
Ascents by Hugues de Laroussilhe having Boulder CPR

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Showing all 14 ascents.

Rating Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
3289 points
7A Purity — 5 attempts Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
3046 points
6C A-Team — 4 attempts Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
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3008 points
6B James Gordon Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
3001 points
6B Frühlingsputz Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
2921 points
6B+ Comedyclub Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
2908 points
6A+ Die Pfütze des Eisbergs Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
2908 points
6A+ Perlenkette Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
2908 points
6A+ MacGyver Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
2821 points
6B Lust und Frust — 2 attempts Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
2728 points
6A+ Goldkante Boulder Murgtal Sun 26th May 2024
2684 points
6A to 6A+ Gedämpfte Vorfreude — 2 attempts Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
2635 points
5+ Verdauungsspaziergang Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
1494 points
4 Schicht im Schacht Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024
908 points
3 Rotwein im Tetra Pak Boulder Murgtal Wed 1st May 2024

Showing all 14 ascents.