
Ascents in New South Wales and ACT as various tick types

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Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
21 Red Heat - with Peter
1 20 45
2 21 45
3 21 25
4 20 50
Mixed trad 170m, 1 Bungonia Gorge
Sun 6th Oct 2019
Decided to rapp down after pitch 4 as we didn't want to do the last pitch in dark. Also learnt that unfrequented long trad lines wondering on sometimes seemingly blank limestone walls can be very time consuming to navigate and be mentally challenging.. This route gave me a moment of pondering to myself about why the hell im out here.. But afterwards cherishing the moments and craving to do it all again. Led pitches 2 and 4 which were both great! Mostly found lots of good pro on my pitches and I sure made use of all of it. Sadly we probably didn't do the best part, The top 2 pitches, and are keen to return for that.

29 Luminous Blue - with Peter
1 23 40
2 24 50
8 29
Sport 90m, 99 Bungonia Gorge
Mon 7th Oct 2019
Plan was to do first 4 pitches of air Malta but we were so excited to see shiny hangers up good rock we jumped on this by mistake.. It seemed a little off as there was no obvious mantle in p1 etc and it was bit longer but the grade seemed on point so didn't think to much of it. I led P2 thinking im up for a 20m 21 and got served a ±50 metre 24. Somehow managed to queak through for the onsight though.. Yeeew! First 2 pitches are both very good.. The rest remains something to aspire to..

18 Blast Off
1 18 20m
Trad 20m Blue Mountains
Anton Korsun
Sat 18th Sep 2021
A veritable waterfall. Shhh Pat, don't tell them we left booty...🤫

22 Saccharine Nightmare - with Alex Mantaut
1 22 27m lead by Jay
2 21 30m lead by Jay
3 17 35m
4 15 10m
Sport 100m Blue Mountains Very Good
Wed 23rd Feb 2022
Made an after work attempt with Alex during a (slightly shorter than anticipated) break in the rain this week. Cruised up the first pitch and started on the second pitch just in time for the heavens to open up. I got drenched in seconds as the climb turned into a waterfall. Bailed off a ring and we rapped back to the ground

19 The West Face of the Mirrorball - with damion best
1 19 25m
Sport 25m Blue Mountains Classic
Will Vidler
Sun 1st Jun 2014
Led the first pitch but it started pouring with rain about half way up, so much so that i had to run it out from about halfway to the belay ledge as i couldnt hang on to the slippery holds for long enough to put the bolt plates on. Rapped off and did the long hike out in the rain. Saw the mountain goat on lunch ledge when we went back to collect our gear. (I was 14)

19 Colosseum Corner
1 19 20m
2 17 13m
3 19 33m
4 12m
Trad 78m Blue Mountains Very Good
Fri 3rd Sep 2021
Climbed the first two (linked together), then ran out of light and had to bail. Some beautiful moves and some dodgy rock, a bit more of a mixed bag than expecte really. The first pitch was quite classic, but the second sucked really. Will be back to check out the upper pitch later.

18 Mirrorman - with Nat
1 16 25m lead by Marco de Jongh
2 18 20m lead by Nat
Mixed trad 45m, 4 Wolgan Valley Average
Marco de Jongh
Mon 8th Mar 2021
We tried to do "one last climb" on Saturday at 6pm. Lead P1 without much issue. The chimney is pretty poorly protected, and falling would lead to serious injury, but the moves are easy enough, so I made it to the anchor without much issue.

On P2, Nat got off route pretty severely and ended up traversing right, when she was about 2m to the right of the p2 anchor, due to tunnel vision caused by how run out she already was and the onset of darkness, with almost no gear to the tree on top of Mazurka. When I started seconding, now in the dark, I was kind of over it at this point and just wanted to get to the tree to bail, so I decided to french free. The first cam I pulled on blew, and I fell about 8m. After getting back up, when I got to the next pro, I saw that after taking that out, I had about 20m of traversing to do on a slopey slab in the dark, with only 2 pieces of gear, which after blowing a cam already, I did not trust anymore. Too afraid to continue on, I regretted my mistakes leading up to this point and spent a good 30min contemplating how to get out of it. There were no extra placements anywhere near me, just a sandy pocket that had the .4 I was stuck at.

I ended up cleaning up the sandy pocket, I was stuck at, after which it could take an extra .3. I then had myself lowered on the two cams on tag line and top rope, clipping the carrot of Mirrorman back in as extra safety.

Now definitely don't want to make excuses for our poor decision making:

  • Don't start a multi at 6pm
  • Make sure you leader brings a head torch (we did have them but they were in the second bag)
  • If the guidebook states "poorly" protected it probably is.

But I feel like this multi would be more classic if P2 had an extra carrot between the prominent pocket that takes a .3 - .4 cam that I bailed on and the anchor. It would still be an excitingly runout pitch even with the extra carrot. More than happy to pay for this bolt and help placing it.

18 Flight of the Phoenix - with Tomas
1 18 330m
2 18
4 14
5 14
6 15
7 13
Trad 330m Warrumbungles
Fri 2nd Apr 2021
P1+2 only. Excellent climbing so far.

14 Cornerstone Rib - with Zi Hui Lie
1 6 30m lead by Anton Korsun
2 8 30m lead by Anton Korsun
3 8 30m lead by Zi Hui Lie
4 14 40m lead by Zi Hui Lie
5 13 10m lead by Anton Korsun
Trad 140m Warrumbungles Mega Classic
Anton Korsun
Tue 29th Dec 2020
Simul P1+P2 together. Simul 1+2+3 looks totally doable with a large enough rack. Rapped the route due to an approaching storm. Help yourself to our bail gear!

30 Scurvy - with Elliot Vercoe, Jake Bresnehan, Matt
1 26 40 lead by Will Vidler
2 26 40 lead by Elliot Vercoe
3 24 30 lead by Will Vidler
4 29 25 lead by Elliot Vercoe
5 30 20 lead by Will Vidler, Elliot Vercoe
6 26 20 lead by Jake Bresnehan
7 10 35 lead by Jake Bresnehan
Sport 210m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Mon 17th Jan 2022
Don't be a yellow bellied landlubber, get some citrus into ya bod and drag yourself and a fellow seadog down to Perry's to battle your Vitamin C deficiency and embark on a voyage of (self) discovery up through this sea of orange.

Definitely one of the better days of rock climbing I have had. At 11pm the night before I asked Elliot if he wanted to go rock climbing and he said "yeah maybe" which wasn't a very promising response I thought. Then half an hour later he messaged back saying he was psyched and asking if maybe we could do something "he wouldn't normally do". We spoke about Pierces but Elliot was setting till 12 so I figured the sun might be a bit much and then I said "how about Stiletto?" which brought forth a wave of froth over the airwaves. In the conversation that followed I briefly mentioned sourcing a stick clip and heading up Scurvy but that idea was mostly discounted.

The next morning I had a delightful sleep in and Elliot pottered over to mine just after midday. We faffed with gear for half an hour or so and then went to Coles to grab some muesli bars and head torch batteries. When we got back to the car Elliot said something like "fuck yeah! lets go do Scurvy" and I thought something like "fuck me we are really going for it" and suggested we try and get that stick clip. I messaged Liz but when she didn't reply straight away (she has a proper job with real responsibility and can't be on her phone always at work (or writing long winded trip reports on the crag)) I thought that really stick clips are aid and would detract from the vibe of the thing. So we fucked that idea right off and headed to the car park.

We rapped in as for DWD to preserve our onsight (hah) and at the base stuck our head round the corner to look at the route. After ditching our gear I took a moment to show Elliot the Perry's Crack which seemed to be an experience of near religious awe for him and, upon returning to the base of the route, we saw a static line descending from the heavens. After much conjecture about who or what it may be we decided that we should stop faffing and actually do some rock climbing so I put my harness back on and started up the first pitch.

Pitch one is a pretty cool arete, I found the first three or four bolts of climbing to be quite scary and perhaps a bit dangerous, especially getting to bolts two and three. I got up this without too much trouble though and only a small amount of fear driven hesitation. Elliot came up and we were met by Matt and Jake on the belay. They went up the second pitch of Stiletto and we waited before following them. Pitch two was really fkn hard off the belay, the moves were manageable but it seemed very staunch for 26 and then there was another hard boulder above a ledge at the end which is maybe okay once you have it sussed but felt desperate for us. It had also well and truly started raining by this point for extra engagement points. Pitch three was fucking classic and one of my finer onsighting efforts with no chalk in the rain. I had some healthy encouragement from the peanut gallery as I shook my way through the slab crux a body length above my last bolt. Exciting stuff. Pitch four was wildly good, Elliot put in an absolutely brilliant effort on runout hard steep adventurous terrain. Mega classic! Pitch five saw us experience some difficulties. I couldn't figure out the boulder to turn the lip at the start and so handed the reigns to Elliot. He put in the most valiant effort getting to the very end of the pitch before a cryptic runout section stumped him and after some decent whips he came down.

Whilst we were prepared to rap and walk out if we had to bail, Jake graciously agreed to leave his fixed line in place and so at 7.30pm we did a pretty classic traverse across the face to his rap line and jugged/rope soloed out that, topping out just as it got dark. And thus ended one of the most classic days on rock I have ever had. Approaching a route like this from the ground is surely one of the raddest ways to climb and we should all do shit like this more often!!

26 Siblings Of The Sun - with Michael Houghton
1 22 35m Second lead by Michael Houghton

Surprisingly strenuous pitch, especially with the pack.

2 21 40m Second lead by Michael Houghton

Just as I was starting this lovely, slabby traverse, the rain came in. Got myself quite scared, and a combination of wet holds, the pack, and not trusting my feet made me give up and step on the anchor for the downclimb from the last bolt

3 23 45m Second lead by Michael Houghton

Solid lead by Mike, keeps going

4 22 35m Trad lead by Brendan Coulter

A few fun moves almost makes up for the tree-induced rope-drag and the dirty chossy groove

5 21 30m Trad lead by Brendan Coulter


6 24 35m Trad lead by Brendan Coulter

THIS is the money pitch! It’s almost good enough to make you forget about the first 5. Stoked with how well I read the route, and climbed smoothly in such an epic spot.

7 26 15m Trad lead by Brendan Coulter

Got all the way to the last bolt before the pump caught up with my bad route reading. Tough little number, but surprisingly enjoyable. Quality chipping

8 18 20m Second lead by Michael Houghton


Mixed trad 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge Very Good
Brendan Coulter
Sun 6th Aug 2023
A little bit of rain on-route obviously isn’t enough to scare us off - even if it did scare me a little. Stoked to get back out here and do a long route, and super glad I had Mike to rope gun some of those early pitches.

Prefacing this: I LOVED the slabs on jumpmaster… Honestly though, skip the ground-up, and rap in for the top pitches. The 24 is worth every bit of effort, but the first 5 pitches were 1-star at best.

17 Thunderstruck (Thunderstruck P1) - with Carsten
1 17 20m
Sport 20m, 17 Blue Mountains
Sat 13th Jan 2018

25 Let Freedom Ring - with Jake Griffiths
1 21
2 25
3 22
4 24
5 20
6 25
Sport 130m Blue Mountains Classic
Ryan Holmes
Thu 3rd Dec 2020
A fun outing. Good rock and nice positions. Interesting techy climbing. The last pitch was the best - don't skip it!! Fell off near the 2nd last draw on the crux pitch 2 after most of the hard stuff - going for a hold that was good but invisible...

25 Jump Master
1 21 15m lead by Brendan Coulter
2 21 40m lead by Brendan Coulter
3 22 45m lead by Brendan Coulter
4 22 50m lead by Brendan Coulter
5 23 20m lead by Brendan Coulter
6 25 30m lead by Brendan Coulter
Mixed trad 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic
Brendan Coulter
Sun 12th Jun 2022
So good to be back on some grey limestone slabs! Left the ground at midday, and topped out at sunset. Westerlies tearing through the canyon kept it cold enough to be climbing the crux in puffy and thermals.

Pulled through the cave on the crux pitch thinking I was about to get the onsight… turns out there was one more crux!

25 Samarkand
1 20 15m
2 25 35m
3 23 20m
4 22 35m
5 22 25m
Trad 130m Blue Mountains
Anton Korsun
Tue 27th Sep 2022
As I bum-slid backwards towards the bolt after p2, unable to stand up due to a mix of exhaustion, overheating and pure terror, I may have considered changing my name and moving to a lonely ashram somewhere in search of whatever the opposite of what I had just experienced was...

Apart from that, it was a pretty rad day out, where everything went mostly as planned and I got to do all other pitches clean! Thanks Henry for coming along and swinging leads 🙂

25 Samarkand - with Cosi Hofman
1 20 15m Trad lead by Daniel McKinnell

Would defs be grade 23 in the wet

2 25 35m Second lead by Cosi Hofman
3 23 20m Trad lead by Daniel McKinnell
4 22 35m Second lead by Cosi Hofman
5 22 25m Trad lead by Daniel McKinnell
Trad 130m Blue Mountains
Daniel McKinnell
Sat 20th May 2023
Hot damn, took up eye to eye with the jug. Not sure about the grade of p1,3,4 maybe 20, 22, 21?

25 Samarkand - with Matilda Elder
1 21 15m Trad lead by Sausage

Wet wet wet , rps and so bomber Good mental and physical warm up

2 25 35m Trad lead by Sausage

1 whip at crux, Plus a back quick back climb to readjust a cam for seconding, Amazing pitch

3 21 20m Trad lead by Sausage

Over very quick, placed a Little blue in crux that’s all

4 20 35m Trad lead by Sausage

Very easy, maybe a touch pumpy

5 21 25m Trad lead by Sausage

Second best pitch Pumpy and fun Hand cramped and locked close Haul bag gets stuck

6 22 20m Trad

Walked off

Trad 150m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Mon 12th Jun 2023
10 hours car to car 1 whip, lead them all, hauled them all Was very fun Last rappel is 50m Evolution in bungonia is better still

24 Guillotine - with Tim Clarkson
1 22 20m
2 24 28m
Sport 48m, 23 Blue Mountains
Tom Collins
Sat 26th May 2018
24 Weaselburger - with damion
1 22 35m
2 24 35m
3 23 30m
4 21 40m
5 22 30m
6 20 20m
Sport 190m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Dave OS
Wed 28th Apr 2021
Almost every pitch on this deserves classic status in its own right. I was hopelessly outclassed on this. Full throttle from the ground.

P1 pulled on the first draw because busting an ankle at the bottom of the route seemed like a poor plan, otherwise clean. P2 yarded through a few moves, some proper hard moves and very sustained. Tried to lead P3 but got shut down at the roof, then on second swung into space and had to jug back up to the rock. P4 possibly soft, points for exposure and committment perhaps? Still a very fun pitch. P5 turns it back on, I was way too cooked for it, excellent movement. P6 is a cool little finish.

Absolutely outstanding route - I need to get stronger and come back for this. Thanks to Damion for pulling through where I couldn't.

24 Guillotine
1 22 20m
2 24 28m
Sport 48m, 23 Blue Mountains
Hector Pople
Sun 30th Oct 2022
Took a nice old whip from the top

22 Guillotine P1 — 2 attempts
1 22 20 Sport
Sport 20m, 23 Blue Mountains
Tue 12th Dec 2023
24 Yesterday's Groove
1 22 35m Sport

Sustained and interesting bridging

2 24 40m Sport

Mostly easier than pitch 1 and less stemmy, but the crux is very thin and tensiony.

3 24 30m Sport

Mega traverse then a thin finish.

Sport 110m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Sun 10th Mar 2024
Awesome route, with all pitches having exciting and engaging sections. One of the most consistenly interesting multis out this way. Will be back to clean it up, the two crux sections both got me, but it all goes, and well worth it.

24 Evolution
1 15 15m Second
2 22 30m Trad
3 21 35m Second
4 23 25m Trad
5 22 30m Second
6 24 25m Trad
7 23 55m Second

Mega route! And i actually liked the opening pitches, definitely better than iron curtain if you wanted to do a short multi. The top crux does require gear, and i placed a few acceptable nuts above the #2 cam. Still took a big fall from just below the last bolt. Everything apart from this is reasonable to dog up on the bolts.

Mixed trad 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic
Sat 27th Apr 2024
23 Exile - with Sean Peters
1 22 20m lead by Oliver
2 23 15m lead by Sean Peters
3 22 25m lead by Oliver
4 22 20m lead by Sean Peters
5 18 5m
Sport 85m Blue Mountains Good
Thu 25th Jul 2019
Got whip of the day on the second pitch, where I was seconding the traverse - just unclipped a draw when my foot slipped and ended up about 4 m below the next draw - prussiking my way back up

23 Subliminal - with James Hockey
1 20 20m lead by Jarrah Turner
2 23 58m lead by James Hockey
3 14 14m lead by Jarrah Turner
Sport 92m, 33 Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Jarrah Turner
Thu 9th Jul 2020
First hard multi, pumped out a move before a reset rest. Unbelievable. Super sick climb though.

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Sean Peters, Luke, Jess C
1 21 35m lead by Sean Peters
2 22 18m lead by Oliver
3 23 18m lead by Sean Peters
Sport 71m Blue Mountains Very Good
Fri 28th Aug 2020
Get in quick, while there are still some holds left! Pitch three was a massive battle - felt more like 24.

23 Subliminal - with alyssa smirnov
1 20 20m lead by Joshua Norris
2 23 58m lead by alyssa smirnov
3 14 14m lead by Joshua Norris
Sport 92m, 33 Blue Mountains Classic
Joshua Norris
Wed 27th Jan 2021
5pm start after a day at ben trovarto, lucky I brought my head torch haha. Pumpy!!

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Angie
1 21 35m lead by Dave OS
2 22 18m lead by Dave OS
3 23 18m lead by Dave OS
Sport 71m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Dave OS
Thu 30th Dec 2021
I didn't expect and wasn't prepared to be rope gun on every pitch, but Angie got stuck on P1, and P2 and P3 were not short person friendly. So seconded the first half of P1 to below the crux, then onsighted the second half after a belay transition and rest. P1 and P2 were super fun, with pleasant movement and not outrageously powerful, but still extremely committing.

P3 started very hard, a bit cryptic and very punchy. Whipped on the first bolt, and sat on the first couple. Would be fun to try it again with a rope above me.

A very enjoyable and successful day out!

23 Smegadeath - with Jorge Packer
1 22 Second lead by Jorge Packer
2 20 Sport lead by Den
3 22 Second lead by Jorge Packer
4 23 Sport lead by Den
5 21 Second lead by Jorge Packer
6 22 Sport lead by Den
Sport 220m Blue Mountains Classic
Fri 16th Dec 2022
Pitch 1 is a solid 22. Be smart and avoid rope drag. Pitch 4 is a beautiful climb! It has 2 massive questionable hollow flakes the bottom one can land on the belayer. Best not to use them at all which is totally doable. The rest of the pitches are soft.

22 Leighsageezer P1 - with Average Climber
1 22 23m Sport
Sport 23m Blue Mountains
Lara Roche
Sun 23rd Apr 2023
Took a while to figure out the crux sequence. Worth coming back for

23 Sluj Gulpa - with Carl Walsh, Hannah Pringle, Grant Shu, Bonnie
1 20 Sport lead by Pete

very sick moving back right along the flake/crack. I would highly recommend this as a single pitch route.

2 22 Sport lead by Pete

gah dam my toes hurt and my calves were pumped. stoked with the onsight. wandering up blindly through the chalkless, delicate and crimpy slab.

3 23 Sport lead by Pete

There was a huge huntsman spider living inside one of the holds. I spent ages (getting pumped) thinking how to continue as I was trying for the onsight. Eventually gave up, took and used a stick to poke the fella out. pulled back on then worked my way to the top.

Felt pretty stiff at 23 but possibly just rattled from the spider fiasco. Keen to come back and climb this pitch clean.

Sport 60m, 14 Mt Gibraltar Mega Classic
Sat 9th Sep 2023
such good varied climbing. stunning first pitch, thin slabby second pitch and a pumpy third pitch on sweet flake features to finish up.

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Nat, Will Turner, Jack Singleton
1 22 35 Sport lead by Matt Singleton

Felt harder than 21

2 22 18 Sport lead by Matt Singleton

Took a good whip in to void of air below pillar from the fourth bolt on first attempt

3 23 18 Sport lead by Matt Singleton

Bungled the opening sequence and was Cbf to red point at that point

Sport 71m Blue Mountains Very Good
Matt Singleton
Mon 2nd Oct 2023
Righto.. what an epic, had me excited, enthused, regretful and scared all at once. As confused as Peter Dutton in his moral ethics philosophy class. A 70 metre fixed line got us to the lower rap anchors at ledge and we finished the job with tied 60 metre ropes….

The climb itself was cool and engaging due to choss, sling pro and the constant threat of a barn door coming and slapping you across the face as hard as the long d of the US law is coming for Trump. The climbing itself is probably over rated and I’m guessing the 3 stars comes from the overall experience rather than the climbing itself.

After topping the route, we realised we forgot bolt plates and that was the end of the climb out exit plan. After Will took one for the lads and lass and swung across the void to the main wall, we assaulted ourself with a long process of 60m jumar back up the fixed line to the top - not recommended. 11 hours car to car - absolute Goddim and an H pie handed to him but we’ll worth it

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Jarrad Aurisch, Jake Webb
1 21 35 Sport
2 22 18 Sport
3 23 18 Second lead by Jarrad Aurisch
Sport 71m Blue Mountains
Sat 11th Nov 2023
23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Cameron Duff
1 21 35m Sport
2 22 18m Second
3 23 18m Sport
Sport 71m Blue Mountains
Christian Asencios Palmer
Thu 14th Mar 2024
23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Will Kluck
1 21 35m Second lead by Will Kluck
2 22 18m Sport
3 23 18m Sport
Sport 71m Blue Mountains
Thomas Zambon
Fri 26th Apr 2024
Such an awesome route, so so epic.

Did the rap in on 2x 70m ropes, but we managed to get them stuck and couldn't pull them down. Change of plan, pruskiked back to the top, fixed one of the lines to the rap rings, rapped back down the fixed 70 and down again with our other rope the last 35. Added an 1:30, but stoke was still high

Spooky starting stance, but Will's a champion and lead the first. Such a mega pitch, so stunning, so much fun, an all time classic.

I led the second and managed to not throw up from fear, Will followed up behind getting the pitch clean

Third was pretty punchy for the start, lost my footing so I blew the onsite. But after one or two hard moves it mellows right out to the top.

I've never climbed on a piece of rock quite this stunning. Absolutley outrageous, such a great climb

Took us about 8:30 but would've been quicker if we didn't stuff up the start. Used the Welsh Dragon exit

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Thomas Zambon
1 21 35 Sport lead by Will Kluck
2 22 18 Second lead by Thomas Zambon
3 23 18 Second lead by Thomas Zambon
Sport 71m Blue Mountains
Will Kluck
Fri 26th Apr 2024
Just fix a 70m for the decent. Avoid rapping in on 2 ropes, it was got idea until it got stuck. Thank you for fixing it Tom!

Led the first pitch and blew a massive foot hold on the traverse, so nerves were high before even getting to the bold parts. Once you're on the arete the rock quality improves a lot. 2nd on the next 2 pitches, got the 22 clean. Scary to get to and back home but an incredible climb. We swung across to exit on welsh dragon. We tied off our fix line at the bottom, made the swing much easier.

23 Wafer Thin Fin - with Rob Watson
1 21 35m Second
2 22 18m Sport
3 23 18m Second

absolutely nailsss had to mega dog first couple draws

Sport 71m Blue Mountains
Hannah Kennedy
Thu 30th May 2024
Full day adventure, even just getting to the flake required shenanigans. totally unique climbing up literally wafer thin arete. So sick!

22 Hotel California - with Brett, Martin T, Martin T
1 22 45m lead by Martin T
2 20 35m lead by Jorge
3 17 40m lead by Martin T
4 10 35m lead by Martin T
5 18 30m lead by Martin T
6 19 48m lead by Jorge
7 20 30m lead by Martin T
8 18 25m lead by Jorge
9 6 20m lead by Martin T
10 16 22m lead by Martin T
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Sun 20th May 2018
This is an epic and hard climb! The traverse is the money pitch, I'm happy to have lead that one. I'd probably do the linkup of the first 3 pitches of 'Contented Cows' if I ever try this again. Starting with the 22 as warmup is not yet my thing. Anyway, I'm quite happy I am able to fully tick this climb!

22 Hotel California
1 22 350m
2 20
3 17
4 10
5 18
6 19
7 20
8 18
Sport 350m Blue Mountains Very Good
Tara Virginillo
Sun 26th May 2019
so so windy i got blown off the wall a few times! good day out, 8 hours car to car taking our sweet time.

22 Hotel California
1 22 45m
2 20 30m
3 17 40m
4 10 35m
5 17 30m
6 19 50m
7 20 30m
8 18 25m
9 20m
10 16 20m
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
James Hockey
Sat 19th Oct 2019
Crazy day out, winds started off about 35-40kmh which felt manageable but as soon as we finished pitch 6 a massive storm rolled in. Managed to grit through and top out but the rope got stuck at pitch 7 belay station so I had to gri gri down to rescue it and self belay back up. Took a breather at pitch 9 and finished it. Lesson learnt, respect the weather!!

22 The Sublime and the Beautiful - with Adrian Kladnig
1 18 20m lead by Tim Clarkson
2 22 35m lead by Adrian Kladnig
3 20 20m lead by Tim Clarkson
Sport 75m Blue Mountains Classic
Tim Clarkson
Mon 21st Oct 2019
Really good climbing. Crux pitch has a couple of really thin moves but but not hard, and actual crux has finicky feet but way easier if you get it right. Was puzzling at first. Tough 22 or two move 23 in my opinion. Epic position. Anchors at top are slightly to the left, or top out on easy ironstone jugs last 4m above top anchors.

22 Fat Yak
1 22 40m
2 20 20m
3 21 40m
Sport 100m Blue Mountains Very Good
James Hockey
Sat 13th Mar 2021
Another great multi, while the techy start is great, third pitch is the money in my opinion. Weather felt ominous so we picked up the pace to avoid a potential epic.

22 Hotel California - with Tom Bes
1 22 45m lead by Jake Delaney
2 20 30m lead by Jake Delaney
3 17 40m lead by Tom Bes
4 10 35m lead by Jake Delaney
5 17 30m lead by Tom Bes
6 19 50m lead by Jake Delaney
7 20 30m lead by Jake Delaney
8 18 25m lead by Jake Delaney
9 20m lead by Jake Delaney
10 16 20m lead by Jake Delaney
Sport 330m Blue Mountains
Jake Delaney
Tue 27th Apr 2021
most of this climb i was stressed about being benighted and was having a pretty awful time. (neglecting to eat out of fear of 'wasting time' definitely did not help). then when we watched the sun go down and shed a tear each for our collectively fragility at the bottom of pitch 7, my worst nightmare had finally come true. and it was fine turns out. At that point, I had the best time ever on the top four pitches singing, being merry, killing rope management, and taking in the sweet sweet moonshadow cascading across the walls of the Grose. not even a wall plagued with funnelwebs could have gotten me down. big ups to boss noodles for the meal and hospitality. no thanks to my weak as piss stomach that couldn't handle our dine and discover feast after subsisting off 1.5 litres of water and 7 peanut m&ms for the 12 hours prior.

22 Blast Off - with Will Vidler
1 18 30 lead by Harry Kadi
2 22 50 lead by Will Vidler
Trad 80m Blue Mountains Classic
Harry Kadi
Wed 23rd Jun 2021
Froze on the ledge in the wind while will was questing and couldnt function well enough to fight through the pump

22 Hotel California - with adam gearing
1 22 45 Second
2 20 30 Sport
3 17 40 Second
4 10 35 Second
5 17 30 Sport
6 19 50 Second
7 20 30 Sport
8 18 25 Second
9 20 Second
10 16 20 Sport

An amazing day with perfect connies* and no major hiccups. An incredible intro to pierces pass and big multis! Even better that we did it on a work day.

Sport 330m Blue Mountains
Fri 18th Nov 2022
22 Hard The Sublime and the Beautiful - with Martin Weir
1 18 20m Sport lead by Matt Mihelcic
2 22 35m Sport lead by Martin Weir
3 20 20m Sport lead by Matt Mihelcic
Sport 75m Blue Mountains
Matt Mihelcic
Thu 24th Nov 2022
22 Hotel California
1 22 45m Sport

The crux felt hard and a tad greasy, took a fall. After this theres a few deep lock offs that probably earn 22

2 20 30m Sport

Lovely pitch

3 17 40m Sport

A bit bland, possible to link into the next pitch to save rope admin

4 10 35m Sport


5 17 30m Sport

Bit chossy

6 19 50m Second

Left the money pitch for courtney, exposed and fun

7 20 30m Sport

Nice and not too hard at the grade. Linked it

8 18 25m Sport

Follows on an easy link from the previous

9 20m Sport


10 16 20m Second

Shit but you've gotta escape somehow

Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Sat 26th Nov 2022
A fun day out, the first pitch is hard as everyone knows, but the rest is pretty cruisy, and as it has a couple of easier pitches 8 hours car to car was chill. With a 70 can link pitches 3+4 and 7+8

22 Hotel California - with Lee Prescott
1 22 45m Second
2 20 30m Sport
3 17 40m Second
4 10 35m Sport
5 17 30m Second
6 19 50m Sport
7 20 30m Second
8 18 25m Sport
9 20m Second
10 16 20m Sport
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Hampus Holmberg
Wed 14th Dec 2022
23 Hotel California - with Lauren Hunter, Lee Prescott, Hampus Holmberg
1 23 45 Sport

Hard!! Closer to 24 than 23. Pulled on gear at the crux, then fought the sustained climbing to the top

2 20 30 Sport
3 17 40 Sport
4 10 35 Second lead by Lauren Hunter
5 17 30 Sport
6 19 50 Second lead by Lauren Hunter
7 20 30 Sport

At this point the wind became unsafe and wasn't able to climb...

8 18 25 Sport

Beautiful top out!! Managed to climb despite the wind. However split the pitch in two to allow communication with Lauren

9 20 Second lead by Lauren Hunter
10 16 20 Second lead by Lauren Hunter

Exhausted at this point, barely able to pull on jugs. Felt amazing topping out despite all the adversity and wind gusts!

Sport 330m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Pedro Rocha
Wed 14th Dec 2022
Epic!! Every pitch is unique and great climbing. Got a bit unlucky with wind gusts pulling us off the wall, so couldn't really climb pitches 7 and 8. Would definitely come back and do it again on better conditions!

22 Hotel California - with James Bailie
1 22 45m Second
2 20 30m Sport
3 17 40m Second
4 10 35m Sport
5 17 30m Second
6 19 50m Sport
7 20 30m Second
8 18 25m Second
9 20m Free solo
Sport 310m Blue Mountains
Chris Bailie
Mon 2nd Jan 2023
Aid++ P1

23 ~23 Hotel California
1 23 45 Sport
2 20 30 Second
3 17 40 Sport
4 10 35 Second
5 17 30 Sport
6 19 50 Second
7 20 30 Sport
8 18 25 Second
9 20 Sport
Sport 310m Blue Mountains Very Good
Sat 6th May 2023
The first pitch felt like a 23. Pitch 6 is endurance feast. Pitch 7 was my favourite

22 Hard Hotel California - with Hyahno Moser
1 22 45 Second

Too sustained for lil no endurance me, still an amazing pitch.

2 20 30 Sport
3 17 40 Second
4 10 35 Second
5 17 30 Second
6 19 50 Sport


7 20 30 Second
8 18 25 Sport
9 20 Sport
10 16 20 Sport
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Jack Kilsby
Thu 14th Sep 2023
What a day! Epic epic epic. First pitch was a struggle, rest was amazing.

22 Hard The Sublime and the Beautiful - with Hyahno Moser
1 18 20 Sport
2 22 35 Second
3 20 20 Sport
Sport 75m Blue Mountains
Jack Kilsby
Sat 16th Sep 2023
22 ~24 Hotel California
1 22 45 Aid
2 20 30 Sport
3 17 40 Second
4 10 35 Sport
5 17 30 Second
6 19 50 Sport

spicy spicy

7 20 30 Second
8 18 25 Sport
9 20 Sport
10 16 20 Sport

walked off to the left... choss cave looks pretty silly.

Sport 330m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Sunny G
Sun 29th Oct 2023
M8 that first pitch is a laugh at 22.... Such a great climb overall !!

22 Play With Madness
1 22 18 Trad

Slippery when wet. Excellent finger crack with a muddy traverse finish. Good gear all the way

2 19 13 Second

Short but sweet. Engaging climbing up a cool flake feature

3 21 25 Trad

Mostly bolts. Fun jug thugging , a bit wandery

Mixed trad 56m, 5 Blue Mountains Very Good
Anzhela Malysheva
Sun 19th Nov 2023
Hidden gem! Great quality climbing Double rack to x2 and a single 3&4 will do you

22 ~23 Hotel California - with Bonnie
1 22 45m Sport

Bit sad to dog it, agree with others that it’s nails at 22. Not necessarily pumpy but definitely some hard moves

2 20 30m Second

Quite fun delicate climbing

3 17 40m Sport

Felt like there was a single long move in this pitch that was definitely not 17, probably bad beta

4 10 35m Second
5 17 30m Sport

Jugs 😍 also cool lizards

6 19 50m Second

One of the more epic pitches around. Absolutely stunning position and exposure, climbs really well

7 20 30m Sport

Was a bit intimidated by the first few moves off the anchor while hanging a couple hundred metres off the deck but held it together for the onsquizzy. Very glad for the breeze as it was full sun ~35°

8 18 25m Second

Sinker jugs 😍

9 20m Sport

Did p9 (barefoot bush walk) and p10 (mediocre sandy choss) for completion but next time would probably choose to end it early on a high note after 4 really nice pitches in a row.

10 16 20m Second
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Carl Walsh
Sat 9th Dec 2023
Awesome climbing and a great day out. Probably wouldn’t recommend faffing about on a 35°C day though. Car to car in 9:45. P6 came into the sun at 2ish and sunny from there to top

22 Hard Hotel California - with Johnny Sullivan
1 22 45m Sport

Got the crux but took a fall at the end because I was pumped...

2 20 30m Sport
3 17 40m Sport
4 10 35m Sport
5 17 30m Sport
6 19 50m Second lead by Johnny Sullivan
7 20 30m Second lead by Johnny Sullivan
8 18 25m Second lead by Johnny Sullivan
9 20m Sport
10 16 20m Second lead by Johnny Sullivan
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Good
Fri 15th Dec 2023
22 Hotel California
1 22 45 Sport
2 20 30 Second
3 17 40 Sport
4 10 35 Sport
5 17 30 Second
6 19 50 Sport
7 20 30 Second
8 18 25 Second
Sport 290m Blue Mountains
Andreas Knecht
Fri 29th Dec 2023
Very muggy conditions today. Skipped the last 2 pitches due to thunderstorms moving in.

22 Hotel California - with Will Turner
1 22 45m Second lead by Will Turner

Pumped out few moves before anchor… next time

2 20 30m Sport lead by Matt Singleton
3 17 40m Second lead by Will Turner
4 10 35m Sport lead by Matt Singleton
5 17 30m Second lead by Will Turner
6 19 50m Sport lead by Matt Singleton

What a beltah!

7 20 30m Second lead by Will Turner
8 18 25m Sport lead by Matt Singleton
9 20m Second lead by Will Turner
10 16 20m Second lead by Will Turner
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Matt Singleton
Fri 19th Jan 2024
23 Hotel California - with Duncan Tweed
1 23 45 Sport lead by Nik

less crazy than imagined but demanding, hope to get it clean next time 🙃

2 20 30 Second lead by Duncan Tweed
3 17 40 Sport lead by Nik
4 10 35 Second lead by Duncan Tweed
5 17 30 Sport lead by Nik

got spooked by the lizard

6 19 50 Second lead by Duncan Tweed
7 20 30 Sport lead by Nik
8 18 25 Second lead by Duncan Tweed
9 20 Sport
10 16 20 Sport lead by Nik

brittle holds!

Sport 330m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Sat 30th Mar 2024
most epic day out! 10h C2C. faffing with two ropes is not recommended.

22 The Sublime and the Beautiful - with Thomas Zambon
1 18 20m Sport lead by Will Kluck

Pitch 2 is hard...

2 22 35m Second lead by Thomas Zambon
3 20 20m Second lead by Thomas Zambon
Sport 75m Blue Mountains
Will Kluck
Sun 28th Apr 2024
22 Strangeness and Charm
1 18 45m Second
2 18 20m Trad
3 22 35m Second
4 22 20m Trad
Mixed trad 120m, 20 Bungonia Gorge Classic
Fri 26th Apr 2024
Brilliant and engaging all the way. A bit of a sandbag, especially for someone not practiced in committing run out climbing. Stopped at the bathtub

22 Hotel California - with Jack Prowse
1 22 45 Second
2 20 30 Sport
3 17 40 Second
4 10 35 Sport
5 17 30 Second
6 19 50 Sport
7 20 30 Second
8 18 25 Sport
9 20 Free solo

Bush walking it up

10 16 20 Second
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Gabe Colla
Mon 29th Apr 2024
A long day because of my poor rope management but a fun day out

22 Hard Hotel California - with John van Osta
1 22 45m Sport lead by John van Osta
2 20 30m Sport lead by Hector Pople
3 17 40m Second lead by John van Osta
4 10 35m Sport lead by Hector Pople
5 17 30m Second lead by John van Osta
6 19 50m Sport lead by Hector Pople

money pitch

7 20 30m Second lead by John van Osta

somehow better than the last pitch

8 18 25m Sport lead by Hector Pople
9 20m Second
10 16 20m Sport lead by Hector Pople
Sport 330m Blue Mountains Classic
Hector Pople
Mon 20th May 2024
All round great day out, 8.5 hours car to car.

Dropped puff jacket half way up, if anyone finds a blue jacket around the bottom please give me a call (0428873668) and I'd gladly swap some beers or otherwise donate to the mid-way emergency bin.

23 ~23 The Sublime and the Beautiful - with Adrian, Vincent, Nick
1 18 20 Second lead by Adrian


2 23 35 Sport lead by Den

The lower crux was okay once I figured where the good holds were. The main crux killed me when I realised that I could not clip the draw. Then committing sequence on lead

3 20 20 Sport lead by Den

Quite chill if you detour to the arete

Sport 75m Blue Mountains Good
Sat 25th May 2024
Harsh for 22

21 Smack My Pitch Up - with lucky chance
1 18 25m Second
2 18 26m Sport
3 18 21m Sport
4 21 23m Second
5 17 25m Second
Sport 120m Blue Mountains Very Good
Jason Nguyen
Sat 9th Mar 2013
1st pitch; tough start, second clean. 2nd pitch; sustained, with a crux up high, clean lead. 3rd pitch; pretty cool moves around that roof, second clean. 4th pitch; very tough, just out of juice, second with rest, pulled on some draws. 5th pitch; poor rock, broke off a few things, second clean.

21 Little Jug of Happiness - with Myself
1 18 20m
2 21 25m
3 14 5m
Sport 50m Blue Mountains Classic
Michael 'Monty' Burns
Sat 8th Jun 2019
Wonderful start, incredibly stressful finish to P2 with fading light. More than I expected out of the climb haha. P3 dodgy tree belay but very little chance of mate falling.

21 Smack My Pitch Up - with Cedric
1 18 25m
2 18 26m
3 18 21m
4 21 23m
5 17 25m
Sport 120m Blue Mountains Very Good
Raphael Falque
Sun 9th May 2021
21 Modern Masculinity - with Cédric
1 17 80m
2 21
3 18
4 19
Trad 80m Mt Gibraltar Good
Josephine Roper
Sun 5th Dec 2021
Pretty cool morning. The third pitch is about as rad as it gets... for 5m pitches! Last is also rad in a weird way. First would be better if it wasn't sport, I should have put gear in the crack seeing as I'd fully racked up before realising. The actual crux bit wasn't really a highlight as it featured some scabby rock and we both had to rest before finding nasty little crimps to aid the thrutching. The bolt at the crux is probably good both because the rock is eh and because you could, if wanted, just aid through the move and have yourself a nice 18/19 multi.

I wonder if you could link the 3rd and 4th pitch? The leader might feel a bit alone as they tackled the beak...

21 My Way or the Highway - with Timmy Wong
1 20 24m lead by Johnny Sullivan
2 21 15m lead by Timmy Wong
Sport 39m, 11 Blue Mountains Good
Johnny Sullivan
Tue 12th Apr 2022
1 sit on p1 to mark dodgy rock. Shat my pants going over roof on P2, on second. Not a good look if we are hoping to do hotel cal!

21 Like a Cut Snake
1 21 15 Sport
2 21 20 Sport
Sport 35m Blue Mountains
Miri Schroeter
Wed 9th Nov 2022
21 Smack My Pitch Up - with Zac
1 18 25 Second
2 18 26 Sport
3 18 21 Second
4 21 23 Sport

got pumped and threw it away after pulling through the roof

5 17 25 Second
Sport 120m Blue Mountains Good
Danny Burton
Mon 26th Jun 2023
went to climb Whymper and accidentally ended up on this one

21 Danger Freak
1 21 20m Sport
2 17 18m Second
Sport 38m, 13 Blue Mountains
Sun 3rd Sep 2023
20 Big Bird - with Oscar Bell
1 17 15 lead by Oscar Bell
2 20 45 lead by Adam Rabjohns
3 19 15 lead by Oscar Bell
Sport 75m Mt Gibraltar Classic
Adam Rabjohns
Sun 4th Feb 2018
First pich: Lead by Oscar, i seconded all free. Second pitch: Lead by me. Had a few rests up the crack (first serious crack I've climbed), but climbed all through moves clean. Third pitch (beak): Lead by Oscar. Seconded it all free, didn't use the tree.

20 Clockwork Orange - with Stubbsy
1 18 20m
2 20 25m
3 15 16m
Trad 61m Blue Mountains Classic
Tue 6th Aug 2019
Morning multi!!!! quite a cool steep line. the crux pitch is awesome unfortunetly I didnt get it clean.

I am seriously concerned about the two sandy jugs on pitch one on the initial moves climbers right. Stubbsy said he felt them flexing first and I noticed them seriously flexing. If either of these holds break. It would likely end up a ground fall for the leader or second. I don't beleive these holds can b glued as they are literal choss IMO.

20 Solomon - with Tim
1 15 20m lead by Daniel Butler
2 20 31m lead by Daniel Butler
Mixed trad 51m, 4 Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Daniel Butler
Mon 17th Aug 2020
20 Randy Rabbit Ridge (Randy Rabbit Ridge Linkup Bunny Bucket Buttress) - with Jess C
1 19 25m lead by Dean
2 20 20m lead by Jess C
3 19 25m lead by Dean
4 18 40m lead by Jess C
7 18 15m lead by Dean
8 19 30m lead by Jess C
9 17 20m lead by Dean
10 18 30m lead by Jess C
11 19 30m lead by Dean
3 25m
5 40m linkup Bunny Bucket Buttress
Sport 300m, 99 Blue Mountains
Mon 18th Jan 2021
Lovely day out!

Got stuck for a while on P2 when moving from the corner to the arete. Ended up frogging the arete and throwing up to the high jug (might have got my RF high into the pocket? can't remember, I tried a lot of things).

First attempt on P3 had to rest after trying to go up the fingernail crack and getting in an awkward position. Lowered off, climbed back up and grabbed the layback block like I should have done the first time. But after this and 'Tol' it seems I suck at laybacks at the moment.

Jess wandered onto 'BBB' on P4 so P5 I just took the normal BBB route up to the lunch ledge, then we had lunch and restarted on the wrong tree and then the right tree.

By the time I started P8 my body was already in some trouble: cramps started in my forearms, then as I pulled onto the traverse, fingers, then finally legs. Despite the great holds on the traverse, I really didn't fancy having to ascend here while my body seized up so I had a rest under a bolt where I could cam my leg in the break. Should have drunk more water and electrolytes at lunch!

P9 and P10 on the headwall were juggy affairs, mostly about ignoring the blinding sun, biting flies and choosing holds that don't snap.

I actually enjoyed P11 since the climbing was fun and the rock quality was better (or at least, only bad in obvious places).

Getting the send here was optimistic given my current fitness levels, but the climbing and scenery still made for a great day out.

Gear: 16 draws was more than enough, though would have been nice to have more alpines/slings even though we had double ropes anyway. Also needed an extra long sling for the tree belay.

20 This Sporting Life
1 19 18m
2 20 25m
Sport 43m, 15 Blue Mountains Good
James Hockey
Tue 30th Mar 2021
Got spooked leading with some very heavy bags and took some sits to be safe.

20 Solomon - with Cédric
1 15 20m
2 20 31m
Mixed trad 51m, 4 Blue Mountains Classic
Josephine Roper
Sun 8th May 2022
Have long wanted to do this climb, finally broke the seal of intimidation by getting someone else to lead it. It actually looks a lot more amenable from the top of P1 than from some of the pictures or from the ground, so almost considered swapping, but somewhat glad I didn't. Had to layback some of it on soapy rock where big hands can jam, then tried to offwidth instead of laybacking the crux, which didn't work. But will definitely come back and lead it just to enjoy the amazing line again.

20 Randy Rabbit Ridge - with Grace McClelland
1 20 25m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Sick jamming

2 20 20m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Probs the technical crux of the route, super engaging, sharp, abrasive moves

3 20 25m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Defs weird corner

4 18 40m Sport lead by Carl Walsh
5 17 25m Second lead by Grace McClelland
6 20m Second lead by Grace McClelland
7 18 15m Sport lead by Carl Walsh
8 20 30m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Wet and almost knocked my glasses of clipping so had a sit

9 17 20m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Linked into 10

10 18 30m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Linked with 9 and 11

11 20 30m Sport lead by Carl Walsh

Intense rope drag from linking the last 3 pitches into 2

Sport 280m, 99 Blue Mountains Classic
Carl Walsh
Sat 3rd Dec 2022
20 Randy Rabbit Ridge
1 20 25m Sport
2 20 20m Second

Wet crux hold, but would have struggled to do it clean.

3 20 25m Sport

Didn't enjoy pulling on the block after last weeks rockfall experience so had to compose myself.

4 18 40m Second
5 17 25m Sport
6 20m Sport
7 18 15m Second
8 20 30m Sport

Traverse was wet. Felt very exposed

9 17 20m Second
10 18 30m Sport
11 20 30m Second
Sport 280m, 99 Blue Mountains Very Good
Sat 28th Jan 2023
Felt like a harder day out than Contented Cows/ Hotel Cali link up and a lot more than bunnys.

20 Bohemiath - with Tracey Leonard, Sup
1 20 19m Sport lead by Andrew Harward
2 18 18m Sport lead by Tracey Leonard
Sport 37m, 14 Blue Mountains
Andrew Harward
Sat 6th May 2023
20 Big Bird
1 17 Sport
2 20 Sport
3 19 Sport
Sport 65m Mt Gibraltar Good
Robin Kumar
Sun 21st May 2023
20 Randy Rabbit Ridge - with Dan Kozianski
1 20 25m Sport
2 20 20m Second
3 20 25m Sport
4 18 40m Second
5 17 25m Sport
6 20m Sport
7 18 15m Second
8 20 30m Sport
9 17 20m Second
10 18 30m Sport
11 20 30m Second
Sport 280m, 99 Blue Mountains
Lara Roche
Tue 26th Dec 2023
Fell off the first pitch just got the beta wrong and the first 18 cause I was being a numpty. Super fun climbing and Dan got some great shots of me leading the traverse

20 The Last Wave
1 19 28 Sport
2 18 12 Second
3 20 10 Sport
Sport 50m, 11 Vaucluse
Wed 26th Feb 2020
20 ~22 This Sporting Life
1 19 15m Aid

Fucking nails if you're short

2 20 28m Sport


Sport 43m, 15 Blue Mountains
Sunny G
Mon 4th Dec 2023
20 Bohemiath
1 20 19 Sport

beautiful face climbing 20 - don't miss holds, worth redoing

2 18 18 Second
Sport 37m, 14 Blue Mountains
Anton V
Sat 13th Apr 2024
20 Clockwork Orange - with Karina Lukowska
1 18 20m Trad lead by Peter Melouney
2 20 25m Trad lead by Peter Melouney
3 15 16m Second lead by Karina Lukowska
Trad 61m Blue Mountains Very Good
Peter Melouney
Sat 27th Apr 2024
19 Dirty Rotten Pig - with Francois Pieterse, Desiree
1 19 40m lead by Francois Pieterse
2 19 30m lead by Bruno Alves Buzatto
3 15 30m lead by Bruno Alves Buzatto
4 14 15m lead by Francois Pieterse
Sport 120m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Bruno Alves Buzatto
Sat 12th Jan 2019
I wish François would let me log this as an onsight, as I only fell due to a completely unexpected "exploding jug" that sent me flying near the top of pitch 3! There was just no time to even feel scared, but I screamed like I was dying, haha... In any case — one of my favorite multi=pitches in the blueys, what AMAZING exposure and fantastic climbing. Not to mention one of the most fun approaches I've done in the mountains. Will come back with Emily.

19 Stuck in the Middle with You - with Derek Lai
1 19 19m lead by Derek Lai
2 18 19m lead by David de Miguel
Sport 38m, 15 Blue Mountains Good
David de Miguel
Fri 24th Jul 2020
19 Whymper - with David de Miguel
1 19 25m lead by Bruno Martins
2 18 25m lead by David de Miguel
3 19 25m lead by Bruno Martins
4 19 35m lead by David de Miguel
5 16 35m lead by Bruno Martins
Sport 150m Blue Mountains Classic
Bruno Martins
Sun 13th Sep 2020
Nice climb, gotta come back to get the 3rd pitch clean.

19 Weld Party - with Dean
1 18 30m lead by Dean
2 18 20m lead by Ev
3 19 30m lead by Dean
Sport 80m, 45 Blue Mountains
Sun 8th Nov 2020
Tired hang doggy boi. But we lead each pitch clean.

19 Joe Blake (Joe Blake P1) - with Blake Hawkins
1 19 40
Trad 40m Blue Mountains Very Good
Oliver McDonald
Sun 17th Jan 2021
Used all my 1/2/3 before the mid section were I really needed them. Climbed slow and got in my head climbing the mid section with a terrible #4 placenent. Had a rest just before the roof. Turning the roof was easier than expected, shoulda just gone for it.

19 Stuck in the Middle with You - with Patrick Coleman
1 19 19m lead by Patrick Coleman
2 18 19m lead by Patrick Sparks
Sport 38m, 15 Blue Mountains Good
Patrick Sparks
Thu 21st Jan 2021
Accidentally topped out too high

19 Stuck in the Middle with You
1 19 19m lead by Geoff Cooper
2 18 19m lead by Geoff Cooper
Sport 38m, 15 Blue Mountains Very Good
Geoff Cooper
Sat 11th Dec 2021
19 Dirty Rotten Pig - with Jay, Tom Veit
1 19 40m lead by Jay
2 19 25m lead by Alex Mantaut
3 15 35m lead by Jay
4 14 25m lead by Tom Veit
Sport 130m Blue Mountains Very Good
Alex Mantaut
Tue 8th Feb 2022
Nice weekday climb. Second pitch was the hardest... Rings were a bit spaced out, but ok. The most interesting part of the climb was definitely the abseils in

20 ~20 Stuck in the Middle with You - with Sonja B
1 20 19m Sport lead by Bernard_P
2 18 19m Sport lead by Bernard_P
Sport 38m, 15 Blue Mountains
Sat 3rd Dec 2022
19 The West Face of the Mirrorball
1 19 25 Second
2 18 30 Second
3 17 20 Second
4 18 45 Sport
Sport 120m Blue Mountains Very Good
Sat 3rd Dec 2022
19 Telstar - with SwagAustralia, Claire Evans, Liam, Nico
1 18 30 Trad
2 17 15 Trad
3 19 20 Trad
4 3 15 Trad
Trad 80m Blue Mountains Mega Classic
Alex Holroyd
Tue 20th Dec 2022
Another epic roof crack ticked off, the most epic one of them all. We left camp only 45 minutes late again even after a flat battery and set the GPS to Ikara Head. It took us to the approach from the wrong side of the valley and set us back another half hour. We finally arrived at the crag at midday and Claire sunscreened up and fired up the first pitch, while I sheltered in a cave to protect the onsight. Frequent cries of "ROCK!" came down from above followed by strikes on the ground around us and on Manu's leg. I got sleepy and had to fire myself up again to lead the first pitch. After Liam seconded, I lead it carefully and on a good amount of bomber gear, before meeting Claire at the belay ledge. The tricky exposed stem-corner-under-roof-around-arete-to-stem-corner moves were particularly fun. The amount of suspect rock made it feel like mantling onto a sandcastle. Claire was sitting on a pile of choss like a dragon on top of her coins, and pointed to the (astonishingly) even more chossy part of the ledge. "I accidentally came from that way and had to crawl across the choss pile". I built the anchor as Claire ventured out across the roof after trying various backpack attachments. Manu seconded the first pitch slowed only by the multiple stuck nuts, which he verified were all "bomber". After some water and a nut bar, I threw aside all foreign thoughts and dared out across the void, placing lots of good small placements in rock that hummed with vibrations. I clipped the #8 dragon that Liam and Claire had left for me and awkwardly climbed out and onto the tiny ledge. Manu struggled mightily to do the start with the backpack hanging off him, eventually coming off and having to stoicly prussic back up into the roof. All of this had been eating daylight and my teeth were chattering with cold. I finally began the third pitch with all psyche gone and almost immediately had a tiny fall on one of the very much needed green cams. I sieged my way up with rests and falls as the daylight faded and stuck in a very overcammed totem, didn't extend it, and semi-blindly bouldered through the very steep jugs before arriving on a small vegetated ledge and seeing Claire standing across and up on the top. "Where are you going? I went this way and it was way easier". I had created so much rope drag that I had to build a belay and bring Manu up, his ascent lit only by the tiny LED on the top of the walkie talkie. He spent about 10 minutes getting my red totem back out from under the roof. I belayed Manu's scramble across to the top, and Claire belayed me up off a "bomber" small tree. We arrived back to the car at almost 11pm and headed straight for the Mt Vic servo, the staff watching us like we were aliens as we rolled in blaring 70s Brazilian jazz-funk, covered in zinc cream, rushed to the aid of the delivery people struggling to get a trolley full of drinks up the front step and gorged ourselves with sausage rolls and crispy M&Ms. We dodged the kangaroos home for a well deserved dinner around the fire.

19 Dirty Rotten Pig - with Annalisa V, Ben Day
1 19 40 Sport lead by Scotty Does
2 19 25 Sport lead by Scotty Does
3 17 35 Sport lead by Scotty Does
4 14 25 Sport lead by Scotty Does
Sport 130m Blue Mountains Very Good
Scotty Does
Tue 27th Dec 2022
good fun, last pitch felt harder than 14


Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 ascents.

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