
Routes in New Nowra - Braidwood Road

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 984 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Dismember - Project Vero

Thin and hard. For those about to crimp we salute you!

Start: Same Batman start as 'Red Member'.

Unknown 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
26 Froggie's OPEN Project
Unknown 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Heir Hill
Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Ho's B4 Bros(Project Rick)

3m left of Leech as Bro.

UnknownProject 30m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
13 Shittin Bricks
Unknown 35m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Project - Rod

Big pockets to start then lovely juggy wall above. Rod has only placed one bolt on this route.

Unknown 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
1 Hill - PROJECT

Some sweet rock climbing past some ring bolts

Start: Clip 1st bolt on GCR.

Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Hard Project

Not bolted yet. Hard steep start off pockets (inc mono!) then techy thin finish.

Unknown 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Unknown 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Hill Project

Puts the bight back into the line that mustad traversed away from.

Start: Same start as With Mustard

Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Rad Exposed Arete

Unbolted exposed arete. Easy to bolt, but will be hard to climb. Someone needs to put some bolts in here, looks great !

Set: Your name goes here !

Unknown 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Sphincter Squeeze

Chimney up and be re-birthed through small squeeze onto an excellent viewing platform for Sahara & Stairway to Heaven.

FA: Brooke Hedrick, 1 Aug 2021

Unknown 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
route awaiting here!

traverse across and get yourself established on a technical arete a few big moves and your at the anchors should be around grade 19-21

Start: The anchors are in all you have to do is add 4-5 bolts

Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Blu Ray Charles

Project by Simon Vaughan

Make the first break without to many problems then try to get established on the middle section that has a worrying lack of holds. Hard pulls to a great break and then a brilliant top section.

Unknown 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
You Snooze You Lose (Project Rick)

Not bolted yet. Starts just right of dirty crack and climbs face to the top of the cliff.

Unknown 17m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Fully Sick Mate

Bouldery climbing, lovin the power of the undercling.

Start: 3 mtrs left of CC

FA: Ricky "The Mayor" Phillips, 2009

FA: Rick Phillips, 2009

Unknown 8m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Glenn Project

hard moves of the ground to mid height then meander up

Start: just right of the corner

Hard moves of the ground to mid height then meander up. just right of the corner

Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
STTTTuck on U Glenns Project direct


Start: Up WFW and then direct to Freeloader varient

Unknown New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Bundy Burger
Unknown 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
15 The Rocky Horror Show

Up crack just right of nice grey slab trend left to Hitchikers anchors. Trad. 2 metres right of Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

FA: Stephan Pervanoglu, 2011

Trad 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Karate Chop Jams

Choosy roof crack then splitter hand crack up wall 10m left of Enlacement. This has only been top-roped. Needs more hammering of choss before I dare to lead it!

Set: Heath Black, 2016

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
13 Emergent

Directly up the crack when you emerge from the chimney walkthrough 15m right of Seafood Tapas and 10m left of Prawn Cracker. Up the crack, trend to the left of a cave then back right and up the face to finish.

FA: Duncan McIntyre & Jim Rock, 11 Apr

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
15 Leprechaun with a 4x2

Crack line 2 meters left of a deep chimney at the left end of the wall.

Start: From the large ledge.

FA: Jono Whitfield & John Lattanzio, 2009

FA: Jono Whitfield & John Lattanzio, 2009

Trad 8m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Sinking Fast

It starts in an overhanging wide crack with some soft, suspect rock for the feet. It works up through a pod that can be stemmed and face climbed around.

Start: The route follows the obvious overhanging corner left of Dad's Comb.

FA: Bruce Hendrix, Marco Cunningham, Aaron Mbakwe & Tom Jamieson., 2000

Trad 14m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
11 The Stairs of Cirith Ungol

The leftward slanting ramp to the left of Emergent. Undoubtedly very similar to the climb near Shelob's tunnel in the Lord of the Rings. Up, up, up the leftwards ramp, then follow the weakness direct to the top.

FA: Duncan McIntyre, Liam Mcintyre & Callum Mayer, 14 Apr

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
15 Hill Does Crack

Start at the obvious diagonal crack on the right end of the LMS slab. There is a very faint '18' painted/chipped into the rock at the start. Climb up 7 meters follow the seam as it diagonals left. Top out, belay on large cams under blocks.

FA: G Hill, 2000

Trad 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Crack,Back n Sack

The obvious crack splitting this wall. Mixed route with trad gear needed down low, bolts up higher to anchors.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2010

Mixed trad 20m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
15 Two Sheets to the Wind

Obvious corner crack. Large gear. Two belay bolts set well back from the top can be used to belay.

Set: Matt Tranter, Sep 2020

FA: Matt Tranter, Sep 2020

Trad 10m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
13 Triantiwantigongalope

The corner crack to peapod and overhang. Done in the days before Friends were invented and the hexs rattled out around your ankles as you passed them by. I rather like the newer names.

Start: Corner crack on the left side of the cave structure

FA: G Hill, 1977

Trad 35m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Rod's Arete

A pleasant adventure. Left hand route on the black wall. As for First Impressions. Follow the line of fixed hangers just right of the empty space and finish up on the nose and easy ground above. Take some medium to large cams, double rope handy to reduce drag.

FA: Rod Young

Mixed trad 40m, 5 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 Old Dog New Tricks

The left leaning splitter crack in the wall 4m right of major corner. Some classic crack climbing and with bolted face climbing at the top. Take small to medium cams and medium to large nuts.

FA: John Lattanzio & Jason Lammers, 2009

Mixed trad 23m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 A Portrait of Your Fantasy

The next 4 routes have a common start at a FH just to the left of a scrubby corner, on the right of the overhang. The leftward trending line on the blunt arete left of AHMS. Take a selection of wires and cams and a couple of slings. As for Angus Has Me Stumped. P1 (20m, 20, 6 bolts) Clip first hanger of AHMS then traverse left to tread at break, up past 2 hangers, step left around nose and on past another hanger to belay on ledge with tree. Double bolt belay. P2 (20m, 16, 1 bolts) Exciting traverse leftward past hanger to corner, up and traverse left at top and on to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2009

Mixed trad 40m, 2, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Mergers and Aquisitions

The unmistakable corner/crack feature 100m south of the waterfall/creek has been climbed before, first ascent details unknown. 1). Climb the steep slab past 6 bolts to a double bolt belay at the base of the corner crack. 2). Climb the corner crack to top or lower off option.

FA: Glenn Jones & John Lattanzio (alt), 6 Jun 2015

Mixed trad 58m, 2, 10 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Wind of Change

The zig zag trad crack trending leftwards.

FA: Matt Tranter, Sep 2020

Trad 14m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Jake goes old school

Up obvious corner to flake system and some kind of shenanigans above

FA: Jake, 12 May 2018

Trad 30m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
5 Rise of the Feret

The crack corner under the impressive orange wall with 2 unknown routes on it.

Right hand end of overhang/cave. Up crack to top.

FA: Feret, Macca & Weasel, 1970

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Mystery Trad Route 1

The completely overgrown scrubby corner left of the abseil route, the only evidence being a bolt and chain anchor at the top.

FA: Unknown

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
10 Pinch Grip

Why anyone would climb a rotten corner like this i don't know but i have, probably with a good helmet on. And yes we graded it 10.

Start: Two meters right of CL in rotten corner.

FA: R Chunder G Hill, 1978

Trad 35m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Alien Crack

Follow obvious zigzagging crack. Classic trad climbing finishing of with a few bolts. (20m) FA Jason Lammers 13/03/2010

FA: Jason Lammers, 2010

Mixed trad 20m, 2 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
6 Millie My Friend

A few meters right of ROTF. Up obvious crack to top.

FA: George Foster & Bob Macmillan, 2008

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Mystery Trad route 2

Start 10m right of the abseil route at the base of a crack corner behind a turpentine tree. Climbs the line to a bolt and chain anchor?lower off on the right under the roof.

FA: Unknown

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Fly in the Ointment

Splitter crack in the pillar left of the large roof. Right hand end of ledge,8m right of FSR, and just around right from EITR. double bolt belay. P1 (12m, 22) Rightward leaning corner then crack in face to ledge on left with shrub. P2 (23m, 17) Step back right onto jambed chockstone, up chimney and corner then black slab on right to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2008

Trad 35m, 2 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Cracks in the Coalition of the Willing

start under the leaning crack, all geared up!! all those bottom placements you think you can see are dirty and flaring, so you climb up a bit freak out and down climb a little then do some gardening.. you get decent gear at about 4 mtrs, more nut placements than cams finish up storking pork anchors

Start: ummm. at the bottom of the crack i guess!

FA: Rick Phillips & Graeme Hill, 1979

Trad 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
25 Beat Up and Thrown Out

The obvious overhanging, leaning crack. An inspiring line and a classic trad test piece.

  1. 20m, 25 - Climb the crack to belay at the break or lower off, double bolt belay/chain.

  2. 12m, 10 - Traverse right to corner and follow to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2008

FFA: John Lattanzio, 27 Aug 2016

Trad 30m, 2 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
15 Mythical Tomatoes

One of the original classics from some time b4 the last ice age. An easy wall with good gear. A must for all the Trad Dad's. Now bolted and given 18 in the guide (Mustard?), you be the judge.

Start: Right of SL at short and blocky corner. Under obvious slightly off vertical wall with three cracks in it. You can lower on a 60m rope to the floor with about 5 metres left (if belaying from on the block).

FA: G Hill R Chunder, 1978

Mixed trad 30m, 11 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Barbed Wire Love

Route broken into three short pitches with lower offs on the first two. Climbs the right hand end of slabby orange wall and discontinuous corner. Take some medium wires and small to medium cams. 10m left of BUTO

  1. 12m, 20, 3 bolts - Step onto wall at conglomerate band and up to large ledge.

  2. 12m, 22, 3 bolts - Up technical slab to flake corner past a third bolt to exit up thin crack to ledge.

  3. 6m, 17, 1 bolts - Up wall above ledge to top.

FA: John Lattanzio & Bob Macmillan, 2009

Mixed trad 35m, 3, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Daily Grind

Up widening crack on trad. Gritty.

FA: Unknown

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
14 When Will You Crack?

A nice introduction to trad cracks with good gear and not too testing. Starts just inside the gap. Climb the crack to the shared anchors.

FA: John Lattanzio, 8 Oct 2017

Trad 8m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Shanadoa

Up the corner crack and then follow the left crack system off ledge. Another very old route, at least you get bolts for the first 5 meters.

Start: In Corner of Mythical Tomatoes.

FA: G Hill & Hans Gimpeliji, 1978

Trad 50m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
5 Puddin Pie

The right route of two up an easy angled black wall.

Start: At the apex of the gully

FA: Bob Macmillan & Veronica Thake

Mixed trad 12m, 1 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 The Naughty Corner
1 17
2 16

A classic line that has been climbed before but no details have been found to date. The second of two major ramps about 80m right of M&A. (1) Starts at a seep and is worth tangling with to gain this classic line, up past 3 bolts and traverse to the corner, climbing the slab past another bolt and past relic to double bolt belay. (2) Continue up the corner to chain anchor (Two abseils from here) or on to the top and double bolt belay.

FA: John Lattanzio & Lous Blundell, 21 Aug 2015

Mixed trad 60m, 2, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Cab Rank

Not a lot of protection through the first wall from memory but think of England, Dave Mcleod & just fake it.

Start: At wall with scooped out bites just right of Mythical tomatoes

FA: Bill James, 1974

Trad 50m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
7 Dragon Fly

Line up next to the arete past 2 bolts. Makes a good exit route.

Start: At the apex of the gully

FA: Bob Macmillan & Veronica Thake

Mixed trad 14m, 2 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Trad Project Wogdog

The three tiered open book corner sporting a thin crack. Has some gear left in it, it's not booty.

TradProject New Nowra - Braidwood Road
11 Maximum Multiplicity

A bit of old fashioned run it out trad climbing, taking in all the best looking rock it could.

Start: Same as for Cab Rank under obvious bite out of wall ie under scoops.

FA: G Hill & Hans Gimpeliji, 1978

Trad 50m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Dirt Merchant

Follow the crack system with a choice of the left or right at the first small ledge. Head up and trend right. At the large ledge you may find it easier to traverse left a couple of metres for going up and coming back onto the line.

FA: Chris Ash(L) & Damian Howard(S), 12 Jul 2014

Trad 30m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
14 Minimals

Another old trad route. Not sure how much pro you get on it but i remember it as run out. Then again its only 14.

Start: Drop down off the ledge where 'Usurper' starts and walk towards the water fall a few meters. Around the nose you will soon see a large left leaning slab and corner with lots of rooves above it. From Cab rank you can look up to the right and see a tree growing from an orange rock ledge this is the last stance.

FA: G Hill & R Chunder, 1978

Trad 65m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Bryden's Backflip

Start as for Heyday and climb to the stacked blocks, best to belay here. Climb the airy arete on gear (cams) and bolts to the top.

FA: Bob Macmillan & John Lattanzio

Mixed trad 35m, 2, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 May the Schartz be with you

Jam up the crack to lower-off anchor.

FA: R . Weller & Vanessa Wills

Trad 16m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 Size and Jaggedness

Steep climbing in slime past 3 bolts leads to gear, then another bolt and crack to loweroff. A single rack up to #2 with double #1 and double #2 is suffice. No wires necessary though you could probably protect the whole line with a swag of hexes. Dirty start leads to pleasant problem solving on excellent rock. F.a used 4x 80cm slings (two at start cave/hole and 2x at end under loweroff.

FFA: E. Wells & J.Tam

Trad New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Still Chunky But Funky

Low angled corner crack. Start up on scree slope.

FA: R Chunder G Hill, 1979

Trad 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Blueberry jam

The corner crack through offwidth roof 3m right of Sunset Boulevard.

FA: Greg Butler, 24 Jun 2018

Trad 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Back Hander

Why not add a trad climb to this gridbolted wall. Named after the second punched herself in the face when a hold let go.

Start 1m right of Roger the emu, up crack with tricky mantle onto the ledge then up easy slabby corner crack. Boulder and gear belay.

FA: Chris Ash & Karen Taylor, 31 Aug 2014

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Abednego

Start up corner and traverse out right. When the ledge ends go straight up through caves to lower off at top. medium wires, BD cams to #3, double the small ones. A really big sling (4ft+) is optional.

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Hell Bent

The open book corner, thin in parts and well protected. Use the bolt to batman onto the ledge. Bridge the corner to the lower off anchors on the right.

FA: John Lattanzio & Gilles Bonin, 11 Feb 2018

Mixed trad 15m, 3 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 It Made Me A Moron

The obvious diagonal crack feature. Good gear and snappy holds will make this a popular trad route.

FA: Graeme Hill Russel Chunder, 1977

Trad 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Fissure de Graisse

The crack to the right of A. Stuff in a bunch of cams, try not to pull anything off, and up you go.

FA: G Hill R Chunder, 1979

Trad 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Lip Service

The splitter crack leading to the roof. Start at the base of the little corner capped by a honeycombed block. Climb the crack, over the block ( a little sandy but solid) turn the roof (bolt) and continue up the crack to shared anchors with DMC.

FA: John Lattanzio, 3 Mar 2018

Mixed trad 18m, 3 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Diagonal Crack

Up R The D for first three bolts then trend left into the obvious left leading crack. Wires and cams to connect the bolts, finish at the D. rings at the end of the diagonal.

FA: Gavin Murray, 2009

Trad 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
17 Hey Day

2 pitch corner crack on gear. Start at the left end of ledge that splits the cliff, Double bolt belay.

  1. Traverse left to stacked blocks, up the corner and exit left to belay.

  2. climb up and left to exit left of the leaning crack, bolt.

FA: john lattanzio & bob mcmillan

FFA: Chunder & Graeme Hill, 1980

Trad 48m, 2 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 The Sunshines Out Of My Behind

Start 1m right of blocky corner as per guidebook, up feint grey streak to top out eventually.

FA: R Chudleigh & Graeme Hill, 1977

Trad 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
7 History never repeats

Start at the old chains, up the easy ramp past an old pin and some new fixed hangers up high.

FA: Bill James, 1950

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Subterfuge

Fantastic outing in a stellar position. Same start as Heyday. Take the first crack leading to the roof, exit left and follow crack to top.

FA: john lattanzio & bob mcmillan

Trad 45m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 404 Wall

Start at obvious crack feature. Wind your way up the wall topping out. Crossed by many bolted routes now. Such is progress trampling over the heritage of the trad climber.

FA: Graeme Hill & R Chunder, 1978

Trad New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Trad Project 2 Wogdog

The crack starting at the little corner 4 meters right of SC. Still needs cleaning.

TradProject New Nowra - Braidwood Road
14 The King's First

...Birthday Long Weekend. A trad adventure that starts on a couple of really nice pockets caused by some quartz pebbles on the conglomerate slab. Up the slab before winding around the Right Hand arete of the Cornice and up to the highest point through a series of ledges. Moves probably only top out at 13 however all the gear is found in the horizontal breaks that wrap around the arete. There are some less than ideal and technical placements required to properly protect the climb so the grade is been upped a little accordingly. Despite its grade this shouldn't be considered a good option for an introduction to trad climbing.

FA: Chris McEwan, 11 Jun 2023

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
23 Sexable Flex

Bring doubles in small camalots up to #0.75 , and singles up to #3. No wires required however you could probably find some. Starts at base of wall on right and climbs into twin crack system via Ubolts then steep pumpy sport climbing on gear. Very well protected when the moves get tough and a total pumper at the end, Make sure you save a #1 for last break and don't bail out left , direct to flake then loweroffs. Some extendable draws help for double placements in breaks on headwall.

FFA: Eww

Mixed trad 30m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
27 Just Beat It

One of the more varied bits of climbing around. Start up "beat up and thrown out" then follow the steel out right, pumpy and powerful to the top

bring one plate for the glue in carrot or improvise

FA: Dylan Tubaro, 16 Sep 2020

Mixed trad 20m, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Tonnage Zone

Crack climbing so what else is there to say. At base of large trench like crack splitting the left side of the orange wall. Marked with an engraved initial 'T'. Bridge around the crack and through the roof. Follow crack and wall to the top and walk off to belay or rap off a tree.

FA: G. Hill, 1978

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 Sporty Trad

Awkward start, then battle up the cracks to double RB lower off.

FA: Jason Lammers, 2000

Trad 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Corner Crack

The corner to the left of Dalek Dick. Only evidence of an ascent is the old carrot bolt at the top for a belay (don't use it you're better off tying off to a bunch of those half burnt scrawny bushes than clipping this thing).

FA: R Chunder & G Hill, 1978

Trad 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
10 Yesterdays Hero's

The classic route from the 70s. Put up by the pioneers of the area. Just because they don't have a line of stainless drilled up em doesn't mean they're not climbs!

Start: Obvious big black slab around the corner right of 'Snacky Cakes'

FA: Bill James & Co.

Trad 22m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
13 Usurper

Another way old climb that was done before recorded time had begun. Probably by the old cockroach himself (Bill James). PS changed named from Cabrank senile?

Start: At the bottom of the right leaning diagonal ramp which splits the face in this area.

FA: Bill James

Trad 40m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Dad's Comb

Start under right-hand end of overhang. Step out and up following crack.

Natural gear.

FA: Chris Parfitt, 2005

Trad 14m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
12 Humpty Numpty

Something easy and easy to setup a top rope via rungs. Many gear placements, however, watch for any loose blocks. The anchor of this route is next to the rungs, ideal for close explanation of how to tie off on an anchor for first timers rather than yelling from the ground.

FA: Steph CL, 20 Jun 2018

Trad 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
11 Prawn Cracker

The obvious crack left (north) of Prawn Wall. Romp on up the right trending crack with lots of good jams and holds. Pass the tree and anchor from the double bolts at the top of Prawn Wall.

FA: Duncan McIntyre & Jack Pezzey, 12 Mar

Trad 10m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
11 Traddington Bear

Ascend the face between LMS and the brushy gully. Start at LMS and move slightly right, then straight up. Stay left of the alcove near the LMS anchors. Top out and belay on slung blocks or other gear.

Apologies to G Hill for the name, I don't know what it should be called.

Start: 1 meter left of Little Miss Sunshine

FA: Graeme Hill & Russel Chunder

FFA: 1977

Trad 25m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Top rope
23 Bat Cave

Face between Enlaecmnt arete and Karate Chops roof crack. Climb small banksia to cavelet on lip of cave. Wave up the techy nice face above. Top-rope only at the moment.

Set: Heath Black, 2016

Top rope 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Keyboard Bruises

Sharpen up your finger nails for this one, great moves on super rock

Start: 3 mtrs left of crack, as for Broken Bishop then take the right line of bolts. Leave your office hands at home for this one!

FA: Rick Phillips, 2010

Sport 10m, 5 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
Project Wogdog C

Follows the outstanding arete at the right end of the slab. Start off the block at the right end of the black slab.

SportProject 14m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
25 The Regular Route

Slightly overhung face just left of major corner crack. Sustained edges and pockets. 25? There is a direct finish, and an easier right version bolted.

Sport 17m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
16 Roger Ramjet

Route right of RBI.

FA: Veronique Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Pucker Up

Start as for Busted-arse Ol Coot. At the top of the crack go right on the flake line heading back left near the top to the anchors.

FA: John Lattanzio, 1910

Sport 16m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Flight of the Fucktards

Start at right end of cave. Climb up on jugs to exciting move thru the roof.

FA: Jason Lammers, 2012

Sport 22m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 Hairy Snotter and the Chamber of Chunder

Located on wall to the left of the main cliff. Access the ledge from the left side. Start at rungs. Straight up past hole. Some good moves once you clear the bottom slab.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1 Jun 2017

Sport 12m, 7 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Tilt Tre

Feel good moves with a punchy crux finale.

FFA: Eww

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 P'tit Poyon

Line of bolts right of Pebble Rebel.

FA: V Hill, 6 May 2020

Sport 15m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Big Red

Up the crack and fight the pump through reachy moves to the anchor (18ish to black slab before overhang)

FA: Jake, 8 Jul 2018

Sport 25m, 12 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 The snake and the R.A.T.

Start off the boulder in the cave. Then up the corner, techy traverse out left, then finish up delicious pockets

Set: Graeme Hill, Sep 2022

FA: Alec Landstra, 28 May 2023

Sport 15m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road

Showing 1 - 100 out of 984 routes.

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