
Ascents climbed between 2023-7-00 and 2023-09-30 by Josh Ellis having Sport CPR

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Showing all 92 ascents.

Rating Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
3314 points
26 Cavity Search - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, James benefer Sport 20m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 17th Sep 2023
Banger! Thanks Will Gregson and Tom for spraying me down.

3265 points
25 Easy Old Man Frederick - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport 25m, 13 Frederick Peak Classic Tue 29th Aug 2023
Wild exposure and some funky angles on this one!

3264 points
25 Chopped - with Caroline Chang Sport 22m, 16 The Kitchen Classic Mon 28th Aug 2023
Absolute pump fest! So fun though. It’s says “shade all day” which is sorta’ true the bolts are in shade, but the holds aren’t! Some hot slopers by 11 am!

3216 points
27 ~26 Beast From The Deep — 3 attempts - with Caroline Chang Sport 17m, 12 Frederick Peak Classic Fri 1st Sep 2023
Great, pumpy endurance climbing, no real hard moves. Biffed it second shot with silly beta at the top. Third go was a winner.

3200 points
27 ~26 Top One Thommo — 3 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Will Gregson, Stanislav Likane Sport 15m Nowra Mega Classic Thu 13th Jul 2023
Mega fun roofiness! Thought I was on for it second shot but punted near the end so had to give it a third to finish it off. Probably more like 26 if your kneebar game is strong! Bit of excitement when Stanislav Likane broke a draw!

3193 points
25 Grape Hour - with Caroline Chang Sport 22m, 8 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 27th Sep 2023
Was gonna’ try for the onsight but saw Kwin pull some rad moves through the crux. She gave me a few pointer and I came up with a plan on the ground. I then decided to ignore all of that and do the opposite to make it feel more onsighty! 😂 Much like the other routes here surprisingly hard straight of the ground!

3169 points
25 Going The Tonk With Zena - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, Erinleigh, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Megan Ellis, James Teede Sport 20m Nowra Classic Sun 9th Jul 2023
Jordan Edwards was the sacrificial beta lamb, just scraped through the crux thanks to his sacrifice. Great route.

3128 points
24 Junket Pumper - with Caroline Chang Sport 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 25th Sep 2023
Fun lil’ arvo sesh after lunch. Harder than anticipated! Maybe because the sun tried to blind me through the crux!

3127 points
24 Guillotine - with gsmizz, Aidan Cox, Will Gregson Sport 48m, 23 Blue Mountains Classic Thu 21st Sep 2023
Linked both pitches with the tree start for the ultimate classic. Builds nicely in terms of difficulty, exposure and spacing. Brilliant experience!

3126 points
24 Body Blow - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, James benefer Sport 12m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 17th Sep 2023
Good, fun, hug hauling. The highlight was definitely cutting both feet to try and alleviate my dual cramping hammy’s! Thankful for the fixed hangers as I probably wouldn’t have tried. 🙏

3121 points
24 Moonshadow - with Caroline Chang Sport 20m, 12 Frederick Peak Good Fri 1st Sep 2023
Cool features with some interesting technical corner climbing in the second half, unfortunately the rock quality lets it down, maybe it’d clean up nice if it got more action? Zero chalk and significant levels of choss made for a highly engaging onsite!

3120 points
24 ~23 Death by Parsnip - with Caroline Chang Sport 14m, 10 Mt Stuart Classic Sun 27th Aug 2023
Fun flowy route! I honestly found “Sushi Quest” harder though, and that seemed about 23 to me. Caroline Chang assures me this one is harder though. 🤷‍♀️

3094 points
26 Crumple Zone - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, James benefer Sport 8m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 17th Sep 2023
Nice to get redemption on this one after being so close on the flash go last trip. Thanks James benefer for the putting ‘er up and the send catch!

3025 points
24 How Much Can A Koala Bear? - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, Erinleigh, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Megan Ellis, James Teede Sport 25m Nowra Classic Sun 9th Jul 2023
Good fun!

2974 points
25 Rubber Lover - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 29th Sep 2023
‘Bout bloody time.

2971 points
25 Mad Hatter — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Aidan Cox Sport 17m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 20th Sep 2023
Onsighted the crux then fell off above on what turned out to be good holds (only if you hold ‘em in the right bit!) good fight though!

2971 points
25 Apraxia — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Will Gregson Sport 14m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 18th Sep 2023
Many outrageous drive-bys… that I managed to avoid! Pretty exciting foot pop on the send go that I wish I caught on film!

2971 points
25 Padington — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Will Gregson Sport 12m Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 18th Sep 2023
Crimps felt crisp-y today, still a two-er though. Sick onny by a haggard Chris Martinez though!

2965 points
25 Angel Dust — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport 15m, 11 Frederick Peak Very Good Tue 29th Aug 2023
Tried a silly match on the onny go. Bloody sweaty condies second go but felt pretty chill.

2963 points
25 Easy Madder — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang Sport 15m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan Classic Fri 25th Aug 2023
Tried to avoid the undercling that looks like it might fall off on the onsight. Pulled on it second go and made it much easier! Great route. Nice to know I still get up a 25!

2962 points
23 ~24 Lyptus - with Caroline Chang Sport 23m, 8 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 27th Sep 2023
Bloody hard I thought! But I’m a bit crap at the more dynamic stuff. So surprised when I made the big move and even more surprised by stayed on! Love how the tempo changes on the head wall.

2953 points
23 Hard Sushi Quest - with Caroline Chang Sport 12m, 9 Mt Stuart Classic Sun 27th Aug 2023
Spicy goodness! Got more pumped than expected on this one!

2952 points
23 Squealer - with Caroline Chang Sport 21m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan Classic Fri 25th Aug 2023
Big moves on good holds. Fun!

2951 points
25 Scooby & The Dive Master — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Matthew Follent Sport New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good Sat 15th Jul 2023
2 stars for the amount of laughs, screams and general tomfoolery. Onsight was a shambles, didn’t even finish. Second go at the end of the day, felt pretty cruisy. Crux is definitely the 21!

2951 points
25 Bullen's Route — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Matthew Follent Sport 16m, 11 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Mega Classic Sat 15th Jul 2023
Mega classic! Arapiles quality rock and moves.

1.1x goes for me, fell off the first move, lowered then went to the top. 99% onsight still doesn’t count unfortunately! Seemed to be the theme of the day, everyone blew their first go on something silly. Oh well, we had a lot of fun!

2951 points
25 Bachelor's Ball - with Chris Martinez, Jordan Edwards, Will Gregson, Stanislav Likane, James benefer Sport 18m Nowra Very Good Fri 14th Jul 2023
Thought I’d salvage the day when I realised “Brother” wasn’t going to go down. Felt pretty chill with the beta and some fresh skin!

2950 points
25 Escape From the Drilling Fields — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Stanislav Likane, Will Gregson Sport 20m Nowra Classic Tue 11th Jul 2023
Misjudged the sloper on the ony (as I’m sure many people do!) went pretty easy second go. Fun, gymnastic climbing.

2941 points
23 Snowman - with Caroline Chang, Megan Ellis, Jordan Edwards Sport 20m Nowra Very Good Tue 18th Jul 2023
Good route. Techie edges. Much better edges than I was expecting for the grade at the angle.

2941 points
23 Bondage and Discipline - with Caroline Chang, Megan Ellis, Jordan Edwards Sport 23m Nowra Very Good Tue 18th Jul 2023
Bloody pumpy warm up!

2941 points
23 Stairway to Heaven - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 25m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Good Mon 17th Jul 2023
Not sure it gets much action, no chalk and pretty bloody rough on the skin. Nearly bloody punted at one point. Might be a bit friendlier with more traffic.

2940 points
23 Roo Rot - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Matthew Follent Sport 22m, 14 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good Sat 15th Jul 2023
Interesting, thought provoking climbing throughout. Pretty tricky onsight I reckon!

2893 points
26 Nero on the Rampage — 3 attempts - with Matthew Follent Sport 25m, 9 Werribee Gorge Very Good Tue 12th Sep 2023
First go felt impossible with my old beta being probably 10 degrees warmer than last time I tried it! Tried Matthew Follent beta which was definitely better and managed a clean top rope lap, just out of beans and skin by the time I figured it out. Maybe next year! 🤷‍♀️

2881 points
23 Sensory Overload - with Will Gregson Sport 20m, 12 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 23rd Sep 2023
Good route but miserably cold. 🥶

2873 points
23 Psychotron - with Caroline Chang Sport 8m, 7 Mt Stuart Very Good Sun 27th Aug 2023
Fun one!

2861 points
23 Zut Il Pleut - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 24m, 15 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good Mon 17th Jul 2023
Hadn’t planned to climb this one as the tips were screamin’ but had to go up to get the draws down. Bit choss on the bottom but lovely rock up top.

2826 points
24 Wet Paint - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, James benefer Sport 16m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 17th Sep 2023
Tried this years ago, too scared to finish. Felt nice today, top is still spooky!

2826 points
24 Snappy Dresser - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, James benefer Sport 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 17th Sep 2023
Also tried years ago and did not finish. Felt good today even at the end of the day.

2805 points
24 Zimbabalooba - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, Erinleigh, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Megan Ellis, James Teede Sport 20m Nowra Classic Sun 9th Jul 2023
Nice to turn this dog into a tick from last time. Felt pretty chill today.

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2804 points
24 Betty Blue - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Stanislav Likane, Chris Martinez, Matthew Follent, Erinleigh Sport 20m, 6 Nowra Very Good Sat 8th Jul 2023
Nice to put away a few dog faces from last trip.

2804 points
24 Butterfly Wall Direct — 4 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Stanislav Likane, Chris Martinez, Matthew Follent, Erinleigh Sport 20m Nowra Classic Sat 8th Jul 2023
2 ties-ins. Thought I had the ony when I fought through the undercling crux first go but couldn’t figure out the second crux. Frustratingly fell a couple of times on the first crux on my second tie-in. Beautiful route.

2797 points
22 Fedora - with Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Aidan Cox Sport 18m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 20th Sep 2023
Pumpy warm up!

2790 points
22 Grated - with Caroline Chang Sport 22m, 12 The Kitchen Very Good Mon 28th Aug 2023
Just as pumpy as “chopped” I reckon!

2790 points
22 Rust in Peace - with Caroline Chang Sport 14m, 10 Mt Stuart Good Sun 27th Aug 2023
Felt kinda’ lost the whole way!

2789 points
22 Easy Slider - with Caroline Chang Sport 16m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Very Good Fri 25th Aug 2023
Rock on this one feels like if Arapiles was on a 45 deg tilt. Fun but I was still feeling a bit shaky from previous trip.

2783 points
22 ~23 Terminal Insomnia — 2 attempts - with Ben Olsen, Jordan Edwards, Caroline Chang, Megan Ellis Sport 30m, 7 Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Average Mon 7th Aug 2023
Went up twice, once to put the draws on for Caroline Chang, then again to clean. Wish I hadn’t! Got totally flash pumped on the onsight found a seeping pocket, rope fell down a hole, etc. The second go didn’t feel any more enjoyable tbh! No idea why this one gets the stars, least favourite route at “VDL”.

2775 points
22 Renovators Dream - with Jordan Edwards, Will Gregson Sport 20m, 8 Nowra Classic Mon 10th Jul 2023
Pumpy warm up.

2716 points
22 Spread 'em Baby - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, Kieran Norwood Sport 25m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 16th Sep 2023

2695 points
22 Amazon Queens Right Hand (flake) Variant - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez, Erinleigh, gsmizz, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Megan Ellis, James Teede Sport 20m Nowra Classic Sun 9th Jul 2023
Great route!

2675 points
28 Brother — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Jordan Edwards, Will Gregson, Stanislav Likane, James benefer Sport 17m Nowra Very Good Fri 14th Jul 2023
Horrible conditions on the first go but did all the moves pretty quick. Condies improved second shot, did the undercling to sloper move but the top suddenly felt nails. 🤷‍♀️

2663 points
23 Split Wave - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 20m Blue Mountains Classic Fri 29th Sep 2023
Just as fun as I remember!

2662 points
23 Reigning Steel - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Will Gregson, Aidan Cox, Payton de Ruyter Sport 17m, 7 Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 25th Sep 2023
Felt bloody hard today!

2660 points
23 Hairy Horrace - with Chris Martinez, Will Gregson Sport 12m Blue Mountains Good Mon 18th Sep 2023
Spicy warm up!

2659 points
23 Weak as I am — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez Sport 22m, 13 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 16th Sep 2023
Had a very definitive crux imo! Very nearly fell second time too!

2659 points
23 Cutopia — 2 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Erinleigh, Sarah Taylor, Kieran Norwood Sport 20m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 16th Sep 2023
Fell pretty close to the top, Will Gregson was spreading’ em so I lowered down and restarted. Cool, committing, slabbery!

2638 points
23 Hard Black Beddy — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Stanislav Likane, Chris Martinez, Matthew Follent, Erinleigh Sport 8m, 3 Nowra Good Sat 8th Jul 2023
Still hard even in good condies! Try not to look at the state of the anchors when lowering off.

2627 points
21 Yucadoo! - with Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Aidan Cox Sport 20m, 11 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 20th Sep 2023
2619 points
21 Idiot Wind - with Caroline Chang Sport 18m, 5 Kangaroo Point Average Thu 24th Aug 2023
Climbing is alright, bolting seems kind of silly tho…?

2607 points
21 Heebie Jeebies - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 30m, 12 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good Mon 17th Jul 2023
Great route, pretty pumpy with good moves on good holds where you want ‘em!

2558 points
27 Shoot From The Hip - with Ben Olsen, Jordan Edwards, Caroline Chang, Megan Ellis Sport 17m Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Very Good Mon 7th Aug 2023
Had ambitions to do “Velvet Goldmine” but after a shaky warmup on “Terminal Insomnia” I wasn’t really up for it. Decided to retry the moves on this as Ben had it up. Did all the moves which was nice, but didn’t have a red point burn, was feeling too shaky.

2545 points
21 Lady Stardust - with Chris Martinez Sport 21m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 15th Sep 2023
Felt a bit harder than I expected for a warm up!

2492 points
22 Span Man - with Caroline Chang Sport 12m, 8 Mt Stuart Sun 3rd Sep 2023
Punted like a true punter.

2448 points
26 Smoked Mussels - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 29th Sep 2023
Closed one account and opened another I guess! Couldn’t quite get THE move but rest went easy.

2446 points
26 M0 The Way of All Flesh M0 — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Sarah Taylor, gsmizz, Erinleigh Sport 22m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 24th Sep 2023
Pretty janky first go, made it to the same high point as previous though (last proper move). Second shot was going good then I decided to plonk the high heel through the crux on like 3 moves too early and that (obviously) didn’t work. 😂

2444 points
26 M0 The Way of All Flesh M0 — 3 attempts - with Chris Martinez Sport 22m Blue Mountains Classic Fri 15th Sep 2023
Bolt to bolt first go, got past the teacup on my second and surprised myself by getting one move from glory on my third! Should go when fresh hopefully 🤞

2432 points
26 Army of Ants — 3 attempts - with Ben Olsen, Caroline Chang, Megan Ellis, Jordan Edwards Sport 15m, 5 Mt Stapylton Campground Tue 8th Aug 2023
Loathe to log this. After a mentally shaky weekend of not really sending anything this one was my “sure thing”. Had done all the moves before and felt very doable. Backed off putting the clips in as my wrist felt tweaky on a sloper. Taped it up, went again DID THE CRUX chill as, got a no hands knee bar mid traverse, then just chickened out right before the chains. Didn’t have the beans third go. Something about this climb always results in a shite trip.

2426 points
26 Stone Roses — 6 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 25m Nowra Classic Wed 19th Jul 2023
Fuck that heel hook!

2423 points
26 Stone Roses — 7 attempts - with Jordan Edwards, Will Gregson, Stanislav Likane Sport 25m Nowra Classic Mon 10th Jul 2023
So many burns, so little sending. 😂

2329 points
21 Jaws - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 15m, 4 Blue Mountains Good Fri 29th Sep 2023
Harder than I remember/expected!

2328 points
21 Starman - with Caroline Chang, Sarah Taylor, gsmizz, Erinleigh Sport 25m Blue Mountains Sun 24th Sep 2023
2323 points
25 Vespasian's Wall P1 - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Will Gregson, Aidan Cox, Payton de Ruyter
1 25 25 Sport
Sport 25m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Mon 25th Sep 2023
Thought I had this in the bag from last time but I was sorely mistaken! 😂

2322 points
25 Rubber Lover — 2 attempts - with Will Gregson Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 22nd Sep 2023
Farking rooted.

2322 points
25 Vespasian's Wall P1 - with gsmizz, Aidan Cox, Will Gregson
1 25 25m Sport
Sport 25m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Thu 21st Sep 2023
Read it all about right but didn’t quite catch the hold through the crux. Great route.

2321 points
25 Rubber Lover — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Aidan Cox Sport 20m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 20th Sep 2023
Full sun, 6th/7th pitch of the day was pretty ambitious but I’d already blew the onsight years ago, so training laps I guess! First go felt dead good but foot popped at the crux. Second go was cooked.

2300 points
25 Bachelor's Ball — 3 attempts - with Chris Martinez, Jordan Edwards, Matthew Follent, Stanislav Likane, Will Gregson Sport 18m Nowra Very Good Tue 11th Jul 2023
Got sucked into going right at the crux on the ony. Got pretty scared on my my second attempt going from 2nd to third bolt. Got even more scared when I started lowering off 3rd draw to re-work section and it sounded like the draw was shredding my rope. Checked draw to find draw was really worn with a pretty sharp edge. I removed and left at bottom of climb (draws were already on) hopefully the owner of the draw reads this and retires it. 3rd go I was just totally gassed.

2290 points
19 Speed of Life - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport 20m, 11 Frederick Peak Very Good Tue 29th Aug 2023
2290 points
19 Midas Touch - with Caroline Chang Sport 10m, 12 Mt Stuart Very Good Sun 27th Aug 2023
Cool route with holds right where you need them, thought about doing the extension but it didn’t look to have an anchor? 🤔

2219 points
19 Ancient Mariner - with Caroline Chang Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Wed 27th Sep 2023
2212 points
19 Spicy Warm Up - with Caroline Chang Sport 15m, 9 Mt Stuart Very Good Sun 3rd Sep 2023
Indeed, quite spicy!

2194 points
19 The Money or the Box - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Stanislav Likane, Chris Martinez, Matthew Follent, Erinleigh Sport 25m, 6 Nowra Good Sat 8th Jul 2023
Warmup, great to be back on rock. Been a hot minute.

2183 points
27 Onions - with Caroline Chang Sport 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 27th Sep 2023
The very bottom and very top cruxes both felt pretty bloody hard for me! Sussed what could work for both but failed to do the full sequence for either. Can’t believe this used to be 26, felt stiff at 27!

2177 points
24 Hat Trick - with Caroline Chang, Will Gregson, gsmizz, Aidan Cox Sport 18m, 9 Blue Mountains Wed 20th Sep 2023
Didn’t intend to do this with the sun directly above but had to get the draws down. Went for the onny anyway, totally rushed it, fell got mad and then speed-aided to the top. Probably a pretty nice climb.

2171 points
24 The Batman — 2 attempts - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport 15m, 13 Castle Hill Thu 31st Aug 2023
Got sucked in to going the wrong way on the onny. Had a decent flapper from “Hammerhalf” on the second go, so just kinda’ aided to clean. Rough day!

2120 points
18 Fairy Dust - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport 9m, 6 Frederick Peak Very Good Tue 29th Aug 2023
2120 points
18 Under The Radar - with Caroline Chang Sport 8m, 7 Mt Stuart Good Sun 27th Aug 2023
2058 points
26 Trix Roughly - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Fri 29th Sep 2023
Farkin’ nails!

2049 points
26 Hammerhalf - with Caroline Chang, Jarrah, Medieval Mystique Sport Castle Hill Thu 31st Aug 2023
Thought I was gonna’ flash this, tore a big ‘ol flapper in my index finger on the first crimp I touched instead! The condies we’re not on, hot and still. 😢

2036 points
26 Sahara - with Caroline Chang, gsmizz, Sarah Taylor, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Very Good Mon 17th Jul 2023
Tried real hard on my flash go but couldn’t quite make the distance, each go after that got worse. Need steel fingers like Jordan Edwards! Awesome but if rock through the crux.

2028 points
18 Diddy Kong - with Caroline Chang, Jordan Edwards, Megan Ellis Sport 24m, 8 Nowra Good Wed 19th Jul 2023
1934 points
25 Horrace Herod - with Caroline Chang, Chris Martinez Sport 12m Blue Mountains Fri 29th Sep 2023
Farkin’ knackered!

1926 points
25 Magic Beans - with Caroline Chang Sport 16m, 10 Mt Stuart Don't Bother Sun 3rd Sep 2023
Start was interesting, middle section seems to involve climbing into “Death by Parsnip”, or a fairly contrived way that seems considerably harder (but not in a “good” way), didn’t fancy either so stripped it off the second last bolt.

1243 points
V0 Jacob's Ladder — 2 attempts - with Jarrah, Medieval Mystique, Caroline Chang Deep water solo 6m Magnetic Island Very Good Sat 2nd Sep 2023
I fell off the boat before even getting on, I guess that blew my onsight? 😂 Great fun, unfortunate i was the only one who could reach the start jug with the tide.

1170 points
18 Sliced - with Caroline Chang Sport 12m, 6 The Kitchen Very Good Mon 28th Aug 2023
New proj lol.


Showing all 92 ascents.