
Ascents by itchychy having Sport CPR

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Showing all 23 ascents.

Rating Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
3565 points
8a Rudolf - with maja jovanovska Sport 25m Mavrovo Very Good Sat 27th Jul 2024
The first part of the route features sharp crimps and pinches, demanding technical precision. The second part transitions into a pumpy overhang with large holds, requiring significant endurance. After discovering two kneebars that offer good rest, the route feels much easier. Given that only three climbers have ascended this route so far, it's challenging to provide a definitive grade. More ascents are needed to accurately determine its difficulty. Video :

3098 points
7b+ ~7b+ Don Vladi — 2 attempts Sport Bislimska klisura Very Good Sun 1st Oct 2023
се скрши клучно фаќалиште на почеток, сега е потешка за 1 оцена

2989 points
7b Инспектор јога — 2 attempts - with Ivan Kuzmanovski Sport 25m Kadina Sat 18th Nov 2023
2893 points
7b Cero Trlo — 2 attempts - with maja Sport 10m Matka Wed 4th Jan 2023
2749 points
7b Patrick Edlinger L2 — 2 attempts - with ognen, maja, tomi Sport Demir Kapija Very Good Sat 19th Nov 2022
2749 points
7b Суртук Сканија L2 - with ognen, maja, tomi Sport 30m Demir Kapija Sat 19th Nov 2022
2746 points
7a+ Радар Петра L2 - with ognen, maja, tomi Sport 30m Demir Kapija Sat 19th Nov 2022
2746 points
7a+ Skapa Zena - with maja, tomi Sport Demir Kapija Very Good Sat 19th Nov 2022
2710 points
7a Ѕвезда северница - with Ivan Kuzmanovski Sport 25m Kadina Average Sat 11th Nov 2023
2615 points
7a La Cumbre - with mote Sport 15m Matka Tue 3rd Jan 2023
2604 points
7a Ѕвезда северница — 2 attempts - with ognen, maja Sport 25m Kadina Average Sun 27th Nov 2022
2592 points
7a Black Jack Sport Bislimska klisura Good Sun 18th Oct 2020
2577 points
6b+ ~6b+ Муза - with maja jovanovska Sport 17m Bislimska klisura Good Mon 23rd Oct 2023
2469 points
6c+ Кичма - with maja Sport 20m Matka Wed 4th Jan 2023
2469 points
6c+ Dont wary bé happy — 2 attempts - with mote Sport 25m Matka Tue 3rd Jan 2023
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
2189 points
6b+ Fin Mus - with mote Sport 20m Matka Tue 3rd Jan 2023
2046 points
6b Биг бол - with maja Sport 25m Matka Wed 4th Jan 2023
2046 points
6b Srdalinka - with maja Sport 20m Matka Wed 4th Jan 2023
1996 points
5c ~6c Macedonia L2 Sport Demir Kapija Sat 20th Apr 2024
1954 points
7a C.A.C — 2 attempts - with ognen, maja, tomi Sport 20m Kadina Crap Sat 26th Nov 2022
1899 points
6a+ Tvrdoglavi - with maja Sport 20m Matka Tue 3rd Jan 2023
1888 points
6a+ Директорка - with ognen, maja, tomi Sport 20m Kadina Sat 26th Nov 2022
Том и Џери - with maja Sport 15m Matka Wed 4th Jan 2023

Showing all 23 ascents.