
Ascents by Ian 溫翊恩 having Sport CPR

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 628 ascents.

Rating Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
3396 points
7c+ Changing Plans Direktissima - with Gil Dvir Sport 22m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Classic Wed 6th Mar 2024
Three boulder problems into an exposed tufa escape! This line took work, and was a nice challenge for me. Hot conditions surely played a role in my perspective on the route's difficulty. The clip on the long runner at bolt 3 is a hassle, and I wish that there were a bolt there instead.

3393 points
7c+ Special Forces - with Kat🏔, Takeshi, Anthony Lidbetter Sport 18m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Mega Classic Sun 25th Feb 2024
Took me longer to send than anticipated; I fell repeatedly on the final deadpoint move. A glorious, aesthetic, comfortable line straight up the streak of white rock which first catches the eye when one enters the valley. Redpointed in the morning, with loads of stoke and a generous early belay.

3378 points
5.13a Easy 刀锋战士 Samurai - with Wenting Sport 26m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Mon 8th Jan 2024
Pinches, pockets, and very cool moves. A friend gave beta for the technical crux, but it took major effort to unlock two meters of the rock higher up! My solution cranked a left hand two finger pocket, my weakest and most dreaded grip due to past injuries. This vicious pocket limited the number of attempts and rehearsals I could make, and scared the hell out of me on lead. I rested a bit left mid-route, but found the position very unnatural to avoid or ignore and thus feel fine with it. Wear a helmet; some loose rock.

3374 points
5.13a 物极必反 B.Cross - with Wenting, Wojjy, Heidixe Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Mon 25th Dec 2023
So technical! Fingers, footwork, balance and positioning all play their part. I used an extended draw on the janky final bolt, and downclimbed to mitigate fierce rope drag by unclipping the two bolts above the ledge. I was stuck falling on the final crimpy moves for quite some time, steadily losing skin. Good rest and recovery, slight optimizations, beta advice from a friend, and a mega supportive belayer made the send!

3370 points
5.13a 箭头 Arrow - with Wenting, Lily, Fred Sport 25m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Wed 13th Dec 2023
Fingery, then powerful and pumpy as the cliff steepens. The face into the diagonal crack offers a sustained, technical sequence on crimps and pockets: a glorious set of hard moves.

3271 points
7c Easy Changing Plans - with kosta, Take Sport 22m, 9 Pha Tam Kam Classic Sun 3rd Mar 2024
At least a grade easier than the direct variant; I still felt fresh after traversing in. The final boulder problem, into the tufa, remains wonderfully technical on superb crimps.

3258 points
7c Easy Tetris - with Wenting Sport 5 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Classic Sun 21st Jan 2024
Short extension, just a pair of hard slab boulder problems on a rope, but I really loved solving and climbing this! I climbed by extending ‘Buzzsaw’. I first sent this problem starting from the ‘Buzzsaw’ anchor, but it didn’t feel right doing it that way. I am happy to have spent more time on it, and feel great redpointing it from the ground!

3191 points
7a+ ~7a True Manhood - with Gil Dvir Sport 34m, 16 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Sun 17th Mar 2024
This line is disappointingly soft for the grade, although there is surely some contrived beta which makes it a 7a+. The left side of this crag, the white face, doesn’t get nearly as much traffic as it deserves.

3187 points
7c ~7c Flight of the Bumble Bee - with Wenting Sport 28m, 13 Cat Ba Island Classic Tue 30th May 2023
“Some argue these last moves are 7c” - count me amongst them. Remains listed at 7c in the 2023 guidebook, and goes as hard as most 5.12d / 7c that I’ve climbed. Right hand ring finger split deep and bled profusely, but I managed to redpoint with a taped tip.

3176 points
7a+ Hard Dogs Run Free - with Wenting Sport 22m, 13 The North Wall Classic Thu 25th Jan 2024
Not my preferred style, felt quite hard in the crux. A short section has non-trivial ledge exposure, one heady clip. I found a bad rest slightly to the side, but I think it’s on route.

3175 points
7a+ Soulshine - with Wenting Sport 15m, 8 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Classic Wed 24th Jan 2024
Jamming my fingers saved me from sweating right out of the crux. A little heady clipping above the ledge. Super stoked to onsight this route; I tried hard and committed fully to my read.

3173 points
5.12d 妖缝 - with 大壮, RoyXu Sport 13m, 8 白岩下 Baiyanxia Mega Classic Thu 13th Apr 2023
Short but intense, a case study in power endurance and efficient execution. Crimps, pinches, underclings, a deadpoint, an obligatory two-finger pocket, a heel hook, a kneebar, and amazingly good friction; the movement and holds are consistently varied and indelible. The line even stays dry in moderate rain! Banger.

3166 points
5.12d ~5.12d 比基尼小姐 - with Luo Ye, AnQuan, Mozhe Sport 22m, 10 枣庄 Zao Zhuang Classic Sun 19th Mar 2023
Excellent orange and grey limestone throughout. The lower route is well interspersed with rest, but as you move higher the action gets hotter. Sublime face climbing at the top offers a variety of crimps, small pinches, and delicate footwork - one key move is also harder for the tall! Graded 13a on the topo, but subjectively felt like 12+ to me.

3152 points
5.12d ~5.12d 梦想 - with Maksim Komarov Sport 22m, 9 清远英西 YingXi Classic Wed 1st Feb 2023
Interesting balance moves in the first half, and an awesome, exposed, fingery ceiling flip above the rest ledge. Graded 5.13a on old and new topos. To me, it felt like it could be a 5.12+. I should note that techy face cruxes are my preferred style and strength, that I am tall, and that I worked the route while on a multi-week stint of constant climbing on similar limestone. Whatever the grade, it remains that 梦想 offers beautiful features and superb flow.

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3150 points
5.12d 好久不见 - with Maksim Komarov, RoyXu, Nicole, Wenting Sport 28m, 14 清远英西 YingXi Mega Classic Wed 25th Jan 2023
A proud line starting high off the ground atop a huge boulder, ascending an exceptionally high quality yellow limestone face. Subjectively, this route presented the hardest sustained sequence that I have climbed to date. No individual move is nails hard, nor harder than other crux moves I have climbed around this grade; brutality lies in the sheer intensity of linking everything. I repeatedly climbed clean as far as the final, cranking balance move of my beta - only to peel off, again and again. A last minute beta change sealed the deal, and closed this mentally intense project.

3138 points
7b+ ~7a+ Potatohead Sport 10m, 4 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Fri 9th Feb 2024
Had a lot of fun solving the boulder problem, but the send felt much easier than graded.

3135 points
7a+ Easy 阿要辣油 - with DavideT Sport 14m, 7 南京 Classic Sun 2nd Jun 2024
Thanks to LuoYe for crux beta. Happy to climb the boulder crux smoothly! However, between final bolt and anchor I was drawn in by a good hold, and compelled to messily climb the left face. A few moves were fairly left of the final bolt, close to the next route - but in reflection looking at the line, I feel OK with this. With no clipping hold for the anchor I reached the literal top of the mountain, where the white limestone crown is weathered slippery smooth. The anchor was right beside me at knee height, but so difficult and sketchy to clip! On the way down I tried the obvious alternative finish, and found it much easier. Go figure!

3132 points
5.12d Heavy Flavour - with Maksim Komarov, Wenting Sport 17m, 8 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Mega Classic Sun 27th Nov 2022
Highly aesthetic line, both visually and kinaesthetically. The sequence above the ledge demands a relentless flow of movement, climbing what feel like fractal variations of the same crimpy boulder problem right up to the committing crux deadpoint. Sharp crimps, pinches, finger locks, delicate footwork, and enough overhang to feel powerful and intense. A work of art hewn in stone.

3115 points
5.12c 月亮 Moon - with Wenting Sport 25m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Sat 25th Nov 2023
Superb technical climbing on slippery feet, crimps, and open hands. I majorly struggled making the anchor clip, and almost whipped with the rope in my hand!

3113 points
7a+ Schwing dei Ding - with Gil Dvir, Jappe Sport 20m Pha Tam Kam Classic Thu 21st Mar 2024
Peculiar, unique crux. Creativity and three dimensional thinking were needed, even with flash beta from friends.

3101 points
5.12d 武探花 Kongfu No. 3 - with Wenting, Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 13m, 5 昆明 Kunming Classic Thu 18th Aug 2022
Hand-to-hand combat from bolt one to bolt four. Footwork delicate to the point that I needed stiff shoes to pull any moves - and I still lost an edge, but managed to hold on, during my send. I found two viable options for the second crux; execute a ‘three finger death punch’, or ‘be like water’. Short, but not just a single crux route!

3096 points
7a+ Superstition - with Wenting Sport 15m, 8 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Mega Classic Fri 26th Jan 2024
I benefited enormously from the detailed beta of several friends. Every hold and movement was as I anticipated from the ground, and I climbed through the crux statically. I really enjoyed how the climbing transitions from slabby to steeper.

3048 points
7a Tied Up - with Gil Dvir Sport 12 Pha Tam Kam Classic Sun 17th Mar 2024
I’d had my eye on this route for some time, and finally went for it today. I read the problem flawlessly from the ground; everything that I envisioned and planned actualized into smooth movement.

3047 points
7a Sintersizer Sport 20m, 9 Pha Tam Kam Classic Sat 16th Mar 2024
Nicely varied holds: tufa, pockets, jugs, and a couple of positive pinches. Heat and humidity made the route feel quite intense at the top.

3046 points
5.12b 三好学生 - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 12m, 5 昆明 Kunming Very Good Fri 24th May 2024
Hard, finger intensive boulder problem. Happy that my right hand could handle this one today.

3045 points
7a Stalker Sport 28m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Classic Fri 8th Mar 2024
Super cool little cave mid route. Steep jug haul the entire way, loads of fun.

3037 points
5.12c Easy VIP - with Wenting, Charlie Skinner Sport 18m, 8 枣庄 Zao Zhuang Classic Sun 12th Mar 2023
The brief but sustained crux is headlined by a memorably bomber finger pocket. Looks long from the ground, feels short when climbed.

3002 points
5.11c Hard 大象席地而坐 - with DavideT Sport 10 南宁 Nanning Classic Tue 31st Dec 2024
Brutal. Full body engagement.

3034 points
5.12b Get Shorty - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 17m, 6 昆明 Kunming Very Good Tue 16th Apr 2024
Technical climbing on sparse bolting. Worthwhile! My first climb above 5.12a since finger injuries five weeks prior.

3031 points
7a Easy Cyber Punks - with Wenting Sport 15m, 7 The North Wall Classic Sun 21st Jan 2024
Pumped at the top, so I skipped the final clip and went for it!

3014 points
7b Hard Boulder Dash Sport 36m, 21 Pha Tam Kam Good Thu 8th Feb 2024
Manufactured holds through the bottom boulder problem hurt the route’s quality, for me. I skipped the traverse quickdraw on redpoint, and whipped safely there on one attempt. I had trouble getting this one done, maybe due to inefficient beta or the style; it took significantly more work than Ghosts ‘n Goblins beside it.

3013 points
7b Ghosts 'n Goblins Sport 36m, 21 Pha Tam Kam Mega Classic Sun 4th Feb 2024
Stellar, a truly fantastic line and style. Wonderfully long!

3012 points
7b Easy The Cure Sport 21m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Thu 1st Feb 2024
Technical start. I broke off a large jug and a foothold on my redpoint, somehow didn’t fall, and finished with blood streaming down my hand - dramatic!

3011 points
7b Easy Go Bananas Sport 17m, 9 Pha Tam Kam Classic Mon 29th Jan 2024
Technical boulder on nice crimps. Sharp on the skin.

3009 points
7b ~7a+ Trippin' - with Wenting Sport 20m, 9 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Very Good Mon 22nd Jan 2024
Good crimps, delicate footwork, one heady clip.

2991 points
5.12b Easy Life Buoy - with Wenting Sport 16m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Thu 23rd Nov 2023
Unique movement and careful body positioning throughout. Short and pumpy, tough on skin.

2987 points
5.12c Sumo Wrestler - with Wenting, Guy Healey Sport 13m, 6 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Classic Mon 26th Sep 2022
Fantastic friction throughout a particularly technical crux sequence. The crimps and pinches are sharply textured, and each serious attempt cost me a layer of skin. My right index finger split and bled during the redpoint; if the moves hadn’t gone I wouldn’t have gotten another try.

2984 points
5.12b The Wiggle - with Wenting Sport 22m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Tue 31st Oct 2023
Oddly named route; there was no wiggle. Just brute force and an aggressive three finger drag midway through the boulder. Pretty cool sequence.

2983 points
5.12b Easy 蜻蛉 Damselfly - with Wenting Sport 27m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Mon 30th Oct 2023
Boulder problem starting on the big ledge above Dragonfly. Overhung, but totally a slab footwork crux! Missing first hanger above the ledge. The runout fall looks safe, but I placed a long runner on the second bolt in order to protect the first few moves from the ledge.

2983 points
5.12b ~5.12c Mr Greenwood - with Wenting Sport 21m, 7 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega Classic Mon 30th Oct 2023
I climbed direct, and didn’t use any of the big holds off to the right on the 5.10a’s bolt line. By far the hardest 5.12b I have climbed to date. Totally my style, still felt at least a grade stiff. Fantastic climbing, thin and technical throughout, intense on fingers. A proud send for me - for the line, not for the grade!

2975 points
7b Quarks - with Maksim Komarov, DavideT, Guy Healey Sport 13m, 3 Railay Mega Classic Tue 3rd Oct 2023
Tight crimps, committing crux footholds. Delighted to send as a one day project whilst still weak and underweight from high altitude.

2973 points
7a Easy Si (Four) 四 - with Maksim Komarov, DavideT, 田凯西 Sport 27m, 9 安顺市 Classic Thu 4th Apr 2024
What a striking line! Follows a lovely crack the entire way up, cleaving the karst in half. Good holds and good rests the entire way.

2972 points
5.11c ~5.11b 乞力马扎罗 - with Sarah C. Sport 12m, 5 南京 Very Good Sun 2nd Jun 2024
Jamming helped me with this route. The cracks are sharp, so a bit of pain is obligatory. Single crux for the grade, possibly soft?

2972 points
5.12c 观景台 / Observation Deck - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 30m, 13 六盘水 Liupanshui Very Good Mon 8th Aug 2022
All about the final two bolts and the anchor. Thin hands, thinner feet, an intense crimp sequence. Big rests make the lower route a breeze. On one redpoint attempt I took a big whip, falling with the rope in my hand whilst attempting to clip the chains.

2970 points
5.12c 小酒馆 - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 25m, 13 六盘水 Liupanshui Mega Classic Mon 1st Aug 2022
Thin limestone slab with two footwork cruxes concludes underneath the main event, a burly ceiling flip on marginal hands. Pulling over the roof presents the major crux, as it should be.

2970 points
5.11c ~5.11a 两个锤子 - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 12m, 5 昆明 Kunming Very Good Fri 24th May 2024
Has perhaps gotten easier due to broken rock? Feels like a 5.11- to me.

2967 points
5.11d Ssss - with Wenting, kosta Sport 16m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Wed 13th Dec 2023
I managed to flash on pre-hung draws with excellent, detailed beta from a friend. Climbing flash with super strong support is very fun!

2963 points
7a Cheeky Fucker - with Kevin Sport 22m Pha Tam Kam Classic Sat 2nd Mar 2024
Awesome horizontal climbing, pumpy and three dimensional.

2962 points
7a Schwitzerland - with Kevin, Take Sport 19m, 8 Pha Tam Kam Mega Classic Wed 28th Feb 2024
The most climbed 7a in Laos for a reason - a wonderful route. Flashed on supremely detailed beta.

2961 points
7a Easy Sound of Music Sport 20m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Classic Sun 25th Feb 2024
Delightful to climb with thorough beta from a friend. Excellent holds and moves.

2946 points
5.11d 爱人大动作 Small Man, Big Move - with J, Jerry zhong, Yangbin Sport 25m, 11 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Fri 13th Jan 2023
Started up this route on a whim at the end of the day, a stranger’s Petzl Spirits already placed and perfectly extended. I thrashed a bit through the ceiling, pumped but fighting hard, focused on staying static and working high feet. The route is graded 11c in the guidebook but 11d here, and I’m not sure where I stand on the matter given my somewhat desperate onsight. The overhang is both powerful and committing, and without extended draws in it would have been even harder.

2944 points
5.12b Easy 聪明的人类 - with DavideT, Maksim Komarov Sport 14m, 5 枣庄 Zao Zhuang Very Good Thu 22nd Jun 2023
Short route, technical and very crimpy. I solved the crux by going direct, but many prefer to climb to the right.

2944 points
5.11d 长城 The Great Wall - with Lily Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega Classic Thu 5th Jan 2023
A good position just before the crux enabled me to carefully scope the holds, and fully commit to my execution. I almost lost it right below the anchor, too pumped for the final easy move, but was able to sort out a decent resting stance and get enough back to pull through. Onsighted while hanging my draws.

2936 points
7b Easy License To Climb - with Wenting Sport 25m, 13 Vịnh Lan Hạ Mega Classic Thu 25th May 2023
What an adventure. Left harbor at 5:30 am. Torrential rain in the early morning. Onsight burn was a lost cause. First three bolts were slick and a few key footholds, all the jugs, and most pinches were damp. Moisture and blind moves made hard climbing; I reached bolt 9. Fortune turned with wind, drying the rock, but the climb remained intensely hot and humid.

On redpoint my right arm locked at the elbow, heat cramp, and I was just barely able to shake it back to execute the upper sequence - glorious! The rock is rare limestone flowstone, a golden line of melted candlewax threaded between crispy, blackened drainage streaks.

Good conditions must be tricky; committing access and a unique environment. I must say that subjective grade is surely condition dependent.

2925 points
5.11d 硬腿子 - with Wenting Sport 10m, 5 南京 Classic Sun 6th Nov 2022
Sharp friction and good climbing on a unique quartz/conglomerate mix. Fingery holds on this one. Managed to successfully problem solve whilst in motion, and pull off an onsight while hanging my gear.

2924 points
5.11c ~5.11b 小朋友 Little Homie - with Wenting Sport 24m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Mon 25th Dec 2023
Not sure where the elimination holds are supposed to be, but I probably used them. Felt like 5.11- to me; some moves were definitely harder than 5.10+. Personally, I don’t think eliminations belong on a sport route.

2919 points
5.12a Trapennzi - with Joe Langwald (大石头), 悠幽子 Sport 13m, 4 昆明 Kunming Classic Tue 21st May 2024
Very fingery, two boulder problems. Being able to even climb this is a great measure of how far my finger injuries have improved.

2917 points
5.12c Orangina - with Rizki Tarisa Sport 21m 清远英西 YingXi Mega Classic Sat 5th Feb 2022
A highly aesthetic line directly up the middle of the cliff face, ascending picturesque white-grey mottled rock. Strenuous on fingers, body tension, and smeared footwork. I really had to reach; definitely harder for shorter climbers. The final bolt felt a bit sketchy to clip.

2915 points
5.11c Surprise Attack - with Wenting Sport 17m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Sun 26th Nov 2023
High quality features up an overhung corner. Not nearly as sharp as it looks from the ground, and climbs very well in spite of a little bit of cave dust. Pumpy!

2915 points
5.12c 太岁传奇 Jupiter Legend - with Andre Sport 22m, 12 清远英西 YingXi Classic Sun 30th Jan 2022
Long, slabby face route with a complex upper crux section. Heady penultimate clip on slippery smeared feet. I skipped the last draw on my send, as this made clipping the anchor feel more reasonable.

2913 points
5.12b Easy - with Wenting Sport 15m, 8 枣庄 Zao Zhuang Mega Classic Sun 12th Mar 2023
I felt my full body engaged while levering through the awesome movement on this classic line. Save some chicken for the finish! Absolute banger.

2912 points
5.11c/d 白壁1 - with Maksim Komarov Sport 17m, 9 清远英西 YingXi Very Good Wed 1st Feb 2023
Quite overhung, mostly on good holds. This route is a real pumper. I onsighted while hanging my draws.

2912 points
5.12a/b ~5.12b Raven - with Nicole Sport Bruce Peninsula Classic Sun 16th Jul 2023
Very aesthetic rock and movement throughout. The crux puzzle was highly rewarding to unlock, and to execute! Felt like a 12b to me.

2907 points
5.11c Easy Bad Egg - with Wenting Sport 25m, 10 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Tue 31st Oct 2023
Sequential and crimpy, same style and quality as the routes alongside it. Great cruxes!

2907 points
5.11c Hustler's Roof - with Wenting Sport 22m, 9 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Mon 30th Oct 2023
I really had to fight through the boulder problem crux; the solution I found was particularly fierce.

2905 points
7b The Tiger Queen Sport 12m, 4 Ton Sai Mega Classic Sun 12th Feb 2023
The Tiger Queen taught me several lessons; not to climb the day after a sleepless night of dysentery, that early morning conditions on the beach are phenomenal, that wardrobe adjustments help with heat management. Mega line, amazing flow.

2903 points
6c+ Schnapsnase - with Gil Dvir Sport 16m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Thu 21st Mar 2024
Climbs much better than it looks from below, a nice line. Pumpy.

2901 points
6c+ Scotch On The Rocks Sport 30m, 15 Pha Tam Kam Classic Fri 15th Mar 2024
Nice climbing through the white rock, pumpy finish. Miserable to clean.

2900 points
6c+ Hard Chromosomenchaos - with Zongbin Sport 19m, 9 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Wed 13th Mar 2024
Pumpy! Be very careful with the patch of brown choss near the beginning of the route.

2900 points
5.11d 那条顶上有黑蛇的线 - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 24m, 10 六盘水 Liupanshui Mega Classic Fri 12th Aug 2022
The home of an infamous black python who inexplicably lives at the anchor, in a hole 25m off of the ground. A confluence of finger strength, focus, slab trickery and general tenacity got me past the genuinely challenging slab cruxes, most notably a tensely brutal two finger pocket pull onto high, slippery feet. The upper route presented one anxious crux for me, traversing onto a bad foot smear. Conducted in good style whilst hanging my draws. The python wasn't home.

2899 points
6c+ Pulverizer - with Zongbin Sport 27m, 11 Pha Tam Kam Classic Sun 10th Mar 2024
The white rock is lovely to climb, pocketed and smooth on the hands. Be careful with the ledges.

2897 points
5.12b 焚心似火 - with Maksim Komarov, RoyXu, Nicole Sport 22m, 10 清远英西 YingXi Very Good Tue 17th Jan 2023
Very aesthetic route, viewed from the ground. The crux was awkward and hard, cranking out a traverse on a sharp pinch. My solution was reachy, and made use of a key right foothold in the little ceiling.

2896 points
6c+ Hard Mr. Ku - with Kevin, Take Sport 30m, 14 Pha Tam Kam Classic Tue 27th Feb 2024
Superb line, climbs very well the entire way. Long and enjoyable!

2894 points
5.12b Three Levels of Shut the Fuck Up - with Lily Sport 14m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Classic Sat 7th Jan 2023
Short but quite fierce, with no real easy sections nor any particularly great holds. Sharp in places, some crumbly rock, dusty - yet taken all together it has good character.

2892 points
5.12b 愤怒的小鸟 Angry Bird Sport 25m, 13 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega Classic Sun 1st Jan 2023
Interesting crux movements, superb friction, and plenty of hold variation make for an awesome route. Climbing shirtless in January sunshine was wonderful.

2891 points
6c+ Unbreakable Sport 41m, 18 Pha Tam Kam Mega Classic Sun 11th Feb 2024
Wonderfully varied the entire way. There’s a bit of everything, and all high quality.

2889 points
7a+ Hard Ui ui ui Tiffy Sport 28m, 10 Pha Tam Kam Very Good Fri 8th Mar 2024
Intense crux, an engaging problem.

2887 points
6c+ Hard Badami Deluxe Sport 22m, 8 Pha Tam Kam Classic Tue 30th Jan 2024
Steeper than it looks from the ground. Nice technical section.

2885 points
6c+ Easy Smoked Out - with Wenting Sport 25m, 8 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Very Good Wed 24th Jan 2024
Cool crux on twin tufa, but very dirty. Would be nice if cleaned up; I brushed it a bit for the next climber.

2885 points
6c+ Hard Hunting Shrooms - with Wenting Sport 24m, 10 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Classic Mon 22nd Jan 2024
Excellent slab problems, but neither as sustained nor as interesting as ‘Grace’ beside it.

2884 points
6c+ Doctor Zeus - with Wenting Sport 7 Chong Phli - Spirit Mountain Mega Classic Thu 18th Jan 2024
Sustained, top quality limestone slab climbing. Technical and thoughtful the entire way.

2882 points
5.11b/c Hard 马叔叔的电影票 - with Maksim Komarov Sport 28m, 12 南宁 Nanning Classic Sun 31st Dec 2023
Comfortable climbing into a very nice technical crux.

2879 points
5.12a Easy 大血泡 Big Blister - with AntonioAnuk, Wenting, Arran Sport 25m, 14 阳朔 Yangshuo Mega Classic Tue 9th Jan 2024
Superb technical climbing, very high quality rock!

2878 points
7a+ Hard Sabbatical Sport 18m, 9 Pha Tam Kam Classic Fri 2nd Feb 2024
Tough crux. We pulled off a three-person send train!

2865 points
5.12b Jet Li - with Wenting Sport 17m, 11 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Very Good Tue 4th Oct 2022
Defined by its physically demanding crux, the final four meters to the rings. Violence is, in fact, the solution. I skipped clipping the final bolt on my redpoint. Great but more moderate climbing throughout the lower route, and a good rest immediately below the crux sequence.

2865 points
5.12b Route Makers, Heart Breakers - with Wenting Sport 22m, 13 临安狮头岩 Lion's Head Classic Sat 1st Oct 2022
The high, thin crux sequence presents quite an interesting puzzle to solve, with an unusually wide selection of sharp crimps to choose from.

2856 points
5.11c Easy 肉塞 - with Wenting Sport 30m, 15 两头洞 U Cave Classic Sun 14th May 2023
Long but interspersed with rest, perhaps with multiple crux sections - depending on one’s route finding skill in dim light. Balance climbing with many lock offs and blind holds - high feet and confidence are rewarded! Last climb of the weekend, sapping everything I had left in my injured big toe. Soft for the grade, could be a stiff 11b or a soft 11c.

2856 points
5.12b 六六大顺 - with Maksim Komarov, Wenting, Lin Sport 15m, 6 枣庄 Zao Zhuang Mega Classic Sat 3rd Sep 2022
There is ground fall potential at bolt two, and while clipping bolt three. On my first attempt I took an unfortunate fall on the finger pocket, slightly injuring my left middle finger. This route devours finger endurance, but the redpoint crux is in managing slippery feet! Stiff, in my opinion.

2854 points
5.11b Hard Ten Pound Lunker Bass - with Nicole, Emma Sport 6 Halton Region Classic Fri 21st Jun 2024
Felt hard for the grade - but it was also quite damp, and I also read it poorly from the ground.

2850 points
5.12b 5.12c 鸡尾冰摇 Cocktail shake - with Wenting Sport 20m 昆明 Kunming Very Good Sun 14th Aug 2022
Glossy feet and tight crimps, but only for a couple of moves. The section immediately after the crux is cool, and climbs elegantly.

2849 points
5.11d Easy Blood Moon Sport 15m, 10 The North Wall Very Good Thu 16th Feb 2023
Powerful ceiling flip. With good beta I was able to execute exactly what I envisioned from the ground, albeit with a bit of intensity. Absolutely not my style of climb; perhaps a bit soft?

2849 points
5.12b Office Work - with Joe Langwald (大石头) Sport 15m, 7 六盘水 Liupanshui Classic Tue 9th Aug 2022
There is one sharp, shiny, two and a half finger quartzite crimp which really sets the tone for this route. My beta made for two cruxes, both thin and traversing.

2845 points
5.12b 发发要命 Sport 27m, 13 六盘水 Liupanshui Classic Thu 28th Jul 2022
One burn to sort out my beta, and a second to execute it. Although the crux and harder lower section climbed elegantly, I thrashed with pump through the easy finish.

2845 points
5.11c Easy 古木 Ancient Wood - with kosta, Wenting, AntonioAnuk Sport 14m, 8 阳朔 Yangshuo Very Good Thu 28th Dec 2023
Tough to read. Happy to flash this on very detailed beta, quite enjoyable. Pumpy for the grade, and really wore me down for the rest of the day!

2845 points
5.11b Bumping Tufas - with Joe Langwald (大石头), 悠幽子 Sport 26m, 11 昆明 Kunming Mega Classic Tue 21st May 2024
Superb line! Long, and quality throughout.

2844 points
5.12b 熊猫眼 Panda eye Sport 24m, 9 昆明 Kunming Very Good Tue 26th Jul 2022
Lovely, spiky red rock riddled with pockets. While the risk of a ledge impact is heady, it can be completely mitigated by extending the second draw above the ledge. Redpointed on my second burn, felt very smooth.

2841 points
5.11b Easy 泥鳅 Mud Fish - with Rene Sport 石鼓 Shigu Very Good Tue 7th May 2024
Lovely tufa features on this short route.

2841 points
5.11b ~5.11c 黑天使 Black Angel - with Rene Sport 石鼓 Shigu Classic Tue 7th May 2024
Crux was vicious for me, and I really fought for the onsight. I don't think that I misread or missed any significant holds - felt hard for the grade.

2840 points
5.12b Collective Effort - with YopSter, Dan Sport 26m, 12 六盘水 Liupanshui Mega Classic Tue 12th Jul 2022
Consistently overhanging face, richly featured with assorted tufa, big flake holds, and just enough crimps to keep things spicy. A difficult start and a technical crux lead into a long endurance climb interspersed with decent resting positions. I could not have sent without the encouragement and route beta of my friends. Catharsis washed over me as I clipped the chains.

2838 points
5.11b ~5.11a A Life Full of You - with Rene, Maksim Komarov Sport 34m 石鼓 Shigu Mega Classic Mon 29th Apr 2024
Exceptionally high quality. The red rock has a coarse grain, which makes for amazing friction. This route climbs so, so well.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 628 ascents.