
Ascents by Tom Hodges having Distinct route

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 246 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality
Sat 29th Oct 2022 - Black Hill
The Northern Group Upper Tier
25 Bon Voyage - with Tim Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
Had a couple of good burns falling just before the mantle into the scoop. But holds kept breaking and had to keep changing my sequence. Don't know if someone needs to glue the big undercling jug as it is super hollow.

Sat 15th Oct 2022 - The You Yangs
Great Circle Drive North Gravel Pit Tor Area
25 The Razor's Edge Sport 18m, 5 Very Good
Second go. Not sure on the grade as the Crux is after it meets "The Shinning" but that felt very stiff for a 23.

19 Magnetic Attraction Sport 14m, 4 Good
Good to get back into slabbing crux getting to first bolt.

20 Mean Streak Sport 19m, 4 Good
27 26 Edging Bets Sport 20m, 6 Very Good
Only tried the opening crux once to get a feel as the draws were up.

Mon 26th Sep 2022 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Cut Lunch Walls
24 Tender Hooks Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
Fell in the Crux... Again. Need to try this when fresh.

25 The Big Payback Sport 17m, 5 Good
Couldn't figure out a sequence for the first big move.

26 Anderson Brothers Sport 10m, 4 Good
Fri 26th Aug 2022 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
25 26 Nero on the Rampage - with Poppy Sport 25m, 9 Very Good
Tried this 2 years ago. 2 top rope burns to figure the moves, fell after the Crux on the first red point and came together pretty comfortably 4th burn of the day.

Fri 15th Jul 2022 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Cut Lunch Walls
22 Raindancer Sport 20m, 5 Good
20 Waste of Paint Sport 17m, 7 Classic
Thu 14th Jul 2022 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Van Diemen's Land
21 Physical Graffiti Sport 15m, 4 Good
26 De La Soul Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
25 Warped Spasm - with Sage Karson, Poppy Sport 30m, 5 Very Good
4th go. Should have gone on the third... Sat or whipped on all the bolts seem fine.

Fri 8th Jul 2022 - Mt Stapylton Campground
Sentinel Cave
23 Stepping on Snakes Sport 14m, 5 Very Good
Need more endurance.

22 Screaming Barfies Sport 10m, 4 Very Good
So close

20 Dwarf Pumper Sport 8m, 3 Good
Fri 8th Jul 2022 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Tribute Wall Tribute Wall Lower
19 In Halen Sport 13m, 4 Good
Good warm up.

Fri 8th Jul 2022 - Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton)
Van Diemen's Land
22 Terminal Insomnia Sport 30m, 7 Very Good
Fell on the last hard move putting up draws.

23 Cosmic Psycho Sport 25m, 6 Classic
This has gotta be better than terminal insomnia such excellent climbing! Stick in a couple of heel-toe cams for the long reaches.

24 Body Count Sport 25m, 8 Very Good
Bailed after 4th draw way too much for the end of the day.

Fri 24th Jun 2022 - 白河 Baihe
精灵谷 Jinglinggu 世外桃源
5.12a 吃瓜群众 Sport 12m, 4

5.10b 包熟包甜 Sport 10m, 2

5.11d 反正弦 Sport 17m, 5

Fri 17th Jun 2022 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Veni Vidi Vici Area
23 Pocko Wall Sport 20m, 6 Very Good
Fell off one move from the victory jug but was at the end of the day so surely when fresh.

27 Thomas the Crank Engine Sport 15m, 4 Good
Lots of desperate moves could link the start but from second bolt to the top it is on!

25 Fuel the Fire - with Kelvin Chan, Daniel Borsi, Pat Sport 12m, 3 Very Good
Fri 10th Jun 2022 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Veni Vidi Vici Area
26 Too Fucked to Pump Sport 18m, 5 Good
Only got on this cos fuel the fire was wet. But managed to get it all done in 3-4attempts.

Sat 28th May 2022 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
24 Anal Crank - with Kelvin Chan Sport 12m, 3 Good
Thanks to the couple for the beta. Big bump to get to the rail. Took like 8 attempts to sort a sequence for the opening boulder then I choked on the easy arete. Was absolutely desperate to get through it again.

Sun 10th Apr 2022 - Camels Hump
Omega Block Area Lower Tier
27 27 R (A) Deeper Green Sport 18m, 8 Very Good
Wow super sustained, likely going to be a harder tick than some others on omega block. Just missing one move to get into the start of green alliance. It is desperate as I started GA facing the opposite direction. Also footholds need some love.

23 21 Slug’s Honour Sport 17m, 6 Very Good
This has gotta be a 21

Wed 6th Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
24 Jaqueline Hyde Sport 15m, 6 Classic
Fell off 2 moves from the anchors, big choke. Great way to finish an awesome trip though.

Sun 3rd Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
24 Survival Day Sport 20m, 10 Good
2nd go, so close to coming off just latched the jug at the 6th bolt.

18 Please Dry Sport 12m, 5 Good
21 Whimsical Sport 12m, 6 Good
Sun 3rd Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity Sport 22m, 9 Classic
23 The Cramps Sport 22m, 10 Very Good
Pumped out at around the 6/7th bolt. I couldn't find a good position to clip.

Fri 1st Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
24 Sydney Rose Sport 12m Classic
All moves done but don't have the power endurance to link it all.

Fri 1st Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Ancient Mariner Buttress
19 Ancient Mariner Sport 12m, 5 Very Good
Too tired end of day but this was great. Lots of good moves and quite sustained.

17 Creature Without a Brain Sport 15m Average
14 Squashed Parrot Sport 18m Average
Fri 1st Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
22 Rocky Road Sport 15m Good
Should have flashed, didn't commit to the first move. Lowered and sent.

Fri 1st Apr 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Duck Wall
25 Darkwing Duck Sport 15m, 5 Good
Ahh stuck the move twice couldn't do it from the ground.

Tue 29th Mar 2022 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Flash Flood Sport 18m, 7 Good
22 Stereo Sport 20m Good
Might have another bash at this next time.

23 A Nice Day for a Disco Sport 25m, 3 Good
One move wonder boulder problem.

Tue 29th Mar 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
25 Rubber Lover Sport 20m, 5 Very Good
End of a big first day. Too pumped around the 5th bolt.

21 Jaws Sport 15m, 4 Very Good
Fell off with the chains in my face. Will come back.

Tue 29th Mar 2022 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
24 Junket Pumper Sport 15m Very Good
Trying to get a feel for blueys climbing. Didn't quite figure out the crimps but geez I was pumped.

19 Billy Bunter Sport 15m, 5 Good
Easier than the 18

18 Stephen Grunter Sport 10m, 5 Good
Sun 31st Oct 2021 - Camels Hump
Omega Block Area Omega Block
26 Satanic Verses Sport 25m, 6 Very Good
2 more runs up this. Missing just 1 more move. Then linking is a different story.

Sun 31st Oct 2021 - Camels Hump
Omega Block Area Lower Tier
23 Underseige Sport 20m, 4 Good
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Eureka Area Spanish Galleon
21 Splinter Sport 17m, 7 Very Good
22 Rogues and Rip Off Merchants Sport 17m, 7 Good
24 Persigue al Dragon Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles North Pinnacle
25 Strike the First Blow Sport 17m Very Good
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles Back Wall
21 Bellrock Sport 25m, 6 Good
22 Beached Whale (Link-up) Sport 10m, 4 Good
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles South Pinnacle
20 Conflict of Interest Sport 25m, 7 Good
23 Fat Fingered Freak Sport 18m, 4 Classic
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles Kentucky Block
20 Kentucky Fried Clippin' Sport 8m, 3 Good
24 Darling Nikki Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
Out of skin and juice but could definitely do next round.

25 26 Spanish Sahara Direct Sport 10m Good
Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles Vertebrae Pinnacle
24 The Backbone Sport 12m Good
3rd go

Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Victoria Range
Red Rock Area Red Rock Pinnacles Espanol Pinnacle
26 Relationship ≠ Ownership Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
All moves done, could go quickly

Sun 16th May 2021 - NE Mt Zero Range
Golton Rocks Watchmen Wall
22 Rorschach Sport 18m Good
22 Doctor Manhattan Sport 18m Good
24 Swatch Out Sport 20m Very Good
Fell with 1 move to the jug to go.

Sun 25th Apr 2021 - Pohlner Track & Smith's Rd Area
The Olive Cave
22 Bees Knees Sport 18m, 5 Good
Took a bit to figure the mantle onto the terrifying divingboard

26 Taser Sport 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Made some nice links and stuck the dyno, so bloody good and sad its closing.

Sun 25th Apr 2021 - Briggs Bluff Area
Centurion Walls Lower Centurion Walls
22 Pining For The Fiords Sport 20m, 6 Very Good
23 Left Hand Black Sport 18m, 7 Very Good
Need to figure a way past the three finger pocket.

Mon 5th Apr 2021 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Back Wall
24 Raptures of the Steep Sport 9m, 4 Good
Sun 21st Feb 2021 - Halls Gap Area
South-East Mt Difficult Range The Watchtower
26 My Friend Flipper Sport 30m, 6 Very Good
Got almost to the 4th bolt twice, refined the top sequence. Really nice sustained climbing.

Sun 21st Feb 2021 - Pohlner Track & Smith's Rd Area
The Olive Cave
22 Puzzled Monkey Sport 8m, 5 Good
Couldn't quite get the move around the lip

20 Pip Squeak Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
Fri 12th Feb 2021 - NE Mt Zero Range
Golton Rocks Watchmen Wall
25 We Like to Watch Sport 20m Good
Definitely doable. Shoulder busting gaston at the top.

22 Loiterer Sport 19m, 5 Good
19 Loiterer Left hand Variant Sport 21m, 6 Good
Fri 12th Feb 2021 - Briggs Bluff Area
Centurion Walls Lower Centurion Walls
24 Centrifugal Force Sport 18m, 9 Very Good
Really nice, until the desperate pull over the rooflet.

20 21 Sandpit Sport 20m, 7 Classic
This was so good. Missed a couple of crimpers at the top but was happy to go up again.

Fri 12th Feb 2021 - Halls Gap Area
South-East Mt Difficult Range The Watchtower
21 Jugular Pulse Sport 20m, 5 Good

16 Flat Tack Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Sat 9th Jan 2021 - Flat Rock
West Flank
23 Unraveling Fukishima Sport 18m, 7 Very Good
three really nice and diverse cruxs, 2nd shot.

22 Minutes to Midnight Sport 30m, 7 Good
22 Three Eyes and a Third Leg Sport 20m, 10 Average
Sat 9th Jan 2021 - Victoria Range
Harrop Track Ruined Castle
15 The First Crusade Pitch 1 Sport 20m, 5
19 Slow Roasted Piggy Sport 20m, 4
21 Nicaea Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
19 Retaliation Sport 15m, 5
Sun 22nd Nov 2020 - NE Mt Zero Range
Golton Rocks Wave Wall
18 The Penguin Sport 14m, 5
18 Holy Batmania Sport 11m, 4
21 Holy Human Fly Sport 14m, 6 Average
Shit rock at the start but climbs nicely up top.

Sun 22nd Nov 2020 - NE Mt Zero Range
Golton Rocks Cave Cliff
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
25 Boy Wonder LHV Sport 15m, 7 Very Good
Sat 30th May 2020 - Werribee Gorge
Falcons Lookout Main Boardwalk
22 Squeeze Arete Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
3rd shot today, actually such a good sequence.

Wed 6th May 2020 - Inner Melbourne
Darebin Merri creek bridge, Heidelberg rd
20 Honey Bear Sport 10m, 4 Good
Had a crack cos someone had a top-rope up. Great route fell off the final throw to the lip.

Wed 6th May 2020 - Inner Melbourne
Darebin Merri creek bridge, Heidelberg rd U WALL AREA
20 UK (Unknown) Top rope 12m Good
2nd go, nice flowy climbing with a beautiful cross through

16 U2 (Unknown 2) Top rope 9m Average
Sun 1st Mar 2020 - Victoria Range
Eureka Area Weirs Creek
21 Hysteria Lane Sport 25m, 11 Classic

Showing 1 - 100 out of 246 ascents.