon 13th Apr 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
7- 23 karátos Sport 12m Mega Classic
Fri 10th Apr 2020 - Tardosbánya
6 Tolnay Kata Sport 15m
Sat 4th Apr 2020 - Kis-Gerecsei kőfejtő
23 karátos udvar
6 Vörös sarok Sport 12m Good

Showing all 84 ascents.