
Ascents in Halls Gap Area as Working

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 268 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
V11 The Bakelite Concept - with Will Mendoza Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Gen Giddings
Wed 9th Aug 2017
V11 The Bakelite Concept - with Anton Klimenko Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Justin Foo
Sat 18th Jan 2020
Half of the moves done. Need to figure out how to move left to the high crimp before the dyno. Wishing for cooler temps!

V11 First Blood Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Liam Jones
Mon 16th Nov 2020
Surprisingly good first session on this. Only 2 moves left to do and they felt pretty close. Hopefully stick them next session and then time to start making links.

V11 The Bakelite Concept Boulder Halls Gap Area
Mon 8th Mar 2021
Testing the waters before cooler temps. Feel pretty confident+solid getting to high left, but will wait for condis before I start throwing myself at the deadpoint.

V11 First Blood Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sun 11th Apr 2021
Very cool. Need to be able to do the second to 5th-ish moves hahaha. Would definitely want to try on a dry day.

V11 First Blood - with April Daltonalomes Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sun 15th Aug 2021
Finally opened the account on this one. All but one move done in isolation (rh bump/3rd(?) move) and a few links on the easier finishing sequence. Went wildly better than anticipated... and am very keen on putting some time and effort into this banger

V11 First Blood Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Thu 19th Aug 2021
Now have first 3 moves in isolation and linked 4th through to top out. Bottom three gonna be REAL hard to link and then climbing top half afterwards... yeah, we a fair way off. Stoked nonetheless.

V11 First Blood Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sat 11th Sep 2021
Small session to refresh all of the moves. Feeling more solid on it than before lockdown, but climbing very sloppily.

V11 First Blood - with April Daltonalomes, Jamie, Hannah Nguyen Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sun 25th Sep 2022
First session in a while, went in with low expectations. Linked the hard first 3 moves and then made silly footwork mistakes to drop the easy end sequence... twice. But feels real good to have it in two parts now and seems like perhaps the send isn't too far off.

V11 First Blood Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Zach Azeez
Mon 3rd Apr 2023
Making progress. Will tweak replica at home. Def way harder than RHV.

V11 The Bakelite Concept Boulder Halls Gap Area
Wed 12th Apr 2023
V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area
Anthony Williams
Mon 6th Nov 2017
Awesome. Worked on the middle section.

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Stuart Seear
Sun 29th Apr 2018
Suprised myself, put all moves together until what I think is the last one, quite quickly. Needed a spotter to go for it. Too many broken ankles in the gramps this weekend : (

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Classic
Stuart Seear
Sun 29th Apr 2018
Next time

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Tom Hodges
Tue 2nd Jul 2019
Thought I was trying the V6, didn't feel impossible which is very surprising.

V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Phil Neville
Sun 17th Nov 2019
Lots of hard moves in row. Nothing crazy, but it just keeps building. Conditions were not amazing, but got some good links.

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sascha Paul
Sat 21st Dec 2019
Had a good play on this lovely arete today. Seems like there is some confusion as to whether or not you can use holds left of the arete that aren't the underclings or have to stay right mainly using the big moon feature like Oliver did. Also the start is an "American sitstart" (= crouch start) and doesn't start on the very lowest edges.

V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sascha Paul
Thu 26th Dec 2019
Felt super desperate even with amazing nighttime conditions. Maybe just need more rest beforehand? Big day before the heat hits

V10 Stoplight Arete - with Anton Klimenko Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Very Good
Justin Foo
Sun 29th Dec 2019
Lovely moves. Will continue working this one for sure!

V10 London Gentleman - with Katie Soldau, Ollie Price, Arpre Quiñoneza, Daniel Borsi, Bset Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Liam Jones
Fri 10th Jan 2020
Got the traverse from the start in one link. Couldn’t quite figure out the move to gain the slopey rail at the lip, or the move to the final bulge. Felt close though. Excited to come back and work it.

V10 London Gentleman Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Liam Jones
Sat 18th Jan 2020
Top is proving to be more difficult than anticipated. Some slight progress today but it’s going to take a lot more work before this one goes.

V10 Stoplight Arete - with Anton Klimenko Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Very Good
Justin Foo
Sat 18th Jan 2020
Highpoint today. Can't seem to move feet after getting second left hand sloper though. Might have to try something else next time, or just see if cooler temps make a difference. Was boiling hot today!

V10 Stoplight Arete - with Anton Klimenko, Wojjy, Heidixe Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Good
Justin Foo
Mon 27th Jan 2020
I don't know if I can call today's session progress. I can 'feel' that I seem to be able to go to the higher sloper as I'm feeling more balanced with some new foot beta... Not sure

V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area Classic
Stuart Seear
Sat 14th Mar 2020
Managed to figure all beta up to last 2 moves and put it together in 2 sections. Again need a spotter and extra pad for the top.

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Classic
Jackson Allan
Mon 23rd Mar 2020
Trying to nail the balanced position before moving up fast the first pinch sloper. An interesting challeng this one.

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Mon 8th Mar 2021
Somewhat optimistic for working this in the cooler months. Felt pretty good despite warm weather and gassed body.

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Mon 5th Apr 2021
Unlocked the step up today. Just the drop in move to go. Feeling pretty close.

V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area
Todd Stewart
Sat 24th Apr 2021
V10 Stoplight Arete - with James Wagner, Keita Richardson, Alex Nellist, Raian, Silvia Gong Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Classic
Grant Shu
Tue 25th May 2021
Somehow this actually went ok except to the bit where I fell

V10 Stoplight Arete Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Classic
Fraser Gust
Wed 6th Jul 2022
came close! worked it all out except the drop in move at the top

V10 The Departed Boulder 5m Halls Gap Area
Wed 12th Apr 2023
Again. Punted the top. Needed power endurance.

V10 Stoplight Arete - with Hannah Rose Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area Very Good
Patrick Munnings
Wed 26th Apr 2023
One I'd be keen to get on again. Felt close but just had nothing in the tank

V10 Blockhead Boulder Halls Gap Area
Chris Snell
Wed 17th Jan 2024
Stand start is good. Similar to Rick and Morty’s in style. Maybe about V6/7. Can’t solve the sit start!

V10 Stoplight Arete - with Stefan H Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Zach Azeez
Sun 7th Apr 2024
V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area
Anthony Williams
Sat 29th Oct 2016

V9 The Abyss - with Nick Moore Boulder 8m Halls Gap Area
Anthony Williams
Sat 18th Nov 2017
Stellar. Worked out the 1st half but it's starting to get airy up there!!

V9 The Quickening - with Wojjy, peddler, Gen Boulder Halls Gap Area
Sat 23rd Feb 2019
First time trying this one! got to the match on the lip first go

V9 The Quickening - with Jose, Reuben Bennett-Daly, Garry A Williams, Stuart Seear, Jase, Ikuya Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Sat 27th Apr 2019
A man can dream.... more crimps!

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sascha Paul
Wed 11th Dec 2019
Didn't dare to commit with only a headtorch on and the prospect of pinging into the riverbed. Pretty sure I got the standstart sorted, strangely though without any compression moves and just crimps! Well psyched to get back on this asap.

V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sascha Paul
Wed 1st Jan 2020
Wow, what a line. Really surprised myself by getting fairly far while working this. The holds look atrocious but magically become useable once you duck under the lip. Could have probably done this one but couldn't bring myself to really commit because of the landing. I think if not for the landing this would be a world class problem. What a dreamline.

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area
Ben Dickson
Sat 15th Feb 2020
Tick type of "working" might be a bit of a stretch - playing around with first move between Michael and Max making actual attemptes on this. Could probably hit first hold currently, but finger strength not nearly enough to do adjust feet to do next move.. but as far as V8's go, seems one of the more achievable ones

V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Chris Martinez
Sun 24th May 2020
First session on this awesome line and got unbelievably close to get it. Dynamic right hand to finish is the way for me.

V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sun 22nd Nov 2020
Had a little dabble, but perhaps not ideal conditions... sliding off the slopers.

V10 V9 Second Blood Boulder Halls Gap Area
Sun 11th Apr 2021
Well... I think I got 2 to three more moves to work on 💪

V9 The Walker - with Keita Richardson, Silvia Gong, Raian, James Wagner Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Grant Shu
Sat 29th May 2021
Fricken goes but wish I was not trashed from 40+ hours of climbing over 5 days aaaaa

V9 The Quickening - with Keita Richardson, James Wagner, Raian, Silvia Gong Boulder Halls Gap Area
Grant Shu
Sun 30th May 2021
The one crux move made me realise how weak I really am but everything else goes

V10 V9 Second Blood Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Liam Jones
Tue 22nd Jun 2021
Had to come up with a new sequence, avoiding the good pinch on the flake, after it began flexing mid session. Found beta that works but was too tired to link it from the sit.

V9 The Quickening - with April Daltonalomes Boulder Halls Gap Area
Sat 11th Sep 2021
This thing climbs amazingly. Too bad I was way too scared to try the crux cross without more pads and an extra spotter. One to get back to (with friends) for sure.

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Mon 1st Nov 2021
V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Nathan Organ
Mon 6th Dec 2021
Such an amazing Boulder

V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Nathan Organ
Mon 6th Dec 2021
One of the best boulders I’ve ever been on

V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area
Robert Ford
Sun 12th Dec 2021
V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Andrew Nguyen
Mon 17th Jan 2022
V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area
Andrew Nguyen
Mon 17th Jan 2022
V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Yuji Nakano
Fri 15th Apr 2022
V9 The Quickening Boulder Halls Gap Area
Mon 25th Apr 2022
Will need to come back in a few months when I have a little more confidence in my right ring finger... gotta really crank for that crux cross.

V9 Second Blood Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Liam Johnston
Mon 30th May 2022
V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Alec Landstra
Sat 1st Oct 2022
This thing is sick! Just struggling to get the right heel up, maybe in better conditions

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area
Zach Azeez
Mon 3rd Apr 2023
Stand feels like V9 to me! Great climbing.

V9 The Walker Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sun 30th Apr 2023
Felt solid on everything in iso... but feel like I am in a permanent state of slipping off after adding the intro sequence. Maybe just need some fresh skin and for the stars to align to get the tick.

V9 The Walker - with Jamie, Jake, Grant Shu, Silvia Gong, Pete, Nathan Miles Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Mon 24th Apr 2023
SO AWESOME! Managed to hit the left hand sloper with the left heel in. Now to come back with some giga splits energy

V9 Second Blood Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Phil Neville
Sun 17th Sep 2023
Got super close, climbed from pulling on with good RH to top twice. Just got to nail the first move.

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area
James Teede
Fri 26th Jan 2024
V9 Immersion - with gsmizz Boulder Halls Gap Area
Will Gregson
Sat 16th Mar 2024
Had some marginally better temps and used compressions instead of crimps with the right hand, made a good high point but got scared and would like to try the top on a rope first but possible with good conditions

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area
Ashlee Hendy
Mon 15th Apr 2024
So cooked, need to come back and finish this off. Great conditions, just couldn’t stick the right hand snatch

V9 Immersion Boulder Halls Gap Area
Mon 22nd Apr 2024

V9 The Quickening - with Keita Richardson, Raian, Silvia Gong, Jack Oakley Boulder Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Grant Shu
Fri 7th Jun 2024

V8 Bath Shark - with Tanya, Justin Foo Boulder Halls Gap Area
Anthony Williams
Sun 28th Aug 2016
Seems doable.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Anthony Williams
Sat 29th Oct 2016
V8 Bath Shark - with Jesper Sidhu, Merryn Boulder Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Tue 20th Dec 2016
wow, impressive

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with gaetan Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sat 1st Jul 2017
V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with thara Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sat 1st Jul 2017
V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area
Stuart Seear
Sun 29th Apr 2018
Have all the pieces, just need to work on my power & contact strength for the start move.

V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Phil Neville
Thu 11th Oct 2018
Got all the moves. Too tired at EOD. Top is super dirty. Might need a rap and clean.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with Katie Soldau Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Liam Jones
Fri 19th Apr 2019
Figured out all the moves and made some links

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Mon 29th Apr 2019
V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area Classic
Sascha Paul
Wed 11th Dec 2019
First move seems pretty hard. Not sure how to topout yet.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sascha Paul
Sat 21st Dec 2019
Mega session with valentine, Chris and Ben. Got all the moves and fell off past the cross, what a line.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with Ollie Price, Liam Jones, Katie Soldau, Arpre Quiñoneza, Bset, Yuji Nakano Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Daniel Borsi
Sat 11th Jan 2020
Super stoked to pull all the moves, courtesy of a comprehensive beta download from Liam Jones. Psyched to endlessly session on it

V8 Rick & Morty Boulder 4m Halls Gap Area
Ben Dickson
Mon 17th Feb 2020
Does it count as a failed flash if you don't even pull of the ground?.. Couldn't find any video beta on quick search - would be really helpful to see someone do this, as can't tell if it's just too hard, or I'm reading the start wrong (or, both)

V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Mon 9th Mar 2020
Managed all but the 1st move. Pulling on seems insanely hard

V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Stuart Seear
Sun 15th Mar 2020
V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Dario Ferrari
Wed 27th Mar 2019
V8 Rick Steel Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Dario Ferrari
Wed 27th Mar 2019
V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with April Daltonalomes Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sun 2nd Aug 2020
What an amazing line! Was a little worried when I saw how steep it was and felt up the holds. But managed to puzzle out the moves and get it in two parts. Finger gave me a little trouble on the middle moves, so link will have to wait for next session. Stoked.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with April Daltonalomes Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Mon 28th Sep 2020
Had a go at linking the middle moves at the end of a big weekend. Managed to do so pretty comfortably, despite no skin and an aching body. Keen to give this send goes next session.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with April Daltonalomes Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sat 16th Jan 2021
Moves feeling pretty cruisy, but repeatedly greasing off the left hand on the big move. Think it is gonna be one of those problems that takes me forever despite feeling pretty comfy. Also took a fall with heel toe cam in and tweaked my ankle a little... oops. Next time...?

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with Kody Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Sun 7th Feb 2021
Only thing i pulled onto day 2. Felt surprisingly okay. Did it in two parts and am now confident in the top out. Next time?

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Mega Classic
Mon 5th Apr 2021
Got two good attempts before it got warm. Stuck high right hand and then heel popped... highpoint?

V8 CMD - with Wojjy Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area Classic
Sun 9th May 2021
First time actually spending time on this. It is such a cool problem that got so such in it. It definitely felt impossible until you try very hard and believe in yourself 😂 small crimps, tension, then heel hooks, slopers and a sideway mantle. Got all the moves so need to come back n try to link it!

V8 Bath Shark Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Sun 20th Jun 2021
I can pull on now which is nice. First move feeling closer.

V8 Beige is All The Rage - with April Daltonalomes Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Sat 11th Sep 2021
Spent rest of my energy on this after retreating from Quickening. Struggled to find beta for second move, but rest felt pretty comfortable. Come back to it one day.

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Andrew Nguyen
Mon 17th Jan 2022
V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Jasper Hose
Mon 25th Apr 2022
All moves down except for the top out. Back soon to keep working on it. Mega classic

V8 Mars Attacks Boulder Halls Gap Area Very Good
Ryan Seymour
Sun 3rd Jul 2022
Got a move or two to figure out but it feels like it'll go. Will return with more pads and spotters

V8 Beige is All The Rage Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Geraint F
Sun 29th May 2022
just got to put it together

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Geraint F
Sat 16th Jul 2022
got rained out, will have to come back

V8 Blackbeard's Delight Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Alec Landstra
Fri 2nd Dec 2022
Oh so close! Next time

V8 Blackbeard's Delight - with Joseph Nuttall Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
Dylan Tainsh
Mon 6th Feb 2023
V8 Beige is All The Rage Boulder 3m Halls Gap Area
David Barrie
Sat 18th Mar 2023

Showing 1 - 100 out of 268 ascents.

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