
Ascents in Area A

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Showing all 56 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Climber Date
V6 Treeson Season (Slab Project) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Wed 20th Feb 2013
V6 Cobble Start Boulder Toohey Forest
Dylan Edwards
Sun 5th May 2013
V6 Cirque du Soleil (Arete Project) Boulder Toohey Forest
Dylan Edwards
Wed 29th May 2013
V6 Treeson Season (Slab Project) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Dylan Edwards
Wed 29th May 2013
V6 Cirque du Soleil (Arete Project) Boulder Toohey Forest
David Jefferson
Wed 6th May 2020
Played around with a stand start variant, which would have felt quite possible if I had any skin left. The sit start will be hard.

V6 Cobble Start Boulder Toohey Forest
Alex Mougenot
Sat 11th Jun 2022
Could only juuust get off the ground - has anyone actually done this? I suspect harder than V6! Keen to put some time into this.

V6 Treeson Season (Slab Project) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Wed 3rd Aug 2022
This will 100% go with some more cleaning and attempts.

V6 Treeson Season - with Ryan Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Sat 27th May 2023
V6 Treeson Season Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Sun 28th May 2023
This appears to be the first ascent. If you've previously sent it feel free to amend. I'll add a comment explaining grading etc a bit later.

V6 Treeson Season Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Tue 6th Jun 2023
Second ascent after Jack Mullaly

Took just under 30 minutes, with probably about one attempt per minute. Thoughts on grading below

V6 Treeson Season Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Tue 6th Jun 2023
Repeated straight after initial send, with a just a quick brush and re-chalk in between.

V6 Easy Cirque du Soleil Boulder Toohey Forest Very Good
Mitch Woodward
Sun 17th Sep 2023
fa. I really liked it but sloper slapping is my jam, gotta stay engaged to not dab

V6 Cirque du Soleil - with Gus Mckelvie Boulder Toohey Forest
Declan Coogan
Tue 26th Sep 2023
Cool problem, tough on skin as per usual

V6 Cirque du Soleil - with Declan Coogan Boulder Toohey Forest
Gus Mckelvie
Tue 26th Sep 2023
Great movement! If it wasn't so sharp it would be a top 5 at Tooheys for me!

V6 Treeson Season Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Adam Stephens
Sun 15th Oct 2023
V6 ~V5 Treeson Season - with Jerry Shen Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Anton Tan
Wed 8th Nov 2023
V6 Cirque du Soleil Boulder Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Mon 11th Dec 2023
Powerful moves to mostly good but very sharp holds. Fresh skin and comprehensive tape job recommended.

V6 Treeson Season — 7 attempts Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Adrian Corvino
Thu 14th Mar 2024
I think I can

V6 Treeson Season — 7 attempts Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Adrian Corvino
Sun 14th Apr 2024
V6 Cirque du Soleil Boulder Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Sun 19th May 2024
Walking past. Touched the holds w/o pads, shoes or chalk. Figured out a few things.

V6 Treeson Season Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Adrian Corvino
Wed 19th Jun 2024
First V6. A wicked slab problem. Reminds me of Dark Man at Harvey's Marbles

V5 Trapeze Artist (Undercling Start) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Classic
Thomas Gissing
Thu 11th Feb 2016
Awesome. I'm really surprised this doesn't see more action. It's genuinely great.

Got it dialled up to matching the good hold on the face. From there, no clue. More power!

V5 Trapeze Artist (Undercling Start) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Tim Nicholson
Thu 21st Jun 2018
Great to finally get this one done. Have had a few little sessions on it over the years, felt strong and good conditions today, smashed it up. Who would have thought getting on and off a slopey rail could be that much fun. One of Toohey's better problems I think.

V5 Trapeze Artist (Undercling Start) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Alexander Jones
Sat 2nd May 2020
Bloody good route. More people should have a crack at this one! Not tall enough for the undercling start so I crimped it instead + R gaston/pinch(?). Trying to link the R sloper move but the rest goes!

V5 Trapeze Artist (Undercling Start) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
David Jefferson
Wed 6th May 2020
After trying and failing to get my right toe to stick, I ended up cutting feet and campusing from the rail on the face to the slopers on top. Dabbed on my first attempt, but stuck it the second time and felt like a superhero!

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Tamati Kennedy
Sat 22nd Aug 2020
What a cool and unlikely position for the sit start. Amazing. Rest of the route is pretty fun. Might need to come back with a bit more skins for the rest though.

V5 Trapeze Artist - with Josiah Hess Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Jackson Allan
Tue 25th Aug 2020
Started low on the LH with RH on dish crimp thing, bump to rail, match, hold the swing to RF on some crystal and pounce to the sloper. The described sit start on undercling is confusing. Seems logical line is the sit start down left.

V5 Trapeze Artist - with Sasha Russell, Mel Taylor Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Alexander Jones
Sat 14th Nov 2020
Just that one move that feels so improbable. Such a good problem.

Really cool start holds. The undercling isn't really an undercling however, misleading description I think.

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Billy Rix
Fri 7th May 2021
V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Alex Mougenot
Sun 14th Nov 2021
Didn't find the go juice today but figured out the moves last attempt. Can't believe hadn't tried this earlier - great problem. Keen to get back to it in cooler weather

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Alex Mougenot
Sat 11th Jun 2022
Just pulled on to see how I felt, and got it first shot. I think friction is a major factor to feeling comfy on that slopey rail. Fun topping out with all the topout holds full of leaves and dirt hahaha. Superb problem (with a clean!) that I can't believe I hadn't tried before this year.

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Wed 3rd Aug 2022
Just can't do the lockoff move

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Tue 11th Oct 2022
Can now do all moves. Requires more strength / endurance to link it.

V5 Hard Trapeze Artist — 3 attempts Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Classic
Iain Hunter
Wed 11th Jan 2023
A great problem to sink my teeth into for my first trip to the forest in many months. Also marks my 100th Toohey send.

V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Mullaly
Sat 27th May 2023
Went back to try this but upon holding and then releasing sloper my left forearm / wrist hurts a lot of a few seconds. Not sure what is going in there. Didn't work it.

V5 Trapeze Artist - with Alex Mougenot Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Stephen Thompson
Sat 17th Jun 2023
V5 Easy Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Mitch Woodward
Sun 17th Sep 2023
V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Sun 17th Sep 2023
V5 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Quinn Skinner
Sun 17th Sep 2023
V5 Trapeze Artist - with Gus Mckelvie Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Declan Coogan
Tue 26th Sep 2023
Quality movement, so delicate and tensiony while still containing burly goodness. Could not stick the throw to the lip. Stiff v5 unless I was missing some beta

V5 Trapeze Artist - with Declan Coogan Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Very Good
Gus Mckelvie
Tue 26th Sep 2023
Technical, sharp, fun, and hard. Classic Tooheys V5.

V5 ~V6 Trapeze Artist Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Mega Classic
Tue 4th Jun 2024
V4 Juggler Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Alex Mougenot
Sat 11th Jun 2022
Not bad at all! Tried this briefly last time I was in the area but couldn't figure out how to get my butt off the ground - figured out the trick this time and it wasn't too bad.

V4 ~V5 Juggler — 10 attempts Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Tue 6th Jun 2023
Got to the lip after about ten attempts. Gave up on figuring out the mantle - potentially too dirty. Extremely stiff for V4.

The RH starting hold will probably be ripped off at some point if this climb sees more action.

V0 Slab Stand (1 Stand) Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Brian Stokan
Sat 17th Feb 2007
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Average
Tim Nicholson
Mon 3rd Jul 2017
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Christina Reachy
Tue 29th Oct 2019
Good practise for trusting feet. Footholds were tiny but held. Didn't know what to do with my upper body which resulted in a very scrunched up position

V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Tue 29th Oct 2019
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Average
Albert Tate
Sun 17th Jul 2022
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Average
Thu 8th Sep 2022
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Jack Brown
Fri 9th Dec 2022
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Iain Hunter
Tue 6th Jun 2023
V0 Hard Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Jack Kilsby
Fri 9th Jun 2023
Spent my morning practising major weaknesses- slabs and mantles! More mileage for the finger also.

V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest
Adam Stephens
Sun 15th Oct 2023
V0 Slab Stand Boulder 3m Toohey Forest Good
Adrian Corvino
Thu 14th Mar 2024
Link Project — 5 attempts - with Zac Marsden Boulder 5m Toohey Forest Good
Tue 4th Jun 2024

Showing all 56 ascents.

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